I just feel like I have to be there in order to be able to vote on the issues, ... I can't just read the paperwork and assume I'm going to know everything I need to know about what's being proposed.

Ruth Ross

We're moving into the 21st century - and people expect you to be available. I've had about 200 visitors to the site so far in this campaign. Two hundred people - that's 200 people that you might influence to vote for you.

Dubose Egleston

Anything that comes up in the assembly that is likely to lead us closer to the Republic of Ireland -- we will block these, we will vote against them, and we will endeavor to stop them.

Gregory Campbell

I wish it had been a unanimous vote but we had some outstanding candidates.

Cooter Failla

After careful deliberation, consultation with my financial advisor and consideration of developments since the announcement of the merger, I have decided to vote against the transaction. I believe that Hewlett-Packard can create greater value for stockholders as a stand-alone company than as a company combined with Compaq.

Walter Hewlett

What we have on the table is a proposal and the union board will debate, discuss and vote on it within the next few weeks.

Gregg Overman

It is something that was discussed today, but largely it's a question for the leadership as to when a final vote would occur.

Andrew Gray

Do any other board members want to start over? I certainly hope not, but let's vote on it.

Richard Weaver

You should not be thinking about cuts that will set us back. I would not vote for a budget that would set us back.

Ronald Goldstein

These issues are extremely important for the broad Israeli population, and those who choose not to vote are registering a protest against both candidates -- not necessarily fatigue.

Gerald Steinberg

This vote [Medicaid amendment] is a rare bright spot in what for the most part is a pretty dismal budget.

James Jeffords

If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

Jay Leno

Many will see the vote on shore-based gaming as the first defining vote of where Mississippi is headed, ... Will it be business as usual; the same old, same old? Or are we going to lift our horizons and take advantage of this opportunity to have something better?

Haley Barbour

The Governor's decision to allow him (Singh) this much time is undemocratic. Also, it may give the Congress an ample amount of time to attempt horse-trading. Therefore, we want that the vote should be held tomorrow itself.

Venkaiah Naidu

Don't waste your vote on small protest parties. Opposition is a luxury.

Kaizer Mohau

The jury is out on the Catholic vote in long run.

David Leege

It's quite likely that as of this moment the court could be facing a 5-4 decision against the Americans with Disabilities Act, with O'Connor casting the all important fifth vote.

Stephen Wermiel

Seven people (council members) and the mayor (Tom Leighton) seem to disregard the will of the people, ... When is (council's) vote going to take place ... 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010? Is it ever going to take place?

Stephen Urban

Is that the type of vote that we would like to see? No, ... Do we understand that vote? Yes, we do. Property rights are a very big issue for him. These are trade-offs that are difficult, but they are the trade-offs that exist today.

David Wilmot

It would be very surprising if the events of the last week had no effect on how people vote.

Tony Travers

Women will win in a situation where there is no vote-in. Women are women?s worst enemies. This should somewhat negate both the regional slant and the bias against women.

Ashish Kaul

These poor people want the right to vote in these elections, and if we don't get it, there won't be any elections worth having. If you are fighting to take the people out of misery in Haiti, they will always call you a gang leader.

Amaral Duclona

Our campaign is designed to reach those 13 million eligible voters who are so disillusioned they didn't even vote in last year's election.

Arianna Huffington

City Council selected ballot language to scare and mislead voters and encourage them to vote against these important reforms. That's illegal and undermines our democratic process. A fair and impartial election is the hallmark of democracy. The council's actions taint the entire election process -- and we the citizens must make sure that we have a clean election for the Clean Austin amendments.

Glen Maxey

I have great respect for Chris. But we aren't going to make everyone happy. Even the ratification vote (on the collective-bargaining agreement) was 87 or 89%.

Bob Boughner

In any scenario regarding the one vote in question.

Linda Gilbert

The successful election in Iraq was an important step toward establishing an independent democracy in that country. Tremendous credit should go to the U.S. Armed Forces, who made voting possible throughout much of the country, and to the millions of Iraqi citizens, who risked their lives to vote.

Mark Dayton

One hundred years, ... America will be last. America's always last. Great Britain did away with slavery 100 years before we did and it was a vote, not a war. Pakistan has had a female prime minister and we're still just fantasizing about a female president.

Dan Savage

If New Delhi decides to vote against the resolution that would definitely put obstacles at least in the nuclear deal signed in July 2005.

Henry Sokolski

I've been trying to vote since 10 a.m.. They say I'm not registered to vote, but four days ago, I went to the police station to register and they said I could vote with my ID card. Today when I tried to vote, they said I couldn't.

Ali Omar

He's made an extraordinary effort to move beyond last year's conflict with the city's unions. He's reached out to the Greater Boston Labor Council, trying to mend fences, and last night's vote reflects that. The vote was unanimous.

Rich Rogers

The one-person, one-vote cases are the example of the judiciary being the most activist ever . . . it led to the redrawing of districts for almost every representative institute in the United States, from the smallest town council to congressional delegations.

Nathaniel Persily

I feel that the state has more of a responsibility to protect the ability of its citizens to vote than it does to prevent voter fraud.

Jonathan Hill

Obviously, it was kind of a reputation vote, but we're looking forward to the season.

Jamie Sale

Integrity of each vote.

Katherine Harris

Turnout figures were tabulated incorrectly on one machine. The vote count was not affected.

Jennifer Kerns

Lenin said that people vote with their feet. Well, that's what's happening. They either go, or they don't go. It's all politics. It's all demographics.

Warren Beatty

If the PM wants to answer a different question, that's fine, and that's a good answer to a different question. But that's not the question. When it comes to this vote, will he be voting with or against the US?

Gary Ackerman

I said 'no.' I would vote 'no,' ... I am reminded of Rogers firefighters who were stuck in a hotel room a few weeks ago. Our taxpayer dollars are to take care of our taxpayers here in Benton County ... I work for Habitat for Humanity, so I do not have a cold heart. I am just trying to be conscientious.

Bill Adams

This statistical manipulation of the vote amounts to a prize to those who advocate violence.

Leslie Manigat

Without a doubt, getting people to come out and vote is our biggest challenge.

Josefina Vazquez Mota

I think a lot of people will get the ballots and not understand how to vote.

Gino Bucchino

Good morning, Katie. Now in advance of tomorrow's referendum vote in Iraq, the White House held this event and described it as a way to highlight that milestone and to thank the troops. Now in addition to the President talking about U.S. policy there, they handed the microphone to soldiers and that's the part that got interesting. A question-and-answer session via satellite.

Kelly O'donnell

I wouldn't have known it was going on today but my friend called up and told me and asked me to come out and vote.

Patrick Sweeney

When I walked into the deliberations I had a pretty good feeling of my vote.

James Cwick

Council did vote by resolution not to allow dogs at Railroad Days and it seemed to work real good.

Gary Goddard

I don't think it's going to have a great deal of impact because people who would be offended by the remark would never vote for her anyway.

John Pitney

The undecided voters are the ones who haven't decided which party they will vote for in a given coalition. They know which coalition it will be.

Fausto Bertinotti

I voted Texas No. 1 all season, and they did nothing to change my vote.

Gary Barnett

There is an enthusiasm to vote. Even in the last month we have registered one million more people.

Farid Ayar

Generally, special elections have low voter turn-out, which means get-out-the-vote efforts can make all the difference. The election is going to hinge on if Schwarzenegger, the Republicans and other supporters of the union dues measure can mount an effective ground war.

Jack Pitney

Last year set a new kind of standard, ... I think it does influence, especially when you consider how few people turn out to vote.

Alan Young

Try to encourage them to vote in our favor because they are protected by the law to do what they're doing.

Ron Iwami

It's now harder to vote in Indiana than any other state in the U.S.,

Bart Peterson

It's pretty hard to say anything positive about it from a union perspective. I assume the leadership anticipates a strong negative vote.

Lowell Peterson

Justice Thomas, in public speeches, has said one thing that has awed him is that he has never heard ever a syllable out ... of any justice even insinuating that politics was influencing their vote, ... I'm not saying they are taking vacations together or anything like that ... but the civility of the discourse remains the same.

Bruce Fein

So many millions of people don't feel like their vote has any meaning. There is no reason why younger people can't be a unified force.

Mike Burkett

The Democratic Party bosses dumped a candidate with mainstream vote-getting potential for one of their most liberal members.

Dan Ronayne

I think it may be the most important election in the history of the Second Amendment. We're telling people, if they value the freedom to own a firearm, this is the election you'd better get out and vote.

Wayne Lapierre

For those who think the current pension system isn't working, we want you to vote for the Democratic Party and let us carry through pension reforms under a Democratic administration.

Katsuya Okada

I don't want to come to Washington to be just another vote. I want to lead on issues that are important.

Mel Martinez

I vote for a return to her blond (hair). She should go all glamour because she's the perfect Hollywood starlet.

Karen Sanders

Approximately 26 percent of the surrounding property owners within 200 feet of the property have officially registered opposition to the request. Because of this, a super majority vote (six of seven council members) is needed to approve the requested zoning change.

Ken Baker

I'm looking forward to organizing a really effective get-out-to-vote effort in all 80 precincts of the county. I want to get out an accurate message of what Democrats really stand for.

Vicky Schroeder

The law says we can't open them for 10 days. We have to make sure people didn't vote in other locations.

Nancy Bell

We have often noted the Fed tries to choose a policy action that minimizes the consequences of a mistake. Which would have the least negative consequences today: easing too much and setting off an excessively strong rebound or easing too little and allowing the economy to slip back into recession? We would vote for the former.

David Orr

Polling done for the purposes of publicizing results is meaningless. And I think the media are guilty of spending too much time on polls People don't vote based on polls.

Steve Wagner

As the only Republican in the race, we obviously worked with our party to turn out our vote.

Ted Delisi

After days of White House winks implying that Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers would be a reliable conservative vote because she is a devout Christian evangelical, President George W. Bush himself yesterday suggested that he picked her in part because of her faith.

John Riley

The statute is very clear that if a county's results are not to us by 5 p.m. Tuesday we shall ignore that county's vote, and the counties need to be very aware of that, ... Candidates asking for recounts need to be aware of that.

Bob Crawford

I've always been told someone will vote for a candidate they have met and shaken hands with. And let's face it. I'm that candidate. Tammy has been in this district for what, two months? I've been running for more than two years.

Christine Cegelis

I will not withdraw (from the race) in favor of another candidate. I'm going to campaign up to July 2 ? the date of the elections ? I want to become president, I want my party to win Congress, and every vote for me will serve that purpose.

Patricia Mercado

I don't know anything about [the elections], so I don't want to vote for something I'm not supportive of.

Mike Rios

I didn't want any senators to vote based on his assertion that I'd approved his speech.

Thomas Hubbard

We want the election to be canceled and a new vote to be held.

Isa Gambar

Iraqis in the street are saying that the Shiite-dominated government planned it that way. The elections gave people hope for an improved life, but immediately after the vote, the quality of life declined.

Jill Carroll

Republicans are not so angry at the president that they want to vote for the other guy. They just stayed home.

Rich Galen

My family vote would be that he doesn't. I don't think that he deserves this.

Gary Condit

I think anybody is entitled to vote for whomever they want, and I think Secretariat does qualify as an athlete.

Dick Schaap

These are all kids who are going to be growing up to vote. They have a much clearer idea of the kind of world they want to live in, ... I like to think sanity will prevail.

Carl Hiaasen

Justice Thomas, my old boss, got 52 votes. Justice (Antonin) Scalia got 98 votes, ... But Justice Thomas is no less a justice than Justice Scalia. They have the same vote on the court.

Wendy Long

I think what they need to do is go back to the state board and say, ?this is what we're proposing,' and have them vote on it.

Rich Sipe

We vote on a president in January, and I guarantee you there will be a change. Back in law school they used to tell us, 'If you don't have the facts, argue the law; and if you don't have the law, argue the facts; and if you don't have either one, you play the race card.' This has nothing to do with race.

Jimmy Fahrenholtz

Students will vote and which ever band raises the most money is the winner.

Kelly Cooper

It's an ethical issue. If he has a voting conflict, he cannot vote. But there are also other issues that might apply, such as misuse of public position. There's a definite need for the commission to weigh in. It's a tremendous safeguard.

John Hubbard

Qualified voters include all individuals who are registered to vote and live within the boundaries of the district.

Craig Nelson

All of these union bosses are terrified that the governor's reforms are going to take power and influence out of Sacramento and give it back to the people of California, ... The debate over the special election is a simple one — vote yes on the governor's reforms if you want real change, vote no if you are happy with the way things are.

Todd Harris

Missourians should never have to face harassment when they go to cast their vote. That is why it is important that we move campaigners further from polling places and increase the penalties if they cross the line and harass voters.

Sen. Delbert Scott

Someone might say, 'You didn't vote for him. Why should I?'

John Clayton

All speculations regarding my role in the third round of candidate cities for 2012 are completely unfounded. I declare that I did not vote during the third round, as I had announced during the election in question.

Alex Gilady

There is something beyond registration numbers in our district that people vote by.

Richard Harmon

I think the people deserve another vote.

Don Siegelman

I have a pin on today that says, 'Remember Florida,' ... Members of my race died because of this issue. They died because they deserved the right to vote, and there we many who tried to stop them.

Carrie Meek

We don't have answers to questions we as board members are asking or have yet to ask. I think it is too early to vote on this, and I move to table this until October.

Mary Bach

I would predict with a very high level of confidence that he would not vote to overrule Roe v. Wade.

Arthur Hellman

Today's vote proves yet again that the movement to protect medical marijuana patients from arrest is unstoppable.

Rob Kampia

Things like picking the music are gas. If there's a dispute over two songs we vote on it, and usually we have to have a big group hug afterwards.

Maggie Stapleton

It was a consensus vote from the selection team, and that selection team looked at functionality, ease of implementation and flexibility -- in addition to TCO. While functionality was very close between the two products, ease of implementation and flexibility was won fairly-handedly by Oracle.

Larry Rencken

You need to be trendy and to not only get the best gifts, but the best gifts with the most sizzle that use all $500. Something that we learned is nobody over 35 is allowed to vote on what we give out. It's all interns, equipment managers and athletes.

Rick Hill

It's possible in some constituencies if people want to keep Harper's numbers down Liberals might actually vote NDP this time, which is the opposite of what happened last time.

Patrick Smith

Certainly, we have come a long way since 1913, the year Illinois women won the right to vote in municipal elections. But as with all things, there is always room for improvement and growth.

Lorelei Sims

I just don't understand. I don't care if they vote for our candidate, just come out and vote.

Leonard Roberto

It's every right under the First Amendment and North Carolina statutes to inform voters how their legislators actually vote in Raleigh.

Art Pope

We're moving now. We're at 8:00. We start the night off on Monday nights. It's a great vote of confidence from the network.

Kevin James

If they vote for me, they think we need a fresh face. The public deserves better than this. They deserve a challenger.

Sandra Anderson

The deputies used this vote to show their independence from the government, but they don't know what they are doing. We are not trying to ban anything, just to make sure the work of others isn't stolen.

Nicolas Seydoux

It's looking very positive for bowling to be accepted and that's wonderful. This is the fastest-growing high school sport according to OHSAA and they're impressed with the number of schools. It looks very positive they'll vote yes.

Julie Wells

A vote in the state legislature to allow a local government to impose a higher tax is not opposing tax increases. This isn't higher-level math.

Grover Norquist

There are other parts of the bill we're going to work on, but you can only do so much. There are some things that Dave likes about the bill. He's going to vote for it.

Mike Shields

For Democratic senators this is a vote of conscience, not a chess game, ... That's why Democratic senators are not voting in lockstep, unlike some partisans who cheerlead for anyone the White House picks, even before hearings are held.

David Carle

They have every right to take a vote after I left, but I just had to walk out because of the issue of integrity and the question there.

Marvin Hoot

It's all going to boil down to who is going to vote – turnout.

Stan Devereux

We have a representative democracy and the way senators vote on legislation or other matters is the most-fundamental act in representing people.

Andrew Bartlett

I would like to delay the vote until we sort some things through. I think we need to take a pause and talk about the future of the organization and where we're headed.

Freddie Hamilton

We feel that no matter what your immigrant status, you have the right to a living wage, a voice on the job and a vote on the ballot.

Matt Richards

Houston is responsible for 30 percent of the vote in an off-election year like this.

Matt Foreman

I think there were people in the White House who hoped the Democrats would all vote for him and show that Roberts was a high-quality nominee. There were other people in the White House who hoped the Democrats would all vote against him, thinking that would help the president feel liberated to do whatever he wanted to do next.

Stephen Wermiel

People did not vote for us so that we would head a government of the Right and the ultra-Orthodox. It is totally illegitimate and also stupid.

Matan Vilnai

The same holds for conservative precedents. O'Connor had been critical of Roe, but when she had a potential vote to overturn it, she just partially limited it.

Scott Moss

Even if they vote no, it will show they have a stake in the process.

Stephen Johnson

As it stands now, close to 8 million voters could be at the mercy of these faulty, unreliable and decertified machines. Californians deserve to go to the polls knowing that their vote will be counted, not discarded.

Mark Rosenbaum

If you're not registered to vote, now is a great time, ... If you are signed up, come out and participate in the activities.

Julie Snyder

Benson said in an interview after the vote. ''I think this law finally puts all parental notification on the same footing.

Craig Benson

Haiti?s future depends on this vote.

Jacques Bernard

If I vote yes now, the $150,000 will go away, ... There's not a doubt in mind about that. Unless someone can figure out a way around that.

Michael Gibson

This is a sport a lot of kids have taken to. They may not be playing other sports. It gives close to 100 kids something to do between the hours of 4-6 when they could be doing who knows what. Why not vote for it?

Howard Rogers

It's not just one vote. It's a pattern and behavior of Jim Gerlach.

Lois Murphy

If the vote were held today [in the Finance Committee] it would fail. It is notable that there is bipartisan representation here today for a trigger by members of the finance committee itself.

Robert Torricelli

It is my responsibility to vote. We have to fulfil this responsibility.

Tito Mboweni

To have accountability you must get out and vote!

Billy Bragg

We're really only talking about a swing group of voters who will be upset by the corruption issues. Loyal Democrats are inclined to vote for Democrats -- loyal Republicans are heavily inclined to vote for Republicans.

Paul Beck

We are speaking to groups throughout the state, reminding them to vote 'NO' to weakening term limits. This ballot initiative has been tainted from the start. The outcome will be meaningless because the electorate has been presented with a deceptive question.

Max Linn

[Yet both parties' campaign strategists believe Latino party affiliations and voting patterns can be changed.] The reason Democrats and Republicans will concentrate on Latinos is that they are in some ways a swing vote, ... Both Bush and Gore can try to make some inroads into the other candidate's Latino base.

Michael Alvarez

We have gone on record for many years now as being opposed to any form of legalized gambling on moral grounds. Gambling has never been put to a statewide vote. If it were today, I would say it would be frighteningly close to not passing.

William Perkins

I'm glad that we finally took a straight up-or-down vote on the lottery. We have a very serious need throughout our state for school construction.

Scott Thomas

I was at the courthouse to vote this morning. I parked in the far reaches of the parking lot I noticed a car sitting in the fire lane and blocking the disabled camp to go into the courthouse. As I got closer to the car the license plate on the car said County Judge. We must be vigilant to guard against the hubris of elected officials. This just reminded me why I am running in this race.

Keith Self

When you start making incremental changes like that with double digits … then that starts chipping away at their base. We can't truly call ourselves a majority unless we take back the black vote as the party of Lincoln. We are going to reclaim that.

Tara Wall

It's not surprising as many people would rather vote in their village constituencies. Many candidates have bought or hired boats to take voters back to their villages to vote.

Johnson Honimae

[The group's involvement with Rock the Vote, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 1990, is an indirect result of the Bush uproar.] We never had intentions to become a political band but like it or not we have been placed on a unique political platform in the past months, ... We feel it would be irresponsible not to make something positive come out of that.

Natalie Maines

America is a land where a citizen will cross the ocean to fight for democracy -- and won't cross the street to vote in a national election.

William E Bill Vaughan

Our editors assembled photographs of the top 25 vote getters for our annual '25 Sexiest Celebrity' feature, and we put her on the cover based on the poll results.

Lauren Malone

Students are the stockholders in the university system and deserve to have their vote count on issues such as taxes on textbooks, tuition increases and funding for different universities.

James Touchton

This choice is exactly what it appears to be -- it's the ultimate vote of confidence by the president in a lawyer who has served as his lawyer in one capacity or another for a very long time. The president is very, very confident in his judgments about people, and he likes to reward loyalty.

Bradford A. Berenson

This election would be a vote on a complete change of political direction if there were different coalition alternatives.

Juergen Falter

VOTE, n. The instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.

Ambrose Bierce

They aren't framing my campaign. They aren't telling me what to say. Whatever that political committee is doing, that's their thing. If they want to vote for me, fine.

Bill Noland

The only time I left was to vote, give blood, or go to the doctor. This way of life forced you to go slow, to seek a deeper peace, to see every person's goodness.

Patricia Perry

The upcoming IAEA vote affects the petroleum ministry more than any other ministry as it has a direct impact on energy security of the country.

Petroleum Minister Murli Deora

This was a mandate. We've got momentum going here. All we ever wanted was a vote of the people and that is what we got.

John Chapman

This is a major vote and a major step on the way to fulfilling the dream of bringing the stadium back to campus. This is historic and I would argue a monumental vote.

Robert Bruininks

It's a tremendously important decision. I want to vote when the board's prepared.

Carolyn Roberts

[Consultative] status is the required means to have a voice in the human rights processes of the U.N., so the government's vote effectively has denied a place for LGBT people globally.

Paula Ettelbrick

The market has left behind the vote and a general election and is quickly shifting its focus to the strength of the economy.

Koji Muneoka

I'm delighted that it turned out to be a vote that's going to get some respect.

Renato Turano

I am begging people to vote one more time. This one is for all the marbles.

Megan Downs

We want to make sure that the people of New Orleans have a right to vote and to be active in their city's elections. We will be down in New Orleans on Election Day to make sure that the process is fair and that no one will be left out.

Dennis Hayes

The situation is very fluid, ... We're not sure which way to vote right now.

David Liu

We'll vote in March. Before there was the bond issue and also the directors and board members (were up for election). There is only one questions this time.

Pat Deitrich

It's fiscally irresponsible. I'm not sure who Shauna Morris works for. She's sure not working for me. If there's an out without hurting the city, I sure hope you'd vote on it.

Amy Scott

There's no doubt the composition of the court remained static for about 10 years. Justices Kennedy and O'Connor were together perhaps a swing vote. So it is inaccurate to say that O'Connor was the swing vote.

Andrew Mcbride

What is politics but persuading the public to vote for this and support that and endure these for the promise of those?

Gilbert Highet

This is a belated copycat lawsuit that is completely without merit, and an interesting tactic for someone that didn't vote against the merger.

Rick Stone

(The vote) might have gone the other way if people had listened to the presentation.

Kathy Dooley

My reaction as the chief negotiator is that we're disappointed. It's a puzzle to us why they would call for a strike vote while we're still in mediation.

Tom Ruiz

Today is a sad day for Maryland. Fifteen people decided to make a decision for 5 million people by not allowing the vote on the floor and the vote in November.

Greg Massoni

If you are perceived as hostile to the immigrant community, you will not only lose their vote for this generation but for the next four generations. That's what we cannot do with Hispanics.

Grover Norquist

These Supreme Court nominees are probably the most visible positions that a Democratic politician is likely to take, and probably the most visible positions they will have taken since the war vote.

Calvin Jillson

They signed a letter. They didn't vote.

Steve Sigmund

They have collected protest votes, and the votes of people who normally don't vote.

Uwe Andersen

The number one thing I think is wrong with this is that these temporary residents have the opportunity to vote on an issue that's gong to effect people who are going to live in this area permanently.

Keith Faulk

I don't feel responsible for things I didn't vote for.

Byron Dorgan

Frederick citizens vote on this, but it has a big impact on the entire Carbon Valley.

Steve Burton

All our three factions have taken a decision to vote against Chernomyrdin. We do not think he will be able to cope with the situation and following him, a bloody dictatorship will come to power.

Gennady Zyuganov

We think that federal law trumps what's in state law. You would not have to put this to a vote.

Brian Mcdonald

I never vote for anyone; I always vote against.

W. C. Fields

Their duty as a citizen is to vote, and to vote properly.

Sam Reed

The vote was a vote for common sense and basic fairness. It is a victory for Florida taxpayers, working families and businesses who can all breathe a little bit easier knowing that once this legislation is signed they'll be less likely to be targeted for a lawsuit simply because they have the ability to pay.

Slade O'brien

For an individual in Ohio to disagree with Henry on his vote on CAFTA, they have every right to. However, you have to focus on your district. If there was one person that CAFTA was a good vote for, it was Henry Cuellar.

Brandan Wright

Taste is subjective and may very well change with time. The ordinance could certainly be changed or deleted by a future city council. If you like it, vote. If you don't like it, vote.

Mark Mckenna

In all the years I was in the legislature -- and I'll swear this on a stack of Bibles -- he never asked me to do anything or vote in a particular way, other than he always wants us to build more roads in the mountains.

Attorney General Greg Stumbo

They range from fines to possible imprisonment and if the police decide that its a corrupt act and not just an illegal act... then whoever was found to have carried out a corrupt act would not be allowed to vote and therefore would not be allowed to stand as a candidate.

Dr Helena Catt

We're prepared except for not having the actual strike vote happen. Based on the feedback we're getting from members, they're ready.

Karen Schultz

I would never vote for anything like that.

David Piper

To make democracy work, we must be a notion of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain.

Louis L'Amour

Nobody wants to be having this vote so in that regard there is not a lot of good feeling, but I expect it will be ratified.

Peter Kennedy

I have made both a philosophical and financial commitment to the goal of securing the rights of the voters to approve any plan that will change the entire character of the city. Citizens who believe that the city is wrong in trying to prevent us from voting have an obligation to make financial sacrifices to stop this attempt at thwarting the right to vote.

Bill Pyle

Thus, there was no point during the evening when it was likely or even possible that voters would decide not to vote simply because of the erroneous projection of the presidential race in Florida.

David Westin

We're really hoping to get the word out about women's right to vote.

Julie Snyder

I can't vote for something that's going to give the mayor that kind of power.

Joe Allen

We are pleased that the court has ordered that, if the 5,186,000 shares acquired by Gold Fields are material to tomorrow's vote, the transaction may not proceed until the court has considered whether Gold Fields violated the take-over bid rules.

Michael Burry

We remain optimistic that between now and the date of the scheduled vote we will be able to move ahead and address these community concerns.

Maria Alvarado

This is just during the two week spring recess...[when Congress resumes] he's going to push for the bill and hope that the bill will come up for a vote, and then he'll be working toward that.

Christina Angarola

If our vote stays home and Ferrer gets the historic Latino turnout he's looking for, it changes the dynamic of the race.

Patrick Brennan

We have already let the people vote almost 800 times.

John Giles

We are certainly gratified by the Board of Supervisors' vote to accept the settlement agreement we proposed, ... We have said that this represents a true win-win for Comcast and the residents of San Francisco. And we believe the deal is exactly that.

Andrew Johnson

Our case is going full-steam ahead to rescue the vote of 4.6 million Californians from Mayor Gavin Newsom's abusive power. The renegade mayor of San Francisco is openly violating California law that holds marriage is only for a man and a woman.

Richard Ackerman

Whatever the whole council comes up with that is best for the people is what we have to come up with. But I'm not going to deviate by reducing the quality of life for children and people struggling to make ends meet. We need to make sure we vote right the first time so the mayor doesn't have to break the tie.

Michael Brooks

I ask for a statewide recount of every vote in this election -- a recount of every vote in every precinct, of every vote in every county, ... Let's recount all of the votes and discover once and for all who was the legitimate winner of Tuesday's election.

Don Siegelman

Sometimes my conscience tells me to vote against a certain policy or program, and I do, and everyone else votes for it and it passes. I'm going to work just as hard to make sure it's successful as I would had I approved it.

George Hughes

I ask that you vote to return the unused amount from the building construction fund to the taxpayers.

Judy Hansen