I would rather see the United States respected than loved by other nations.

Henry Cabot Lodge

We want to expand the bases of support for a free trade agreement with the United States, and therefore we have to talk with the Democrats.

Alejandro Toledo

In the United States Senate, we cannot do great things without reaching across the aisle and working together - and I look forward to the challenges ahead.

Richard Burr

You had a lot of foreign deals come to the United States because the valuations on the Nasdaq are pretty good right now.

Jeffrey R. Hirschkorn

He took pride in belonging to the world's most exclusive club: the United States Senate.

Margaret Truman

The action marks a milestone in tracking down transnational crimes between the two countries, and the United States expects further cooperation with China in this field.

Andy Yu

I'm not at Manchester United to keep everyone happy.

Roy Keane

How likely they are to travel ten miles compared to traveling across the country. Human travel within the United States can be described by very simple mathematical laws and these laws do not depend on if you live in a small or large city. So they're universal within the United States.

Lars Hufnagel

This is another way to get information to the public about United Way partner programs.

Jennifer Moxley

With United Way our main way of fundraising, by far, is payroll deduction where a company's employees pledge a portion of their paycheck to us.

Alison King

The United States is facing a major gasoline crisis and is starting from a nearly empty tank.

Barclays Capital

President Clinton reviewed the range of concerns that the United States has in a very appropriate summary fashion for this kind of an introductory meeting and urged that we work hard over the next two days to continue to build on the progress that we have made in previous negotiations and meetings.

Wendy Sherman

They want to start withdrawing because they can feel the heat here in the United States.

Larry Diamond

During the last three years, Schroeder has revived Germany's close relations with France in ways that damaged ties with the United States, the UK and the countries of central and Eastern Europe.

Charles Grant

Laws to allow companies to use their profits gained in the United States to build plants overseas and then file bankruptcy just in the United States.

George Anthony

These friends are united, and will not be separated again, they have been united by the Creator Lord Himself.

Guru Gobind Singh

This company provides products that customers use in retail locations everywhere in the United States on a daily basis.

Mike Rumbolz

(The) USDA convinced the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the United States was protected from the possibility of contaminated tissue entering the U.S. food supply because the U.S. had 'created a virtually impenetrable barrier to the introduction or spread of BSE,' and obviously, USDA was wrong.

Leo Mcdonnell

For more than 20 years, the United States has offered replacement parts for the F-16 planes.

William Brownfield

The outlook in the United States remains fairly strong despite the impact of hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma and rising fuel costs on consumer confidence. Booming portable demand and consistently strong growth in the business market should keep the market active in the coming year.

Bob O'donnell

The President will plan to be part of whatever observances are held upon the return of the bodies to the United States.

Pj Crowley

I just want everyone to know that 20,000 gun laws in the United States are unconstitutional. They infringe on your right to protect your life, the lives of your loved ones, and your property.

Michael Badnarik

This program has been successful in detecting and preventing attacks inside the United States.

Genmichael Hayden

Certainly, the standard for use of force in the United States is that the officers can use force to defend themselves and/or to overcome resistance to arrest.

Thomas Streicher

In the past year, the average wage went up over 8 percent. That's a faster growth than the state of Florida or the United States. But we are still 4 percent below the average wage in the state and 19 percent below the U.S.

Regina Smith

We are very pleased to have such a prestigious and highly regarded company as Custom House join our team as an Official Marketing partner. We believe this relationship will provide valuable services to our ever-growing international membership, as well as provide a platform from which Custom House can continue to build its business in the United States and around the world.

Tom Wade

The Olympics were an amazing experience and to end the season on such a high note was a great accomplishment for both of us in our career. It's something we've worked very hard for, and we were very happy to represent the United States and do a good job.

Ryan O'meara

I have never seen such solidarity. It was a consistently united voice.

James Dunn

The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total of the education and the character of our people.

Claiborne Pell

We're going overweight in the United States, where rates are relatively high and stable ... while we're going underweight in the euro zone and Japan, where rates are relatively low.

Toshihiro Wada

The indictments completely ignore the First Amendment that, according to the United States Supreme Court, gives individuals and their businesses the absolute right to inform the public of the conduct of our elected officials and the conduct of candidates for public office, including their public statements and their voting record.

Roy Minton

It's understandable that it's still a topic. Women's hockey is going to be in the spotlight internationally, and I'm looking forward to seeing those former Gophers out there representing the United States.

Laura Halldorson

A good chunk of our time is being spent on Hill visits, in both the Senate and House, to make sure our needs are understood. We also are holding a press conference and a farmers' market in the Upper Senate Park to showcase farm-fresh produce from all over the United States. We are offering it to anyone who comes to meet farmers and learn about the role we play.

Luawanna Hallstrom

They think, 'I've worked so hard in the United States, now I can live like a queen. They're being pampered right and left, so they feel empowered.

Bing Branigin

China expresses regret at this. China is studying the consultation requests from the European Union and the United States seriously.

Chong Quan

Mr. Irvin's heart attack was a classic case that happens every minute of every day in the United States. There was nothing to suggest ... that Mr. Irvin's clog was due to some outside catalyst.

Philip Beck

You will find that governments in China, Myanmar and Vietnam have a much higher level of control over content. In countries like Korea, Taiwan and Japan, the privacy protections are much more similar to Europe or the United States.

Jeanette Chan

This judge had the integrity ... to tell the president of the United States, 'You're not touching that prison.' .

Paul Bergrin

Bill's track record of success, client focus and experience in leading a wide range of our businesses in both Canada and the United States have prepared him to provide strong enterprise-wide leadership in the role of chief operating officer.

Tony Comper

As we talk about the need to foster academic achievement, we must recognize and reward those who strive academically, just as we honor athletic champions. Meeting the President of the United States is just the honor we should bestow on our academic champions.

Brad Sherman

I think it would be good to have a permit system. I'm planning on working there (the United States) for just two years, and then I want to return. I would like to open a store back home selling products. With the money I earn, I would like to build a one-story house to live better.

Alfonso Salinas

We are not afraid and there is no cause for concerns. We enjoy the support of the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the United State's Senate and administration.

Mikheil Saakashvili

With no debate in Congress or directive from the White House, the Pentagon has narrowly defined its role as 'homeland defense' against an enemy attack from outside the United States, limiting its role in disaster response to a last-resort backfill for civil authorities. Not surprisingly, that philosophy dictates a very passive posture.

Stephen Flynn

A lot of electric motors, which consume huge amounts of electricity in the United States, still are from a generation when people didn't care that much about energy efficiency.

James Gelly

I'm afraid that the United States is more isolated today than at any other time in my memory.

Brent Scowcroft

I believe that the people of the United States as a whole care about this issue very much, and it's a shame tragedies have to happen when the issue comes back up.

Carolyn Mccarthy

International expansion continues to be a front-burner strategy for the company and these latest developments represent our commitment to that plan. We have experienced long-term success in the United States by executing on our business model, and we are pleased to see similar business goals now being achieved in the European Union.

Mike Pugh

[In 1963, the United States believed that China might have] expansionist designs, ... the United States knows the Chinese leadership is consciously pragmatic and is eager to avoid the perception of being expansionist.

Sugata Bose

He comes with an enormous amount of good will. I mean, people have really seen him stand up in strikes and organizing drives and things that most vice presidents of the United States have never done, and that is enormously appreciated and gives him a lot of credit.

Andy Stern

We hope that the parallel efforts on both coasts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will help move the ball forward on initiatives to reduce emissions and mitigate global climate change in the United States and around the world.

Michael Peevey

I don't think the president of the United States is going to allow this school district to take a hit.

Larry Marshall

Although the disaster of Hurricane Katrina in the United States and the spike in crude oil prices may temporarily hit the Japanese economy in the July-September period, it will probably grow back in the October-December quarter.

Takehiro Sato

I believe this government is ready to negotiate, but I'm not sure the United States is ready.

Saeed Laylaz

I think at the very least, the United States Department of Agriculture should impose a fine and take every measure possible that this kind of action will never happen again.

Lisa Wathne

I am disappointed by the tepid manner in which the United Nations has spoken out in defending the program against the scandalous accusations.

Benon Sevan

For the United States to get (them) the training and equipment they needed, we had to stitch together at least seven different ... authorities.

Jeffrey Nadaner

Compared to, say, a prime minister of England, a president has actually astonishingly few legal powers. A prime minister of England can take England to war all by himself. He doesn't have to have a vote in Parliament, nothing. The President of the United States has to get a Declaration of War.

David Frum

Once you join the military you become a guardian of the United States, ... You are trained to believe the United States is worth defending.

Ruth Adams

If American soldiers contract venereal disease while in this country, they and their relatives in the United States will not think kindly of us after the war.

Richard Law

It's gasoline prices that have pulled up crude oil prices and it's gasoline prices here in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency has required, from June 1, the use of reformulated gasoline with special federal requirements, and refiners are having a difficult time bringing that gasoline to market, which is resulting in high gasoline prices for consumers.

Jordan Horoschak

The terrorist attacks on the United States provided uncertainty throughout the world and strained many economies including Pakistan's.

Nancy Powell

The current situation has put an incredible stress on the men and women of NASA. Mr. Tito does not realize the effort of thousands of people, United States and Russia, who are working to protect his safety and the safety of everyone else.

Dan Goldin

If the Soviet Union can give up the Brezhnev Doctrine for the Sinatra Doctrine, the United States can give up the James Monroe Doctrine for the Marilyn Monroe Doctrine: Let's all go to bed wearing the perfume we like best.

Carlos Fuentes

We roughly have death rates that are about 150 percent higher in the United States for 15- to 19-year-old females and males than those nations that have the lowest rates.

Lloyd Kolbe

United Tech would look at GE's offer as a ceiling and they would be below that.

Kent Newcomb

The United States government continues to turn a blind eye to mounting evidence of widespread abuse of detainees held in its custody.

Anthony D. Romero

Our personal reaction was one of relief, because they got it right. When it comes to Sept. 11 and United Flight 93, we don't need another movie. This one got it.

David Beamer

This is a hands-on event. People will be able to get on the motorcycle and have their picture taken. It has been touring the United States, with approximately 70 stops across the nation. At the end of the tour, Case will draw the name of some lucky person and they will win the motorcycle. Visitors will be able to register here at the Case Celebration.

Rod Reid

In parts of the United States, there are cast iron water pipes that date back to the late 1800s and have an average life expectancy of about 120 years. Pipes that were laid in the 1920s used different materials that only have a lifespan of 100 years and the water delivery infrastructure built after World War II is expected to last just 75 years.

Alex Seagle

Obviously, ... politically in the United States there has been such a drift to the right that hasn't happened up here, as Canada has become much more tolerant and open.

Piers Handling

We're going to fight that vigorously. If the company were to have its way, we would be looking at losing literally thousands of jobs to overseas labour. This is something that we have not seen at any other airline. United (Airlines) in its worst days has never tried to do this.

Bob Krabbe

This study should ease the fears of some of people who believe that sex selection technology will become widespread when it is readily available in the United States. There is no evidence that the technology will have a significant impact on the natural sex selection ratio.

Dr. Tarun Jain

The best America is a nation where the son of Greek immigrants, with your help, can seek and win the presidency of the United States.

Michael Dukakis

From time to time, the irresponsible acts of the Cuban government remind us that this is far more than about the freedom of one country, but it really is about the stability and security of the region and the national security interests of the United States.

Mel Martinez

We strongly feel that our sons were sent into a conflict not backed by international law or the United Nations.

Reg Keys

This is another in a continuing legal backlash against the Boy Scouts for asserting and winning its constitutional rights in the United States Supreme Court.

Bob Bork

May the United Nations ever be vigilant and potent to defeat the swallowing up of any nation, at any time, by any means-by armies with banners, by force or by fraud, by tricks or by midnight treachery.

Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.

This study confirmed that what has been happening in the United States is actually happening globally.

Tracy Lefteroff

Our whole season of hard work is on the line and there is no second chance, this is it. We know our opponents and they (Mariners) are a hard working unit so nothing less than a united effort will enable to win through.

Richard Money

They do not want to be out there in front if the United States is in the process of withdrawal. They can't be the last ones left standing in Iraq.

Daniel Goure

But more importantly, 90 percent of cases don't even involve biological evidence. And what that tells us is there are obviously tens of thousands of innocent people currently languishing in prisons in the United States.

Peter Neufeld

I am deeply disappointed that the company would enter into a transaction of this magnitude without reaching full agreement with the United pilot group on all issues.

Rick Dubinsky

It's one of the few industries in the United States that has an exemption from the consumer-product safety laws. It doesn't deserve that.

David Moulton

I think that we'll be showing other kids our age what we do, and the United States and how we live, compared to how they live. That's very exciting.

Katelyn Maresh

The hurricane that affects Cuba today affects the United States tomorrow. And when one strikes the U.S., it can also hit Cuba or any other country in the region.

Jose Rubiera

So I've made the decision as a United States senator to try to find some legal assistance and I'm going to take this to court. It is now time for the Supreme Court, if this continues and we don't break this filibuster, to give us their view of what is going on here.

Lindsay Graham

I can't think of another incident that has more tarnished the reputation of the United States Army.

Chris Graveline

To levy a war against the government of the United States through terrorism.

Kevin James

There's no question that they're facing challenges right now, I think we all feel very confident that it has and it can make a significant contribution to the Catholic dialogue in the United States.

Ned Mcgrath

We wish the new, democratically elected government success. The United States is going to support the new government.

Thomas Shannon

If Pakistan is going to judge its relationship with the United States by how close the United States is to India, it's bound to be disappointed because the U.S.-India relationship is at a historic high-water point.

Teresita Schaffer

The Virginia Internet Policy Act ... is an information-age blueprint ... the first comprehensive Internet policy in the United States.

James Gilmore

We cannot underestimate the possible loss to the reserves if, in the long run, the United States adopts a weak-dollar policy and we are still maintaining a high level of dollar reserves.

Xia Bin

The U.S. financial industry is in better shape compared with the rest of the United States, and in great shape compared with the rest of the world.

Robert Distefano

The U.S. dollar might grind a little higher as the United States comes back from a long weekend. But I think it is going to be a quiet week.

Greg Gibbs

We're the last industry in the United States to rationalize. It really hurt the United States because we don't have a national grid system where we can transport power easily from many places to other places.

Dot Matthews

The fact is that the United States is behind what has happened in Nicaragua, and what they did was to promote a confrontation between Nicaraguans.

Daniel Ortega

Quite clearly this is a human disaster of enormous proportions. We have tens and tens of thousands of displaced people across the United States.

Anne Mclellan

You just try to give them a little piece of the United States, and tell them that we all support them and love them, no matter what they hear.

Toby Keith

In the United States adherence to the values of the masculine mystique makes intimate, self-revealing, deep friendships between men unusual.

Myriam Miedzian

We had a very full exchange about relevant issues including the importance ... of controlling infiltration across the line of control that remains a matter of great concern to the United Kingdom and something we strongly emphasized to the government of Pakistan.

Geoff Hoon

It was the last United Airlines flight out before they closed down operations at the New Orleans International Airport.

Mark Dawson

It is vitally important, our relationship with the United Way. We depend completely on the United Way as our fund-raising component. We ... use our donated moneys as matching funds for our state and federal grants training programs. In other words, for every dollar I receive, I can generate an additional $6 to $10, which ... goes into the operational make-up and funding for our programs.

Ross Parker

Canadian industry is very happy because they're going to get a big chunk of that money back that's been held by the United States.

Robert Fife

It truly was about the president of the United States trying to fix a court case.

Linda Tripp

We shouldn't be in awe of people. We've seen some of the best of the United States in some of these events, so we shouldn't stand back and say, 'Whoa, they're good.' Yeah, they're good, but we're going to compete.

Cris Violette

In a litigious society like the United States, HR managers found to be discriminating on the basis of name would probably find themselves before a court before too long.

Romie Littrell

We have filed a proposal for the discount to our headquarters (in Seattle, the United States) and it is now being finalized.

Tony Chen

The bill is completely ignoring the economic, political and social reality of the United States. Immigrants have been and will continue to be an integral part of the country's social fabric.

Jennifer Allen

Intelligence is our first line of defense against terrorism, and we must improve the collection capabilities and analysis of intelligence to protect the security of the United States and its allies.

Saxby Chambliss

The official primarily responsible for advising and assisting the President in the coordination of domestic incident management activities of all departments and agencies in the event of a terrorist threat, and during and in the aftermath of terrorist attacks, major disasters, or other emergencies, within the United States.

Frances Townsend

You gotta understand -- the state of Mississippi was in rebellion. It had rebelled against the United States, ... Now that has been a very difficult story for America to tell, but that's what actually happened.

James Meredith

The administration's view is that the entire world, including every inch of U.S. territory, is akin to a battlefield and that, therefore, if the president decides that he wants to order an arrest or search, then warrants are not necessary. The real controversy is, is the United States of America a battlefield or not?

Tim Lynch

You don't know how excited he was about that -- he was in the United States on his 21st birthday.

Carla Thurin

At this stage in this particular investigation it would be highly unlikely for a new grand jury to receive any new information that had not already been considered at length by Ken Starr, the United States Congress and the prior grand jury.

John Douglass

The city of New Orleans knows full well that they are bound by the constitutions of the United States and the state of Louisiana. Both constitutions require real prior notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard before the government can take or destroy anyone's property.

Bill Quigley

It was different in 2002 because we were in the United States. It was our home track and we had been training on that track for years. But I think we've been having some excellent runs these last few days so I'm ready. I think we are going to do really well.

Vonetta Flowers

The vice president of the United States is always a big draw. There will be people who want to see him and want to support the party, and this is a year where having some friends in the Republican National Committee is gonna be important.

Peter Rusthoven

Now I've got my back to him. I'm starting to walk out. Then I hear, 'Now ladies and gentlemen, introducing the United States Marine Corpse band.' I decided I wouldn't even go to the restroom, ... I came right back.

Charlie Brotman

The problem about vaccines in the United States is the system for production and distribution is broken.

John Cohen

In Lake Charles, the United Way was a big contributor to their system. The school board here talked about how it could be supplemented. There were ways to pay for this. You could also get the track involved ... employees could just hop on the bus to get to work. And you could work out a shuttle program with the Wal-Mart distribution center for their work shifts.

Bruce Gaudin

I suppose that the media and their portrayal of Islam and the almost tribal separations and divisions of the Muslims are the greatest issues confronting Muslims in the United Kingdom.

Yusuf Islam

Canada's looked towards as an example. This really is a signal to the United States that this kind of attempt is not appropriate.

John Graham

They are poster kids for their comrades back in Mexico. We don't plan to try to ship 100,000 animals into the United States from Mexico. Our goal is 10 to 12 dogs a month. And with each shipment, our hope is to tell people about the plight of dogs and cats across the border.

Sean Hawkins

They said all this (NAFTA) is really going to create jobs in the United States. Its not happened. It's not going to happen in China. Why give away our control hoping that something like that happens? ...They've (U.S. companies) continued to do business over there. Has it created more jobs in the U.S.? No. Has it made more money for the multinationals? Yes.

Tim Waters

For an institution that was brought to its depths, Citigroup has built one of the strongest franchises in the world, not just the United States.

Frank Barkocy

We're 10 years removed from being the most notorious police department in the United States. So people will assume this is just a continuation of that. But I don't think it is.

Rafael Goyeneche

It is essential that the US government guarantees his safety when he visits this country in the future, including his scheduled visit to the United Nations in New York.

Bernardo Alvarez

That's the real bear case -- rates rise in the United States, exasperating home and car sales. For the government to bail the economy out, there would be more massive deficit spending.

Frank Holmes

The government of Colombia and even the United States do the same thing, ... If you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail. Here we don't have jails, so we detain people.

Raul Reyes

I am humbled and honored to have the support of so many distinguished friends in the Legislature. We're going to work hard with the help of our friends to bring forth a united Republican Party to victory in 2006.

Bob Beauprez

The Coachella (Valley) plan is considered to be one of the very best plans scientifically for habitat - bar none - in the United States.

Stephanie Pincetl

People keep dismissing tonight as unimportant; I don't and I know Steve doesn't. We have got to brush ourselves down and come out battling against United. We see it as important to the club to win these kind of games because they raise the spirit and right now we've got to say that one of our problems is confidence.

David Gold

In the United States an American is top priority, service delivery is top priority and this is the true democracy we want.

Florence Mumba

I've never seen a united effort like this in South Dakota before where literally everybody from every walk of life and both political parties are standing in unison.

Mike Rounds

This bus is making hundreds of stops in the eastern United States.

Jeffrey Hall

From 1945 to the end of the century, the United States attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements struggling against intolerable regimes. . . . In the process, the US caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair.

William Blum

It's a fundamental difference. The United States cares more about the impact of a merger on customers. The European Union seems to be focusing more on the concerns of competitors. This is a very interesting precedent set by the EU today.

Michael Regan

We need to let black America know, we do want you, but we want you on the terms of the United States of America, ... And we want you to be full and complete human beings.

Kathy Bates

That's where the oil is. It's the best place to look for oil in the United States, and there's predicted to be more oil there than any other place that we can look for oil in the U.S..

Mark Rubin

There's no club in the United States with all that Hampshire Hills features.

Rick Holder

When we win the nomination, we'll be president of all 50 of the United States.

Howard Opinsky

You have no right . . . to ask a worker whether he or she belongs to the trade union movement or which trade union. That is a person's fundamental right . . . and it is a United Nations basic and fundamental human right. No employer has any right to ask a worker about it.

Sir Roy Trotman

Overall, these new agreements and settlements have enabled United to reduce its non-fuel cost per available seat mile (cost per available seat mile ex-fuel) by approximately 22% during the three years while in bankruptcy.

Bob Mcadoo

The United Nations has no role to play in Algeria, ... What is taking place in Algeria is something which we have to handle ourselves.

Abdallah Baali

Agreements on measures designed to help stop future genocides and on reforms to the United Nations will go right down to the wire. The UK is a key negotiator and must do whatever it can to save the United Nations summit from failure. This includes standing up to the US and the Non-Aligned Movement who are set to block key measures like those designed to prevent future genocides.

Jo Leadbeater

The Holocaust never quite leaves Israeli Jews alone. Arabs use it against them and they use it against Arabs. Jews use it against other Jews. Even the president of the United States, it seems, can use it against the prime minister of Israel.

David K Shipler

Everybody in the soccer community has jumped onboard. Regardless of our individual agendas at the youth clubs and the college level and beyond, everybody has kind of embraced it and it's united the soccer community.

Chris Price

The United States in the 1980s may be the first society in history in which children are distinctly worse off than adults.

Daniel P. Moynihan

We have all been saddened by the tragedy still unfolding in the United States.

Malcolm Wicks

Comply with all of your commitments to the United Nations or face military strikes.

John King

The United States is the most innovative country in the world. But our leadership could slip away if we fail to properly fund primary, secondary and higher education.

Jeff Bingaman

It's an odd collection of programs, but they are really united by advocacy for vulnerable people.

Adrienne Worthy

There has been a preference in Germany and France for fillers on the right. But research in the United States has not shown a preference strong enough to affect buying decisions.

Alan Adler

Obviously, if the 'books are cooked,' investors can't have confidence. This leads to the erosion of confidence in the transparency of American capital markets, which have been a tremendous asset and important economic engine to the United States.

Paul Sarbanes

I never anticipated covering a story in the continental United States like this, ... but it's certainly emerging as one.

John Stack

The United States hopes that it can use the four-power talks to bring about a relaxation of the military tensions in the Korean peninsula.

Selig Harrison

I say very clearly that Israel is not spying in the United States or against the United States.

Yuval Steinitz

If you are going to be in that type of position, you better even things out. All men are created equal. In the United States, you are equal. Is the NBA a communist bloc? Or is this an equal democracy? He needs to figure that one out. And if he doesn't, I'm going to make it a democracy.

Danny Fortson

The demonstration that no possible combination of known substances, known forms of machinery and known forms of force, can be united in a practical machine by which men shall fly along distances through the air, seems to the writer as complete as it is possible for the demonstration to be.

Simon Newcomb

Whenever and wherever our NATO partner and important friend -- the United States of America -- asks (for) assistance, NATO stands ready to answer those calls.

Jaap De Hoop Scheffer

Had to do with coordination of intelligence in the United States.

James Woolsey

The number one group that suffers when illegal aliens enter the United States en masse is the lower income U-S citizen worker.

Kris Kobach

The dollar's long-term prospects are still in question as [oil prices] remain high and many areas in the [southern] United States have been left in turmoil in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

James Moore

This opportunity will directly and indirectly create thousands of new American jobs for decades, and billions in economic development across the United States.

Randy Belote

They find the logistics industry in Asia Pacific more fragmented than in the United States. The Asia Pacific logistics industry is comprised of small players that offer lower levels of supply chain support.

Paul Katz

If there?s a silver lining to all of this, it?s that when we find the dead fish, we?re also finding healthy fish in the same area. We have representatives from [U.S. Geological Survey] and the United States Fish and Wildlife checking for everything. The experts are in the right place at the right time. Until we find a cause and implement a solution, we are going to continue to be out there.

Don Kain

I remember pubs in Ireland, and it's kind of loud in there. Music sessions are without amplifier, etc., unlike a lot of taverns and bars in the United States. It is loud with people talking to each other. What's neat about (Oregon Trader) is it isn't overbearing, and people can sit and yak with each other.

John Donoghue

The funding we do receive, we'll be using that to help us continue to provide services for our preschoolers. ... It's very important that local charitable donors ... continue to give to the United Way so we can continue to provide these services. If they don't, we'll have to turn children around and some of the kids we're providing services for may be cut short.

Brenda Temple

We began building a model similar to that here in the United States.

Bill Botti

When we started with Manchester United Vodafone was still largely a UK-based business with a growing set of international interests. Manchester United fitted very well at that point as a very big sporting brand, a UK-based team with quite a good international fan base. It fitted us at that point of time. It is part of the evolution from a UK-based business to a multi-national one.

Peter Bamford

In the United States, there are those on both sides of the political spectrum who would seek to close down the US market to China.

Karan Bhatia

There is increased likelihood that China and the United States can make substantial progress or even sign an agreement during the fourth round of talks.

Cao Xinyu

We are not the CIA, we are not the FBI, we are not the White House, we are not the Defense Department. We are the United States Congress; we have our role. And we can't give up that role during a national-security crisis.

Barbara Lee

[There was] a new political climate ... the international partnership that was built after the tragic events in the United States.

Mircea Geoana

I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States.

Barbara Lee

Most Mexicans know someone who has gone to the United States, or someone who receives money from someone over there or someone who is thinking about going themselves. Seeing the marches of immigrants in the United States in Mexican media has also had a huge impact here.

Carlos Ordonez

The Coast Guard wants to make its workforce reflective of the population of the United States.

James Nicholson

The Chinese have just about cleaned out all of the safety-glasses manufacturers in the United States. There's about six of us left.

Wes Patterson

Our people come to the United States looking for a better future. It would be hard being afraid to go to work because you think you are going to get jail time just for trying to make a living.

Israel Hernandez

I may be president of the United States, but my private life is nobody's damned business.

Chester A. Arthur

International protection for the Palestinians is something that must be taken seriously by the United States and the international community.

Saeb Erekat

The attack on Iraq has been long planned. There just hasn't been an excuse for it. Since George H.W. Bush didn't unseat Saddam in 1991, there's been a longing among the extreme right in the United States to finish the job. The war on terrorism has given them that opportunity.

John Pilger

[The still-nascent Safe Passage intends to advocate for the rights of such children, as well as support those who choose to exit HDOs for the outside world.] Suppose you're 15 and you're part of the Family in India but you want out, ... You say you have relatives in the United States but no way to get to them well, we'll get you a plane ticket.

Daniel Roselle

This process can be set back ... but I do not think it can be undone. Because it is very much a one-way process ... not towards a united Ireland, but more to responsible government.

Bernard Purcell

We also knew that Olivier Rochus had won the doubles at the French Open . But it was logical that we won and had the match been played in the United States, it would not have taken close to three hours but an hour and a half without doubt.

Bob Bryan

You did get this impression that he thought he could go from exile in Central America to Miami and that would be ... safe haven there, ... For people that are paying attention, I think it does give the impression that somehow the Constitution and laws of the United States don't exactly apply the same way there.

Richard Nuccio

This is going to be a great occasion for the city, ... This is a united effort — all of us working collectively together to make this a great event for the city of Montgomery, this state and this nation.

John Knight

When you get back to the United States, you're absolutely thrilled to recognize what we have here that we absolutely take for granted, all the way from street lights and street cleaners to being able to pick up a telephone that actually works.

Theresa Mellott

We have asked the United States to provide us with that evidence, and we have not seen any forthcoming.

Javad Zarif

He's become like a public speaker for our club. He goes with me to United Way functions and people donate to the United Way and to the club after hearing him.

Denise Carothers

When we have received assurances that Juan Miguel will be able to take custody of his son, but under circumstances that require him to remain in this country for a period of time, we will also be seeking permission for a support group of Elian's classmates, teachers and doctors to come to the United States to help smooth the transition.

Greg Craig

Whether we are poor among the poorest, or less poor among the wealthier, let us stand proud and noteworthy, united and strong, comforted by our belonging to the Community of the Free Nations of our Planet.

Mathieu Kerekou

Great soccer is inspiring, on the street and in the stadium, and Nike today celebrates brilliant soccer with the announcement of the perhaps the strongest side ever to represent the United States on the global football stage. Nike soccer is about the joy of playing, whether it be worldwide or here in the United States. Our products, our players and our global brand leadership reflect that.

Charlie Denson

Generally, 85 percent of the tests come back as the sporadic, or naturally occurring form, 14 percent come back as the familial form that is passed down through generations and less than 1 percent come back as the variant form. There's never been a variant case acquired in the United States.

Tom Shanahan

The hurricanes naturally tend to move from east to west because of the rotation of the Earth. The northern part of the hurricane moves faster than the southern part of the hurricane, so they tend to move across the Atlantic toward the Caribbean and the United States.

Bill Patzert

We shocked the world. A bunch of hockey players beat the United States. Baseball Canada is in ecstasy.

Rheal Cormier

This is not about destroying heritage, ... This is about being united as one people.

Roy Barnes

It's a really special standard that we set now. It's something that hopefully will inspire the national team to step it up as well, and I hope it will change field hockey in the United States for the better for everybody at all levels.

Katherine Blair

Most private space project that have existed so far haven't come across the issue of the DDTC, ITAR, and export regulations for these kind of technologies from the United States. We're really the first people who have probably gone through a formal process of this nature and come through the other end of it. So I think that's a good precedent.

Will Whitehorn