887 quotes about republicans follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered... deeply, ...finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.

George Washington

If you're black in this country, if you're a woman in this country, if you are any minority in this country at all, what could possibly possess you to vote Republican?

M. C. Escher

Republicans are men of narrow vision, who are afraid of the future.

Jimmy Carter

I like that about the Republicans; the evidence does not faze them, they are not bothered at all by the facts.

Bill Clinton

The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too.

Oscar Levant

They have a very attractive candidate and the Republican Party will put a lot of money into this race. He'll have more than his Democratic opponent.

Larry Hufford

Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they would be Republicans.

Will Rogers

Votes against him probably only look political. There's not enough distance between Democrats and charges of obstructionism on judicial nominees that should make them comfortable. It wouldn't take a whole lot for Republicans to dredge that issue up again and make it stick.

Jennifer Duffy

He's popular, but he's a Republican representing a Blue State. People are going to have to decide if they want a Republican who often votes with the Democrats, or a real Democrat.

Darrell West

The Rose Institute is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican Party.

Steve Maviglio

Now, the cult of personality has diminished and Gray Davis is no longer our nemesis. The Republican Party ... becomes very important, and he needs to make sure that those volunteers are engaged and enthused and willing to fight for him.

Karen Hanretty

Given the pay-to-play Republican style of politics that is ruling our state, the question should be raised: What did Bob Perry get for his $100,000 investment?

Amber Moon

The decline -- perhaps historic -- of the so-called French model of republican integration.

Michel Wieviorka

With Republicans, Tom DeLay has not been kicked off the team. He is still on the team and is still working and helping.

Louie Gohmert

Republicans will continue to out-raise Democrats. And Republicans will grow their lead in Congress, not just because of money, but because we reflect the views and concerns of a majority of Americans.

Tom Reynolds

Whether it is the Enron, Arthur Andersen, Global Crossing, or now the Halliburton and Harken scandals, there is a dangerous intersection between politicians of all stripes, Democrat and Republican, attempting to feed at the trough of business greed.

Larry Klayman

No matter if you are a Democrat, a Republican or an independent, people in Maine love land conservation. Maine has been a leader in this.

Patrick Mcgowan

I'm a conservative Republican, ... We need to support President Bush 's agenda. ... We have to have a culture that respects life, that respects the unborn.

Joe Ricketts

I'm battling a Republican mayor who has no vision of where he wants to take this city, doesn't have any new ideas.

Gifford Miller

There are people still in the Republican Party that I believe practice the communication of anger, of disappointment, of regret, of pain, of sorrow, of suffering. That's not what the American people want to hear.

Frank Luntz

This is a race in a heavily Democratic state that, for a Republican candidate, will require full-time devotion in order to win, ... I could not be a senator and a father during this campaign. I could only be a candidate.

Peter Fitzgerald

The Republican Party always benefits when it has a frank and open exchange of ideas.

Tom Bunnell

He has a long record of poking Republicans in the eye. He's so far out there. He campaigned for John Kerry. I rest my case.

Ray Mcnally

You've got a lot of nervous Republican members on the Hill, because you've got a number of things outside their control that are affecting them. The war in Iraq is something an average member of Congress can't do much about, but it's clearly driving a negative political environment.

Glen Bolger

If you ask most Americans who represents the (Republican) Party, they're going to say George Bush, not any of the leaders of Congress. Nevertheless, the congressional Republicans are already looking at the day when President Bush leaves office and they're still around. So they're looking for their own distinctive identity.

John Pitney

The two symbols of the Republican Party: an elephant, and a big fat white guy who is threatened by change.

Seth MacFarlane

The only way she could win would be to repeatedly attack her fellow Republicans. She doesn't want to win that way.

Mark Weaver

People ask me all the time, 'What are you, a Democrat or a Republican? A Catholic or a Muslim...' What am I? I am none of these. I belong to nothing but the human race. Why isn't that ever enough?

Kate Miller

Not to say Democrats don't hunt or fish, but this is really targeted at rural communities that tend to vote Republican.

Rep. Susan Bucher

The bottom line is that the Republicans' out-of-touch economic policies still harm many middle-class Americans worried about paying for their healthcare, their children's education and the higher cost of home heating.

Jennifer Crider

You're starting to see a revolt in Republican ranks. What is he going to say to members of his party about what he's doing about the deficit?

Kathleen Hall Jamieson

If you're having a Republican state convention, you want everybody there. This isn't that kind of meeting.

Laurence White

It's become no surprise to anyone who remembers the 2000 election that Katherine Harris is part of the Republican culture of corruption and incompetence. However, she has proven to be a competitive candidate in difficult races before.

Mark Bubriski

Americans deserve better than Republican politicians with presidential ambitions who pander to racist organizations and their apologists.

Josh Earnest

I think the Kennedy thing was just the last straw. There's not even one Republican in the state to be qualified as chief of staff?

Mike Spence

The easiest connections for Republicans to make in the fall are how much money Democratic House members have taken from Speaker Black and how vociferously House members have defended Speaker Black.

Joe Sinsheimer

It is unfortunate the Republicans are looking to play politics with the safety of the first lady.

Jim Kennedy

The Republicans have a new healthcare proposal: Just say NO to illness!

Mark Russell

I think District 95 deserves to have a choice just like everybody else does. … This Hatfield-McCoy, Democrat-Republican partisan politics, it ain't working for us. We've got to learn to get along and work together and get things done.

Robbyn Tumey

I suspect that Leahy and the Democrats' position is strategic: to defuse Republican charges that this is strict partisanship - that interest groups are controlling the show.

Sheldon Goldman

The reality is that the knee-jerk reaction by the governor's opponents to take him down is to call (Schwarzenegger) a Bush Republican.

Bill Whalen

I've been a Republican since Reagan. I voted for Bush and his father. I don't tell a lot of people, because I live in a city where somebody who voted for Bush is really an outcast.

Dennis Hopper

The fundraising advantage that Democrats hold over Republicans is a reflection of the superior advantage we maintain on politics and policies. There are no good reasons to invest in New Jersey Republicans.

Richard Mcgrath

The House Republican managers are seeking to expand and extend this proceeding for one reason: they do not have a case based on the facts, on the law, on the Constitution or on the voluminous record for overturning the election and removing the president of the United States.

Gregory Craig

I have no clue what Scott Walker is talking about other than he's reading too much of (Democratic National Chairman) Howard Dean's rants against the Republicans and the president.

Mark Graul

We've called for a citizens' boycott. That means we're being responsible, we're republicans.

Ali Keita

I also believe the Republican Party needs to learn to govern and develop positive public policy, rather than trying to destroy others.

Carter Casteel

Democrats or Republicans ? it doesn't matter ? the fact is it needs to be fixed. If they expect to come home and run for re-election with this mess sitting out there and honestly think the public is going to stand for it, I'd say they were missing their guess.

Lee Graczyk

Instead of granting the most basic of protections to thousands of California families, Gov. Schwarzenegger has chosen to protect the anti-gay special interests that control the Republican Party.

John Marble

No one believed that things that have been done on the national level could be done on the local level, but we have done it. No one else, in the Republican or Democratic campaigns, can catch us now.

Kahlil Byrd

A lot of people out here are Republican. They contribute significantly to the Republican Party. Since Mitch Daniels and the Republican Party are going to be out here today, it's a good way to communicate our message.

Michael Fisher

The fact that Bush is maintaining 80 to 84 percent approval of Republicans even in these very difficult times I think is a terrific story.

Bill Mcinturff

The Republicans behind this recall say they want you to oust me for past mistakes. My friends, they don't give a rip about past mistakes. This is all about control in the future.

Gray Davis

What jumps out at you here is the difference in drop-off for Democrats and Republicans.

Hunter Bacot

As a Republican, I voted with President Clinton consistently in our efforts to bail out our European friends in Kosovo to stop genocide. I am proud of those votes. I am proud of President Clinton for that.

Gordon Smith

I just want to make sure that they feel comfortable that I am ready to take these folks on, that I am ready to be on their side, that I can do this. And that means listening to them and reassuring them that I'm not going to be afraid to say no to anybody in my party, anybody in the Republican Party or any lobbyist.

Claire Mccaskill

Packing the Ethics Committee with DeLay loyalists further immunizes the Republican congressional leadership not just from the Democrats but also from democracy.

Chris Bell

I still think there are some reasonable Republicans left.

Michael Gronstal

For the Republicans to say it's not about ideology is going to sound hollow.

Michael Gerhardt

We're not going to support cuts to domestic programs, and I expect more than a few Republicans will join us on that.

Jim Manley

That's why he's so stubborn - he is an ideologue, and he's not trying to cut deals or do things that are popular with other Republicans.

Athan Manuel

I don't know how anyone could vote Republican. It's so obvious that their only interest is keeping the rich rich.

Vivian Campbell

The fact is he is worried. Republicans in the house are worried that this could be a huge flameout for Tom DeLay.

Norm Ornstein

Republicans are against abortion until their daughters need one, Democrats are for abortion until their daughter wants one.

Grace Mcgarvie

Running against Ed Rendell is not entry-level politics. The Republican nominee must withstand tough questions, be ready with real answers and be ready with real solutions.

Bill Scranton

I am a Republican. I'm loyal to the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. And I believe that my party, in some ways, has strayed from those principles, particularly on the issue of fiscal discipline.

John Mccain

I think one of the great problems we have in the Republican Party is that we don't encourage you to be nasty. We encourage you to be neat, obedient, loyal and faithful and all those Boy Scout words, which would be great around a campfire but a lousy.

Newt Gingrich

The majority of Republicans on [Capitol] Hill want him out. They feel he's undercut them [and] made comments that have been very undiplomatic.

Charles Valliere

I know the mayor feels a loyalty to those Republicans that have supported his candidacy and support him now, as well he should. Like, say, Rudy Giuliani. And I understand that, ... But I would hope that people would understand the depth of my feeling about Democrats that have supported me.

David N. Dinkins

Many Republicans voted for budget restrictions in the interest of fiscal responsibility. This is being politicized.

Kevin Callahan

That is a very Republican district.

Bob Stern

You've got a Republican White House; you've got Republicans in control of Congress. It should be smooth sailing.

Chris Black

It's the first chapter in a book and the Republicans won't tell us the rest of it.

Sander Levin

For too long, our movement has been a predominantly -- frankly, almost exclusively -- white, evangelical, Republican movement, with a political center of gravity centered in the safety of the suburbs.

Ralph Reed

I have no reason not to ensure that the truth is told and I am tired of the way in which the Republicans have smeared my family and myself for no reason other than to perpetuate their lies to the American people.

Joe Wilson

I go home and my favorite news channel is Fox News. I think it was the values and morals that I have that led me to become a Republican.

Tim Nichols

With the state divided 40 percent Democrat, 40 percent Republican and 20 percent in the middle, yes, we do have to get our base out. We can do that but each and every one of us has to reach out to our neighbors and friends.

Alex Sink

Social Security has never failed to pay promised benefits, and Democrats will fight to make sure that Republicans do not turn a guaranteed benefit into a guaranteed gamble.

Nancy Pelosi

That's the problem with the Campus Republicans. They want to win elections. We want to educate [the student body]. The Republican Party wants to stay autonomous, so they don't like conservative groups like ours coming in.

Matt Williams

In many ways, the Christian conservative element of the Republican Party is sufficiently large that they have an effective veto over the eventual nominee. They may not get their first choice, but candidates they're opposed to are not going to get through the system.

Stephen Farnsworth

The two previous Republican contesters got the same percentage of votes. I thought that I might do at least 20 percent or better. But it seems that there is a consistent base that is content with Sam Johnson.

Bob Johnson

Robey should be commended for applying new communications technology between the government and residents. The Republicans seem to be opposed to open government.

Tony Mcguffin

It's an amazing, very rare admission. Republican pollsters have argued for the last couple of decades that the generic congressional polls always overstate the Democrats' participation.

Wes Anderson

With the president, Republicans are of two minds. With national security, there is a level of content. But with economics, there is a general level of discontent.

Chip Hanlon

He's already shown that he can appeal to Republicans. They'll try to paint him as a liberal, tax-and-spend guy, but they are going to find out the old labels just won't fly anymore.

Dave Lane

It will help to define him as just another Republican, and that's not good for him in this state.

Gary Jacobson

These poll numbers are about as bad as it can get for the Republicans. That shows that Sen. Reid has been extremely effective in communicating a message of what's wrong with the Republican leadership we have today.

Kirsten Searer

We're borrowing a page from the Republicans.

Jack Sandler

Republican members are hearing from their constituents that any message on immigration has got to take into account concerns about the border.

Cesar Conda

I don't think there is an anti-war movement, ... What Republicans have to be concerned about is if this frustration turns out to be the fulcrum for votes. That could spell some punishment for Republicans.

Tony Fabrizio

[Democrats contended that Republicans cannot be trusted to run an impartial investigation.] After the flood comes the whitewash, ... The job of this Congress is not to run interference for the Bush administration.

James Mcgovern

The big divide in this country is not between Democrats and Republicans, or women and men, but between talkers and doers.

Thomas Sowell

[The Log Cabin Republicans'] rhetoric is disingenuous.

Cathie Adams

Even Republicans are getting edgy about this, aren't they?

Gordon Peterson

We are crossing party lines here. Lovelace appeals to both Republicans and Democrats.

Daniel Walker

Congressman Blunt remains confident he has the support of his colleagues needed to win this race. He looks forward to wrapping up this campaign and getting to the important work on behalf of the American people that House Republicans do so well.

Jessica Boulanger

Frank Raines stood on the sidelines, leaving Eleanor Holmes Norton all by herself to fend against these big, bad, conservative Republicans.

Marion Barry

Iowans tend to like mavericks. Grassley is pretty much a down-the-line Republican, but with a maverick streak.

Dennis Goldford

There may be some phony or newly minted Republican candidates running on this, but the Republican voters have seen these tricks before and will likely not fall for them.

Ray Sullivan

Republicans in San Francisco tend to be socially pretty liberal. They're all for gay rights but they're fiscally conservative and Willie Brown can deliver on that.

Phil Matier

Different Republicans look at this from different points of view on these two. A lot of Republicans look at Petro and see him as a better manager. But Blackwell has the hard-core conservatives and they are the ones who turn out in primaries. It's a tough choice.

John Becker

The overall problem the Republican Party has is it is increasingly looking like Tammany Hall, ... An odor of sleaziness is enveloping the Republicans and seeping into the administration.

Marshall Wittman

I think he needs to do it for two good reasons. It will invigorate the Republican base, which he sorely needs to do if he has any chance to win the special election. And it sends a positive message to the donor community that he's not going to cut and run.

Bill Whalen

I'm tired of the Republican Party not electing women.

Norma Anderson

If the Republican Party does not learn to understand unmarried women as the political force and potent block that they have become, we risk becoming the minority party over the next couple of cycles.

Kellyanne Conway

The Republicans believe Byrd is vulnerable, but they need a candidate to beat him.

Nathan Gonzales

For Republicans to say that Tom is taking a bullet here makes no political sense.

Rep. Charlie Gonzalez

The health care contribution is going to be absolutely disastrous in the future. Instead of holding our ground, we're acquiescing to the anti-labor ideology of Bloomberg, Pataki and the Republican agenda.

George Perlstein

What Democratic congressmen do to their women staffers, Republican congressmen do to the country.

Bill Maher

Republicans can point to the past, but they can't justify the present. It is a simple fact -- lobbying is booming under Bush. Since George Bush came to town, the number of lobbyists has doubled in Washington.

Rebecca Kirszner

Mayor Bloomberg has been a great supporter of the Republican Party and, more than that, he's been a great leader for New York City.

Ryan Moses

If Republicans have control of the governorship, if they have control of both the House and the Senate, they will be able to redraw every single legislative district line after the 2000 census. Obviously they'll be able to draw them to their liking.

Paul Bradley

Their painstaking progress on winning Latino voters is in jeopardy because the face of the (Republican) party on this issue is Tom Tancredo. They are caught between their base and their desire to do something reasonable.

Frank Sharry

The Republicans and the president seem to have come together on a number of issues to arrive at a consensus. The deepening division is now between the Democratic President Bill Clinton and the Democratic leader in the House, Dick Gephardt, and a lot of this is positioning for the year 2000.

Stuart Rothenberg

This disastrous development for Taft and the Ohio Republicans opens a great opportunity for the Democrats next year to argue for a complete housecleaning in Columbus.

Alec Lamis

We've got a close eye on Washington state. It seems to me that people there are rejecting the Republican agenda.

Bill Burton

It is not a typical Republican cause, but it could be very popular with seniors and independents.

Tom Edmonds

I am the real conservative Republican in the race.

Joseph Dioguardi

The governor is a prodigious fund-raiser, and he will continue to raise the funds he needs to support the candidates and advance the ideas that are important to the future of the Republican Party.

David Catalfamo

Don't underestimate the power of the values voters, especially in a Republican primary.

Phil Burress

As a strategist, he's as good as they come. I think of guys like him and Mike McKeon as the A-team when it comes to Republican politics in New York.

Howard Wolfson

The collapse of this deal reflects a complete lack of confidence in the governor's leadership abilities, among both Democrats and Republicans.

Nick Velasquez

The Democratic Party in Howard County faces a challenge because, locally, the Republicans are a force.

James Gimpel

The Republican Party in Montana deserves a candidate who's able to make decisions and will stick with them and a candidate who's going to be honest with everyone.

Bob Kelleher

[Hurricane Katrina may be a defining moment, other speakers said, and not necessarily a positive one for the Republicans.] The controlling philosophy in Washington now is to dismiss community and place all the responsibility on the individual, ... It's better if we have both.

Tom Vilsack

He may be the great hope for the Republican party for the foreseeable future. Obviously the biggest benefit he has is name recognition.

Joseph Marbach

Clearly Republicans have an advantage on military issues, and I can point to the voting record of every Democratic leader in the House and Senate to prove that, but if Ms. Harman wants to raise money to promote that horrible voting record then all the more power to her.

Carl Forti

By virtually any measure, the record of the Republican Majority is an appalling failure.

Sheila Jackson Lee

Politics is still local, and I think Sen. Reid in a Republican state would probably cause as many problems as he would solve.

John Ensign

I won't help the Republicans.

Cynthia Mckinney

Republicans are hoping no one will notice their rapid retreat from the issue of Social Security.

Jason Furman

The fact that Dubai is paying her husband to help pass the deal presents both a financial and ethical conflict of interest for Sen. Dole. Congress does have a role in such a consequential deal, but once again, the coziness of lobbyists with Republicans in Washington is both troubling and inappropriate.

Jerry Meek

It's a funny thing. (W)hen the Democrats are in the majority, the Democrats run Congress. When the Republicans are in the majority, the Democrats still run Congress. How does that work?

John Hinderaker

Hispanics who otherwise would have supported a Republican presidential nominee in 2008 are going to want to vote for someone who they believe will keep their word.

Carlos Ortiz

The Illinois 17th congressional district is a swing district that is trending Republican.

Jonathan Collegio

If Republicans are happier, it's because they're generally wealthier and less concerned about society.

Bill Maer

Ever since the Republicans in Montana have been relegated to the minority, they clearly have a lot more time on their hands. We're busy working and governing.

Matt Mckenna

Even Republicans will tell you he was their favorite because they knew where he stood. His word was good, and he was smart enough that he could negotiate with you and cut a deal.

Sen. Margarita Prentice

Republican comes in the dictionary just after reptile and just above repugnant.

Julia Roberts

Republicans have a problem that is going to be difficult to deal with. What has to happen eventually is, one, one of the two sides is going to lose interest in the battle, or two, they're going to mutually decide, as Democrats have nationally, to agree to disagree on issues that they know they will never agree on, and focus on the things that they can agree on.

Quentin Kidd

We have Republican chairmen writing the details of these bills. And I feel very confident and comfortable that we're going to get a great deal.

Bill Paxon

There is no statewide tax revolt. Just cutting taxes ain't going to cut it. If you are in a competitive district, you better be for bringing more money to your local schools whether you are a Democrat or Republican.

Jeff Crosby

We are just pleased that the Republican leadership feels that Martha has the best chance of success in November.

Bill Noyes

Not one Republican president has balanced the budget in 34 years. You can not trust republicans with your money.

Howard Dean

I really think on this one we're bumping up against some Republican ideology. I'm only somewhat optimistic, reserved in my optimism, that we can reach an agreement.

Sen. Donald Defronzo

[His speech amounts to a painful poke in the eye for Democrats, according to Greenfield.] Oh, it's a real poke, ... It's a way of embodying the idea that Republicans have done better than the Democrats, because even prominent members of their own party are supporting the other side.

Jeff Greenfield

This would certainly be a symbolic act if he (Bush) is the first Republican to make the appointment ... I believe he is right enough.

John Vile

It's not a shock to us that the national Republicans would back a Republican in the Democratic primary.

Adrienne Elrod

What you see is major Democratic elected officials in the state of California supporting this Republican governor.

Diane Feinstein

My fear is that the Republican reaction to this is negative, ... It's clear to me that the Republican leadership simply is responding to special interests and not to the interests of ordinary Americans.

Richard Gephardt

We think it's critical for his future, because if you're a Democratic president of a Republican Congress, you'll just have four years of battle.

Robert Menendez

I think that Gavin Anderson was a quality opponent and a good Republican. I am pleased to be representing the Republican party, and I hope to win in November.

John Izzo

Republicans let this happen over and over, and there is never anyone to stick up for them. They spend too much time defending themselves.

Johnny Ramone

That is a completely false premise, for as 'polarizing' as Katherine may be with Democrats, she is equally energizing with Republicans around Florida. Moderates at the end of the day will see that what Katherine Harris did in 2000 is exactly what the law called for.

Jim Dornan

The Republican budget proposal announced today would cut Wisconsin schools by at least $400 million - the largest cut to education in decades.

Democratic Govjim Doyle

[The Republican victory last week probably did not alter the outlook much for either side.] The giants in the industry are matched up against the giants in the telecom community, ... It's a fair fight.

Adam Thierer

History will now say on this impeachment, as they said on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, that it was the radical Republicans. ... And that is going to be the judgment of history.

Ted Kennedy

The Republican Party is committed to the basic principle that everyone deserves a chance to achieve the American Dream.

Alphonso Jackson

This visit, a pre-primary endorsement before the voters and my neighbors have had the opportunity to listen and learn about both Republican candidates, has raised legitimate concerns for many.

Rep. Terri Mccormick

I'm not of the opinion that Lincoln Chafee is the only Republican that can win that seat.

Pat Toomey

If we Republicans who are now in charge of both houses of Congress and the presidency are unable to make tough decisions and provide leadership, then we're going to be telling the American people we're no different [than the Democrats].

Dana Rohrabacher

We have successfully vilified trial lawyers and made them the poster boys of everything that's wrong with the Democratic Party. So this is a curious dynamic in Republican politics.

Todd Smith

That said, it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for a Republican in the future.

Joe Wilson

It made me feel proud to be an American. (The Republican Party) can bring some ethical reforms that are needed, and I think it's just a breath of fresh air.

Pat Allen

I think Democrats often hold the unconstrained vision, and Republicans focus more on the Rule of Law.

John Fund

All these [results] suggest unstable days ahead in the Republican caucus.

Bill Mcinturff

I don't think this is anything against Congressman Kolbe. They, (the gay Republicans -- including members of the Log Cabin group), are trumpeting an agenda that they want the certain rights.

Chuck Anderson

The Republican Party believes that people shouldn't leave their moral and spiritual beliefs at the door of the polling place. We're just appealing to one of our constituencies, just as the Democrat Party does. ... The Democrats may feel it's more profitable to go and do voter registration drives at a homosexual convention. We feel more comfortable going to churches.

Bill Peaslee

Fisher was a Republican of convenience. If it were up to most Republicans, everybody in the County Executive's office would change enrollment and become a Democrat.

Kevin Hardwick

It's very unfortunate, because it really is the civil rights issue of this decade, ... We know if you're not counted, you're not represented, and apparently some members of the Republican leadership don't want to count poor blacks and latinos.

Carolyn Maloney

Dressing is a matter of taste, and I've met very few Republicans with good taste."

Willie Brown

They're trying to woo black votes to the Republican Party, ... It's turning African-Americans off. Now everybody sees the arrogance and the hypocrisy of this administration. This is nothing personal. It's his policies -- in direct opposition to what Dr. King lived and died for.

Tim Mcdonald

The bigger problem becomes at what point do Republicans say he's actually going to be a liability.

Amy Walter

Among Republicans, there is universal outrage that Gore and the Democrats won't accept the results of the election and are manipulating the system for their partisan reasons, ... which should make a lot of people concerned that they are so obsessed with having power they will do anything to achieve it.

Craig Shirley

Overall we have not seen that many seats that changed hands one way or the other, and Republicans did surprisingly well in the East, enough to offset any late Democratic advantage in the West.

Stuart Rothenberg

The bottom line is, Katherine Harris's support is so low that she is down to just about the bottom of what you'd expect a Republican to get in Florida.

Clay F. Richards

I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends... that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.

Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

How can you be against the national anthem? We are all Americans whether we are Republican, Democrat, independent, black, white, whatever. We are all Americans.

David Circle

Earle's actions are aimed at undermining Republican congressional leadership, the party's legislative agenda and our chances in the 2006 federal and state elections.

Ray Sullivan

I'm disappointed in the fact that the Republican caucus often sides with big business, such as the railroads, and directs their folks to fall in line when the people back home, the constituents they represent, tell them that we want our air cleaned up.

Roy Wilson

I think we can raise the level of discussion by asking tough questions. The Republican members of the board I find to be rather congenial, so I don't think they're going to be combative just because Dan or I have suggested an idea.

Dennis Pilla

His term coincided with a huge Republican realignment, and he reaped the benefit of it. The time was right for Rehnquist. The politics came into alignment with him.

Barry Friedman

I think there is one issue that really plays big in the Republican Party right now, and that's morality in government.

David Yepsen

I think any politician from the Northeast is going to have a difficult selling job to the rest of the Republican Party. It's the social issues, but it's also a broader cultural difference.

James Campbell

When you think about it, it makes sense because McCain is the candidate most likely to beat Hillary. That's a uniting emotion with all Republicans.

Richard Quinn

Many Republicans in Congress - and perhaps a majority - not only do not care about losing the General Assembly vote but actually see it as a "make my day" outcome. Indeed, once the vote is lost, and the adverse consequences predicted by the U.N.'s supporters begin to occur, this will simply provide further evidence to many why nothing more should be paid to the U.N. system.

John Bolton

I think he has pretty much fallen in line with the Republicans down there, and I think that's bad for the district.

Michael Bassett

If you were a president, you couldn't have asked for more than he's [historically] gotten from these [Republican leadership] guys.

Joel Aberbach

Republicans have not been doing their share of registering voters. The Democrats should be congratulated.

Jim Stuart

We believe he is out of step with his district. Hopefully there will be good alternative Republican candidates.

Rick Mcallister

Those types of voters who do get hunting licenses are more likely to vote Republican. I'd say the odds are probably well over 60 percent.

Jim Kane

These numbers are not important to us because Republican voters focus on principle, not public polls which will continue bouncing around.

Alberto Martinez

Americans are quite skeptical about the goal of promoting democracy. People feel it's a desirable goal, but, from a commonsense point of view, both Republicans and Democrats have come to the conclusion that democracy is something that countries can only come to on their own.

Daniel Yankelovich

We contacted the Republican National Committee yesterday and indicated to them that we won't be submitting a proposal.

Jennifer Hallowell

If you examine the core areas you'll find great commonality between the president's commission proposal, the Democrat plan and the Republican plan.

Bill Thomas

It's an entirely predictable example of the law of unintended consequences. The Republican party made a decision to use illegal immigration as the wedge issue of 2006, and the Mexican community was profoundly offended.

Joshua Hoyt

The Democrats and Republicans are not putting up any decent candidates, We need a breath of fresh air in Austin, not just someone who will march in lockstep with the national parties.

Herman Morris

We think this is going to be an easy sell, particularly now that party nomination for Republicans is closed and we have a sharp distinction between Bob Dole and Bill Clinton.

Susan Molinari

I've always been a true Republican ever since the day I registered to vote.

Cathy Beer

My Republican friends are laughing at us because of the indecision we're going through, ... Inside Politics.

Thomas Menino