The congressman is appreciative of their friendship. This doesn't change anything for our strategy. We've still got to work hard to earn the Republican nomination.

John Marshall (aide)

There are few things more amusing in the world of politics than watching moderate Republicans charging to the right in pursuit of greater glory.

Mario Cuomo

This is the ultimate mommy party issue, if you believe that Democrats are the mommy party and Republicans are the daddy party.

Chuck Todd

Pete Wilson set back the Republican Party in California.

Daniel Griswold

The Republican Party's ideas of cutting taxes and reducing the size of government ... are what are going to make New York state prosper.

Ryan Moses

He's going at the throat of unions, which is the heart of the Democratic Party. If they can reduce the role of unions, that would be a dream come true for Republicans.

Craig Williams

It's vitally important to the Republican Party as a whole, so I think that's why you see the president coming to Ohio to support Mike DeWine.

John Mcclelland

I think there is more political attention on [this issue] now than there was a few weeks ago. Our hope is that Republicans hold the line.

Jonathan Gold

Marilyn is pro-choice, in favor of stem-cell research, wants to protect our beaches and oceans, and supports importing low-cost prescription drugs from Canada. As Democrats, we can have a Republican we can agree with on some issues or a Republican we will never agree with.

Jerry Patterson

Democrats - most Democrats, anyway - have that attitude towards human sexuality and morality in general, that if you're not harming someone else, you should pretty much be able to manage your own private affairs. The Republicans are eager to interfere in other people's private business.

Joe Conason

I've been standing, tippy- toe, waiting to be kissed (by the Republican Party), and no one has come forward.

Lane Kirkland

Of course, we expect all the Washington Republicans, including the president, to come campaign for Mr. Hutchinson, but we're proud of all the support we have from Arkansas.

Zac Wright

This year, Republicans in Congress cut first-responder homeland security programs by $604 million, and an additional cut of $1.1 billion was requested by the president for fiscal year 2006.

Bennie Thompson

You had job creation last month across the board, so all of this suggests the labor market is deepening and broadening and I think that spells good news for the Republican Party going into the 2006 election.

Cesar Conda

Who can complain about somebody that gets elected, when nobody went and voted for him? If you don't like the Democrats, pick you a Republican. Pick somebody. Get off the couch and go vote.

Jimmy Adams

He's running as a Republican, but he manifests a populist flair.

Jess Brown

If this had happened when the voters were in a better mood or the political environment was not as bad for Republicans, then the likelihood of this story being able to gain that much momentum would be smaller.

Amy Walter

These numbers are the result of the fiscal responsibility of the Republican Congress, and it would be a mistake to throw that responsibility overboard by an aggressive new spending plan.

John Feehery

The Republicans are more consistently concerned about the land use planning system and encroachment on property rights. The Democrats very much defend the status quo. This will be an issue I will carry to the November election.

Kevin Mannix

He loved politicians - even Republicans.

Margaret Truman

The House Republican members are not legislators, they're full-time investigators. I guarantee if Bush wins we will not be hearing about this.

Laura Nichols

I think he said a lot of the right things. [Republicans are] putting money behind this outreach and he ran down a number of things that the administration should be doing that would be attractive to African-Americans.

Ron Walters

He sees the Republican Party drifting far, far, far to the right on social issues and a lot of other things-- and he's not happy with it.

Lowell Feld

My great fear politically is the Republicans will push him out of office. Keeping him in office is better for the Democrats than allowing him to leave under the cover of darkness.

Chris Redfern

The Republican base can be as intense as it wants, but if you are going to lose independents nationally by 15 [percentage] points, it doesn't matter.

Tony Fabrizio

It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat, who I am or what I am, ... It's just that I'm the guy that's been doing it these many years and they've never done it before.

Charlie Brotman

Creating false distinctions between human rights and property rights plays into the hands of Democrat and Republican Party socialists who seek to control our lives. If we buy into the notion that somehow property rights are less important, or are in conflict with, human or civil rights, we give the socialists a freer hand to attack our property.

Walter Williams

I suppose we could have lied about our debt like the Republicans did. Instead, we were honest and reported it immediately.

Lachlan Mcintosh

He wants the country to succeed and he wants this Republican majority to govern. And it's his sense that trying to put this behind us, and moving ahead with the business of the American people should be a top priority.

David Dreier

Everybody is using the 'V word' now. Basically, it's become a way of saying our values are All-American, and you don't have any ... It will certainly appear at the [Republican] convention because Bush is not going to let go of the values issue.

Geoffrey Nunberg

After the Republicans took control of Congress in '94 and Newt Gingrich and company came to town, the money moved from being roughly equal between Democrats and Republicans to very heavily Republican.

Larry Makinson

He was the Republican fighting the war and trying to change the state. If Karl Rove said this is the person I'm working for, that was that.

Ralph Wayne

But for the wrongs he did in the past, the people don't want to give him even the status of constitutional monarch. So, they are calling for a republican setup.

Krishna Khanal

On the other hand, McCain as a moderate Republican and an independent politician and an advocate of campaign finance and ethics reform can help Forrester boost his claims to be the candidate of change in this year's election.

David Rebovich

It's open season on eminent domain. Bills are being pushed by Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and they're passing by huge margins.

Larry Morandi

Republicans seem to avoid (the issue) like the plague.

Andrew Petty

It's $3-a-gallon gas that is getting the attention of their constituents and that helps focus the minds in Congress. More Republicans are finally starting to get it — that oil dependency is not good for this country.

Jim Dipeso

If the Democrats take over the state Senate, the Republican Party in this state would no longer be just comatose - it would be dead.

Doug Muzzio

We don't have a national leader -- Reagan was the last one. I think if Republicans keep talking about finding another Reagan they make a mistake, because you might not find one for a hundred years.

Michael Deaver

Republicans can?t duck from Rep. DeLay?s legacy of corruption.

Toby Chaudhuri

There's no question that certain Republicans are looking for alternatives to Katharine Harris. But, just like with Harris, there are question marks around a Scarborough campaign.

Nathan Gonzales

The hopeful sign is that on all kinds of fronts where Republicans hoped to be united and victorious, they're now defensive and disunited.

Roger Hickey

I think the candidate that comes out of the Republican convention is going to be one of the strongest that Earl Pomeroy has had to run against.

Matt Mechtel

For national Republicans, this 2006 race is really about the presidency, but I don't think that's the case for the people of New York. Clinton is so popular that Pirro can't say, 'She hasn't done a great job for New York.' The only thing you can say is, 'She can't continue doing a great job forever.' Talking about 2008 will help with fund-raising, but it's a pretty weak political argument.

Celinda Lake

This governor got a free pass from the conservatives for two years because of the recall and just the euphoria of the idea that we've got a Republican in instead of a Democrat. But that party is over.

Mike Schroeder

A republican stands up in congress and says 'I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA!!' and the democrat stands up after him and says 'AND I CAN MAKE IT SHITTIER!!'

Lewis Black

I think this goes far broader than public broadcasting. I think across the board there is an effort by Republican ideologues to force institutions across society to bend to their will. You see it in [House Majority Leader] Tom DeLay's raising hell with the courts and demanding they pursue his brand of justice. . . . You see it in this action here.

David Obey

It's the Republicans who are leading us in that direction by dragging their feet on the budget this year, ... By dragging their feet and bringing up the appropriations bills so late, we may well have a government shutdown. It's not our doing.

Martin Frost

It's Roberts's nomination to lose. He needs to please the Republican conservative base and more-centrist Democrats, ... If he comes across as an ideologue - as anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights - he will lose. If he stonewalls, he's finished. But it's inconceivable ... that he will open himself up like that.

Sheldon Goldman

I feel completely betrayed, not just by Cunningham but by the policies of the Bush administration. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Republicans are so disgusted they just stay home.

John Towers

The Republicans have created a mess in Iraq. We are not going to clean up that mess overnight. We have some responsibility to those people.

Mark Hunt

It's not just the way the Bush administration responded to Katrina, but events afterwards. There's too much history.... The center of gravity of the Republican Party is white Southerners, the group African-Americans trust the least.

David Bositis

Are you going to see Republicans in difficult races having [Bush] come for rallies? No. You will see him do rallies for people who are not in trouble, or whom he can't harm.

Charles Cook

I was going to get out of politics, and then they made me chairman of the Republican Party. It's been 11 years now.

Herman Puryea

This is going to test whether moderate Republicans are really moderate. There are a ton of people who will have a day of reckoning coming.

Rahm Emanuel

The last of the Eisenhower Republicans.

Anatol Lieven

If Chris can find a message and draw a sharp contrast, he can pull off a win. He needs to build a coalition of Democrats, independents and moderate Republicans who are fed up with the failed leadership, but it can be done.

Kelly Fero

I think the timing is just atrocious on the part of the Republicans on this issue, ... We need not have this on the floor while the peace process is in a very critical stage.

David Bonior

All the state laws requiring petitions are meant to protect the Republican and Democratic parties.

Russell Verney

He'll need earmuffs in hell if he gets through the primary. There are some moderate Republicans over the mountains outside the Central Valley, but when they take a look at his record, I'd be surprised if they support him.

Ray Mcnally

I haven't seen anything like this before. It's an odd way to run for the Republican nomination, based on Republican bashing.

Katy Atkinson

Led by a prosecutor with GOP ties, Republicans are doing their best to smear Governor Doyle, a man of utmost integrity and honesty who does not tolerate any ethical lapses in his administration.

Joe Wineke

The Republicans aren't nominating any women this weekend. We not only nominated two women candidates, we also have a bright young fresh face in Kristin Hedger.

Jim Fuglie

This state started hemorrhaging jobs under (previous Republican governor) John Engler, and the governor has been able to slow the hemorrhaging of jobs.

Liz Boyd

Randy Daniels believes primaries are good for the Republican Party and for democracy.

Robert Ryan

His legislative achievement, particularly in getting legislation with a distinctively Republican stamp on it, is almost without parallel.

Ross Baker

This has all the earmarks of corruption, especially with the double-dipping by his highest aides. I can't recall any other governor ever allowing that. Governors always make employees go off the government payroll when they start doing political work. But not Arnold. If a Democrat were doing this stuff, the Republicans would be screaming their heads off.

Larry Berg

The security of the United States, which is so dependent on having accurate and timely intelligence, is not a Republican or a Democratic issue.

Saxby Chambliss

I don't think of him as a member of the social right. He's ... a more secular, business-oriented Chamber of Commerce kind of Republican.

Bruce Cain

There is a place for moderate Republicans. I think that there are a handful of liberal Republicans out there who really should be Democrats. Mike Holmes is that type of Republican.

Richard Robinson

We're disappointed in the outcome, but we're pleased to see a relatively strong Democratic performance in an otherwise staunchly Republican district.

Bob Tuke

The issues that are important to voters (in Illinois) are Democratic issues. If the Republicans want to win back the Governor's Mansion, they really have to put up a Jim Edgar-type candidate, a moderate.

Del Ali

This is an issue that should be raised often because it is a central preoccupation of very large numbers of Americans and because people now look at the Republican program, the Bush program, as being a disaster.

Mark Mellman

I like to say I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, I'm a Christ-o-crat.

Rod Parsley

Governor Taft has presided over a Republican culture of corruption in Columbus that includes pay-to-play schemes with lobbyists and workers' compensation funds being funneled to the president's re-election campaign.

Josh Earnest

I knew from the get-go that we had to win this. We just saw that this Republican effort to take both the majority and the minority of the legislature had to be stopped.

Jay Jacobs

One wishes that he would say the problem is not simply a budgetary one. The problem is a structural one. The Republicans can properly fault the Clinton administration for giving so little attention to the restructuring of the post-Cold War force.

Andrew Bacevich

There are a growing number of conservatives and Republicans who, while they support the president and support the war in Iraq, wonder how many of these nation-building wars we're going to engage in and what the parameters of that are.

Lamar Alexander

Six years ago, Republicans tried this line of attack and failed. Today each of the Republicans is using the same old negative attacks again.

Howard Wolfson

He registered Republican as a youngster. I think he'll support the Republican party.

Charles Feaga

They could go back. If (Republicans) do it, they'll do it under the rubric of continuing the economic recovery.

Fred Mcclure

We will indeed have a number of contested primaries. I don't think that's a bad thing for the Republicans, to have some spirited contests.

Randy Frederick

It is ironic. Here's a guy who made his reputation running against Republicans and, because of those campaigns, he's got name recognition among Republicans.

Maurice Carroll

As a result of our registration effort, we took this county from 48.2 percent Republican to a high of 52.55 percent Republican, the highest in the state, ... Currently no other county is over 50 percent Republican.

Ken Campbell

I'm not a social-issues conservative. For me the issue is the size and scope of government, and those who believe the size and scope should be larger are simply not Republicans.

Jon Caldara

I don't think that's enough for her to win. There are people that are irked about DeMint, there are people who wonder about DeMint, but I don't think he's done anything yet to completely alienate the large number of people that are predisposed to vote for him because he is a Republican.

Danielle Vinson

This area of the state has got to be a No. 1 priority if we're going to win in the future. Republicans rule this roost no more.

Jason Willett

Republicans are viewed as being less interventionist.

Andrew Chaveriat

Either do it with Republicans or don't waste your time. Republicans run the government. If you do not work with them, you will not be successful.

David Wilmot

We are attempting to break the logjam among Republican candidates for governor.

Jim Hartman

Republicans have to decide: Do we create an issue in 2000 or do we provide what people want: real patient protection.

Ron Pollack

There are too many Republicans in this race and the people of our state simply cannot risk a continuation of the Gray Davis legacy.

Bill Simon

You ought to tell the Republicans we're working, ... We understand everybody can't be here, but we're working ... I want to emphasize, we've got to relate that to the airline industry.

Sander Levin

And all this public assistance that will be streaming in is going to benefit the Democrats, and I resent it as a Republican.

Diane Winston

If you look at how Republicans voted, some who are traditionally for tax cuts voted in favor of keeping the tax, and some who are big supporters of federal funding of highways and roads voted for repealing the gas tax.

John Czwartacki

What have President Bush and Congressional Republicans proposed to do about these problems? The elimination of taxes on corporate dividends. Yes, that's their response.

Robert Matsui

If they prove successful, you'll certainly see more candidates doing it. But it's not something that anyone can do. A lot of it is time sensitive, depending on world events and national events, and you need an enemy, the way Republicans use Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.

Kent Cooper

It's looking like it's perhaps not going the way the Republicans around Frankfort would like.

Joe Gershtenson

If there is really any evidence of insider trading, then he's in very serious trouble, and so is his party. It adds another brick to Democrats' argument that Republicans are corrupt.

Gary Jacobson

[Veterans] do have more leeway to criticize Bush. It gives Republicans something to think about.

Tom King

That can hurt Republicans in very, very close races. If there is no enthusiasm, or if the backbone of the street organization feels disenfranchised or disillusioned, there is no reason for them to go out and do anything.

Tony Fabrizio

We need a platform to (present) Republican issues. With all Democratic control it will be all about (Gov.) Brian Schweitzer all the time. With Republican majorities, we can shift some of the focus back on us.

Chuck Denowh

Debating is something candidates are expected to do. If the debates are lively and cantankerous, it advances the cause of the public being able to make a choice for the Republican nominee.

Bob Loevy

Democracy seems to be, maybe, gaining a little bit of a foothold within Republican circles. You actually may have contested primaries on both the gubernatorial and Senate side for the first time that I can remember.

Howard Wolfson

Republicans are excited about the campaign ahead and know how serious and important this election is. We're gratified by the support we're receiving and look forward to a debate on the biggest issues facing this country -- fixing the economy and winning the war on terror.

Terry Holt

If the Democrats had any leadership or any message, they could be poised for a good year. But in the absence of that, they have not been able to capitalize on Republican woes. Because of the size of the GOP majority, Democrats have to run the board, and I don't see that happening.

Rich Bond

I think it is a great thing that both Democrats and Republicans are going to compete for our votes.

Melvin Watt

The teachings of the Church line up more with the Democratic Party than the Republican Party.

James Carville

Republicans have nothing but bad ideas and Democrats have no ideas.

Lewis Black

At each step, we did everything they told us to do, ... If Republicans are arguing that anyone who receives an FEC fine can be hit with an ethics charge, well, I'd have to check but I think there are 12 or 13 of their members have received FEC fines in the past Congress.

Jennifer Crider

These sensibilities are old, 19th century, republican ideals. That attitude has pretty much gone away. I've been reading muckraking books from the 1930s, when there was still this intense hatred and fear of monopolies - especially newspaper chains.

Thomas Frank

Republicans are spending at a rate not seen since Lyndon Johnson's presidency, ... They're legislating as if deficits don't matter.

Pete Sepp

She has the potential to siphon off some women who traditionally vote Republican.

Charles Bullock

They need all the money they can get if they are going to run close to the Republicans.

Aubrey Jewett

A district attorney can indict anyone for anything, and it's not surprising that this DA has once again misused his powers to trump up charges against a Republican.

John Doolittle

The shift on the part of the Republicans only heightens our fear the Democrats will cut a deal behind the backs of the immigrant communities. That is what we are most fearful of.

Nativo Lopez

We will continue to work with Republicans and Democrats in Congress to enact a tax cut plan consistent with the president's approach.

Claire Buchan

That's silly. Anybody who has ever been to a Republican convention knows things on the floor are highly charged. Things are said.

Allen Freeman

Senator Clinton's political attacks ignore the reality that Republican policies have generated more than 4.6 million jobs since May 2003, created a Department of Homeland Security, and invested record funding to protect cities throughout our country.

Danny Diaz

This district had been Republican until Dave Obey was elected. This is a conservative district.

Nick Reid

I wanted to do everything I could to see that we put a Republican president in the White House after the 2000 elections and give him a Republican Congress, and to add to our majorities in the state legislatures, ... And I am proud to say, sir, mission accomplished.

Jim Nicholson

It sometimes seems like every major Republican financial executive in New York has already been offered his job.

Brad Setser

Instead of focusing on the real challenges facing real Ohioans, House Republicans are instead catering to the right wing on divisive social issues.

Chris Redfern

The Republican governor and the Republican majority in the Legislature are unable to close that out. The fact they have failed to deal with public education, either education reforms or funding, has come home to roost.

Cal Jillson

It looks political to me. It runs counter to his whole past behavior. He's got to appeal to the [conservative] base of the party, because I don't think there is a Republican in the land who can get the nomination [voting] against the tax cuts.

Larry Hunter

President Bush was dealt a good hand that included 55 Republican senators.

Scott Moss

It will be very hard for anyone to pigeonhole Allen as belonging to any one faction of the Republican Party.

Frank Atkinson

Log Cabin Republicans believe that at a time when our country is at war, we ought to be bringing Republicans together, not dividing them, and certainly not excluding them from their own state convention.

Patrick Guerriero

Although DeLay remains legally innocent, his announcement will lead more people, perhaps including those within his own district, to believe that he is guilty. DeLay has clearly become a liability for the Republican Party.

John Vile

It's time for Republicans to join with Democrats to enact a jobs plan that keeps American jobs in America and ensures that America remains the world's foremost land of opportunity.

Nick Lampson

At the end of the day it's about having the resources to compete with whatever millionaire Republican they put forward, and Tom is better situated by far than any other candidate.

Corey Welford

In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office.

Ambrose Bierce

We wonder why we're electing Democrats and Republicans who seem to be more extreme than the average Democrat or Republican, and when they get to the statehouse, they don't seem to talk to one another.

Herb Asher

Republicans sleep in twin beds - some even in separate rooms. That is why there are more Democrats.

Will Stanton

It seems like whenever we go into an election, we are down in the polls. Republican activists are at their strongest when they are backed into a corner.

Jon Fleischman

People thought, because of his financial status, he'd be more independent than any run-of-the-mill Democrat or Republican. On first blush, it doesn't appear that he's any different than his predecessor.

Assemblyman Guy Gregg

It looks like the Republicans wanted to beat me more than the Democrats wanted to keep me.

Cynthia Mckinney

Clearly we see that when it comes to Bush, traditionally 'red' (Republican) states do not hold the strong support they once did.

Hunter Bacot

This clarity is going to be really helpful to Republican donors. Basically we can say, 'Come on in, the water's fine. Everybody into the pool. Let's go and really get our message out there.' .

David Keating

Minneapolis is more Republican than it used to be, but it's not fertile Republican territory just yet. I would imagine that the party will find somebody to run on the ballot. It could end up being a fun, spirited campaign.

Jonathan Collegio

The Republicans try to use fancy words and they use wedge issues that split the country apart.

Allison Dobson

We've been talking for months about the culture of corruption in Washington. When the Republican leadership is completely consumed with defending itself from ethics scandals, then the work of the people does not get done.

Sarah Feinberg

It will be a classic clash between the church factor of the Republican Party and the business factor of the Republican Party.

Jess Brown

The governor has always said that a healthy debate is a good thing for our party. He looks forward to going to the convention, speaking at the convention and meeting with all the grass-roots Republicans who have helped him since the recall.

Adam Mendelsohn

The split in the Alabama Republican Party has been so pronounced for so long. It looks like one more round in an unending battle.

Merle Black

Lieberman has high marks on Iraq but he is still very much a liberal and we are Republicans.

Chris Healy

Under the Bush administration and Republican Congress, the special interests and their lobbyists are writing our laws and reaping the benefits.

Patricia Madrid

It would be the height of irresponsibility on the part of the president, on the part of this Republican-led Congress, not to make sure that the Congressional Black Caucus has a seat at the table as a strong, genuine partner.

David Scott

His campaign for the White House has so far been very effective. He has raised his national visibility. He has created a buzz about himself in Republican circles. He's been invited to fund-raisers for other candidates.

Jeffrey Berry

This splits the Republican coalition. It's only because social conservatives view other issues as more important that they have been able to overlook this transgression.

Marshall Wittman

Republicans many times can't get the words 'equality of opportunity' out of their mouths. Their lips do not form that way.

Jack Kemp

They could not get Tom DeLay at the polls. They could not get Mr. DeLay on the House floor. Now they're trying to get him into the courtroom. This is not going to detract from the Republican agenda.

Kevin Madden

(Cobb) is Republican and it's significant.

Phil Gingrey

In an election year, when the president's popularity is waning, I can't see Republicans walking the plank for him.

Stan Collender

Stand up, delink paying the UN dues from family planning. Don't let this issue be hijacked by an extremist group in the Republican party, ... Late Edition.

Nita Lowey

This should give credence to her position that if you're going to elect a Republican statewide in Illinois, you need a moderate.

Kent Redfield

The church is the center of the black community, ... The church provides day care, education and housing to African-Americans. Republicans realize that the government cannot do it all, so they want to give more control back to the churches.

Adam Hunter

It's disturbing, ... This is the first time to the best of my knowledge through successive Republican and Democratic administrations, that the issue of scientific integrity has reared its head.

Neal Lane

Marion is a very important county. It is a very, very strong county for Republicans. . . . There are very (politically) active retirees here. Many of them were active in Republican politics in their home state and remain active here, so that helps Marion.

Bill Mccollum

With support from Gov. Pataki and a host of Republican leaders, we fully expect to have all the resources we need to defeat Hillary Clinton.

Brian Donahue

As a liberal Democrat, I hope that my fellow Democrats would hold themselves to a higher standard than the sort of Republicans who attacked Clinton as they did.

Waldo Jaquith

When you subtract the million dollars Charlie Crist raised from the biggest casino owner on the East Coast, he doesn't even break a million. Republican voters won't remember how much Charlie Crist raised, but they won't forget who he raised it from.

Alberto Martinez

Instead of addressing the real concerns ... the Republican majority in Congress buckled to White House pressure.

Lisa Graves

She was always a leader. I'm a Republican and if I was in that district I would vote for her.

Dianne Miller

I am humbled and honored to have the support of so many distinguished friends in the Legislature. We're going to work hard with the help of our friends to bring forth a united Republican Party to victory in 2006.

Bob Beauprez

I am pleased that the president seems to be fighting the urge to have the federal government control child care and has embraced the Republican ideal of tax relief.

Deborah Pryce

If he were just another Republican with a book, he wouldn't sell any. But a Democrat out whacking Democrats sells books.

Terry Mcauliffe

You can't beat somebody with nobody. And that's the best news the Republicans have got.

Tom Slade

As the Republican platforms says, the welfare of the farmer is vital to that of the whole country.

William Howard Taft

Most of the races without Republicans are strong Democratic seats that would be long shots anyway.

Chuck Denowh

This program will be an albatross around the necks of Republicans in 2006.

Luis Miranda

I don't think you can win with just this constituency, but no Republican can win without the support of that constituency.

Steve Scheffler

The Eureka Republican Women did a disservice by not at least inviting me to participate in this debate as a nonpartisan position.

Richard Marks

The Republican incumbent starts her re-election year with commanding leads over either of her likely Democratic challengers - and even leads among Democrats.

Douglas Schwartz

We feel confident that the Tampa Bay area and our community can produce a successful Republican convention.

Al Austin

We were hoping it would be a bigger priority for our [Republican] caucus than it turned out to be. It's a winning issue, we believe.

Tom Petri

We have ceded the small business arena far, far too much to the Republican Party. This is a tremendous missed opportunity for the Democrats. Small businesses are the ultimate little guy.

Celinda Lake

Oil companies can see the winds have shifted even with Republicans in control of Congress.

Fadel Gheit

The only successful formula for a New Jersey Republican is to run a moderate campaign like Kean and Whitman.

Joseph Marbach

I'm an old Democrat and Mike's a Republican, so we got into a lot of discussions.

Carl Reherman

Uncharacteristically, the president's ratings have slipped most among his core constituents -- Republicans and conservatives.

Andy Kohut

What is happening now is republicans are starting to work together.

Ignacio Velazquez

If we're going to pick somebody to defeat a Republican, we ought to pick somebody who's had success over the last four years in fighting and winning.

Gifford Miller

This is about Hillary Clinton and the presidency. It's an effort by the conservative wing of the Republican Party to keep the Clinton name in the press attached to negative publicity so that the negative ratings remain high.

Larry Hufford

We expected negative ads from Republicans in Washington, but they crossed the line this time. This is a desperate and pathetic attempt to affect the Democratic primary.

Jason Burke

It reaffirms that he's not a moderate. When push comes to shove, he's another conservative Republican.

Darry Sragow

Given the historic skepticism of blacks toward Republicans, coupled with the current wounds, there is no easy fix for the president. We're hearing a lot of general charges by blacks that `He's a racist,' implying that `racist' and `conservative' are the same thing.

Harry Jackson

Across the state, voters are fed up with the Republicans in Washington, D.C., and their culture of corruption and attacks on the middle class. People know we can do better and they are looking for a better direction, one that will help Washington's hardworking families.

Dwight Pelz

We have an election cycle coming up ahead, and there are many who fully expect Republicans to capture the House. It's not only incumbent upon the Democrats, but wise of the Democrats at this point to be more accommodating to Republicans. If the shoe is overturned during the next election cycle, they're going to be looking for fair treatment from our speaker.

David Bowles

Those young people in Afghanistan are not fighting for the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. They are fighting for the greatest country that has ever existed on earth. That is the United States of America.

Dick Gephardt

This is a governor who ran as a progressive Republican, a socially moderate Republican, and this is just about politics. He's playing with people's lives for political gain. Words alone don't mean a lot.

Thom Lynch

It's been a teeter-totter in the county the last decade - swinging back between the Republicans and Democrats depending on the circumstances of the moment.

Keith Haller

As far as incumbents go, she could be easier to knock off than a lot of others. We are kind of a swing state. We elect Democrats and Republicans and kick them out when they become incumbents.

Todd Donovan

I have voted with the Republicans most of the time. The country is at war. When the country is at war you need to support the president. Some of my fellow congressman have not been doing that.

Ralph Hall

Only a Republican prosecutor would indict a career civil servant for pursuing a better deal for taxpayers.

Joe Wineke

He grew up in a time when Republican was a bad word. You could truly say he voted Democratic to the grave.

Johnson Dorn

I am astounded. This is theoretically a fiscally conservative Republican Congress. I don't get it.

Danielle Brian

Eight thousand members of the Barzani tribe, aged 10 to 80, were arrested July 31st, 1983 by Republican Guard forces.

Massoud Barzani

The clear message that Republicans haven't gotten is that people actually expected us to take action on education reform and finance. Voters are frustrated, and rightly so.

Royal Masset

We don't have a Republican candidate. We had individuals infiltrating our Republican party.

Barb Marinucci