This is the time when good candidates decide whether they are going to run, ... And the atmospherics are not good for the party right now.

We can still stabilize the situation and make it right, but there's no question that this is a rough patch.

If they are not worried about next November, they are whistling past the graveyard.

These are the worst (poll) numbers I've seen for any party since I was looking at the Democratic numbers in 1994.

If this doesn't get any better, if people don't see a dime's bit of difference between corrupt Republicans and the same tired old Democrats, ... there could be a third party movement coming on.

And when you add to that gas prices and home-heating prices that are going through the ceiling this winter, it shouldn't give much comfort to the Republicans.

It's not a pretty picture out there.

They do love the president, but they have seen a Congress that doesn't seem to function well and they wonder what the heck is going on.