I'm going to be sorry to see it go. I'm going to chain myself to the wrecking ball, but they're going to do it anyway.

Jim Mcnulty

It's better to be safe than sorry. I've got a lot of money to lose if this thing goes and water comes tearing down the street.

Brian Bishop

I want to apologize to my teammates, the fans, the club and Major League Soccer for my actions. What I did was wrong, and I am deeply sorry for what happened. It was a frustrating night and I let the emotions get the best of me.

Christian Gomez

'Tired of Being Sorry' is one of the lines everyone can relate to.

Balthazar Getty

I'm sorry to lose her. I've really liked the vigilant attitude that she has taken toward Chapter 11 cases.

William Rochelle

I'm sorry about the inconvenience. It's kinda cold. ... But it's nice to have you here.

Tony Danza

The banishment for life of Pete Rose from baseball is a sad end if a sorry episode. One of the game's greatest players has engaged in a variety of acts which have stained the game, and he must now live with the consequences of those acts. There is absolutely no deal for reinstatement.

A. Bartlett Giamatti

The pain caused to the parents by this dreadful sequence of events is unforgivable. I am deeply sorry.

Alan Milburn

We missed that, and I'm sorry we did. The TV, everybody saw it but us. I wish we had the opportunity to talk to (Vick) because that was complete (expletive). ... You bet I would have thrown his ass out.

Steve Usecheck

It was the worst I've ever sang. I felt sorry for the people who were getting married.

Gosia Sobala

We are only three-quarters. Tom is not coming home with us. I am so sorry to have to lose him.

James Loney

One of the great things about music is that you can really help other people through rough times. If that makes us overemotional, then I guess that's what we are. If they want us to say sorry, we'll say sorry for them.

Jt Woodruff

It's just a result of the times. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Lt. Dave Nirode

I think everyone holds back. I am always censoring myself and I'm sorry about it. But I always have to consider whether my remarks might cause someone pain.

John Hall

It depends on a whole variety of things: If they're really truly sorry for what they did, if they show sincere remorse. The severity of the offense, motive, strength of evidence -- all of that factors in to how we proceed.

Dan Davis

We're sorry about the circumstances, ... but we're glad to have a young man and a football player of his caliber.

Tony Wagner

I'm sorry to say this, because I also have a dog at home, but the only way to prevent this kind of events is to take a radical measure of exterminating stray dogs.

Razvan Murgeanu

Hold them, soothe them and tell them you are sorry that you lost track of them. But the wise parent never keeps his or her eyes off the child outside of the home.

Bonnie Slade

It's just such waste. He was a fighter as well - when he finished football, a lot of people feel sorry for themselves, he got on with it and made a good business. He was a big character. He always had a good word for everybody.

John Hollins

I'm very sorry with what has happened here, and everything is just devastating.

Dave Reed

I'm sorry for these people, but there are a lot of them here. Their families should take care of them. Some are nice, but others bother people by the way they act; like they aren't all there.

Henrietta Brown

I accept the fact, I made a mistake and apologize to the court, I am sorry.

Kathy Wilson

I hope in my heart that the prime minister one day will say sorry.

Reg Keys

He feels sorry for these people, that they're living this nightmare. But he also knows they were sterilized. If they weren't, then that was the fault of the distributors who were sterilizing the tissue and cleaning it.

Mario Gallucci

He just said this was unfortunate and I'm sorry it happened.

Dennis Wilder

I would feel sorry for her if she did.

Pat Nixon

I figured they are deeply sorry. He hurt his family. It's not just one-sided.

Judy Mcdonald

'Jessica, you want some buffalo wings?' 'Sorry I don't eat buffalo.'

Jessica Simpson

I just wanted to go and see him and let him know I was sorry.

Bubba Crosby

She told me she was OK, that she loved me and to just go out there and play hard. She said she was sorry she couldn't be here but that she would be here in spirit.

Jeremy Jones

I made a mistake by not coming forward years ago when this started, but that was when I didn't know any better. I feel sorry for him, and I'm glad that I do because if I didn't, I think there would be something wrong with me.

Thomas Roberts

I'm sorry, Ray. I don't like to do that to anybody.

Gary Davis

I am very sorry, ... I'm without excuse; I have no defense for what I did. I feel terrible.

Bruce Davis

I'm sorry to see the herd following the I Fund.

Alejandro Sanchez

That drive home. It wasn't fun.... We're sorry we didn't come over there and look better. We hope your fans come over to see the game... We like our place to be a great place to watch a game, but a miserable place to play. We'd love to return the favor this year.

Tim Finn

To say our homes have little value and we need to do away with them for the sake of being the envy of every city in Florida is ridiculous. I'm sorry, but I think the consultant missed the boat.

Anita Gallentine

Will (Voice over): Sean, if the professor calls about that job tell him sorry, but I had to go and see about a girl.Sean: Son of a bitch, he stole my line.

Good Will Hunting

Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper.

Angie Bjorklund

We are happy to state that Vaughan is certainly not the person concerned and are very sorry a situation like this has arisen.

Martin Baker

Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Sun Microsystems

She makes every scene she's in better, ... I'm sorry if that's boring, but she's a rock. She's just that fantastic.

Jeff Garlin

I feel sorry for Mark with what has gone on and I will back him. He is a good manager and he is going to be a great manager. But I am here to do a job and that's it.

Steve Bleasdale

I am sorry to see Rob go, ... I have enjoyed working with him.

Roy Strong

This sentence is not being imposed because of the background of anyone involved. I see here a man who is sorry for what he did. I see a mother who is grieving for her son. It doesn't matter what their ethnic background is.

Judge Kenneth Biehn

We are deeply sorry that this happened. Sometimes you can't control it.

Joy Austin

Ken doesn't think he's got anything to say sorry for and if that's really his feeling, then I think that he should stick to his guns.

Boris Johnson

Yes, I am sorry to see him go but, equally, I am pleased that he has found a club which, under Carl Taylor, will also help to bring the best out of him and at a level which he should be playing, week-in week-out.

Simon Delahunty

The governor is sorry to see the Miss America pageant move on. While it was a great event for New Jersey, the organization asked to be released from their contract, and we respect their wishes.

Sean Darcy

You never want to go back to a client and say 'I'm sorry I can't solve this'.

Ron Palefsky

I think the fans feel a little sorry for the players. This is their way of making them feel a little better.

Mike O'brien

I got nothing, sorry.

Ric Keller

If it is a public health emergency, we're going to be in a sorry state if Homeland Security is in charge. Not just because of their performance here, but because of their lack of experience.

Bill Waugh

When I look at the photo, I think -- cute! HUF and I never thought the image was 'racist' and I am sorry to those people who perceive it that way.

Barry Mcgee

I think we wanted to say the same thing that all of these other people are saying that this boat was really important to this community and we're sorry to see it go.

Linda Kingsley

The only thing I can do is congratulate Glenna. I'm sorry we didn't win. I want to thank the people who worked so hard to get some change in city government.

Raymond Thome

I am sorry that during the excitement of a 'live 3 hour television event' the wonderful film piece we prepared that paid tribute to the 'Carol Burnett Show' was not aired.

Gil Cates

It would have been easy after last week (a 28-24 loss to Division V's No. 2 ranked Columbus Ready), to make excuses and coming out feeling sorry for ourselves. That didn't happen in practice all week and it didn't happen (Friday night).

Allen Hartman

I'm sorry to tell you, you've both been eliminated from the race.

Phil Keoghan

I'm very shocked. I just feel sorry for him. I think he should be here. I have a lot of confidence in our coaching staff and they must have done it for a reason. But I don't know what that reason is.

Jon Beason

He showed me those who came back without arms and legs. Sometimes, I was so depressed they couldn't get me out of bed, so he would pick me up and swing me around. He would taunt me and tell me to quit feeling sorry for myself. My focus was on being mad at him. It got my mind off my disability.

John Wooten

It takes a sorry person to have someone killed like a groundhog.

Bob Bell

They were right. It was awful and I am sorry it happened.

Jerry Ellis

He said he was sorry, he saw the officers, he just wanted to get away.

Serge Palanov

I'm sorry to see anyone have to leave our party, but there comes a point where enough is enough.

Warren Rudman

We are very sorry for that.

Bill Farmer

I'm sorry, I'm a mess, that was too much but it was uplifting.

Gaynell Sherrod

Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.

Mark Twain

We'll always work under the assumption that it's better to be safe than sorry. Our engineers know what the dam can handle and at what level it would be in danger of failing.

Nick Krupa

I'm sorry for what I've done. There's not a whole lot I can say, ... I couldn't take it any more. Something had to be done. I'm sorry, but I don't regret it.

Randall Miller

I'm sorry to see them go. What can I tell you? It's just part of history.

Sheldon Wolpin

The Iraq war has so polarized this country. That's why you hear hisses and boos and claps, depending on what you're saying — people want to hear journalists reaffirm their previously held beliefs about the war. And I don't do that. I simply speak what I see. And I'm sorry if that's offensive to people, but I'm a journalist.

Jackie Spinner

I never apologized for anything in my life. The only thing I'm sorry about is putting a curse on Roger Ebert's colon. If a fat pig like Roger Ebert doesn't like my movie, then I'm sorry for him.

Vincent Gallo

Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire. I hate a fellow whom pride or cowardice or laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, and bark.

Samuel Johnson

It's a great accomplishment for the players and coaches. We can't feel sorry for ourselves. As trite as it sounds, we've got another game to prepare for. We'll go over every inch of film for the mistakes. I'm a believer in film. It usually doesn't lie.

Bob Ladouceur

We have to rally together. We can't feel sorry for ourselves because of the situation we're in. There's no finger pointing. It's all of us together.

Dave Andreychuk

Imagine you're an archaeologist and you're looking at an inscription, and you say, 'Well, sorry, that looks like it's intelligent, but we can't invoke an intelligent cause because, as a matter of method, we have to limit ourselves to materialistic processes.

Stephen Meyer

He was basically not sorry for the fact that Tanzanians were killed, that it was described as part of doing the job.

Abigail Perkins

We're sorry you didn't win any money but you will be receiving a broken clavicle and a jar of olives courtesy of Match Game.

Gene Rayburn

I'm disappointed. It is a problem. I'm happy with the physical side of the game and the desire that we showed. But I'm sorry about having had such a tough challenge ahead of the Arsenal game, especially as they haven't played.

Fabio Capello

Some people will be in their zone and unaware of things around them (when they work out). Then there's that moment where they ... pop out of the zone and say, 'Oh, I'm sorry,' when they realize they've been sitting on a machine in rotation for a while.

Justin Schott

If I ever have to leave the club I will be very sorry because I have a lot of ties here now. I would like to stay here for a few more years yet.

Julio Arca

I think everyone knows someone who's tried to quit and had everything from free months of service to 'you'll be sorry!' wielded against them.

Joseph Laszlo

It was so fun to tell him, 'No, I'm sorry, that wasn't good enough. You'll have to do it again.

Robin Kaler

I was all screwed up in the head ... under serious drug influences at the time. I am sorry this all happened. I have remorse. I feel real bad.

Julius Murphy

I am not a get-rich-quicker. Nor am I a fan of the real estate promoters who write books about making money in real estate with no or little cash invested, or those who hold seminars claiming to make their attendees instant millionaires. Sorry, I just don't buy it.

Jim Randel

I made a mistake. I don't blame nobody. I take full responsibility, ... There's nothing I could do or say to bring the person back. There's nothing I could do or say to her family about how sorry I am.

David Cruz

I've been a friend of Charlie Ray's a long time and he's still very much my friend. He got pulled into an issue he didn't want to be pulled into. He's a public servant and an employee. He was remorseful for signing the letter. I'm extremely sorry he got pulled into this.

Frank Denton

I'm truly sorry. To make it up to you, Seki-kun will get in shape, so please forgive us.

Takehito Koyasu

We aren't feeling sorry for ourselves -- we play hard every day. But the last couple of weeks have been rough. It seems like we can't catch a break.

Brandon Inge

I am sorry for my actions. I have no excuse. I just hope to get the chance to clean up my life.

Richard Davis

It's a shame that the world has come to this. But I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.

Sheila Dinardo

I am sorry I had to come off. I had a sore hip - it was agony, ... I could not stand up so I had to come off. I would really have loved to have played on. I thought I was going to get a hat-trick but I enjoyed the other goals.

Kenny Miller

I feel sorry for George. He's a troubled person. He seemed to have some psychological problems.

Jeff Berman

All he said is that he is ready to be out and that he is sorry that has happened and we are ready to have him back.

Megan Antle

People are going back to cutting wood. I feel sorry for the elders.

Linda Evans

I'm sorry that my staff hasn't been able to meet their holiday and household obligations.

Cassandra Gash

If I had the chance, I would want to meet his family and look them in the face and tell then how sorry I feel about what happened.

Lillo Brancato Jr

She just said she was sorry and for me to write a note to the church saying that she was sorry for everything she had done.

Pam Killingsworth

I feel like I made a mistake and I'll pay for it. I'm responsible for what I did. I'm really sorry for what happened. I made a big mistake.

Francisco Liriano

I loved my father so much and couldn't handle what she was doing to him. I used to yell at him. We encouraged him to get restraining orders. He got two, then she'd cry and he'd feel sorry for her.

Laura Melisi

You can also argue that the media did a lot to rehabilitate his reputation in recent years. A lot of people feel sorry for him.

Lucy Dalglish

Thinking of you. Sorry that the storm destroyed your home and school. Hope you are better and stay safe.

Sally Adams

I feel sorry about the goal we conceded because it could prove vital in the future and I hope it doesn't return to haunt us.

Nir Klinger

From an Australian perspective I'll be sorry to see News Corp. go. I'll be interested to see the company's commitment to Australia in five years time.

Scott Marshall

I want to say something. I just want to say how sorry I am that innocent people got hurt that night.

Lizzie Grubman

In the sorry ranks of the revisionists, the loss of anything identifiably Christian is now almost complete.

Os Guinness

We understand that the world has changed and we have to change with it, ... We are sorry we got involved with the people at Enron.

Marc Shapiro

Anything that happened to me was nothing compared to what happened to Nick and the little girl. I'm sorry I interrupted their lives because of the dogs.

Scott Sword

I'm so sorry I fell down.

Buster Keaton

You don't have to kill James Sullivan to punish him. He can live out the rest of his sorry days in a state prison and never be a danger to anyone.

Josh Moore

Not a word from anybody. Not an 'I'm sorry,' not an 'I'm glad everyone got out OK,' nothing. It hurts to be ignored completely. We're just disgruntled people now disappointed in the city.

Jason Johnson

I think the best thing they could have done is give a simple 'sorry, we made a huge mistake.' Versus trying to make up a bunch of excuses about why they did it.

Dean Walker

I guess better safe than sorry.

Chris Hopkins

The fall-off in interest really happened in the mid to late 90s. I think the lemon was pressed with Kerrigan and Harding. I'm sorry about that because I missed out on the big money. But on our tour, the audiences have been up 15 per cent from last year.

David Pelletier

There's obviously something wrong with him and it's hard not to feel a little bit sorry for him. That doesn't change my feelings that I think he should die in prison and it looks like that's going to happen.

Tony Case

Personally, I am very, very sorry we have come to this. I suppose it is another sign of the times.

Tommy Docherty

Being sorry is the highest act of selfishness, seeing value only after discarding it.

Doug Horton

I really feel bad because it came to this. I'm just sorry that we couldn't have gotten him the first time.

Anthony Murphy

I feel so sorry. I didn't think it was so serious.

Qin Lin

We couldn't be more sorry for the total stress this has caused.

Chiara Coletti

It's tragic. I feel sorry for the little boy who hardly had a start in life. And I don't understand why the parents deceived all of the people who turned out to hunt for him.

Tom Mitchell

I'm sorry they are leaving, ... I think it's important to have that kind of people-to-people contact.

William Brownfield

This was just with gross negligence. Sometimes saying 'sorry' is enough and sometimes it is not and I am afraid this is one of those times.

Richard Adams

I feel kind of sorry for that young man as he received a black record in life for his behavior. It is common for soccer fans to light fireworks in celebration. Maybe he didn't expect police would take it so seriously this time.

Xu Feng

There's definitely a good market which is why we are offering content to this segment, but sorry we can't give figures.

Naveen Chopra

Next door, there's an old man who lived to his nineties and one day passed away in his sleep. And his wife, she stayed for a couple of days and passed away. I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong.

Ben Folds

The crowd was so big that it made it hard for folks to hear, and we're sorry about that.

Jen Bluestein

I'm sorry if in any way I was disingenuous.

Carolyn Snurkowski

It doesn't matter what we call it, it's still Robbie and I together playing 'Light My Fire' and 'Love Me Two Times.' John should come and play and let us celebrate and keep this music alive. Look, what do I say to the cynics? I would like to play with Jim Morrison again. But you know what? I can't call him. I'm sorry. He's dead. He's busy. He's in eternity.

Ray Manzarek

He said, `I'm sorry' and `I'll make it up to you.' .

Ted Ginn Jr.

I feel so sorry for them and I feel so despondent for them. It's just so needless, it's just so pointless.

Brian Deegan

I'm very sorry. We inconvenienced you. Hiro-kun will make his pants shorter, so please forgive us.

Takehito Koyasu

Now these are probably going to get out of alignment, kind of catawampus. Approach it at 90 degrees. Old man isn't going to go out there and straighten it for you. Sorry, kiddies. You're going to have to change your path of travel.

Dave Fields

When it happened to a kid like that who works so hard, you feel sorry for him.

Doug Simper

I lost my cool. It's last year and it's last year's problems. It was a mistake. I'm sorry for it. Everybody on this team is sorry for it. It was an embarrassing situation for both schools. ... Emotions got high. That's no excuse, but we're just trying to forget that.

Bobby Williamson

I can't lie and say that I'm sorry that this conclusion happened because I'm not. Dan was very brutally murdered.

Tangee Overly

He got a little emotional over at Holy Cross when he talked to the players and had to say goodbye there. He composed himself, looked the players straight in the eye and he said, 'I'm sorry that you had to see my emotional side, but that's the way I am and I expect the same out of you. I want you to play with emotion and passion.' And I think the message was very well received.

Chip Berry

They provided service to a lot of destinations and we're sorry to see them leave. People will be able to get to all of their destinations on our existing carriers, it just won't be nonstop.

Bob Kemp

We're sorry that we're not it.

Karen Dinkins

It's a good opportunity for me, but I'm sorry it's at Brandon's expense. I've been asked to step up, but it's not just up to me. My line's looking out for me . . . making the holes.

Jason Jefferson

Brian is in isolation. He's in a concrete cell and the only thing soft is a foam mattress. We have never talked to him about what happened. I know that he is extremely sorry for what he's putting us through and he asked us to remain good grandparents.

Claritha Nichols

We fell apart in the second half, and I'm very sorry for all the fans that traveled here, ... It was unacceptable, and we're extremely disappointed.

David Weir

I just want to say I'm sorry for what I done to the victims. I won't do it again.

Jason Thomas

My question is: If a kid raises a question in class, what do I do? Do I just say, 'Sorry, I can't answer that'?

James Campbell

I just can't see not having more people. I'm sorry for the people in New Orleans. We're like sister cities.

Billy Jones

I bet some of you feel sorry for me. Well don't. Having an artificial leg has its advantages. I've broken my right knee many times and it doesn't hurt a bit.

Terry Fox

Feeling sorry for her, I gave her $40 and a hug and a kiss. I sent her on her way not knowing . . .

Janet Pelasara

I've never heard anyone say they were sorry they had kids. They only say they were sorry they hadn't planned for it.

Patricia Jennerjohn

Sorry if I disappointed them. I'm from the bottom. I've got no clue what we're going to do.

Stanley Doughty

We must have these things lined up before a disaster happens, ... We're sorry if we offended people or made people not feel included. After Katrina hit, we were in a crisis mode. Because we were expecting to get potentially 1,000 evacuees, we had to work fast and work smart.

Amy Hall

The teams that really believe in each other understand the game is not over. If your brother went out there and fumbled the ball, go out there and get the ball back for him. Let him know we're going to get the ball back. That's how you win games. If you feel sorry for yourself, it's over.

Chuck Darby

That's in the past. He says he wants to stay here. I don't expect him to say he's sorry.

Luis Matos

I thought it was over and back. The official told me if he missed the call he was sorry. But that one call wasn't the reason we lost the game.

Jimmy Tubbs

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. They wake up in the morning and that's the best they're going to feel all day.

Dean Martin

It's really nice. I'm sorry Kelly Meek wasn't on the sideline to make it more enjoyable. But a win's a win and we need it. We needed to win here tonight to keep us battling for the league championship and to let people know we can still play with anybody.

Phil Tronsrue

There is a strength in the union even of very sorry men.


I took Dexter out in the fourth quarter. Better to be safe than sorry.

Rick Rodriguez

If you go to a legitimate dentist and say, 'I've got to have this done,' and the insurance company says, 'I'm sorry, we've paid out the maximum on your plan for this year,' the patient is stuck having to pay for that procedure.

Andrea Simmons

It's a severe suspension, five games. Marty is going to be a big loss to our hockey club, ... but having said that, there's no place in hockey for kicking. I'm very sure that Marty is very sorry it happened. I don't think he intended to injure anybody.

John Muckler

I've always slightly worried the kids who play football around my house. They know I'm an actor, but felt sorry for me because they'd never seen anything I've done.

Bill Nighy

It doesn't matter where we are or what's easier or best for us. It doesn't matter where we play or who we play. Your job is your job. No one is going to feel sorry for you out there, so why feel sorry for yourself?

Deuce Mcallister

I am sorry for the hurt that has been caused by my cowardly actions. I truly am, ... I ask the court for leniency so that I can get back to my family as soon as possible.

Scott Sullivan

We felt so sorry for them.

Scott Stauffer

I definitely missed the game and I was sorry to see it taken away from us.

Brendan Shanahan

Sorry, I don?t do offal' - when asked to spend a day cooking at Westminster.

Jamie Oliver

When they came to get us, I was glad to see my father again, glad to get the animals out, glad to be alive. I'm sorry I lost three though...I was trying to get them all out.

Lucian Mitchell Sr

We are sorry that the children are hurt, ... We are firm believers in the God almighty ... because of those principles we were led to do certain things.

John Dollar

In principle, I'm sorry that we didn't liquidate him.

Ariel Sharon

You shouldn't feel sorry for them is the bottom line. When you walk out that door, even if you can't walk right back in, it multiplies your pay significantly.

Massie Ritsch

Things happen for a reason and we put ourselves in that situation. I'm not expecting anyone to feel sorry for us. And we're going to continue to persevere.

Anthony Solomon

The case is on appeal now and we expect to be successful. I feel sorry for Hazel Park. Like all municipalities at low tide in revenues, to have to put up with a frivolous lawsuit is difficult for Hazel Park and its residents. They will have to spend hard-earned dollars (to defend it).

Andrew Jarvis

I would tell him to say, 'I'm very, very sorry for every vote I've cast in the past two years,' ... 'I'm sorry that I helped confirm [Attorney General] John Ashcroft, I'm sorry that I helped explode the federal deficit, I'm sorry that I helped George Bush mislead us into a war.' That's what I'd have him say. But, you know, he didn't call me to write this one.

Paul Begala

No, nothing. I'm sorry, we're just playing. I don't know. We try not to think about what's going on, just play one game at a time.

Liz Honegger

If you're going to do something tonight that you'll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep late.

Henny Youngman

People who hesitate and wait this year are going to be sorry.

Tom Parsons

I feel sorry for the way his life ended, you know being shot. I hope he rests in peace.

Carmen Garcia

I'm sorry I interrupted their lives over all of this just because of the dogs.

Scott Sword

There hasn't been any of that. Nobody's going to feel sorry for us, and we're not going to feel sorry for ourselves. We know we're not as good a team without those guys. We know that every guy has to pick up a little slack because of it. Bottom line, we're hanging in there. We're right there without them.

Scott Hatteberg

You kind of feel a little sorry for the guy. What keeps going through my mind is (growing up) he could look out his window and see the cemetery, and there he is three years after he lived there, back in that cemetery. It really wasn't much of a life.

Frank Kelly

[Dan] said the stripper was intoxicated, there was something definitely wrong with her when she walked in. That if you saw her you would feel sorry for her and wouldn't want to have anything to do with her.

Foula Theodoridis

I was rescued. I love you. I am sorry I'm a little late for Thanksgiving.

Susan Hallums

He's never complained or felt sorry for himself. That's been the hard part for me, having to watch him go through this. It's been an inspiration for our guys and our program to see how he's handled everything as far as being unselfish and how tough he's been.

Steve Payne

We'll know more when we can do more testing, ... This is strictly a precaution right now but it's better to be safe than sorry.

William Cooper

We've been swimming at nude beaches and I love to go skinny dipping, but I'm sorry, sitting on top of a mountain, that's just, you're trying to show off or something. That's ridiculous.

Andy Richter

I'm truly sorry for my actions and I just want to thank Gwinnett County and the city of Duluth.

Jennifer Wilbanks

They could have felt sorry for themselves, being down two players, or they could have come out fighting, and that's what they did.

Shane Montgomery

Oppression in the name of religion is a time-honored tradition. I'm sorry that people are fearful. Those fears are usually based on ignorance.

Katy Sorenson

Losing Kevin Alston affected our game and we had to re-adjust. I feel sorry for the youngster. He has broken his leg but these things happen in football. You have to be able to cope with it. We tried everything in the second half but the Netherlands played fantastically and would not give us a goal. Congratulations to them.

John Hackworth

People who have been so hurt hesitate to pardon, ... It is so easy to say 'sorry' but in reality here it is difficult to swallow.

Abdelaziz Bouteflika

As far as a Latin explosion, I'm sorry, I'm the only Latino who's going to say it, but there is no Latin explosion. I'm sorry. Four or five top box office people do not make it an explosion, and it's disgusting to me that people will perceive it that way.

Rosie Perez

Nevertheless, I do not feel guilty toward my country. I just feel sorry for my friends who do not have any choice but going. Well, I have a choice, and I will not go.

Tan Kim

This was not an easy decision and we're sorry for the late notice. Once we finish up the recordings of record number two the full Dresden Dolls experience will be back out on the road.

Amanda Palmer

I'm sorry I'm not gay or Jewish, so I don't have a special interest group of journalists that support me.

Vincent Gallo

I wanted him to be sorry, ... The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Mindy Mccready

To her I believe I would say I'm very sorry that she has health problems at this time, and of course I would wish her the best in her recovery. But at the same time I can't speak to the specifics of the case.

Sharon Harris

We made miniature snowmen. Instead of carrots, we used Fruit Loops. Some kids were sorry they couldn't take it with them.

Dave Richards

I am sorry that Harry's stay at St. Mary's has ended this way. This situation is not of my or Southampton football club's making.

Rupert Lowe

I'm sorry she had to die like that. She was murdered.

Sasha Adams

I'm sorry, but I'm pretty boring to be honest. Really, I am.

Michael Hussey

I had all the provocation in the world to kill... I had no malice or spleen against him... It was not designedly done, but in my passion, for which I am heartily sorry.

William Kidd