8,114 quotes about togetherness follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

John Lennon

What God hath joined together no man shall put asunder: God will take care of that.

George Bernard Shaw

Evil draws men together.


Evil brings men together.


At the bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique human being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

Vincent van Gogh

And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

John F. Kennedy

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

Martin Luther King Jr.

When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

John Ruskin

I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.

Mahatma Ghandi

Why can't peace be a single overriding common purpose: why do we wait for a crisis to pull us together? Let's pull together for peace.

Rita Mae Brown

Great things are done by a seris of small things brought together.

Vincent van Gogh

Fear keeps pace with hope. Nor does their so moving together surprise me; both belong to a mind in suspense, to a mind in a state of anxiety through looking into the future. Both are mainly due to projecting our thoughts far ahead of us instead of adapting ourselves to the present. Thus it is that foresight, the greatest blessing humanity has been given, is transformed into a curse.


I do not know the American gentleman, god forgive me for putting two such words together.

Charles Dickens

Every marriage is happy. Its the living together afterward that's the challenge.

Ann Landers

Here's what I've learned about dogs: They're a lot like pretty girls. Having one or two around makes everything more fun, but when you get a whole bunch together, it turns into one big power struggle.

Scott Westerfeld

We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin

Five thousand balloons, capable of raising two men each, could not cost more than five ships of the line; and where is the prince who can afford so to cover his country with troops for its defense as that 10,000 men descending from the clouds might not in many places do an infinite deal of mischief before a force could be brought together to repel them?

Benjamin Franklin

We'll either hang together or we'll hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin

We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin

All the king's horses and all the king's men can't put the past together again. So let's remember: Don't try to saw sawdust.

Dale Carnegie

Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.

Niccolo Machiavelli

There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.

Lyndon B. Johnson

There is plenty of peace in any home where the family doesn't make the mistake of trying to get together.

Kin Hubbard

War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.

Jimmy Carter

They simply enjoyed every day together. The most special times for them were in the morning, sitting in their den, drinking coffee and enjoying the peace of the day.

John Atkinson

The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and have the two as close together as possible.

George F. Burns

Not only am I going to Daytona to test to get ready, for me I am going to get acclimated with a new crew chief. This will be our first time to work together. Been to the shop, but it will be the first at the racetrack.

David Starr Jordan

Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone.

Ayn Rand

Some people tap their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway back and forth. I just sorta do 'em all together, I guess.

Elvis Presley

The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep.

Woody Allen

By a peculiar prerogative, not only each individual is making daily advances in the sciences, and may makes advances in morality, but all mankind together are making a continual progress in proportion as the universe grows older; so that the whole human race, during the course of so many ages, may be considered as one man, who never ceases to live and learn.

Blaise Pascal

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

Wake the French from their dream, and tell them honestly: 'No, we no longer have the dominant influence we once had in Europe, nor will we get it back. We can't put up a protectionist dam on our own against the neo-liberal world market either. However, we can try, together with our European partners, to maintain the social character of Europe as much as possible.'

Johan Huizinga

I have a different vision of leadership. A leadership is someone who brings people together.

George W. Bush

Prayer helps a lot. Lifting one another up in prayer, it helps a lot. All of us are going through different issues, but when we come together we pray for one another.

Gloria Mills

They're playing well together. It's a team effort, and every game has been a team effort. The team we had last year was similar, when they get behind, they don't quit.

Bruce Wright

It says an awful lot about the individuals involved, ... To respond the way they have. To not let it bother you, to roll up your sleeves and go to work. They've gone out and made a case for keeping the team together. It's a great story.

Bryan Colangelo

When I first got called up last year, J.J. and I were basically the only two guys on the team (that were young and new). So we did everything together - going to the mall, going to eat, just everything we did off the baseball field.

Rickie Weeks

A lot of people in Richmond who come from a variety of backgrounds and faith communities are working to bring peace to the world, ... This is a great way to join folks together who share common values.

Jeffrey Clark

This was a good test of our team. We did not have a chance to play any scrimmages, so this game helped to answer some questions about how the team would play together. I will be making some adjustments.

Rob Gooch

Russell put together a nice drive to start the second half and then when they returned the punt, you could see our kids heads drop. But to our kids credit, they refused to lay down the rest of the game. They could have quit and folded their tents, but they didn't and I was proud of them for that.

Andy Stephens

We really hadn't played together until [the Upper St. Clair game]. We just came together, maybe too soon, I don't know, but it worked. We really put together a good performance as a team.

Terry Adams

Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.

Albert Einstein

(The season) was up and down but we really came together in the last five or six games and the girls are extra motivated for next year now.

Craig Brown

All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I'd sooner go to my dentist any day.

Evelyn Waugh

Even the best guide you can ever have is the visual imagery on how you mix these things together.

Magnus Ranstorp

We will learn together how to solve the problems of the country.

Nestor Kirchner

It was hard for me. He worked with me every day. We did a lot of stuff together ... I almost left the K-9 program.

Glen Taylor

Sleeping together is a euphemism for people, but tantamount to marriage with cats.

Marge Piercy

Really, the fundamental, ultimate mystery - the only thing you need to know to understand the deepest metaphysical secrets - is this: that for every outside there is an inside and for every inside there is an outside, and although they are different, they go together.

Alan Watts

I've played a lot better over here this year, ... I've shot a lot lower scores; I just haven't really managed to put four rounds together. But I'm still only 32 years old and starting to feel more adjusted to playing over here.

Lee Westwood

I was there in '65 when Hurricane Betsy came, and I was one of the ones that was evacuated out of the attic into a boat and brought to safety. My nephews were currently living in the house at the time of Katrina, but we left together.

Vera Williams

I didn't think anybody was going to be up during the ride. I thought we were all going to make noise and fall asleep. But we started reminiscing about how the whole year's been, how we came to every practice and almost fought each other, and how we brought it all together. To finally win it was remarkable.

Ricky Soliver

We used to play together two or three years ago, and it worked really well, ... There's no reason why it shouldn't work again.

Milan Hejduk

This could happen by the end of the year if all the necessary preparations come together.

Charles Soludo

It's testy. It's like trying to get Israel and Palestine together for a coffee.

Peter Stoffer

When you're finally up on the moon, looking back at the earth, all these differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend and you're going to get a concept that maybe this is really one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like decent people?

Frank Borman

I want to help change the law so the law helps us bring our families back together.

Julio Bascallo

I learned the system and got better with it through the year. But I was only there, what, like four months? Those guys had been together for three years.

Cuttino Mobley

In order for the commission to truly achieve its mission, it must be inclusive not exclusive and respectfully and constructively bring together people of different backgrounds and voices to solve our differences.

Cheryle Jackson

Actually, we are young this year. Next year should be the year we put it all together.

Mike Surrency

If people could enjoy staying together as much as they fantasize about having sex with someone outside of their relationship then couples would keep from falling apart.

Martin Dansky

New Orleans remains a very difficult place to live and work. People are under tremendous pressure to keep things together, and we are doing what we can to help. We also bring a different understanding to what 'put a pin in it' means.

Diana Fried

Challenges depend on the individual. Some have a problem with memorization, but I think the hardest part is getting it all together and all synchronized with pronunciation and breathing.

Janet Kushmerek

If we end up doing some kind of financing, we will probably finance both buildings together.

Becky Anderson

I feel like my two loves have come together -- my love for children and my love for God.

Amy Schlatterbeck

To get everybody working harmoniously together is not a small feat.

Charlie Rose

[The council] looks like a free-for-all, but it's just one person: Jerry. The rest of us work together.

Robert Jenkins

Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred.

William Orville Douglas

Working together as a community is the greatest thing we can do to combat these crimes. Even if we double the law enforcement officers that we have today, we still can't have officers on every corner of the street.

Cathy Hunt

What men call good fellowship is commonly but the virtue of pigs in a litter which lie close together to keep each other warm.

Henry David Thoreau

For a first-year event, I'm very pleased with it. It brought new technology, new ways of doing things, but it is coming together very well.

Dale Phillips

If they give you 5 plus 5, anyone could add and subtract. But you have to read and figure out the problems together. The questions are not really straightforward.

K.o. Frater

God is very upset with the church in Barbados . . . Instead of coming together we've been consumed with the establishment of our own legacy here in Barbados.

Pastor Ferdinand Nicholls

We only lost five. But they had been playing together since they were freshmen. We're still working on our strengths and trying to find the right replacements. The girls were a little tenuous at first, but they started doing well and making some good pass combinations.

Patrick Thompson

Don, now, is writing songs. He's never written songs before and he's adding a whole new aspect. I mean drummers are based around getting kids dancing, where I more worry about lyrics. So we're putting it together and writing more melodies for kids to sing along with.

Jason Stollsteimer

We've had guys in and out all year. It's been tough for the coach and tough for the players. On top of that we've had a lot of injuries. Now we'll be able to be together as a team for a significant amount of time.

Frankie Hejduk

I ask that we all come together as a community, that we work together to address the threat of gang violence, that I commit as mayor to work with the Police Commission that this matter is fully investigated and we call the facts as we see them.

Antonio Villaraigosa

We falsely attribute to men a determined character - putting together all their yesterdays - and averaging them - we presume we know them. Pity the man who has character to support - it is worse than a large family - he is the silent poor indeed.

Henry David Thoreau

This was the story of our season. We had a hard time putting together four complete quarters all year.

Ray Moyer

Put the two of them together in the wake of The Producers, and these guys are unquestionably one of the great acting teams of our generation.

Howard Sherman

They know the profits from the show go back directly to the kids. It takes nine months to put a show together and we work hard. We work the phones and try to get word out. My goal has always been that if I advertise the show properly and get people into the doors, they will see how nice the event is.

Rich Komar

Maybe this will pull everybody together.

Dave Maggard

Developing an agenda and setting goals, then working together as a council will be a way to have a clear sense of what we are doing and where we are going.

Don Kurre

The point is not to stay marginal, but to participate in whatever network of marginal zones is spawned from other disciplinary centers and which, together, constitute a multiple displacement of those authorities.

Judith Butler

We seem to play better on the road ­ more as a team. It's just an us against them mentality. It draws us together. This team is really starting to come together.

Andy Mangin

Every game we've had different guys step up. Against Utica, it was nice to see a couple of the younger kids step up. We really came together as a team.

Brent Cahill

Significant steps have been taken since 9-11 to protect out country here at home, but much remains to be done, ... Americans from across the political spectrum must come together to develop the next phase of our efforts to counter global terror.

Warren Rudman

The Make Poverty History coalition came together for a special year of opportunity. The political decisions made would not have been made without their passionate commitment. If governments follow through on their promises, millions of lives that would have been lost could now be saved.

Richard Bennett

It's exciting to season the efforts of the last two weeks of preseason come together, ... It was nice to see us run as a team, that's going to be key for us if we want to win a conference championship and place in the top 10 at the NCAA Regionals. We have to run tight in a pack.

Steve Taylor

None of us can individually afford to be in those markets and get the exposure we do together.

Diane Shober

I think the men did a better job of staying together. We certainly have to work on our spacing at this time.

Tony Sandoval

We typically have four to five people in double figures each night and that's made a tremendous difference. They're just playing better together.

Sandy Botham

My therapist would be so happy to know I'm doing all this walking. They've done a great job of putting me back together, haven't they?

Tammy Duckworth

This has been a special group of guys that have been together a long time. They've had many birthday parties in the wrestling room.

Gregg Greeno

He wove a great web of knowledge, linking everything together, and sat modestly at a switchboard at the center, eager to help.

Walter Kerr

My work with Terry Riley sparked all kinds of musical ideas, ... I wanted some vehicle that could encompass all the Indian elements as well as some of the jazz stuff. I also liked that earthy energy of the blues I was playing, and I wanted to see if there was a way to bring everything together.

George Brooks

This is just the first step amongst various other initiatives. Other subjects are under discussion, co-development of cars, sharing of technologies, working together across markets. Hopefully we will make suitable announcements soon.

Rajiv Dube

They were a good team but we played with a lot of heart. We played together, we limited our turnovers and controlled the clock and that allowed us to win.

Jerome Stone

To pull this together in such a short time, and for the public to respond so wholeheartedly is amazing.

Davina Mccall

This is a deliberate break and is a chance where we could put more emphasis on this part of the season. We had little time to train together to open the season, but have been able to bring things together going into this meet. We have three good weeks together and are optimistic about this meet.

Scott Jones

If you put it all together, each house would have $400 to spend (a year) on things other than energy.

Jennifer Morgan

I think African art, primitive in a sense, influenced the contemporary and modern art from the beginning of the century. That's why I like to have those pieces together.

Fortuna Valentino

We just have a good time. We've been playing together for so long, it's like breathing, second nature. When you are playing music with people you've know more than half you life, it should be that simple.

Derrick Williams

I find it very, very hard. He was part of the fabric of my life. We were kids together, and teenagers. We spent the whole of our lives with each other because of our music.

Robin Gibb

It helps when you have a group of girls that can play together and communicate on and off the court. If we didn't, it would definitely show on the court.

Lasheena Brown

The aim of human rights, if I may borrow a term from engineering, is to move beyond the design and drawing-board phase, to move beyond thinking and talking about the foundations stones - to laying those foundation stones, inch by inch, together.

Mary Robinson

What a special moment for soccer in this state. It's special for all three of us, the one time we can come together and support the same team.

Doug Allison

I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.

George Carlin

You can see where some of them fell apart getting out of there, but we pieced them all together.

Keith Downey

I don't think four is too high or too low. It's where we deserve to be. My contention is that every roster looks unbelievable until you get the players in and see what they can do and how they jell together.

Rick Boyer

I'm really looking forward to playing onstage with these guys, ... Kenny and Glenn have lots of enthusiasm and they certainly push me when we're all playing together, which is great.

Tony Iommi

We knew that we could generate revenues by putting together the largest music audience on the Internet, ... Everyone was focused on digital distribution of music, but we focused on what everyone else was ignoring.

Mark Weiss

We usually say of ancient persons, that they have already one foot in the grave, and the rest of their life is nothing else but the bringing of these feet together.

John Pearson

No one's really better than the others. We just try to work together and motivate each other.

Mike Burns

We're just trying to piece together the last few days, hours of this woman's life. [The former doctor] is a person of interest at this point. We would like to speak to him about the fact we found a dead body in his house.

Lt. Jenell Atlas

David Gibbs better get his act together, because I'm getting sick and tired of everything being twisted and turned.

Brian Schiavo

We can ride somewhere together for two hours and not say a word. But it's a very comfortable silence.

Fern Stapleton

I've been playing with these guys for what seems like my whole life, and we just mesh together.

Matt Janke

We're all so busy these days that it's hard for parents to spend time with their kids. This is a way for families to spend time together doing something creative. And when it's done, everybody will have created a memory they can take home with them.

Amy Anderson

They're just a very talented team, and they play so well together. They're such a classy crew, and I wish them all the luck in the state tournament.

Brian Ricci

I'm real proud of the way the girls have pulled together. They've handled the situation like mature adults, but that's not to say they aren't devastated by this.

Tessy Manuel

We need to work together as a team. I want to create team spirit and team unity. We've come a long way in a short time.

Bill Bauer

He aspires to qualify for Beijing, ... I'm too old, and my family is too far along for me to travel and play in international tournaments. This could be our last tournament together, but I'm hoping it won't be.

Karch Kiraly

When we first started living together, we were breaking the law.

Percy Steven

What I want to do is, I want to put together a nice list of those guys who I really did admire when I was growing up, listening to names like Lord Finesse.

John Cena

It's very hard for adults to change their personality, and Harvard needs a personality who can get all the faculty and schools to work together for the good of the university.

Bruce Alberts

Defensively we were okay. Offensively we struggled to put together the combinations we're used to.

Susan Peel

We started slow tonight. We just couldn't put every aspect of the game together in the first game. The second game we were really fighting. I thought we played more our style. It could have gone either way.

Maggie Erlenbaugh

I call on everyone of goodwill both in Ireland and abroad to join now in ensuring that the beginning of peace becomes a reality, before this year is out. Let us together open a new era in our history.

Albert Reynolds

The real story is that there is no story. The truth is that after 11 years together, we are still happily married. Boring but true.

Richie Sambora

It's an opportunity for local and area Pagans to get together with each other. It's an opportunity to raise some money for charity and to enjoy each others' company.

Amanda Zuke

To me, first of all, it's unique. It's totally unique to any area to have a live sign, and it is part of our history. History helps communities have a sense of togetherness, it's the glue.

Michele Clark

We have a really long history of partnerships, and they are increasingly important. They have always been bread and butter, if you will. ... This is in many ways all about partnerships and how we fit together.

Wanda Yuhas

Warner Bros. and Playtone have been fantastic partners, and we're very excited to expand our relationship with them, joining together again for The Ant Bully. The Ant Bully is based on a beloved book which teaches kids important life lessons in an entertaining way. We believe this film is well suited for both commercial and institutional theatres and looks incredible in IMAX 3D .

Greg Foster

Eddy does a good job every year and those guys never quit. We had 'em knocked in the head a couple of times and they showed some great poise and composure coming back. They have a lot of pride in their program and we have a lot of pride in ours and it's always a good battle when we get together and play each other.

Troy Wells

We were two very different people and led two dramatically different lives. [Messina] went off in his direction, and I went off in mine. We had a good working relationship when we were working together, but we were never close buddies that hung out a lot because we're different kinds of people.

Kenny Loggins

I'm not sure what it is, but we've really struggled in the second period this year. Overall, we played pretty well. We came out and skated hard. But we just can't seem to put together a good second period. And that's something we need to address.

Larry Kupczyk

We have played with each other and against each other since high school and have begun to learn each other's tendencies. I think when he does well or when I do well we tend to feed off each other and put together our best effort.

Paul Rabil

[While not physically as strong, the women realized they had certain other advantages in competing against men stuck together for weeks in the tropics -- including the strategic use of a string bikini.] The women knew they could manipulate them, ... and the men were ready to be manipulated.

Jeff Probst

They're a calm bunch. They get pumped up, but they know their job and they work well together. There is no 'one' sparkplug. They all feed off each other.

Bruce Lindblad

These girls are an overall loose group and they have a lot of fun together. They work hard and play hard. We have seven seniors who are great leaders and the girls really enjoy being around each other.

Chris Savage

By working together with our customers and members we can strengthen international networks, reducing costs and increasing network resilience for Internet users on both sides of the Atlantic.

Michael Vallone

We stay in touch pretty regularly, via e-mail or the phone. He'll send me programs and I'll tell him how I'm feeling. He'll give me paces and whenever we have the opportunity, we'll get together.

Kevin Eastler

I always wanted a grill, but I couldn't afford one. So I hooked up with the guy who made them. I brought him so much clientele that he had me open my own store and we ended up going into a partnership together.

Paul Wall

To me the combination is a very sensible one. It's a good mix. Alcatel has done very, very well in the United States and elsewhere, but there's not that much overlap (with Lucent), so I think it's a powerful global position, possibly forcing Nortel and Ericsson to get together.

Charles Disanza

It will bring everyone together, so that they'll have the chance to exchange numbers or addresses and stay in touch.

Bettye Bullock

We're hitting the ball. Just not at the right times. We haven't been able to put together a combination of hits in the same inning.

Greg Sims

If we had not had that group of people with the vision to put this thing together and we tried to do it today, I think it would be damn near impossible.

Jimmy Ray

If we play powerful and we play together, there's no reason we can't win the rest (of the games).

Joe Paopao

We're playing at a good tempo. The guys are learning what to do. We're really coming together.

Muhammad Abdullah

We heard rumors of the possibility of Elk Rapids and St. Francis showing interest (in the Northwest). Instead of just letting them go, we're trying to be pro-active. Instead of just jumping leagues, why can't we take both leagues and work them together?

Randy Bingham

It's a matter of putting four rounds together, hoping on your bad day, because you'll have a bad day, you can at least shoot a 70.

Nick O'hern

Every run presents a different set of problems. I can't control what (opponent) they're doing at all. So it means nothing. Everybody has weekends or days or runs where they made mistakes. That's kind of what drag racing is all about. Who puts together a run with less mistakes than the other guy.

Clay Millican

I was so proud of the kids just for doing it. They just worked together so well as a team.

Kathy Lemay

They agreed to return the nomination sheet to me by the first of next week, and we'll put together a ballot for them, just like a regular election.

Beatrice Mongo

We just have to go out and work together and make sure we execute plays. I'm not worried about them, they know what they have to do.

Willis Mcgahee

We work all week getting our cut flowers arranged. Most of our customers prefer to pick from pre-made floral arrangements; but if a specific type arrangement is requested, we will do it. We also put together Valentine gift baskets.

Jamie Whitmore

I was finally given the right help and the right opportunities and I came through. (Tyler) and I have been working together with help from Athletics Canada, this is the year.

Tyler Christopher

We travel together a lot.

Rajeev Ram

He brings all the intangibles that we aspire for in our players. He is a winner and served as captain of his club team that captured a national championship. He was the glue that held everything together. He has a dynamic personality that will improve the competitive drive on our entire team.

Jay Vidovich

It would be neat to get together old-time people who went to a small-town school.

David Anaya

We have a cast of characters who like to have fun and stay loose. We practice together almost daily and still take lessons.

Tom Ginzl

When you have a fire, everybody gets into the truck, you drive to the fire. You fight the fire together. It's like a big game for everybody.

Dominique Maltais

There's only been two times in our 28 years that we haven't worked together: when I was pregnant and in bed with our second child for four months and when David was recovering from kidney cancer. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as when he was there.

Sarah Patterson

The NAACP stands behind the school board's decision to redistrict. The NAACP feels separate-but-equal has no place in this society. We feel that if parents would let the children go to school together it (the issue) would work itself out.

Calvin Henderson

I think GM and Ford will work through these issues together and they'll come out of it more financially strengthened companies. And I believe they'll be strong competitors in the future.

Gary Convis

He's one of those kids you can go to in a lot of different ways. He's able to make some nice catches and he's also able to run with the ball pretty hard. He's probably our most consistent running back, but at times he was our top receiver (last year). When you put those two together, not to mention having him return some punts and kickoffs back, he just brings a wide array of talents to the team.

Rod Losier

The conception of two people living together for twenty-five years without having a cross word suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.

Alan Patrick Herbert

You do learn from the things that you suffer. I made sure I took it all in. but instead of trying to hide that and put some fluffy fun record together, I went with how I felt.

Chris Cagle

Knowing what I know about locations, there's nothing between The Galleria and the Boca Raton Town Center except this mall. There's a lot of building happening in Pompano, and putting all that together, this is going to be a good mall.

Maureen Berk

As we grow we'll find we move together. What's clear to both of us is that if it's good for the consumer it will be good for both of us.

Jim Noonan

I believe in keeping the cohorts of students together.

Laura Hoydick

Philip's a very talented player and he's going to be very good. We just need to develop more experience and learn to play together.

Barb Woods

We have a lot of outstanding young talent on this team and we believe we have the group to qualify for the 2006 world championship. We competed well against the top teams in our zone in exhibition play in Brazil and now we are ready to put it all together and qualify for the world championship.

Leo Rautins

That's the fulcrum in terms of a lot of things coming together.

Bill Morse

IT issues don't necessarily break down ideologically. The middle of each party comes together and works together to get each issue done.

Connie Correll

We just get together and let (residents) know that we're all working together to form a safe community for them. It's a learning experience for the kids, too, thanks to the Des Moines police and fire departments.

Terri O'donnell

Instead of wondering how they'll work together in the system they should start the season with a lot of confidence. They should be able to attack right away.

Bob Blecher

I thought the kids came together and wrestled exceptionally well. The best thing is we came back from adversity.

Jerry Mcswords

I think we're rolling now. We haven't had our team together all year. The shots (Williams) blocked tonight were amazing.

Sean Marshall

We have our family back together now. It's just a great feeling to have him with us. This team needs Duce.

Verron Haynes

I just think the overall group has come together. The attitude was terrific fighting through adversity. We have great senior leadership, certainly with the five senior captains. They stayed patient and allowed these young guys to come along.

Joe Breschi

It is times like this when it is important for native people to come together to help one another out.

Tex Hall

There is something magical about reverse directories. Making this information public is a healthy thing. And we are using technology the way it should be, by bringing together groups of sellers and buyers who now have no way to reach each other.

Felix Kramer

This really feels good for these seven seniors. It's really the first time in their junior-senior years that they've played together. Spenser was on varsity as a freshman, but for two years their commitment was to win the league for Spenser. They did that. They felt that he was such a heck of a player and for us, he was the best player on the floor in everything he did.

Don Brady

I'm also working with the governor to stop illegal immigration and improve Medicaid. Working together we will find other sources.

Jim Pitts

I want the team to be better, ... So it is kind of unfair to be selfish and not try and help my teammates out. I am very competitive, though, and I do want that backup job and I'm playing as hard as I can to get that. I'm not going to not talk to somebody, especially Tim who I've known now since our rookie year together. We came out the same year, so we met at the (scouting) combine.

Jesse Palmer

What a luxury it is to have both Jesse and Scott returning. Both of these young men have proven they can handle the job and both have won big games for us. To see them work together to make each other better is part of what has made this team so close.

Dave Pietramala

We have had great fun together. But I don't think we played inspired the last 40 minutes. We just played, not with our hearts. We didn't want it as bad as they did.

Irving Garcia

We've been together ever since.

Deb Millington

Road trips in the past have been really fun. Obviously it's a stress academically, but being on a bus with these girls for hours really brings the team together.

Kristin Chaney

There's this mythology about Nathan and Matthew, though they've just done one play together.

Joe Mantello

A group of politicians deciding to dump a President because his morals are bad is like the Mafia getting together to bump off the Godfather for not going to church on Sunday.

Russell Baker

The two of them made this decision together.

Michael Devine

Seems nothing draws men together like killing other men.

Susan Glaspell

[Calhoun's] the most similar [to me], ... We both had to go through similar things and it's very apropos that we're going in together. One couldn't have gone in without the other. You wouldn't have been able to explain why one would without the other.

Jim Boeheim

The seniors have done an awesome job of keeping it together. There was never a doubt in their mind, even when we went on that one stretch . They never thought that the next game they weren't going to win.

Joe Hillock