I don't think he has any other choice, ... He can't afford to divide Republican support and count on independents and Democrats to bail him out. That's just not going to happen.

Bruce Cain

You're going to have Congressman Garrett on the line, and hopefully we'll have Tom Kean on the top of the ticket. These are the folks who have been endorsed by the Republican Party.

Guy Talarico

Certainly Republicans are talking about the impact — pro or con — that Reed would have on the governor's race. Anybody who says otherwise is a liar or a fool.

Chuck Clay

This year was troubling to a lot of people including Republicans and independents.

Jack Billion

If Daniels numbers don't improve, you might see a lot of Senate Republicans oppose major legislation.

Ray Scheele

Now he's interested in embracing us, now he's for everybody, now he's for all the people, now he's in love with the Republicans, but he should've been in love with the Republicans a couple years ago, or a couple months ago.

Barb Marinucci

My mother sat a vigil for the Rosenbergs; my oxymoronic father was a Jewish racist. I had uncles who were Taft Republicans, and communist cousins.

Arthur Shapiro

The president got a pretty good wake-up call. He needs to stop thinking about his grand legacy and being the all-time hero of the Republicans and concentrate on doing the job he was elected to do. He really has to get a grip on his administration.

Mickey Edwards

All you need is a weak Republican year for Democrats to be competitive in southern Indiana. And this is a weak Republican year.

Bill Blomquist

Bike culture is incredibly diverse, ... You've got the ultimate Republican, George Bush, riding bikes, and you've got radical leftists riding bikes.

Gary Fisher

That would be just what Davis needs. There is nothing Gray Davis would like more than to be able to talk about the recall as a nefarious plot by out-of-state Republicans.

Dan Schnur

National Republican leaders see Ohio's 2006 election as being extremely important for the Republican Party nationally, and they see Ken Blackwell as the best candidate to win the state.

Carlo Loparo

A lot of Republicans use this group of people in a kind of euphoria that they've found this untapped political base. But the lesson is that this is a group of people who are, by tradition, more skeptical, less likely to participate and hard to hold together for the long run.

Robin Lovin

I've disowned my brother. He's a Republican.

Jim Centric

I'm as frustrated as citizens are that the Legislature didn't get more done, ... Senate Democrats passed a number of good bills on issues that Oregonians support, but the House Republicans chose to kill them.

Kate Brown

In most cases, you don't want to look like a member of the Young Republicans group. Chris was able to change his appearance dramatically to work in an undercover capacity.

Dave Henderson

Democrats want a leader who shares their frustration – even anger – about Republican failures. Anger at terrorists is expected, outrage about corruption is a plus.

Dan Newman

If the Conservative Right brings in more of the sort of certain Republican Right American politics to the politics of the Conservative Party they will be making a serious mistake.

Ken Clarke

If the president was smart he would take some Republicans and Democrats with him.

Robert Hathaway

We believe in the right to keep and bear arms. We believe in hunting and fishing. Those activities are part of our national heritage. I don't care if you're a Republican or an independent or a libertarian. If you have an opportunity to pick up a voter registration application, I want you to do it.

Marion Hammer

As the only Republican in the race, we obviously worked with our party to turn out our vote.

Ted Delisi

Republicans are not so angry at the president that they want to vote for the other guy. They just stayed home.

Rich Galen

The leadership of the president - and this has nothing to do with [him] being a Republican, it just has to do with, I believe, the whole administration including the president - has been totally inept.

Gary Ackerman

Our Democratic nominee will only be mentioned in the press stories when the Republicans are attacking that nominee.

Kathy Sullivan

I guess in the champagne and caviar world that many Republicans live in, I would be happier, too.

Bill Maer

The images from New Orleans were a horrible public relations disaster for the Republicans.

Paul Berendt

The South Dakota Republican Party is not without means, and we do plan on supporting our candidate.

Randy Frederick

There's a long way between now and next June ... He is no Bill Weld. (Manning) clearly is a conservative Republican.

Michael Long

Democrats have become more disciplined in making the case against Republicans.

Amy Walter

He's going to debate the Republican opponent in the general election, not in the primary. The Republicans should have their own debate.

Cameron Johnson

Newly appointed Sen. Robert Menendez leads Tom Kean by the narrowest of margins only because there are more Democrats than Republicans in New Jersey.

Clay F. Richards

If the Republicans overplay their hands on the issue, the net effect could be more Latinos coming out and registering Democrat. That could bode well for the Democrats in California.

Roger Salazar

What we're seeing right now is kind of a groundswell, for lack of a better word, of pro-education candidates challenging Republicans.

Harvey Kronberg

Yes, we've seen his numbers drop among Democrats, but he still enjoys a good approval rating among Democrats. And his support for the war has helped boost him with Republicans, which has kept his overall approval rating high.

Douglas Schwartz

They can point to the results of the last two gubernatorial elections and the gains that have been made by Democrats in the House, where the Republican Party is more conservative, and make the point that changes need to be made, and soon.

Quentin Kidd

The ethics committee exercised its responsibility, what was the Republican response? Fire them. Intimidate them.

Steny Hoyer

I personally doubt he would run again as an independent. He'd probably run as a major party candidate, and he is a Republican.

Roger Stone

With Democrat candidate Ted Strickland already showing $2.1 million cash on hand, it's time Ohio Republicans united behind Ken, and fight Democrats instead of each other.

Lara Mastin

Democratic and Republican commissioners got heavy pressure this week from members of Congress, and in response they chose to ignore the campaign finance laws.

Fred Wertheimer

People should be voting him out of office. He's bad for our air, bad for our children, bad for our country. He's ascending in the Republican Party as a power broker.

Hadi Jawad

Our ports, the most vulnerable in the country because they've not been thought about as national security, are now being owned by foreign businesses. Republicans actively outsourced American jobs and now they're outsourcing our American security.

Karen Thurman

It is bad news for an incumbent Republican governor in a Republican state to have well below 50 percent support among Republican voters.

Mark Sanders

I'm going to be doing everything I can that comes up with a document that Republicans can support.

Sen. Richard Nass

The math is tough in the Senate, but they (Republicans) should pick up House seats. I don't see how they can help but pick up.

Brett Bader

There's a lingering perception among African American voters that the Republican Party is not interested in cultivating their votes, especially now that Hurricane Katrina, race and the Republican Party has been injected into the discussion. But this [slow government response] was not racially driven.

Alvin Williams

If I were a Republican, I would be scratching my head and saying I had just voted for a bill that would ultimately cost far more than the war.

Richard Kogan

The losing side of that war was the IRA. A lot of those people (men and women), if they weren't outright forced out of Ireland, were certainly made to feel unwelcome. So you had a huge migration of the so-called 'Republican Irish,' and my family was part of that.

Thomas R. Kelly

It's the increasingly partisan rancor that characterizes the Congress. The very partisan Republican orientation of the House is not very well received. The public wants compromises to be reached and they generally don't see many of those things taking place in Congress these days.

Mark Dicamillo

If they can work with Republican leadership, that makes it all the more likely that the interest of public education will be heard.

Laurie Smith

Frankly, the Republicans smell victory, and that's what will bring out the money.

Jerry Shuster

It further demonstrated how the House Republican Caucus has isolated themselves in doctrinaire, ideological partisan politics.

Brian J. Moran

There is so much anger out there, I think it is going to be very difficult for Republicans to break through to African Americans.

Ron Walters

We need to do what the Republican Congress didn't have the decency to do.

Max Anderson

The fact is that whatever fallout there is, good or bad, will be laid at the feet of Republicans.

Bill Blomquist

Those who are fighting our republican institutions are leaders of Catholic organizations: Clericalism is the enemy.

Leon Gambetta

You'd be surprised to see the number of conservative Republicans, all of whom are making this kind of money, who stood up and said, 'I think this is the right thing to do, even though I'm going to have to be paying this money out of my pocket.

Rusty Hammer

What we're hoping is that this defeat for Buchanan is the beginning of a whole series of small and large defeats over the course of the next couple of weeks until Buchanan goes back to the Republican party where he belongs.

Jim Mangia

House Republicans believe that no senior should be forced to choose between putting food on the table or buying the medicines they need.

Dennis Hastert

Reagan is a symbol who calls the party to be something broader. The Republican Party is in many ways a very disunited party. In a way, by making Reagan a greater figure, you can create a greater unity.

David Frum

The benefit the Republicans have is geography and redistricting. There is a very small window for Democrats to take advantage of.

Matthew Dowd

Frank O'Reilly ran for the School Board as a Republican and saying that he would increase taxes to improve the schools, and he was elected.

Allen Sale

That's the Republicans' hole card. Bringing home a couple billion for the labs.

Joe Monahan

The Florida Republican Party spends its money on campaigns and getting new local candidates elected, ... We don't lobby the Legislature.

Camille Anderson

I think there'll be a little more pressure on the governor's folks and Senate Republicans to move in our direction.

John Mcgary

People who really love Virginia, Independents, Republicans and Democrats have stepped up to support the principles I am fighting for.

Russell Potts

We tend to think that since Mark Baker didn't get it done, it can't get done. I think the biggest obstacle is to convince Republicans this can happen.

Jim Mowen

How do we get our message out? It so easily gets portrayed that the Democratic Party is negative and the issue agenda gets controlled by the Republicans.

Ann Hughes

Local politicians are catering to the conservative Republicans in the electorate, who are far more likely to support restrictive immigration policies than Democrats, independents, or the general public.

Wayne Cornelius

Tom Anderson is a very moderate republican, and that's one reason why Tom is safe where he's at.

Carrie Wadlinger

I think both states put Republican primary politics above good public policy and yielded to White House pressure.

Bradley Campbell

The idea that House and Senate GOP leaders would write two tax reconciliation numbers in the budget -- $550 billion for the House and $350 billion for the Senate -- is not only a cry of desperation by our Republican friends, but also an outrage and a farce!

Steny Hoyer

He seemed young and decisive, able to make the shift from guerrilla leader to political leader, rather like Michael Collins of the Irish Republican Army did in the early 1920s.

Denis Macshane

He's really looking forward to a great evening with White County Republicans and whoever else wants to be there.

David Kinkade

McCain needs Hillary to run because that's what keeps the Republican coalition together. She helps unite the Republican base.

Chuck Todd

Republican leaders snuck this into a complicated budget bill in the dead of night with no public debate.

Bruce Fuller

Republicans owe the American people answers as to where they really stand.

Luis Miranda

Given the job performance of Republican Gov. Mark Sanford, it is no wonder that it has inspired others to jump into the race.

Tim Shock

Republicans need good candidates at the federal and state level, to get people interested.

Randy Milhoan

(In Washington) Republicans blame Democrats, and Democrats blame Republicans, ... Not here (with this program).

Roger Bedford

The doctrine of blind obedience and unqualified submission to any human power, whether civil or ecclesiastical, is the doctrine of despotism, and ought to have no place among Republicans and Christians.

Angelina Grimke

The striking thing on the Republican side is Rice's continued popularity. We found that she had significant crossover appeal to independents and even to some Democrats.

Carroll Doherty

Republicans always think that if they make some small [outreach] gestures, that African Americans will applaud their good intentions, ... They still don't understand that African Americans would look at those Bush moves and conclude: 'Those people really don't like us.' .

David Bositis

Part of his political need is to bridge the gap as a Republican with his upstate base, which may be more conservative than he is.

Lee Miringoff

It will take an act of Congress to open the 1.5 million-acre coastal plain for drilling. Many Republicans agree no drilling should occur.

Bill Meadows

By pushing grand juries to issue politically motivated indictments of prominent Republicans, Ronnie Earle is trying to make it a crime to be conservative, to support an agenda of lower taxes and less government. That's un-American.

Mallory Factor

We have to do two things. One, disqualify the Republicans, and two, provide an alternative. The first part, they've done for us, and the second part, we need to do.

Bobby Kahn

There is no Democratic or Republican way of cleaning the streets.

Fiorello La Guardia

The general consensus is Republicans are glad to have him, ... The captain of the Exxon Valdez is back on deck.

Bill Stephens

There are very conservative libertarian Republicans who agree with liberal Democrats that you have to pay attention to civil liberties and balance that with national security. That's very tough to do.

Gloria Borger

I don't care how the Republicans spin it, ... it's not good.

Adam Goodman

There's a lot of human characteristics about him that will soften him on some of the issues involving the common man. He'll have his share of votes where he'll agonize over voting with the Republican line.

Richard Chesteen

He convinced me to become a Republican. He saw the light. He got baptized.

Dennis Dawson

Most of our Republican incumbents are talking about prescription drugs and Social Security.

Stuart Roy

The Democratic National Committee is virtually 100 percent anti-firearms ownership, and the Republican National Committee stands on the side of the freedom.

Wayne Lapierre

Mel Martinez has been a key senator on this issue, and very energetic. He's negotiating with other Republicans and has to deal with strong disagreement from some members of his party.

Douglas Rivlin

The U.S. Supreme Court, with the help of the Republican Party, ran out the clock. But they didn't run out the clock on Democrats, they ran out the clock on democracy.

Robert Wexler

Do I agree with everything the governor does? No. But break down the things he has accomplished with education, healthcare and economic growth, and in a politically competitive state that has had wide Republican influence during his terms, and no one could argue that he's been out cutting ribbons.

Gordon Fischer

If you look at Republican priorities, they're not in line with what the people of Florida want. But they may be in line with special interests -- and special interest money.

Mark Bubriski

If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.

Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

It's playing on a familiar theme, a familiar theme for Republicans, that no matter what Democrats say, they are going to tax you.

David Rebovich

Ain't You Glad You Joined the Republicans?

John Batchelor

For the sake of the country, the conservative cause, the Republican party and even his own long-term career -- he ought to resign.

William Safire

What Republicans need now are bold plans to downsize the federal government, not some wishy-washy tinkering around the edges.

Stephen Slivinski

I think that the Republican Party realizes that he is a divisive figure and a lightning rod for controversy.

Randall Ellis

Ronald Reagan never got involved in a primary campaign, even for his own daughter when she ran for Congress. He firmly believed in the 11th commandment (speak no ill of another Republican).

Joanne Drake

Is he, in a general sense, an extremely conservative Republican president? ... The answer to that is yes.

Bill Sammon

I am a proven conservative Republican leader. I emphasize that because this is a Republican primary. I have been very active in Republican politics. And I am in my ninth year of elected public office.

Dale Moran

We are talking to a number of Republicans with national profiles who are interested in coming in or coming back. We expect some more big names.

Sherry Sylvester

The Republican leadership today demonstrated a blatant abuse of power in subverting House rules and a blatant disregard for the needs of the American people by passing this sham energy bill.

Bernard Sanders

If this doesn't get any better, if people don't see a dime's bit of difference between corrupt Republicans and the same tired old Democrats, ... there could be a third party movement coming on.

Joe Gaylord

Apparently, logic doesn't count when a powerful Republican is involved.

Brad Sherman

Not at all, ... I've been a Democrat all my life, and I've been a contributor to candidates of Democratic persuasion -- sometimes Republican -- all my life. I'm a political activist. I consider it a responsibility and, frankly, I consider it a privilege to be a part of it.

Bernard Schwartz

It stands to reason that the party committee would contribute to a Republican candidate for statewide office - in this case, Matt Blunt.

Burson Taylor

You had both Republicans and Democrats saying we need to balance the budget. How can we afford to do this? It really did come down to a matter of priorities. I think the process worked.

Jean Ross

What he says is careful and correct. The most important fact is that Rod Smith is the only Democrat in this race who has taken not only one, but two seats from Republicans.

David Kochman

We've turned our attention to helping the Republican Party and other committees to make sure that President Bush doesn't have a lonely victory.

Scott Stanzel

We don't know what the Republican Party in Colorado stands for.

Jon Caldara

There is no better voice for an inclusive Republican Party than John Danforth, whose credentials as a loyal Republican, committed conservative, and man of faith are unquestionable.

Patrick Guerriero

I've never heard of a Republican convention that doesn't believe in a balanced budget.

Mike Schroeder

It was so blatant. They wouldn't even talk to you if you weren't a registered Republican.

Tom Byrne

We expect to secure the Republican nomination for governor.

Andrea Tantaros

As she said, under Republican rule the House leadership has stifled real and substantive debate, preventing Democrats from offering amendments and engaging in real discussion.

Philippe Reines

Bush won and got re-elected, and the Senate got more Republicans. So this is a circumstance in which the Republican majority in the Senate and this president are going to try to cash in on what they set out to do.

Michael Gerhardt

For those of us who are political junkies, it's like the Christmas gift that keeps on giving. The Republican and Democratic candidates are going to look positively boring compared to the independent candidates.

Jerry Polinard

The standing of the Republican Party is not in great shape. Perhaps the only thing going for it is the standing of the Democratic Party is not in great shape either.

Michael Barone

He had to make up his mind: fleeing into the arms of his handlers or throwing himself on the mercy of the Republican community.

Danny Morrison

[But Sen. Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.) said by guaranteeing the loan and allowing the forum to repay money to the Republican National Committee, businessman Young had more impact on the 1994 elections than any American citizen who contributed legally.] Our national debate was changed, ... The point is, it wasn't right.

Robert Torricelli

We've had four former governors during my lifetime who've either been indicted or served time, two Republicans and two Democrats, and I think the Mr. Blagojevich is out to break the tie.

Jim Oberweis

What she has done is perhaps given the future Republican nominee a rock to throw at her in the upcoming general election. Republicans are looking for rocks to throw at her.

Stan Barnes

The federal role is being called on in ways that certainly the Republican Party has not traditionally endorsed.

Peter May

Discontent with Republican is not going to be enough for us to win. We have got to offer more than to replace bad leadership with ordinary leadership. We have to offer creative leadership and vision.

Deval Patrick

People came to us complaining about this. They were getting cards in the mail that said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.' They said they had been tricked and they were angry.

Paul Hefner

The front-loading process will hurt the Democratic nominee, ... We will have a nominee in middle to late January, while Republicans are dominating airwaves for weeks or months after that.

Kathy Sullivan

We had white and black participants and Republicans and Democrats. Dr. King's dream is about 70 percent completed. We've got 30 percent to go.

Rep Alvin Holmes

This Republican front group for Bush is out of credibility after being caught in lie after lie day after day.

David Wade

It's not just the progressives and the Democrats but also Libertarians and moderate Republicans who feel that private rights and civil liberties are being threatened by this administration.

Michael Huttner

They are pro-business groups, groups that support Republican candidates.

Tucker Martin

And finding out that I was, to my surprise, a Republican.

Keith Butler

We are just growing by leaps and bounds. About 30 years ago, we could fit all the Republicans in a closet. But now there's a feeling that the state of Tennessee is becoming Republican.

Pat Allen

You ought to thank the Republicans because they are doing their part to get us elected.

Rod Smith

I don't think he's necessarily a Republican or Democrat, ... He is part of the `Blame America Last' crowd. Mostly, he just wants to get those bastards -- whoever they are. They know who they are, and they know they're going to get gotten.

Stephen Colbert

It's a message to the Republican Party. We're not happy with our local politicians. We're not happy with Republicans that are out to have bigger government and increase our taxes. We're hoping that Mitch can talk to these guys tonight.

Tom Britt

Americans will no longer tolerate the Republicans' continued abuses of power and catering to corporate special interests.

Nancy Pelosi

Republicans shouldn't be on the wrong side of this issue. It is sound economics, it is sound policy and it is good politics. I think it would be helpful if the president was more forceful.

Grover Norquist

We welcome ... all New Yorkers to join the Republican Party.

Stephen Minarik

There are always going to be those who, rather than draw attention to their candidate's shortcomings, prefer to tear down our quality party leaders and Twinkle is a quality person. We definitely need her as our Republican Party chairman. She's a strong leader and a fair leader and that's what we need.

Brenda Horn

It's really up to the Republicans to blow this one. But, given how they're going I wouldn't put it past them.

Carl Luna

[The Nation --] Crony capitalism, ... is the name of the Republican game.

Robert Scheer

Give encouragement to Republicans who want to make the education reform bill an issue (against Democrats) in November.

Charles Bullock

The biggest problem is that the Democrats will not go along. They will keep their current primary calendar, which means their nominee will emerge in March, while the Republicans continue to fight until May or June.

Charlie Black

Congressional Democrats have been pushing to clean up Congress since long before the indictments started coming down on the culture of corruption. We continue to wait for Republicans to join us.

John Lapp

I have never voted for a Republican in my life. But if you've got a good thing going, why change it?

Arthur Gordon

[Copes' note says] it's been a long time ... Republican Party apparatus . . . that becomes more organized, more belligerent, and more nakedly partisan by the day.

Bob Mann

My political heroes are Barry Goldwater and Harry Truman. Goldwater would roll in his grave if he saw this Republican Party that wants to invade your bedroom and mix religion and politics.

Russ Potts

Any time Republicans spend money and it isn't against Democrats, it's a distraction.

John Ashbrook

The Democratic leadership wanted to embarrass Republicans politically instead of helping the energy needs of the Gulf Coast.

Ron Bonjean

His insinuation that I'm a liberal who is attempting to take control of Congress away from the Republican Party is nonsense. Mr. Doolittle wants to blame others for the problems he's in and it's very convenient to blame the so-called liberal press and others. In actuality, the problems he's facing as far as ethics and whether money was properly given to him is caused by himself.

Mike Holmes

For the Republicans to complain about our work is like the arsonist complaining about the cost of the fire department.

James Kennedy

They're going to show up and they're going to open their pocketbooks and wallets and the Republican Party of Florida will be rolling the money out in huge wheelbarrows.

Aubrey Jewett

It's just too much press to walk away from, cloning and cults and Republican-turned-Democrat.

Mike Callaghan

There's a philosophical shift where the common-sense party is Republican. Where your granddaddy was a Democrat, in today's terms he's a Republican.

Quint Carriere

Charlie Crist is once again taking multiple and contradictory positions on an issue important to Republican voters.

Albert Martinez

The Republicans dodged a bullet.

Dane Strother

The Republicans are yet again attempting to muddy the waters to divert attention from their pattern of abusing of power.

Jennifer Crider

When Pat Buchanan left the Republican Party and joined the Reform Party, he had a wonderful opportunity to provide leadership to [a wide base].

Lenora Fulani

For four years we've had a Democratic governor who sometimes pays lip service to Republican ideals. In a Republican state, that's good politics.

Ray Hunkins

And when you add to that gas prices and home-heating prices that are going through the ceiling this winter, it shouldn't give much comfort to the Republicans.

Joe Gaylord

He's trying to drum home the fact that his brand of Republican conservatism is popular in Maryland.

Barry Rascovar

The lottery has been pushed in most of the southern states by Republicans, ... If it's morally wrong here, is it OK in Texas where the charge for the lottery was led by the Republican Party?

David Hoyle

We had an historic opportunity to pass a bipartisan bill that offered Americans tough but fair immigration reform, and I am disappointed that the Republican-controlled Senate missed two chances to make that progress this week.

Pat Leahy

The primary responsibility of the media is accountability of government, whether it's about lying under oath, which upset Democrats, or the mismanagement of responding to a hurricane, which happens to upset Republicans.

Tim Russert

I'm a Republican. Let's go out into the world market and try to get a better deal for Americans.

Tim Pawlenty

The process has worked extremely well and Republicans support it. When the Legislature drew the lines, there was nothing but lawsuits, acrimony and delay.

Chris Vance

All you do is tell the truth, and (Republicans) think it's hell.

Roger Wilson

Immigrants might see Republicans as hostile if the bill is passed.

Tom Scotto

In its arrogant quest for power, the Republican Party has continuously turned its back on hardworking Texans and families who get up every morning, go to work and play by the rules.

Charles Soechting

Republicans were kind of in vogue and some Democrats wanted to make overtures to the new governor. This made it a lot easier to deal with. We were able to play on one side of the aisle.

Brian Ballard

I just think he'll be an extremely strong candidate against a Republican nominee in eastern Iowa here, ... Pro-life candidates in this area appeal to a lot of Democrats here.

Mike Connolly

I've never seen so many governors united — whether Democrat or Republican — and angry about one particular item in my whole political career.

James Bilbray

I think it shows in the polls. It shows that many people who have long been Republicans do not like where their party is going. They are ready to vote for someone else.

Tim Joseph

Immigration would have been a big issue whether or not the Minutemen had ever existed, because numerous Republican politicians have chosen it to be the wedge issue of this election year.

Wayne Cornelius

If you're running against a Republican in a vulnerable district, you've got Iraq, you've got Harriet Miers, you've got Katrina, you got Tom DeLay being indicted. You've got a lot of ammunition.

Gordon Peterson

It lends itself to questions about whether or not the Republican Party is unconcerned about those in the community who have been victims of firearms. And nothing could be farther from the truth.

Michael Steele

This isn't about the Republicans or the Democrats. This is about the real issues that are important to the working people of California.

Helen Lee

There is a sense of urgency for us, because the way people tend to vote Republican around here, these elections will be over in May, not November.

Brandon Day

The conservative base in the Republican party is putting on as much pressure as is possible for someone who will shift the court to the right. The Democrats are putting as much pressure as they're capable of on the president to select someone that they will deem ideologically acceptable.

Bradford A. Berenson

Look, there are Democrats who give to Democrats, and Republicans who give to Republicans.

Bill Noyes

Brothers in 'Pike' cover all ranges of the spectrum, from a militant Republican Texan to a Jewish Democrat currently working on Kerry's campaign.

Alex Brodsky

I appreciate the fact that he's elegant and he's polite and has very good manners all things that gay men like but when they read that he gave over $200,000 to Tom DeLay to help elect Republicans, that's an affront.

Christopher Lynn

I didn't want to see an Assembly seat left open and a Republican walking into office in a solidly Democratic district.

Kevin Clancy

If the Moore faction wins three or four of those seats, and especially if Parker beats Brown, I think the perception will be ... that the church faction of the Republican Party is now more powerful at the ballot box in Alabama than the business faction of the Republican Party.

Jess Brown

It's not good news for the Republicans if people are still remembering the bad old Ryan days as they head to the polls. It could impact who wins the primary and who wins the general (election).

Kent Redfield

Population and immigration are very difficult issues to discuss. Democrats and Republicans alike - for very different reasons - avoid it.

Gaylord Nelson

The Brady Bill (for screening of gun purchasers) and the assault weapons ban inflamed the Republican base voters and increased their turnout.

Paul Begala

The scandals that are rocking his administration almost daily will definitely diminish his popularity. This state is becoming more and more Republican, so he knows he has a race on his hands if any Republican gets into the race with any name recognition and any money.

Bill Dunn

We can't blast Bill Clinton on one hand and cast a blind eye to Republican friends who are guilty of the same kind of misconduct.

Ken Connor

What with the number of courthouses and post offices the Republican Congress names, it's ridiculous that they chose this one to make a point. This is a local issue.

Jennifer Crider

More so than any other D.C. chapter, the GW College Republicans take the fullest advantage of their locality. They are constantly bringing excellent speakers to campus and attending events across town.

Paul Gourley

I've left specific instructions that I do not want to be brought back during a Republican administration.

Timothy Leary

The Republican ROMP program is a group of Republican incumbents they believe to be the most vulnerable. Changing the rules halfway through is a lame way to explain their fundraising problems.

Sarah Feinberg