Greg Craig
FameRank: 6

"Gregory Bestor "Greg" Craig" is a Washington, DC/Washington-based lawyer and former White House Counsel under President Barack Obama. He has represented numerous high-profile clients, including John W. Hinckley, Jr., who was acquitted of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by Insanity defense/reason of insanity, and, in 2010, Goldman Sachs. As assistant to the President and special counsel in the White House of President Bill Clinton, Craig directed the team defending Clinton against impeachment. He was a foreign policy advisor to Senator Edward Kennedy and to United States Secretary of State/Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

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If the father is able to take custody of the boy -- he would be here tomorrow.

When he receives assurances that he will have custody of his son.

We have always been in favor of a very rapid process to dispose of these allegations and to resolve them quickly and with justice. The majority (of the committee) has mastered the 'talk' of speed, but is not conducting the 'walk' of speed.

When we have received assurances that Juan Miguel will be able to take custody of his son, but under circumstances that require him to remain in this country for a period of time, we will also be seeking permission for a support group of Elian's classmates, teachers and doctors to come to the United States to help smooth the transition.

The perpetuation of these circumstances deprives Elian of his childhood, and Juan Miguel of his right to raise his family. These losses are irreplaceable, and weigh heavily in favor of declining to impose a stay or injunction.

It means another day of potential damage between father and son.