The principal thing is to get [the indictment] behind us as quickly as we can.

These are staggering numbers, even by Washington standards. The big firms do very, very well, but they don't come close to these kinds of numbers.

Careers usually end when the indictment is brought, whether [the accused] are cleared or not. Very few survive an election, once an indictment has been brought.

But the administration has to worry that if the donors are too close to them, it will look like they're currying favor with the administration or doing their bidding.

We are still a going concern. And we'd rather be a going concern.

[Andersen] is a soft touch now because one employee in Houston exercised incredibly bad judgment.

We would consider something short of a guilty plea in court that would demonstrate an acceptance of responsibility.

Democrats were in power for 40 years. It's taken the Republicans only 10 years to get as corrupt.