The Republican ROMP program is a group of Republican incumbents they believe to be the most vulnerable. Changing the rules halfway through is a lame way to explain their fundraising problems.

Sarah Feinberg

A lot of Republicans have told me that they were thankful to have a choice on the ballot.

Mike Fjetland

The likelihood is that the Democrats will pick up a few seats in the Senate, but not enough to wrest control from the Republicans.

Stephen Wayne

We need to take a look at the whole budget. But we ... are in a bind, ... They (Republican leaders) have put the nation in a bind, fiscally.

Sander Levin

Republicans didn't find themselves in this mess because they couldn't communicate. It is what they are communicating — things like corruption at home and dangerous incompetence abroad. That is the problem.

Rebecca Kirszner

According to a news account last month, people leaving the Democratic National Convention asked a Boston policeman for directions. He replied, "Leave here - and go vote Republican."

Dick Cheney

I would have been surprised had a former president, who lives in the hometown of a Republican candidate, come out and endorsed anyone else, ... I feel I have been supportive of President Bush's son and certainly have been with regard to Iraq.

Nick Lampson

We will be talking about issues like education and Social Security, which had not been center stage at Republican conventions before.

Andy Card

Republicans are in charge of the House, Senate and the White House, ... so why hasn't more been done to control spending?

Scott Walker

I think Republicans are beginning to understand that a lot of people who ran for the judiciary are not actually philosophical Republicans, but they put an 'R' by their name once it became fashionable statewide to be a Republican.

Terry Keel

In light of accusations that the Bush administration was not as sensitive to victims of Hurricane Katrina because many of them were black, one Republican official tells ABC News that Bennett's comments were 'probably as poorly timed as they were politically incorrect.' Diane.

Jake Tapper

The criminal indictment of Tom DeLay is the first chink in the armor of corruption that has so clouded, consumed and controlled the Republican majority over the past few years.

Louise Slaughter

(Dole) was too heavy-handed in those days. Republicans learned their lessons, ... I don't think you're going to see any nastiness, at least not at this early stage.

Dan Cronin

In a Republican district I was a Republican. In a Democratic district I was a Democrat. And in a doubtful district, I was Doubtful. But I was always for Erie.

Jack Gould

Culture of corruption that the Republican Congress has fostered.

Bob Menendez

And here's Bill Bennett. He did the Republicans a big favor on the radio the other day, talking about if you aborted all the black babies in America, the crime rate would go down.

Gordon Peterson

It gives you access to Republican interest-group money that you don't have if you don't take the pledge.

Ted Arrington

It looks like the Republicans are in disarray.

Brian Rothenberg

We have fewer liberal Republicans and fewer conservative Democrats than we used to.

Bill Lunch

Our ideas aren't manufactured by some Republican political consultant think tank. We debate fiercely, but at the end of the day we're gonna be better for it.

Billy Vassiliadis

The Republicans will make a bonfire under Jim McDermott.

Norman Ornstein

If you want to live like a Republican, you have to vote for Democrats.

Richard Gephardt

There have been times when Democratic presidents picked Republican Fed chairmen and vice versa. I don't think Bush would go necessarily with politics.

Allen Jacobson

I'm not convinced this race is about what a horrible candidate Harris is, as much as it is about how strong Nelson is. Short of Gov. Jeb Bush, I don't think there's a Republican out there who could beat him.

Brad Coker

Republicans and Democrats have failed to connect the Iraq disaster to the unmet critical needs of America.

Dexter Kamilewicz

It's definitely the religion-oriented Republicans versus those motivated by money, ... Riley will raise more money, but I don't think money will be the answer because people will vote with their hearts.

William Stewart

For Republicans, it's politically stupid. It's not 527 reform. It's something that restricts speech.

David Keating

Bean smote the hand that fed her in the 2004 election, and without Big Labor in her corner she'll have a further shrunken coalition in an overwhelmingly Republican district.

Jonathan Collegio

I felt that the domestic side was interesting, how he repeatedly reached out to the Democrats. I think that the Republicans will find the bipartisan talk valuable, but for most Democrats, I think it was too little too late.

Rogan Kersh

The Republicans have control of the Senate, but the economy is still struggling. Maybe [Republican control] will lead to some tax cuts, but that's not going to happen in the near term. The U.S. economy needs all the help it can get, and soon.

Rory Robertson

At the end of the day, people thought keeping things going on the same track was more important than electing a Republican. In that way, the natural tilt of the state (favoring Republicans) was overcome.

Robert Holsworth

He never claimed to be an intimate insider in the Republican primary. It would take an outsider to challenge DeLay.

Michael Stanley

Republican leaders say these cuts are necessary to curb spending, but they are also pushing to hand massive tax breaks to their campaign contributors.

Toby Chaudhuri

The Republicans are so disorganized. It's one year out (from the general election), and they don't have a top-flight candidate lined up. I'm not too optimistic. The Republicans will have to slug it out in a primary. She's the odds-on favorite unless something dramatic changes.

Mike Gardner

The calculus by Democrats is that they don't want to offend anyone. But in trying not to offend anyone, they lose support from everyone. What many Democrats haven't yet learned from Republicans is that it is better to be loved by some, and hated by others, than try to be liked by everyone. Because when you do that, you are liked by no one.

David Sirota

It will be at the minimum a moderate issue, one of the tip five issues for Republican voters, ... At the extreme end it could be the issue that affects the Republican Party.

Richard Lamm

It's just purely political, a Republican political move to try and capture the moment.

John Mitchell Mason

We are practical people who will endorse people who work for working people - whether they are Republican or Democrat.

Michael Fishman

Given that Nader is running on the Pat Buchanan Reform Party ticket and is openly accepting both financial and organizational help from Republicans and their allies, the answer is no.

Jano Cabrera

I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.

Dan Quayle

This is dirty pool. The Republicans are clearly trying to fix the Democratic primary.

William Binning

Republicans should find other ways to raise money.

Ranit Schmelzer

If you look at polling out there, the governor does much better among traditional Republican primary voters than he does among general population voters.

Harvey Kronberg

Every elected [Republican] official in this county supports Charlie Crist. We certainly want to make a very clear statement that this is Charlie Crist country.

Bill Bunting

There was some promise of a Rehnquist court revolution, and that hasn't happened. I think we were too quick to say that this was the conservative Republican answer to the Warren court.

Thomas Baker

Obviously, it would be really nice if somebody emerged as the candidate, ... I kind of doubt that's going to happen. I'm skeptical we'll have a [Republican] convention that has no opponents. Anybody who says they want to run for Congress, I'll talk to them.

Joe Cannon

The Republican Party is a big tent and you have many different views and not everyone shares the same view.

Sam Fox

If anyone should be held accountable (for lost jobs), it should be the Republican Legislature.

Liz Boyd

Even if it doesn't result in a sea of voters going to the polls to take their anger out on the White House, what it may do is keep Republicans at home. That's a problem for them.

Jennifer Duffy

My intentions are to be the Republican candidate.

Chris Stevens

In addition to those one million gay Republicans reported to have voted for Bush, we are talking about their friends and family members who care about this issue. And also that 1 million people is an important number when you consider that President Bush lost the popular vote in 2000.

Candace Gingrich

It is not safe to be in Baghdad, it is patently unsafe and that's true for whatever political persuasion you are. They will kill you if you are Republican, they will kill you if you are Democrat.

David Enders

The Democrats could do some damage to Republicans in California. But if Democrats swing one seat in Pennsylvania they can stop the Republicans from killing them.

Tim Storey

[INDIANAPOLIS -- It's the kind of statement a politically safe Republican facing a perennial gadfly opponent in 2006 can make.] We're winning the war in Iraq, ... We've never lost a tactical engagement with the enemy. We've never even lost a platoon.

Mike Pence

It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know.

Linda Ronstadt

If what Holtzman decides to do is run against Republicans, it could hurt other Republicans. If you say the Republican Congress has wrecked the country, that could trickle down.

Katy Atkinson

Thirteen months before the election, none of the potential Republican candidates has made an impact on New York voters.

Joe Caruso

Everyone, Republican or otherwise, has their own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small; no one is too old or too young to do something.

Bobby Sands

Painting (Harper) as a Canadian version of the extreme American Republicans has just not had any traction. It's a misstep in the degree of emphasis. You can only go so far with it.

Allan Tupper

He told Sibley that if he became a Republican again, 'we'll put you back in Congress.' That was said to him even as he was a Democrat serving in office.

Jack Baker

Either things are so bad for Republicans in Florida that even their cars are turning blue, or it's an acknowledgement that to compete in a Republican primary against Katherine Harris' $10-million, the speaker's going to need something really fast.

Mark Bubriski

The Republicans would lose the cover they have from the President being on board. They'd have to fashion a budget resolution on their own.

Robert Reischauer

NEGRO, n. The _piece de resistance_ in the American political problem. Representing him by the letter n, the Republicans begin to build their equation thus: 'Let n = the white man.' This, however, appears to give an unsatisfactory solution.

Ambrose Bierce

Infuriating and inexcusable, ... He's burning through taxpayer dollars, and Washington Republicans won't make him accountable for the millions he's wasted.

Henry A. Waxman

It's going to be hard to convince Democrats to vote for a Republican.

Jason Stanford

As we've learned more about what was proposed, it's evident why many people would find this program offensive. The College Republicans certainly have a Constitutional right to conduct such an event, offensive as it may appear to some in the community. In protecting everyone's right to free expression, the University cannot censor the content of student-organized events.

Terrell Jones

I think he did challenge the Democrats, unlike any modern Republican presidential candidate, on the question of the basic direction of American government, particularly as it dealt with domestic policies and domestic economics, ... And it did shift the grounds of the debate.

Walter F. Mondale

When Sonny ran for governor in the Republican Party, there had not been a Republican governor in over 130 years. It really looked impossible.

Mary Perdue

He's following a line from the Republican National Committee about what their wedge issue of the year is going to be. In 2004 it was gay marriage; this year it's illegal immigration.

Brian Melendez

When our Homeland Security Alert System goes to orange, our state and local governments' budgets go into the red. I fear the Bush Administration and the Republican Congress are sacrificing homeland security and other needs in favor of deep tax cuts that will have little or no positive effect on the economy.

Mark Udall

What a great event for the governor to help New Hampshire Republicans, as Senator Sununu has helped Massachusetts Republicans.

Julie Teer

During the '70s and early '80s there were places for people with views like mine in the Republican party. Today, my views are not welcome at the Republican table.

Andy Warren

A little Jamaica vacation now, huh, buddy? He brought the Republican Party down with him.

Michael Francis

Increasing the number of Republicans would provide a service to the city.

Rick Torres

The numbers support the fact that this is a more Republican state than Democratic state. Absolutely, recruiting is harder.

Joe Erwin

Republicans raise dahlias, Dalmatians, and eyebrows. Democrats raise Airedales, kids and taxes.

Will Stanton

A generation or two ago, the Republicans were the pro-choice party and the Democrats were considered the pro-life party.

Mark Shields

There's a great deal of frustration in the Republican ranks right now about the fact that the Republican leadership – whether Arnold Schwarzenegger or George Bush – is not making it a priority to close the border to illegal immigration.

Karen Hanretty

We're going to make progress on the people's business, and if [Republicans] choose to marry themselves up with Ken Starr, that's their business.

Rahm Emanuel

No Republican could expect to win the GOP nod after betraying his party's rank and file.

Grover Norquist

We do not underestimate them at all, but it appears the Republican Party in Tennessee is in considerable disarray.

Bob Tuke

Republicans, not surprisingly, have more confidence in Giuliani's chances of becoming president than do Democrats, but a majority of groups actually think that Giuliani has a fairly good chance.

Mickey Blum

Between the arrogance, the indictments and the general culture of corruption, it's really hard to decide where to begin. Republicans have no strategy and no plan. America can do better.

Rebecca Kirszner

The Republican Party needs both the moderates and the conservatives, ... If the party is viewed as trying to purge one or another faction, then we'll have a civil war that only helps the Democrats.

Chris Vance

In 2002, that was a highly contested race, and Charlie won it handily, by nearly 10 points. The registration numbers there are 40 percent Democrat, 31 percent Republican, which is pretty convincing.

Paul Gage

[Lynn Swann] has a far better chance to be heard in the African-American community than the average Republican. It's critically important for him to be visible and for him to come into the community and talk about his platform and issues specific to the African-American community.

Randall Taylor

Tom DeLay deserves his day in court and the same presumption of innocence afforded to every other American, ... Tom DeLay is a target of the left because he has been so successful at building the Republican Party and enacting conservative legislation for the American people.

Barbara Cubin

In this election season, the Republican leadership has decided that it's in their political interest to side with the ignorance and bigotry of the radical right.

Nita Lowey

There's a certain message that resonates with the Republican base, and most of it centers around spending, taxes and values.

Rich Bond

You had leaders in Congress -- Bob Packwood, a Republican chair of the Senate Finance Committee, and Dan Rostenkowski, the Democratic chairman of House Ways and Means. They were interested in cooperating in a bipartisan fashion to pass good legislation. Obviously, there was something in it for them politically.

Joseph Thorndike

The difficulties exist partly when it comes down to trust, ... Not between the Unionists and the Republicans -- everyone knows there's no trust there -- but between the Unionists and the British government.

Paul Bew

The Democratic Party sent money down there, the Republican Party sent money down there. A reward was given to people who exercised their franchise. There is nothing immoral about what he did.

Bruce Cook

I have never seen a response to a Supreme Court decision this dramatic. It is a gut issue, not a partisan issue at all. Whether you are a Massachusetts Democrat or a Republican in South Dakota, you are concerned about your home.

Larry Morandi

There are dissident republicans, people dissatisfied with this process, and of course loyalists continue to engage in violence as well, so they represent obstacles along the path to total normality here in Northern Ireland.

Ronnie Flanagan

When the president's agenda didn't have full support by Republicans in the House, he made sure it gets done and passes. He got everything from the president's tax relief to Bush's money for AIDS initiative in Africa. For DeLay, success begot success. Once he was able to deliver on a few big things early on in the Republican majority, it built upon itself.

Stuart Roy

If the vote was held today, we would get 190 Democrats and somewhere in the vicinity of 40-plus Republicans.

Sherrod Brown

Do I think there will be more Democratic money than Republican money? Heck no.

Charles Cook

You'll have a greater ability of Republicans to deliver what they want in Congress.

William Niskanen

What we are seeing is a blatant effort to exploit a national tragedy to advance long-held oil and gas industry objectives. I hope that a majority of our Republicans in Congress will see this misguided opportunism for what it is and reject it.

David Jenkins

All of a sudden, she's become the immigration governor. That's because they have the same polling as the Republican Party does.

Randy Pullen

I don't think it's going to have any effect in November. Cuban-Americans were likely to vote Republican without this issue. They're still going to vote Republican, and most other Floridians are going to forget about it by November.

Jim Kane

We had white and black participants and Republicans and Democrats. We wanted to send a message to people that Martin Luther King Jr. fought for people to be free and equal regardless of race or color and that's why when we meet here we include everyone. Dr. King's dream is about 70 percent completed. We've got 30 percent to go.

Rep Alvin Holmes

It's not insurmountable. Of course Jon Porter is going to have some cash because Republican leaders have recognized he is one of their most vulnerable sitting members of Congress. We could catch up very fast and that is what we intend to do.

Kirsten Searer

If we don't like what the Republicans do, we need to get in there and change it. . .

Medgar Evers

The Republicans now are where the Democrats were 30 years ago: It's just almost impossible to think they would lose a statewide election.

Gregory Rocha

She's a battle-tested candidate who can raise the money and get out the vote. She did very well against a moderate Republican female the last time around.

Jeff Jubelirer

Specter is the key, and then it comes down to moderate Republicans and where we were in May.

Carl W. Tobias

In Norwell, we had a student that was a Democrat and the senior was a Republican. They both agreed to disagree and they had some great conversations.

Val Sullivan

But now you have the Jesse Jacksons and the Louis Farrakhans and Al Sharptons coming down and inciting people to blame the Republicans in general and the president in particular.

Diane Winston

Ralph Reed went on national television to support granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens just two years ago, and now he expects us to believe he opposes amnesty? Georgia Republicans deserve consistent leaders, not desperate candidates who will say or do anything after reading their latest poll.

Brad Alexander

We're not surprised that there are people within the Republican Party that would think about endorsing Joe. He clearly is George Bush's favorite Democrat.

Tom Swan

Conservative Democrats don't feel any different from conservative Republicans.

Bruce Merrill

The question is, can he persuade others, particularly Republicans, that this is a good idea?

Terry Christensen

I think Republicans were setting up to do this, both sides got what they want.

Chuck Hadden

We're partisan. But we do criticize the Democrats sometimes; we say nice things about Republicans.

Matt Ferguson

The Republican Party has touched a nerve in the fabric, in the psychology, of the Latino people. They're going to pay a price: This is it.

Ramon Ramirez

Sen. Menendez holds a narrow lead in this race only because there are more Democrats than Republicans in New Jersey.

Clay F. Richards

I know a lot of republicans are talking to him about running as a republican, and early indications are that he has been at republican events talking about his candidacy.

Matt Wylie

One of my fondest goals is to try to bridge the gap between urban and rural Oregon. Democrats identify with urban people, Republicans with rural people. We need to get rid of partisanship.

Jim Gilbert

He is very receptive to the delegation. With him being in the Republican Party and [with] the Republican Party in control of both houses, Indian tribes are astute at playing that game.

Rodney Bordeaux

The monopoly that Republicans have been able to claim on some of these issues that seem to mobilize voters over the last several elections, that monopoly does not exist in Pennsylvania with Bob Casey Jr..

Randall Miller

The two things she's been doing since she got to the Senate is work hard and work with Republicans. She has always said she'll work with anyone to accomplish what needs to get done for the people of New York.

Philippe Reines

We get a large chunk of Bush voters who are not motivated to go out and vote for Republicans this fall. That puts a lot of red districts into play.

Geoff Garin

The Republican candidates have a lot of ground to cover and a lot of voters to talk to if they are to become known to voters - particularly Republican voters - over the next five months.

Joe Caruso

Our focus is on Republican voters. We'll continue to have a discussion among Republican primary voters (about) why Ken Blackwell is the best candidate.

Carlo Loparo

Swann has more of a buzz among Republican loyalists as someone who can challenge Rendell, and that never happened with Scranton.

Christopher Borick

He helped himself marginally. He gave a little backbone to a small percentage of wavering Republicans. But I don't think it had any effect on others he didn't have with him in the first place.

Stephen Hess

The closeness of the election underscores the importance of the next president to unite rather than divide and to work with Democrats and Republicans alike to accomplish the goals put forward in the campaign.

Ray Sullivan

We began this race way back in late March, and no one had thought we'd be the focus of the national media or be the so-called first test of the Republican Party and the Bush mandate. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we passed that test.

Jean Schmidt

There are a lot of people all basically agreeing on these issues ---- the big difference is not just believing in the Republican Party, but what have you done to execute the policies of the Republican Party.

Brian Bilbray

Mike Bloomberg may be a Republican these days. But he has been a Democrat for most of his adult life.

Randi Weingarten

I'm very concerned about what's happening at this time. I'm a Republican who believes we cannot spend too much on education.

Joseph Failla

I filed the ethics complaint against Tom DeLay not because I'm a Democrat and he's a Republican or even because he drew me out of my congressional seat but because he engaged in corruption to further his plans to disenfranchise voters in Texas.

Chris Bell

Republicans regard Dean as one of their best secret weapons, I have yet to find a Democrat who, in private chatter, doesn't think he's a problem for them.

Rich Galen

There's growing concern within the Republican Party of continuing to introduce this divisive legislation. We don't think there's some cottage industry of homosexual adoptions. We do believe people are losing their jobs.

Scott Borgemenke

The Democrats will try to paint it (the Republican Party) as a whole corrupt operation and say they need to be swept out of office, top to bottom. This will give them some ammunition.

David Damore

In choosing a president, we really don't choose a Republican or Democrat, a conservative or liberal. We choose a leader.

Rudolph W. Giuliani

Regardless of the issues, African-Americans aren't going to vote Republican because they don't trust the Republican Party.

David Bositis

I don't like the fact that he's given more money — up and down the Republican ticket — because Republicans are by and large against [homosexual] folks.

Andrew Tobias

The Republicans will take the blame because it's happening on their watch.

Ben Lieberman

You basically ignited a prairie fire that's taken off across this country. It's not a Republican or a Democratic issue, it's an American issue. We want to save this nation.

Bay Buchanan

The mayor's race is really what drives people to come out to the polls, and without it, it's hard to get people excited. This is the first time in my memory that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have had a contested primary for mayor.

Jan Hardesty

All the races I'm involved in are tight races. This state, very frequently, doesn't treat Republicans particularly well.

Slade Gorton

There was not a lot of passion. It does give the Republicans a legislative agenda in addition to the terrorism theme, and any agenda is better than no agenda.

Stephen Wayne

We sure do, ... just as we help Republicans that help us out. That's what our members expect us to do.

Wayne Lapierre

I didn't want to engage in a campaign where I was defending myself on those issues at every turn, so I just decided that I'd switch and run as a Republican.

Rodney Alexander

He's not getting enough from Washington, he's not getting enough from Albany - and it's the Republicans who are not giving it to him.

Joe Mercurio

This is obviously a very expensive proposition, and it hits in red states, so Republicans will be foremost among those pushing for relief.

Robert Bixby

I read a funny story about how the Republicans freed the slaves. The Republicans are the ones who created slavery by law in the 1600's. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was not a Republican.

Marion Berry

We are on course to field viable Democrats in seats across the state. Our goal is to challenge Republicans in every district and we believe we are on course to do it.

Jim Farrell

Steve was a good Republican but more importantly he was a good, decent man, ... He had a big heart and was committed to big ideals. He will be greatly missed and the thoughts and prayers of the Rauschenberger family are with the Meyer family on this sad day.

Steve Rauschenberger

It's totally the fault of evangelical, Christian Republicans, ... I think we blew it. ...Once we got into power, we just muffed it.

Ray White

[The Republican leadership is] trying to salvage its flagging fortunes by making the energy industry its scapegoat, ... nothing less than central planning of our economy.

Iain Murray

The House has worked very closely with us. From our standpoint, Republicans and Democrats saw this very similarly at the state level.

Ray Scheppach

I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny - Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.

Margaret Chase Smith

If they go ahead and crack down, Republicans are dead in the Latino community for a generation.

Antonio Gonzalez

You have to have been a Republican to know how good it is to be a Democrat.

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

It's a problem that Republicans and Democrats alike need to solve. Oregonians are counting on us not to turn this into a political issue.

Lonn Hoklin

The wind is out of the sails of inevitability. Two-thirds of the Republicans here are not ready to crown the emperor.

Greg Mueller

Today, we saw President Bush and the Republican leadership attempt to divide America and it backfired, instead dividing their own party, ... We saw the politics of distraction fail and fail handily.

Cheryl Jacques

Democrats are content to sit there and watch the Republicans eat each other up.

David Damore

A Democrat has to show the toughness to govern. People don't doubt that Republicans will be tough.

Al From

There's some fatigue among the average Republican. They're tired of it all. They're tired of scandals. They're tired of the White House. They're ready for change.

Katy Atkinson

Brains, you know, are suspect in the Republican Party.

Walter Lippmann

Rasputin being Karl Rove, who thinks these 10 million illegals will become citizens and vote Republican.

Robert Vasquez

Republicans or Democrats, we can bring them to the table to get done what's needed for the (forest) resource.

Sherry Fox

I fully expect that I will be indicted by a grand jury who will indict a bottle of beer if the Republican U.S. attorney told them to do it.

Geoffrey Fieger

[On questions about Republican criticism of his windsurfing, he said,] It shows how pathetic and diversionary they are. ... You're damn right. I said, 'I'm going to be who I am.' I think people care about authenticity.

Jann Wenner

Katrina is a major setback for Bush - back to square one. It's a setback for the Republicans as long as Bush is the face of the party. And, at least until 2008, he is the party.

Charles Cook

All U.S. administrations, be it Republican or Democratic, must pursue the same bipartisan politics. I don't see much difference between the policy of the Republican administration or Democratic administration.

Qian Qichen

There's all this talk about the Republican base and the conservative base of the Republican Party, and the conservative base of the president and how it's important to play to the base and please the base and fawn over the base.

John C. Danforth

I showed empirically that in the general election those crossover voters stayed with the candidate they had crossed over to support in the primary. A lot of Republicans preferred her in 1976 and stayed with her.

David Olson

The vice president is a rock star among the conservative activists and Republican donors who make it possible for Republicans to win elections.

Jonathan Collegio

I was frustrated that there wasn't a young Republicans organization at the high school.

Tim Nichols

The ink is barely dry, and the Republican leadership is already moving to create new loopholes in the system.

Marty Meehan

I think it's ignorance of both the Christian religion and politics to think that Christians have to be Republican.

Amy Moore

Texas 17 is one of the most competitive districts in America. Van Taylor is a great candidate for Republicans in a district that belongs to Republicans.

Jonathan Collegio

He said he would come into office with a bipartisan attitude, and this nomination speaks to that kind of approach, ... I don't think his liberal base will desert him, and it helps with the middle of the electorate. His base is as much among the moderate wing of the Republican Party as among independents.

Tom Rath

By not keeping their commitment, (Michigan ) Gov. (John) Engler and (state party) Chairman (Rusty) Hills are sending the following message: the Republican Party in Michigan is a closed shop -- reformers and newcomers need not join. This does not bode well for our party in the general election in an important battleground state like Michigan.

John Weaver

We are just calling Republicans at this point.

Jim Cleary

This is the beginning of the unraveling of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Anna Eshoo

This vague issue of corruption hanging over Republicans is not good, because it is the one thing on which Democrats don't have to have an alternative policy. I don't want that cloud over us going into [next year's] elections.

Vin Weber

So there's a base for the president's program -- but it's among Democrats, independents and a portion of the Republican Party. The president is on the side of public opinion and clearly in step with the mainstream of California -- but perhaps out of step with the conservative portion of his base.

Phil Trounstine

There are several such issues where I have departed radically from the Republican orthodoxy.

William Weld

This commission ends one-party rule by either Democrats or Republicans.

Paul Dunn

People are unhappy about it, Republicans and Democrats. They all realize that the Iraqis aren't going to do any fighting until we decide that they're going to take over. As soon as the elections are over and the constitution is ratified, you're going to find American forces drawn down. The public's against it. The military's overextended. There's no place else to go.

John Murtha

At one time, the Legislature was pretty evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. But through redistricting, they managed to get rid of a number of women ... (who) were progressive.

Thelma Underberg

The Republicans, with Cheney's leadership, have gotten us in a mess in Iraq and in a mess with the budget deficit. The administration's backing of Ralph Norman does not hurt John Spratt.

Jim Morton

I'm just relieved they didn't nominate someone from Wall Street or someone who was more an internal appointment to the Republican Party. They've appointed someone who is very well qualified for the job.

Warwick Mckibbin

Bridgeport now has a head of the Republican Party who is fluent in Spanish, which demonstrates that we welcome Hispanics and other minorities.

Rick Torres

The executive Committee should do what it feels is necessary to continue leading a strong, unified Republican Party in Kentucky. We will support their decision.

Geoff Davis

Does he consolidate his base or conduct a running war with them between now and November? A Republican cannot win unless he has the conservatives and moderates united.

Michael Schroeder

My guess is more reporters probably vote Democrat than Republican - just because I think reporters are smart.

Jerry Springer

Republicans staged diversity. Democrats are diversity.

Mike Honda

It's very interesting to have a strong liberal and a strong Republican and have a bipartisan discussion. I liked the message in general.

Mary Ryan

We're not giving up on this, and we're still hoping we can get a bill. That will be the Republicans' decision.

Sharyn Stein

The language of America changed with the election of Bill Clinton, because with all due respect to my friends on the Republican side, Bill Clinton is the best communicator of the last 50 years. He felt your pain.

Frank Luntz

Memo to Governor Pataki: You can come back home. Now that the elections are over, endangered Republican candidates throughout the state no longer need to avoid being seen with you.

Blake Zeff

The conventional wisdom is that Republicans trump Democrats when it comes to involvement in religion.

Murray Edelman

The outcome might have been different on April 11 had it only been limited to Republicans.

Stan Devereux