It's the same seduction that one first feels when touching cashmere or fur, ... Nobody touches fur once, or cashmere once. With wine, you want to keep it in your mouth, you want to play with it, you want to roll it around until you get it.

Joshua Wesson

They're really tepid compared to many of these sexual harassment suits you see. She doesn't make the claim he had sex with her, and the physical touching is very limited.

Paul Callan

Frankly, it is not really clear to me where the demand would come from to fill a tower, especially of that size. I don't see how, economically, it works. I think for the mayor to come out and say the city needs more office space -- it really shows he is out of touch with the (real estate market).

Paul Briggs

He's going to do big things in our business because he's an innovator and a visionary. His plans are a sure bet because he's got the touch, and he's got the expertise and the strong relationships in our business.

Jeff Goldstein

Why police took 24 hours almost to get in touch with us beats me.

Ray Martin

Horizon is excited to be the first in the U.S. market to offer the 40-inch and 42-inch SAW touch screen displays. This product development is the direct result of strong demand from our customers and is consistent with the market consensus of growing demand for large interactive displays.

Kurt Johnson

If they know how to get in touch with the police or where they need to go when a disaster strikes, it works as a good source of support.

Gene Berg

The only way you should touch the stock now is if you think the crowd is still crazy.

Nick Sturiale

I'm not satisfied with the performance but three points is three points and once you get the points you can stay in touch with the leader.

Wayne Fairclough

She was tough with a cigarette in her hand, ready to do anything a guy could do. There's stories of her getting into fights with guys and coming out on top, ... She brought a feminine touch of professionalism and understanding in the homicide division. The mark she left was in a far more sensitive procedure, helping victims of homicide-oriented crimes, especially rape.

Tom Kennedy

Baby massage is about learning to communicate your love for your baby through touch. You do a particular stroke ... and she smiles at you -- and you keep that forever. A great benefit of baby massage is the bonding.

Jill Vyse

Love is when you don't have to be with another person to touch their heart!

Torquato Tasso

Getting in touch with your true self must be your first priority.

Tom Hopkins

Living in an age of advertisement, we are perpetually disillusioned. The perfect life is spread before us every day, but it changes and withers at a touch.

Joseph Priestley

I'm not touching her swing. My main objective is to work on her mental game. If she can get in the mindset that she can't be beat, she's going to be real tough.

Jeremy Burk

Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.


Southwest Minnesota contains the highest concentration of elderly people in Minnesota. It's a market we've got to touch.

John Bowden

Alex is the trickiest player. She's fast and has incredible touch.

Genie Hesler

Garrett was in a terrific shooting zone. He continues to be our most valuable asset on the floor with his ball handling and leadership skills. Adam just gets better every game. His footwork around the basket is improving and he has a great shooting touch.

Tim Cline

We were literally side by side for stretches of five to 10 minutes. We were almost touching hulls, it was that close.

Byron Ho

We're so scattered all over the country--have a family plan of how you're going to notify each other and keep in touch.

Deb Steffen

No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.


It is clearly improper for a campaign manager to negotiate with a government entity, and to be in touch with state commissioners acting as a go-between. If the special legislative investigation finds that laws have been violated, then the issue has to be referred to the proper investigative authorities for further action, and possibly a grand jury.

Dannel Malloy

That is why I can't understand why she has gone and we are so concerned she hasn't got in touch. Just to up and leave like that and go somewhere is worrying.

Stephen Sears

They might hold a particular appeal to baby boomers who want a high-touch relationship, where they can talk to the person in charge.

Dan Cassidy

What we're trying to do here at Kwanzaa is, we want people to know, to get a touch of Africa, here in the United States, here in New York City.

Allen West

We just felt like it would be a personal touch and a connection.

Betsy Ballowe

A partnership like this brings credibility to the Rick Case brand and excitement to the dealership. In a hypercompetitive category, you need every advantage you can get to touch a consumer.

Scott Becher

He told us he knew of an attorney who handled adoptions and he'd get in touch with him for us.

Don Robinson

If the BlackBerry messaging goes, I, and I am sure most others, will find another handheld way to stay in touch. After having it, I can't see going without.

Christine Jeffries

Literature is made upon any occasion that a challenge is put to the legal apparatus by conscience in touch with humanity.

Nelson Algren

They really look forward to mail. It's very high on their list of priorities. They really like the telephone calls, but a call is expensive. Staying in touch with the outside is really what they want to do.

Brenda Guiden

He left the scene after the shooting and then got in touch with investigators. He'll be brought before a judge (today) to have his bond set.

Brigid O'malley

Now she is in touch with a victim's advocate. I am confident that Gov. Mark Sanford's office is aware of this (case) and I know something will be done now.

Ivy Reaves

I just wasn't getting any better, ... We just didn't communicate very well. It was a new language for me, and I was losing touch with my swing.

Hunter Mahan

Obviously, I don't get crazy after beating her, but she meant a lot to me when I played in high school. So, it's always fun to come back and be able to keep in touch.

Danielle Chaisson

We want our audience to be able to stay in touch so if they?re walking down the street and they get a news alert and they want to see more, they can also go watch it on TV.

Cyriac Roeding

It's India-inspired, but the styles are watered down. There's only a touch of India.

Nazila Sawhney

Ahead of the elections we should touch 2,500 (on the index).

Najeeb Jarhom

Keeping in touch with one contact every six months is not enough. You need to keep in touch with several people in that department every two to three months.

Kate Wendleton

The deal would help U.S. nuclear scientists who have lost touch with making civilian reactors for over three decades. But in this time Indian nuclear scientists have persevered with research and fabrication despite international isolation.

Anand K. Sahay

Some ISPs are very proactive, and are spending huge amounts of money combating spam. The problem is not all ISPs are doing this. A smaller group of ISPs profit from carrying spam or take no action, and those bad apples touch the rest of the ISP community.

Susan Schorr

I tried not to let her touch the ball. I was trying to follow her and deny her the ball. The only thing that was open was the back door but they didn't look for that.

Lindsey Harding

There's concern about overheating ... After touching the goal of 16,000, it's now easy for investors to cash in their winnings.

Hideyuki Suzuki

If you're not playing well, it doesn't matter if you have experience or if you're playing at home or what you're doing. They're all storylines that reporters want to touch on ... but I think it has more to do with how Texas plays and how well we play.

Mike Bianco

There is still a lot of room for improvement. If he works on his final touch he would be able to score many goals because he can position himself very well.

Neil Tovey

Completely automating your plant is a substantial investment. But over time, the efficiencies produced from automation pay off. The MCPX trade show allows our members to see and touch the latest products and technologies — both European and domestic — in order to make decisions about the future of their plants.

Ty Gable

Coast to coast, consumers are embracing Pay By Touch. Hands down, paying by touch is the simplest way to pay and is making consumers' lives easier everyday.

John Rogers

It was like discovering the Sistine chapel if you didn't know there had been a Renaissance - like knowing only modern art and then stumbling on the finger of God touching the hand of Adam.

William Saturno

We have a tradition of wetting the bairn's head, which means when you're drinking probably a glass of champagne you dip your finger in the champagne and touch the baby's head.

John Donaldson

Dejuan needs to work on getting off his jump shot during games. He has a soft touch, but he does not take too many jump shots.

Fred Skrocki

I expected today's stage to be drier than yesterday, because of the slightly higher altitude. The important thing was to stay in touch with the leaders without taking any risks and dropping too much time. It was a good day for me.

Luc Alphand

Pet me, touch me, love me, that's what I get when I perform. That's when I'm really getting what I want.

Connie Stevens

I've had one woman who can hardly walk saying she had the urge of wanting to go down there and help out, ... I think it's really touching a chord with everyone in terms of seeing those people.

Jim Walsh

It was an emotional night, an extraordinary moment, ... I wish Dad was there to touch and feel the stadium, but I think he might be with me now more than ever.

Cal Ripken

I take my line from a remark made by Aubrey Herbert, surveying his fellow members of the intelligence cadre brought together in Cairo in 1914: 'Then there's Lawrence, an odd gnome, half cad - with a touch of genius'. AW Lawrence [Lawrence's youngest brother and the keeper of the flame for more than half a century] thought that was just right.

Malcolm Brown

It takes so little to make people happy. Just a touch, If we know how to give it, just a word fitly spoken, a slight readjustment of some bolt or pin or bearing in the delicate machinery of a soul.

Frank Crane

I'll be touching on parents being there for their kids.

Helen Hubbard

I'm not allowed to touch it. If I do, he comes home and looks so disappointed.

Lori Peck

Ball got the ball to me with a back-heel flip over his head and I just had to touch it in. Johnny did all the hard work.

Bernie Lilavois

And dreams in their development have breath, And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy; They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts, They take a weight from off our waking toils, They do divide our being.

Lord Byron

Keep the end in mind and focus on that. Say 'I am at my ideal weight of...,' not 'I want to be...'. Focus on what it would feel like to you to have achieved that goal; Get in touch with that winning feeling.

Katrina Bee

Through unity, we can touch thousands.

Deion Sanders

It's going to take the first couple of games just for him to get used to the game speed. Once things start clicking, he'll be fine. I think he could be as good as Gino when he matures. He's got a great touch. I really like that about him. He's not winging it in there every time. He knows where to put it and how to put it there.

Brent Celek

The figures were a touch above consensus.

Jon Cox

Get in touch with the women's team at the local golf club. Offer to do a free demonstration; introduce yourself to the captain. Developing your business is about meeting people; building a referral network.

Jackie Nicholls

I've had an enjoyable medical practice and an enjoyable family life, but one of the places I feel I've been most helpful was touching kids' lives through athletics.

Mark Richards

As two massive objects pass near each other, gravitational forces induce dramatic physical changes—decompressing, melting, stripping material away, and even annihilating the smaller object. You can do a lot of physics and chemistry on objects in the solar system without even touching them.

Quentin Williams

With Text to Landline, Sprint customers can quickly touch base with someone on a landline phone, even when a voice call might not be convenient. As more and more people begin to rely on text, instant messaging and chat services for quick communication, this offering is just one more way that Sprint is making sure our customers have a wide range of options to meet all their messaging needs.

John Styers

It was made in New Zealand, from Ferrari fabric. This area is also for wireless, so the performers can get on their laptops and stay in touch with those back home.

Fred Hunter

You're never out of touch and there's a price to pay for that. It's called 'responsiveness,' and our customers expect a reasonable response time if they call in with a question.

Paul Brouwer

We will be filing progress reports with the Department of Heritage and they will stay in close touch with us throughout the project.

Barbara Webb

I look forward to continuing our discussions with the Palestinians and with the Israelis and also to staying in very close touch with others in the international community -- the European Union, the U.N. secretary-general, Russia, Egypt, Jordan and others.

William Burns

Your days are short here; this is the last of your springs. And now in the serenity and quiet of this lovely place, touch the depths of truth, feel the hem of Heaven. You will go away with old, good friends. And don't forget when you leave why you came.

Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

This is the only lighthouse we've ever read about or heard about that has tide pools designed for the handicapped, where you can actually take a wheelchair, go down ramps and go into the Pacific Ocean and touch the urchins and the starfish. That really impressed us.

Merv Adams

It's an invaluable tool. Like yesterday, when you're only allowed one phone call to a kid. You can keep communicating, and text messaging. It just allows you to stay in touch.

Rick Stockstill

He hit one left-handed, then an inside-the-parker right-handed with his feet never touching the ground going around.

Marc Bombard

What the guys have learned is that whether you're preaching to one or 10,000, it really doesn't matter. That one person you touch may change the nation - could be the Billy Graham of Ethiopia.

Michael Scott

Senator Byrd has again demonstrated he is out of touch with West Virginia.

Dan Ronayne

He's superb. Spectacular. Somebody said he runs with greased ease and I thought, 'What a perfect description of Vince Young.' It looks like his legs are greased, and his body is greased, and he's so fluid that he's just going to slip off the ones who are lucky enough to touch him.

Darrell Royal

We do reach out to clerics. We meet with local government officials and with local businessmen. We need to have relationships that are broad enough and deep enough that we can touch all the various aspects of society.

Paige Craig

Diane is a very nice person and I respect what she is doing -- she is everywhere -- but sometimes she is not in touch with what the community is really speaking about in the rural portions.

Janice Mondavi

We've all been busy with traveling, but we still keep in touch whenever we can.

Thaddeus Young

It is a management-administrative shutdown. We are not at this time touching operations, refining, transport, and business development of the multinational in Venezuela.

Jose Vielma Mora

The piano is a monster that screams when you touch its teeth.

Andre Segovia

It's something that would kind of keep me in touch with Athens, ... I met so many people there, and Athens has been so good to me. So it's good to have something like that so when you come back, it's a good excuse to go to Athens.

David Greene

Pope John Paul II envisioned this as the conclusion of the exhibit. He wanted people to touch the hand to feel close to him.

Dan Finley

I sat down at the piano and my hands began to browse over the keys. Then something happened. I felt as though I could reach out and touch God. I found myself playing a melody, one I'd never heard or played before, and words came into my head -- they just seemed to fall into place...

Thomas A. Dorsey

For comparison, there was a nation over there and all they had was a grappling hook and a line, ... When they found something they would have to drag it to see if it would blow up. Whereas at the other end of the spectrum, we had the remote control robot that could take pictures and has all kinds of weapons attached to keep the operator himself from having to touch it.

Paul Davies

Lisa knows her way around Harrisburg, but she is not out of touch with the people in her district.

Brian Grove

[25. Finally, reconsider hosiery. Yes, hosiery. It's the finishing touch to fall's more finished looks.] I grew up in an era of ladylike dressing, and I've never gone without hosiery, ... In the middle of the summer, yes, but for winter or fall, no. A leg that has hosiery on it looks elegant.

Joan Kaner

It's been very well received. It's added some piece of mind that the touch screen is actually recording what you wanted to vote.

Michelle Shafer

People are more inclined to be drawn in if their leader has a compelling vision. Great leaders help people get in touch with their own aspirations and then will help them forge those aspirations into a personal vision.

John Kotter

He can feel things now that he previously couldn't feel, pins and needles at times and also being able to feel human touch.

Sanjay Gupta

The theatrical community - music and dance - adds a unique touch to New York City. There are more than 400 small off off Broadway theaters on record.

Abby White

This is a situation that is somewhat without parallel and its appropriate for people to keep in touch and I don't see any problem with that.

Finley Peter Dunne

All the receiving corps, we can put up some big numbers because of this offense -- the running backs, everybody, ... because everybody has a chance to touch the ball.

Tramain Hall

It's a mix of experiences that I think keeps me in touch with the common man. I'm not someone who's forgotten where he comes from.

Mel Martinez

He either fears his fate too much, Or his deserts are small, That dares not put it to the touch, To gain or lose it all.

James Graham

We need something that's going to work for the Appalachian states; any place there was mining before the 1970s, there's a real need for reclamation. And that money still only cleans up higher-priority sites; it doesn't even touch on all the non-coal quarries in need of reclamation.

Tom Rathbun

Adrian has an excellent touch and a powerful shot on the ball. He has adjusted himself to our style of play quite well and will add a lot of dimension to this team.

Kent Briscoe

Think enthusiastically about everything; but especially about your job. If you do, you'll put a touch of glory in your life. If you love your job with enthusiasm, you'll shake it to pieces. You'll love it into greatness.

Norman Vincent Peale

I have been in touch with fellow Lions in Louisiana who are assisting me with coordinating needed items for the hurricane victims. Many homeless Lions are staying at a Lions children's camp in Leesville La., which has become a refuge for the homeless and also a distribution center for Lions helping Lions.

Tim Chase

I played like a dog today. I had a two-foot putt on the second hole for birdie that didn't touch the hole. And it didn't get any better from there. ' I didn't putt real well today.

Jim Mcmahon

I think the 500 is easier for me because it?s less of a sprint. I knew the 500 was my last chance (to go to state). For the 200, I just wanted to touch 1-2 with Kelsey. I was happy she won.

Anya Martinez

We wanted something so people who are interested in the program can stay in touch. I think it's going to be especially useful for alumni who are out of the area now.

Chris Johns

Her vision of what the country is, and what she should be writing about, is totally her own. She's utterly in step with the current moment, ... She's in touch with contemporary culture and the things people in their 20s are interested in, but it's all informed with a level of attention and idealism about America as a place you would expect from somebody much older and tweedier.

Ira Glass

On an ideological level, Senator Nelson is not in touch with the mainstream of Florida, ... He has voted against tax relief that has been passed by the Republican majority in Congress. He votes to protect the trial lawyers against reform of frivolous lawsuits. We think a Republican challenger is going to do very well if they contrast his record to the Republican positions.

Brian Nick

It seemed like he knew I wanted to grab his arms because he wouldn't let me touch him. But once he wore out, he couldn't stop it.

Matt Hemry

We're not low enough to touch Mars' atmosphere yet, but we'll get to that point next week.

Daniel Kubitschek

Is it that they just didn't learn or they just don't care? I don't know, ... Maybe I'm the one who is just out of touch with the times.

John Densmore

I had never heard of it (the rodeo) until this year. Probably for the public it's kind of this oddity of getting to go to a prison, not like you're really going to prison but you're touching it in some fashion and being able to see a unique event.

Kenny Mayne

Most Nevadans want to stay in touch and see their representatives. It keeps them focused on Nevada. And with the convenience of air travel, people can quickly fly all over the country and all over the world.

Assemblywoman Dawn Gibbons

I'm here to make good pictures. If I don't see it, I won't touch it. I may not make a good picture, but I still gotta believe in it!

William Wyler

The tongue is used to smell and touch.

Bernard Yokel

We finally started blocking and touching balls at the net, which made our transitions easier.

Joe Morales

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Leo F. Buscaglia

The fact that they tried to make the change in the first place to us was an indication that they didn't think it was any big deal to anybody, which I think is a measure of how out of touch they are with what people care about. ... For a government body to just ignore that, I think they do at their own peril.

Martin Cothran

Ambition has one heel nailed in well, though she stretch her fingers to touch the heaven.

William Lilly

Nature is not affected by finance. If someone offered you ten thousand dollars to let them touch your eyeball without blinking, you would never collect the money. At the very last moment, Nature would force you to blink your eye. Nature will protect her own.

Dick Gregory

These kids had a lot more contact with the sport. It's not as if they were learning the sport in ninth grade, a lot of kids started touching a volleyball in third and fourth grade.

Mike Vogel

One of the strangest catastrophes that is in any history. A great king, with strong armies and mighty fleets, a great treasure and powerful allies, fell all at once, and his whole strength, like a spider's web, was . . . irrecoverably broken at a touch.

Gilbert Burnet

I did commit to Paul that I would be in touch with him next year before we reopen discussion.

John Lovell

I played a lot but didn't really touch the ball too much.

Reggie Sheffield

He was just going out and touching every third rail in California politics. That's why I got interested in backing him.

John Gunn

The coaches told me that they knew they had a good guy in me, that they knew what I had to offer and that they would probably be back in touch for the November Tests. November . . . I felt my blood rising. What was I doing there, then ? But I kept cool. Sure, I understood the thinking but I did not agree. And that was that.

Raphael Ibanez

The United States will continue consultation regarding the immediate financial situation of the interim government. The U.S. intends to stay in very close touch with the Quartet and other international donors regarding their reviews of assistance as a process for forming a new Palestinian government moves ahead.

Noel Clay

I make sure my jersey doesn't touch the ground because I'm superstitious and I put everything on my right side first, then my left side.

David Walters

IF you're out in public, getting tactile can up the anticipation factor no end. Touch your partner's thigh, brush their leg 'accidentally' under the table and whisper naughty suggestions. It may sound cliched, but it really does work.

Denise Knowles

Machines this small tend to stick to everything they touch, the way sand sticks to your feet after a day at the beach, ... So we built these microrobots without any wheels or hinged joints, which must slide smoothly on their bearings. Instead, these robots move by bending their bodies like caterpillars. At very small scales, this machine is surprisingly fast.

National Institute

Like Disney's other theme parks and resorts around the world, Hong Kong Disneyland will offer the excitement of a day and night full of magic and begin what we hope will be a lifetime full of memories that will touch the hearts of millions. We will put a new face on family entertainment in Asia and bring smiles to the faces of all who come to visit us.

Jay Rasulo

We got a heads-up of the notifications coming out of the Agriculture Department and immediately got in touch with their HR staff.

Kelly Allen

She is blessed with a nice shooting touch. She is a good athlete and has a good work ethic.

Nick Mcwilliams

Death can sneak up on you like a silent kitten, surprising you with it's touch and you have a right to act surprised. Other times death stomps in the front door, unwanted and unannounced, and makes it's noisy way to your seat on the sofa.

Hugh Elliott

We really wanted to create the next generation's portal around people's lives, ... It's been baked into our users' routines. They use it as a mechanism to stay in touch with their friends and plan their social lives.

Chris Dewolfe

We couldn't let Brown get north-south with no one touching him, we needed to string him out a little. But that Strom kid is a tough competitor. I'm glad I don't have to see him again, but I hope he does some damage to some other teams.

Tom Farrell

If you write music that is touching enough, you will win people's admiration despite your limitation in technical respects.

Peter Kam

(People are) disconnected when they have hearing problems. Just by us going and treating them and touching them, it's helping them emotionally.

William Austin

Many of us spend our lives searching for success when it is usually so close that we can reach out and touch it.

Russel H. Conwell

It is really touching and moving. Obviously, her mom is involved. But she wanted to be involved, too.

Doug Bowling

It hurt really bad. It was like a lot of pressure, burning. I kept on saying, 'Stop touching it.' It felt like people were squeezing on it.

Julia Allen

We want to make very sure that before we start touching things, that we are certain that we are not destroying some evidence that we otherwise could get.

Bob Francis

I like to touch things. In my house I have a lot of velvet drapes and thick, lush couches.

Tom Sizemore

Touch your customer, and you're halfway there.

Estee Lauder

It becomes a bore doing imaginative books that do not touch imaginations, and at length one stops even planning them.

H. G. Wells

If we were to go to the park tomorrow to play three-on-three touch, he would try to win. He is that competitive. If anything, I see this is a chance for him to improve so that when he gets there, he can be the best that he can be.

Mark Bates

She won't touch this stuff.

Darren Brooks

Major oil companies are seeking technology suppliers who can serve their needs across regions or around the world. Radiant delivers reliable touch-screen systems along with comprehensive services to any market that is strategic for our customers.

Mark Schoen

Corporal punishment is prohibited, but it's not a blanket policy that prohibits an employee from ever touching a student. There are situations when an employee may have to intervene physically in situations such as student fights.

Sterling Ivey

We are presently in touch with all concerned parties trying to support a smooth and quick transfer of the group of 181 to Syria.

Radhouane Nouicer

Carnival is the feast of joy, freedom, and dreams?nothing better to close the great dream of the Olympic Games, with a touch of nostalgia.

Daniele Finzi Pasca

Is out of touch with mainstream West Virginians.

Brian Nick

There are times that are trying. They're difficult, ... There are times when he has to be away for special occasions. But he continues to put family first, although he may not be present. He stays in touch. He celebrates when he is here, and we communicate. That's a very big thing. Family is a high priority for him.

James Kramer

To be in love Is to touch with a lighter hand. In yourself you stretch, you are well.

Gwendolyn Brooks

Universities need to get further in touch with things going on outside the ivory towers. At the same time, things going on outside the ivory towers deserved to be discussed in an intelligent and critical way.

Davarian Baldwin

I buy houses from people in almost any area, any condition, or price range. I specialize in finding creative solutions to real estate problems that others won't touch. I handle all of the paperwork, make all the arrangements, and close within a few days if necessary.

John Andersen

We put a personal touch on it, to make their parents feel comfortable with the handoff, and know they'll be supported in everything they do. It's a great college environment. The football's all it's cranked up to be, and the education and the degree are very valuable because of the success they'll have on the field and in the classroom.

Jack Cosgrove

Muggeridge and I clashed - I got a good start and he got a bad start and we both drifted over to the right to get a better line for the first corner, ... The bikes were wheelieing and then I felt him touch the back of my bike and then it felt like something touched my brake lever.

Andrew Pitt

She has kept in touch with me ever since.

Leta Fickes

As we all know, Nike is a terrible exploiter of labor in other countries while advertising themselves here as being the bearer of "authenticity," with products that will put you back in touch with "real life." They even had a series of commercials several years ago about "the revolution," which was basketball when played from the heart and not for love of money.

Thomas Frank

Every silver linings got a touch of greyI will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will survive.

The Grateful Dead

It's about seeing him, touching him, touching the hem of his garment. In those documentaries, [for some people] Elvis brings more meaning into people's lives than Jesus [does].

Stephan Prock

I'm tremendously optimistic about John's future and his ability to play the game. He's very bright, understands basketball, has great hands, is a good passer and has a nice shooting touch. He's well aware of the fact that conditioning will be a major factor in his development.

Dick Davey

You know, he's still touching lives today and that's what was important to him. And I know that he would be pleased to know that the corneas that were transplanted, that these recipients are doing well.

Terra Young

Grocery carts are actually proven to have higher levels of germs and bacteria than public restrooms. That's caused by meat and poultry juices, dirty diapers or the previous shopper having a cold or flu and they touch the carts.

Jim Kratowicz

Veterans do your part in informing colleagues and friends and put them in touch with VA services.

Dean Darling

Her footwork is much better this year. She has a great sense around the basket. She's not selfish, either. She knows when to give the ball up or take it to the basket. She can do so many things. She's developing a real nice touch from the perimeter, too.

Steve Hare

We'll stay in touch by e-mail. It's going to call for a lot of trust on both sides.

Jennifer Diaz

I would not call it a very close contact. I'm occasionally in touch with his office. Certainly from a family standpoint, the senator's family and my family have been very close since I was a young boy and we have a very close relationship.

Marty Durbin

I think these are pretty charming and mellow insects. They don't move very quickly, they don't sting or bite, and for the most part they are very easy to handle and to touch to observe in nature.

Louie Yang

Every day is an opportunity to improve as a player. I try and do something new after practice, whether it's fitness, or working on my touch at the back, or working on goal with my heading.

Bobby Boswell

There's a touch screen where you can assemble snippets into a mini-show. Imagine you go to a jukebox and punch in a number of tapes, and it plays your show.

Sheldon Schafer

I think when you reach this stage of your life, you're just looking for the traditional. It just seemed to put the finishing touch on the relationship. I never had children, so the thought of being a grandmother just blows me away.

Jay Shippole

We have a high degree of flexibility to reach out and touch our demographics. The Latino package is a prime example. We don't offer a Latino tier in every market because the market doesn't demand that. In Madison, a Latino tier is necessary and important to consumers.

Karen Broach

She was a professional optimist. She also was a sucker for a hard-luck story ? a very soft touch.

Hugh Kelly

They couldn't touch them. They were getting an edge, too.

Roger Lafrancois

He's a man amongst boys sometimes, and our team has to realize that he's got to touch the ball more.

Paul Doerrfeld

People 'like' what is safe. There is an essential harmony in human beings between the sense of touch and the brain's more logical functions.

Pietro Buttolo

I know that runway, 24 Left, very well. What you're concerned about is, where did the plane touch down and how fast was it going?

John Cox

Right now, I don't think anybody with any credibility would touch her. I'm not sure what she can do.

David E. Johnson

We speak almost every day. I'm not in touch so much with the others, but only because it's like any job really - you're always going to be closer to some people than to others.

Suzanne Shaw

It's the magnitude of it I think that's making it difficult for people to grasp what's happened. London has been in touch. The Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Music, the Guildhall School, have all been in touch to offer their sympathies as well.

Gwyn Richards

Only Wali can do this, touching peoples lives. I see the body's gone, but the spirit lives on. Every day, he was a hero.

Johnny Williams

Touch is one of the most difficult senses to simulate on a computer. With our eyes it's passive, with our ears it's passive, with touch, it is two ways, both in and our of the computer, so you need something mechanical.

Tom Anderson

They've certainly turned the corner on appearance. They've come around with the touch, and you can't tell the difference. It's just very, very soft.

Donna Salyers

I've always kept an eye on Pay By Touch for its leading position in the consumer biometric authentication industry, and I am excited to work with a company that is making biometrics such a significant part of our lives and work.

Gary Bender

PT needs me for food and shelter. I'm not sure, but I believe she recognizes me by touch. I can reach in the terrarium for her and she doesn't flinch. But, basically, PT likes her solitary life. People can't understand our bond, but they do when they sit and watch her. I find PT a calming animal. She's somewhat like my dogs here and at home; she's just built closer to the ground.

Betsy Moon

[Andersen] is a soft touch now because one employee in Houston exercised incredibly bad judgment.

Stanley Brand

Planned Parenthood offends religious people with its key chain that shows a portion of the famous painting from the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo gave us a beautiful image of Adam stretching out his hand to God, with God's index finger about to touch Adam's index finger. In Planned Parenthood's blasphemous version, God is handing Adam a condom.

Jim Sedlak

I think that we really got them back on their heels. We were changing defenses a little bit more at that point and showing them some different looks. We were really keying on [RCHS junior forward Marcus] Mayo inside and not letting him touch it, and we were getting out in the passing lanes and we got several big steals off that.

John Woodrum

We feel that sometimes the personal touch from other Christians is important.

Jan Hepler

For death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at touch of death.

John Oxenham

It's a wonderful networking opportunity. I've definitely furthered deals. I meet high-level and influential people here, and it's a good way to touch base.

Richard Strauss

I got really jealous. Being in touch with Cameron's feelings, it was kind of hard to watch.

Jennifer Morrison

We certainly don't have the struggle that our brothers and sisters down in Connecticut have, where you have legislators and an attorney general that are out of touch as far as Indian rights are concerned. It's certainly a long struggle, I know. I hope they make it. I know they deserve it.

Glenn Marshall

We have been working on her touch at times here and there. But she is a very hard worker. She tries so hard at it. She shows up every day ready to work. She's just a great kid.

Pat Feulner

She was rigorous and had high standards because she believed everyone could do great work. But she really did have a soft touch.

Felicia Londre

We just need to find someone to petition for guardianship on our behalf, but no one will touch this case pro bono. The cheapest rate I've found, they wanted $2,000 up front. I don't have $2,000 and my aunt doesn't have $2,000, so there is nothing we can do right now.

Brandi Knight

Basically, he was like the main influence on me getting back in. I was still in touch with him and everything. He was the one who helped me out to get back in.

Ruben Perez

The marketing messages [for the cellular industry] have been the same forever: Keep in touch. Now they have to differentiate themselves based on their markets and their own individual capabilities.

Scott Ellison