Our covering ministry is Challenge for Christ ministries, and Travel the Road was solely our mission arm, designed to expose people to what missions are, then connect them with agencies that send people out.

We set out to capture what was happening, and then we cut that into the series.

[LATER this month on] The Office, ... I love my new Levi's.

Originally, my brother prayed about who to take with him. He really felt strongly he should take William, even though he wasn't a Christian. People said, "No, no, no, no, that's not good."

What the guys have learned is that whether you're preaching to one or 10,000, it really doesn't matter. That one person you touch may change the nation - could be the Billy Graham of Ethiopia.

People are dying who haven't had that opportunity to say yes to the Lord.

It is the sentence of this court that you be taken from this court to a prison and then to a place of execution where you will be hanged.

People get caught up in asking whether Americans should be going here or there. What it boils down to is the call of the Lord. If the Lord has called you to a specific area, that's where you are going to see the fruit.

Typically, in the cities there can be resistance to the gospel or just to Americans, or anybody that's Western. When you get back into the villages, the people are very welcoming. Then when you get into Muslim areas, it definitely gets a little more difficult.