Today's vote in the House and Senate demonstrates once again Mississippi's strong commitment to its longtime industrial partners.

Phil Teel

In my opinion it was a tie vote in Singapore. We need an outcome.

Anita Defrantz

If Alex is claiming that an unnamed member 'might' have done something which 'might' have brought about something else which 'might' have brought about a different voting structure, then I'm afraid that this is the kind of tittle- tattle that happens after many an IOC vote.

Craig Reedie

Africa needs you, ... to break out a dialogue. I'm telling you this because you in the West are lucky, you vote for your own leaders.

Paul Rusesabagina

It is important for the public to take advantage of this opportunity because the city council and their viewpoints are what will govern the city for the next couple years, ... I think the citizens would want to make an effort to become aware of the candidates' viewpoints or their feelings on certain matters before they make a decision on how they will vote.

Dan Graf

With the unanimous vote of (the House Transportation and Energy Committee), I feel like I don't want to mess with a good thing.

Rep. Kathleen Curry

I'm a little dismayed that an election has come down to how did you vote on one issue. There are so many positive things that we're doing in this town and I think the way we're going to heal the community is to move forward get past the decisiveness we've seen and work together.

Carol Bruce

I certainly don't want people to vote for us out of sympathy. And New Yorkers certainly don't want people to vote for us out of sympathy.

Dan Doctoroff

What happened is we resubmitted the same proposal they voted on and we are encouraging a vote. We informed council that we're definitely encouraging a vote. And if there are any other changes, we are definitely open to making those changes as need be.

James Canning

Seeing as there's such a narrow gap between the two we demand that a scrupulous verification of the vote counting be carried out.

Paolo Bonaiuti

If the council won't vote to take this off my bill, then tell me where to go. I am talking about my bill. It might not seem like a lot, but it is when you have a high gas bill.

John Baker

This could never be a crime no matter what words are written on paper... just like it was never a crime to drink beer, even though words on paper said it was, and that women were too dumb to vote.

Jack Kevorkian

Finally they are getting it, realizing they have to vote.

Carmen Lopez

The students now have the ability and the energy to get this movement started. Their vote is a message to the university, but it is only the first step ... The UK Board of Trustees will ultimately decide how student funding is spent.

Tiffany Thompson

The refugees and displaced persons may vote back where they came from in their original municipalities from which hundreds of thousands were expelled through ethnic cleansing. It's a moral dimension to the peace process.

Robert Frowick

Even though people don't pin the 'R' or 'D' on their sleeve, they pretty much vote one way or the other, and the campaigns know that.

Ingrid Reed

You'd always like to see more people get out and vote. We don't represent ourselves very well when we don't take advantage of our freedom to vote.

Bill Dodson

Of course, any vote will be made in regular session.

James Calhoun

Vote in all of the elections, not just for president and governor.

Leo Scoda

The DA is not only misleading voters by creating the impression that a vote for the FF Plus helps the ANC, but it also undermines the constitutional principles of proportional representation and multi-party democracy.

Willie Spies

Santa Rosa was more pro-South and Petaluma was more pro-North. Many articles in the Sonoma Democrat (now the Press Democrat) during this time speak about preserving the 'white mans government,' and oppose African-Americans' right to vote. Petaluma was more progressive.

Sean Carroll

Originally, it was thought to be a milestone in this whole process, ... Now, as things have evolved, and the control board has said it's not a firm vote, it's really non-binding. It probably doesn't have any substance to it anymore.

Barry Weinstein

We're taking the position that the County Commission doesn't have the right or the power to vote on this, not because of any inherent power that they may or may not have, but because the Senate acted illegally to void the election.

David Cocke

Neighborhood schools are keeping families in Portland. My husband can walk our daughter to school, then take the bus downtown. We can walk to the park, the pool, the library, and that's repeated all over town. I just hope people don't vote with their feet.

Ruth Adkins

John Kerry and I made a promise to the US people that in this election every vote would count and every vote would be counted. Tonight we are keeping our word and we will fight for every vote.

John Edwards

Sixty years after Hitler and 87 years after gaining the right for women to vote, the people may have elected her (Merkel), but the majority of the powerful are still far removed from conceding the highest office to a woman.

Alice Schwarzer

Hispanics who otherwise would have supported a Republican presidential nominee in 2008 are going to want to vote for someone who they believe will keep their word.

Carlos Ortiz

He's just sick about it. He feels that he let his family down, and the voters of Bristol Township down. And he's certainly not happy about not being able to vote for four years. But he's in good spirits and he's working to get his life back on track.

David Knight

It was kind of shocking to me when the vote was read. I don't know if it's coaches' feelings that Mitchell's getting everything or what. But yeah, for a second-team player to get player of the year, I'm not real sure how it happened.

Shari Schau

It made me as a voter not vote for Jackie L. Currie, ... I felt like Jackie L. Currie shouldn't be running things.

Pam Johnson

It was one of the most-produced plays last year. I can see why it's done so much. I read it and became intrigued by it. It speaks to finding your own identity. Women of that time couldn't vote and they had to be strong.

Glenn Casale

They think it will reduce the number of Democrats who'll vote.

Bart Peterson

We still think that the deal will go to a vote regardless of the outcome from Packard Foundation.

Andy Neff

The Attorney General failed to carry out his duty to prepare a neutral, factual title and summary, which would have prevented a fair vote on this important issue. The people deserve the chance to vote to protect marriage rights.

Mathew Staver

Because they've taken money from outside business interests to vote their way.

Kelley Edgar

This has been a wonderful year for Darlington. Our new Mother's Day weekend date was a huge success, and now our company has given us an overwhelming vote of confidence with their decision to invest in the track's future.

Chris Browning

The vote of the 24-member board was conducted by union president James P. Hoffa by conference call this afternoon.

Brett Caldwell

There is a clear challenge to the view that some people in the United States have that if the Arab people could express their voices freely, they would vote for people who are more like us.

Rob Malley

While residents in Maryland's capital city have a vote in Congress, I am leading the fight for residents in the nation's capital to get full voting representation in Congress. The fight continues.

Lawrence Guyot

I appeal to the electorate not to vote these militarists.

Miria Kalule Obote

That's a vote of confidence in the market to me.

Carl Wittnebert

My vote had nothing to do with Hacking.

John Hill

I just don't know why they have to do these things without communicating with the parents. Who made the decision? The board didn't vote on it. It doesn't quite seem right to me. I'm not real pleased with it.

Jeanette Woods

The fact there is a Latino on the ballot adds a level of excitement to the race, so Latinos will be looking at it. But they are willing to vote their interest and they are willing cross party lines.

Arturo Vargas

This vote is painful proof that a majority of senators will not stand up for women's rights, civil rights and our right to privacy when it counts the most.

Debra L. Ness

If they are serious about getting a tentative agreement into our members' hands for a vote, I would suggest that they make some substantial movement in our direction.

Jeff Mathews

We were aware of that. The vast majority of handicapped voters in White County vote absentee or early.

Norm Southerland

The teams came out of last year's event feeling this was a very positive step for NASCAR and I think that shows by the starting grid. Teams vote by their attendance, and I think it's clear by the group you're going to have that they believe in this event.

Robbie Weiss

If the vote was today, Hollywood would be an independent city.

Johnny Grant

Rob Schilling was the primary advocate for an elected school board for years. That's a feather in his cap. But whether or not that's going to make anybody vote for him, I don't know. It's something that he's done, not something that he's promising to do. So I don't know that it's going to make a difference.

Waldo Jaquith

This is like saying I could not vote on sewer or water projects.

Allen Settle

If we are not one of those chosen, then that's when we need people to start to vote. It's critical that if you can't watch, you at least find out how to vote.

Byron Paulson

They're calling this a technical vote. We call it another chance for members of Congress to take a stand in support of their constituents' needs and America's priorities … or be on record against them.

Toby Chaudhuri

We should have the hearings wrapped up in time to get a vote out of the full Senate in time for the (court's) October term.

Don Stewart

Do you really know the commissioners wishes unless we vote on something?

Larry Ammons

The last election was about the grand struggle for democracy and this motivated a lot of citizens to vote. This drama concluded and this gray democracy is not particularly exciting.

Federico Estevez

Last year it took four votes to pass the budget and each time the budget kept getting depleted to what I thought was a dangerous point. I'm very happy to say the vote passed the first time out.

David Gallitto

We'll see what the vote is all about next Tuesday. Is it a non-confidence motion? Is it not? There are many days between now and next Tuesday.

Jean Lapierre

The key is the vote in November.

Heather Taylor

It would seem to me that, regardless of the bottom line, there are (board members) who are going to vote for it no matter what the cost. I mean, the price went through the roof and it still passed.

Donna Williams

This is a vote that is required if we are going to enjoy all of the WTO trade advantages with a new member of WTO, namely the People's Republic of China. And if we do not approve this, and we go back to simply renewing our annual trade relations, normal trade relations with China, they continue to access our market, but we are locked out of theirs, as we are at the present time.

Phil Crane

We stand by our decision on the enterprise zones; the later vote absolutely was not as environmentally clear as the one we used.

Jan Wilson

This vote was a test.

Karen Dolan

We voted for you to vote on these things. This will set a precedent because anything that's done once can be done again.

Frank Blake

We would definitely vote for it [Iceland's EU entry].

Vaclav Klaus

That said, it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for a Republican in the future.

Joe Wilson

The vote of confidence is worth more to me than any extension, raise or anything. Getting to the top of league is something we can do very quickly.

Brady Sallee

He's been governor for five years, and a staggering 54 percent of members of his party are looking to vote someone else.

Mark Sanders

If the news events over the last couple days have raised any doubts in your mind about the wisdom of electing Arnold Schwarzenegger, I say to you, 'Come home, vote no on the recall.'

Gray Davis

I am a Colorado native, and, no, I did not vote for the anti-gay amendment or the same-sex marriage ban, and I am not a member of a militia.

Connie Willis

Yes, we are going to boycott the vote.

Paul Ncwane

Obviously, he was performing under some difficulty last season. I think the fact that two of the other nominees are perennials ... tilts his way this time. I think there will be a sympathy vote.

John Carman

All day we have seen that the (center-left) does not have the majority they have claimed to have. At this point, after this Senate vote, they should not receive a mandate to govern.

Roberto Calderoli

Once the lawyers have a chance to wordsmith it, they will take it to their councils for a vote. I don't think there will be a need for us to get back together again.

Rick Dantzler

I've enjoyed having a chance to visit with Buck and the folks in his class. Plus, it's a chance to visit with some students who are politically active and will be likely to vote.

Jim Newberry

I really think it lifts everyone's spirits, ... The very fact it's moving on and we have the whole school year knowing the vote is confirmed is exciting.

Joe Dailey

It's good our vote means so much.

Nathan Hale

This isn't fair to the taxpayer. They need to sit down now and provide a plan that allows us to know what this is going to cost. Already, they've bonded $4 million on this, and it looks like they could need much more. We at least need to know if this going to go back to the taxpayers for a vote, ... I wanted to bring it up for discussion, we at least owe the taxpayers that much.

Charles O'brien

Their proposals fell short of what we felt we could achieve in direct negotiations. The results of [Tuesday's] vote show our members agree.

Scotty Ford

It's something that comes up year after year. It's always one of the most radioactive things legislators can do because it's such a tough vote.

Tim Storey

As I am talking to you, IFP supporters are blocking the station. They say they won't allow known ANC members to vote in 'their' so-called area.

Mtholephi Mthimkhulu

Both of them were outstanding for us, so I just told the coaches I was going to nominate them both and let them decide who to vote for. Both were valuable to us.

Mike Fuller

They are going along with student council and class counsel elections in the hopes that more people come out to vote for class officers.

Alex Najduch

Because we are on schedule and under budget to complete the Seattle monorail plan in August for a November vote we wanted to take this action now.

Tom Weeks

I think it fully likely that Lukashenko got over 50 percent, but 82 percent is just unreal. It is of some political urgency to clarify the actual vote the opposition received, which is possibly in the region of 25 percent.

Oleg Manaev

Anarchists know that a long period of education must precede any great fundamental change in society, hence they do not believe in vote begging, nor political campaigns, but rather in the development of self-thinking individuals.

Lucy Parsons

Unlike the June vote when the Liberals pulled out all stops to survive, this time they aren't afraid of a fall election. In fact, party sources say they are already organizing for an early election. That's one of the reasons they are rushing to put together an energy rebate program.

Robert Fife

I don't know what his agenda is. I have to listen to what he has to say. I vote for the man who I think is going to do the best job for the state.

Dan Bonner

I think it will be hard to get people to vote until there is some differentiation between the state, the government and the [ruling] party-people see them as the same.

Wael Khalil

If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are.

Alice Cooper

There's this feeling that people will vote just on geography. I just think we need to know more than geography.

Nancy Harvey

We have no doubt that the elections in Belarus were not free. There are some 7,000 polling stations in Belarus, but representatives of opposition candidates were allowed to be election commission members at only three stations, which prevented them from monitoring the vote.

Vladimir Ryzhkov

You can't create a majority with this election. You can increase the regular minority vote on the council, but you're not going to change the outcome.

James Simmons

We urge investors to vote against this value-destroying proposal. Why give up something so valuable for nothing?

David Webb

People tend to vote the present tense -- not the subjective.

Diane Sawyer

They'll vote against any local bill, anything to raise anything. They're afraid they'll be punished at the polls.

Stan Bingham

More and more consumers are choosing what messages to receive with video- on-demand and opt-in emails. We want to allow consumers a chance to vote on what they receive in mass media as well.

Roger Adams

If it doesn't win, then at least there's clarity. I would prefer that ending to an ending where I have to sit at this table and vote to dissolve this agency without any input.

Kristina Hill

Many Republicans in Congress - and perhaps a majority - not only do not care about losing the General Assembly vote but actually see it as a "make my day" outcome. Indeed, once the vote is lost, and the adverse consequences predicted by the U.N.'s supporters begin to occur, this will simply provide further evidence to many why nothing more should be paid to the U.N. system.

John Bolton

If you're expecting the constituency during the course of your campaign to get out and vote and you haven't done it yourself, it's almost a paradox here, why would I vote if he didn't vote kind of thing.

Jerry Shuster

Our analysis suggests that roughly 67 percent of institutional shareholders would need to vote in favor of the deal in order for it to pass. We view this as highly unlikely, particularly in light of Walter Hewlett's intention to publicly solicit proxies.

Joel Wagonfeld

It will be a clear up or down vote without muddying up the waters, so we will get a clear indication of what the voters want.

Richard Ross

We're looking forward to using the technology in November's election, and seeing that other counties have the opportunity to implement the same changes. It will eventually make the (vote) counting process go a lot easier.

Ben Beakes

A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.

Bill Vaughan

There are not a lot of reasons for people to vote.

Terry Madonna

There are a number of mentions … and examples of intimidation in southern claims. There is a voting poll where three names who voted [not to secede] were crossed out, the votes changed to yes with a note 'vote changed by request of voter,'.

Brian Conley

The vote took place before all of this happened.

Matt Stallbaumer

When I was 20, I voted for Gore. When I am 24, I will vote for Kerry. If it was legal, I would have voted for Clinton when I was 16.

Bill Kelly

I was very happy with the vote. It was very fair.

Dean Stock

It's as much for internal [Republican] consumption as it is for public consumption. They have a very demanding wing that's conservative and intense on social issues whom they have to satisfy to get them to vote and to keep them on the reservation.

Geoff Garin

It's unfortunate, ... (Harrington) is the only one that does anything over there. You never can go back, but there are commissioners over there I would never vote for again.

Ruth Griffin

Citizens can't talk to you before you vote.

Gary Libby

I find that the people who vote in the off-year election are the ones who really care. I think it will be a crowded field.

Melba Bishop

Those types of voters who do get hunting licenses are more likely to vote Republican. I'd say the odds are probably well over 60 percent.

Jim Kane

It is better, as far as getting the vote is concerned I believe, to have a small, united group than an immense debating society.

Alice Paul

It's our job to be sure that people go to the polls to vote for the marriage amendment and the Republican candidates for governor. Not only are they out there in force voting for this amendment, but because Gov. Doyle is vulnerable, you get a two-for-one shot.

Rick Wiley

If you can vote more than once, my suggestion in this democratic society is vote early and vote often.

Byron Paulson

I have too many unanswered questions about the nominee to justify a vote confirming him to this enormously important lifetime position.

Harry Reid

If I had to vote now for immediate action against Iraq, I'd vote no.

Larry Craig

The heyday was Reconstruction, really. And then, starting about 1890, Arkansas imposed statutes that forced black people out of public office and made it impossible to vote -- Jim Crow laws -- and I just started to be amazed.

Judith Kilpatrick

Some people don't believe their vote counts when they vote for candidates. If you have people who are adamantly for an issue or adamantly against an issue, they will come out and vote.

Dane Waters

[Bush's promise to name conservatives justices,] more than perhaps any other, charged me and millions of other values voters across the land to vote for Mr. Bush, ... presents the most important opportunity we may have for decades to stop the nation's courts from stripping away our Judeo- Christian heritage.

Tony Perkins

I made an effort the last few days to get people out to vote.

Brian Bauer

It's not easy to move a $25 million hotel development from Point A to Point B without a lot of questions coming up. Sometimes we don't get the questions addressed right up to the vote. That's just politics.

David Storrie

They allow their vote to be diluted in the best interest of the whole Sacramento County area. SACOG is now a truly regional body. At each meeting, all of the seats are filled.

Tom Cosgrove

I believe the city is not guilty. ... It is with great disdain that I vote yes to get this over with.

Kathy Harrison

For starters, if you vote Green it moves the agenda of politics.

George Read

I've always been a true Republican ever since the day I registered to vote.

Cathy Beer

I think there's all kinds of possibilities. It probably depends on how some of the other races play out. Two or three spots he could land in, and it's possible he could wind up with nothing. If we win, we'll put it on everybody else. I don't have a vote; I've got enough on my hands.

Greg Gilchrist

Vote with your life; vote yes!

Paul Williams

All others will receive non-partisan ballots, so they don't get to vote on partisan offices.

Connie Higgins

How many Americans would ever vote if they had to go in person to some government office, obtain an application, fill it out, go to a post office and return it by registered mail?

Wayne Cornelius

Blue guys in red states will see themselves getting killed politically if they vote against it.

David Barton

There's always a chance that some agreement could be reached. But our position is firm at the moment: we would continue to vote no.

Kevin Moley

It solidifies that I really need to learn more so I can make an informed decision when it comes time to vote.

William Mcintosh

I'm sure it will help him in the polls. But, whatever. He gets my vote.

Ryan Clark

I believe in my heart that voters will have compassion in their hearts for people and that they will vote this in.

Matthew Barber

Anytime you have sessions like this coming together, people are going back talking. The word is multiplying. I think this is going to be a big effort to get help get out the vote.

Richard Kline

We generally think that democracy works best when citizens can cast an informed vote. To willfully refuse to provide that information and say, 'Well, send me a bill,' seems to me to be deeply undemocratic.

John Chamberlin

I will be encouraging them to vote yes. It is important we have a strong strike vote.

Brian Johnson

Without the two-thirds vote, the risk is that the worst abusers will continue to be elected.

Peggy Hicks

I really want all of the complexities of the two bonds, and how each impacts the taxpayer, to be really clear to us. When we make that decision [about ballot language] I don't want it to be based on the vote we think we can get, I want it to be based on facts, because we were so close with the two-thirds bond [Measure K]. There are a lot of factors that we have to really closely study.

Linda Clark

I don't see how a voter whose vote has been counted can be denied equal protection of the law just because someone else's vote is counted.

Pamela Karlan

I think it's out of hand. Just the sheer volume of initiatives and the confusing campaigns have subverted the original intent. We should be able to vote on fairly significant things and be able to figure out what we're voting on without three hours of study.

Terry Christensen

We're trying to plug in democracy. You can't do that. You can't just tell people to vote. You have to put in education, and land ownership.

Greg Mortenson

I wouldn't vote to give anybody $200 a month to be on call for no service.

Charles Bishop

When a local governing body wants to adopt a code, they can do it with a simple vote - they don't have to reinvent the wheel. They can adopt a code that is tested and used nationwide. They can have a level of confidence.

Marsanne Golsby

I have no problem paying my city taxes. We want our vote to be known. We are Rhome citizens and we want to be treated the same as other Rhome citizens.

Laura Moore

I felt having one person, one vote would be all-inclusive, but if this is what they decided, it is the executive that chooses the process.

Peter Kelly

It's a great thing. Back in the day it was the youth that marched for the vote. I represent the old school, and [this march] takes it back to the old school.

Tom Joyner

Anyone who is eligible and in line at the polling place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday will be entitled to vote.

Darlene Rickman

Measure 37 was not a vote on land use. Measure 37 was a clear message that government needs to treat people fairly. It is too bad that the means offered was Measure 37. At some point Oregonians will look at this and decide whether this law is the kind of fairness they asked for.

Bob Stacey

Every vote that goes to a PC candidate that should be going to Lois is a concern to us. It could cost Lois the election.

Rita Smith

People who want to vote against Tony Blair for a variety of reasons can and should vote Liberal Democrat in that knowledge.

Brian Sedgemore

Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good.

H. L. Mencken

City Commission shall collectively and by a vote of not less than five of its members, evaluate the City Manager's performance during the preceding year and fix his/her compensation accordingly.

John Hubbard

No, you can't call your vote in. You have to be there on the floor to vote.

Gary Ackerman

This courageous vote proves that we are not in China yet. Despite a concerted attempt at party tribalism and an excessively political campaign by certain senior police officers, the House of Commons has helped to restore faith in politics this evening.

Shami Chakrabarti

It will save us time to take it directly to the public for a vote.

Toby Miller

I stood in line ... to vote, and as they were handing out the plastic cards that you insert, some lady said to me, 'Judge, you sure this isn't preprogrammed.' So people still have their doubts.

Charles Burton

I think there's a grassroots effort. None of us has any money to spend. After listening to all the information, we decided seniors should vote 'no' and the reasons are many.

Fred Birchard

Right now, we have a vote. We haven't decided to reconsider it.

Kevin Patterson

Who can complain about somebody that gets elected, when nobody went and voted for him? If you don't like the Democrats, pick you a Republican. Pick somebody. Get off the couch and go vote.

Jimmy Adams

We will recommend to those of our clients, who are shareholders in Nelson, to vote against this deal.

Dmitry Lukashov

It takes a lot to go out and vote for no one.

Thitinan Pongsudhirak

The vote puts the livelihoods of people in the music and film industry at risk.

Nicolas Seydoux

The city has to opt out of the sales tax ceiling first, and that takes some time. Then, you have to have a vote of the people to approve it. And even then, it will be several months before you actually collect any revenues from it. So there wasn't enough time to raise the funds for 2006 through a sales tax.

Chris Ford

We are all glad that our two-year special exception effort is over since it was approved by a 7-0-2 vote in early January. We are very thankful to everyone who supported our parish and we are now trying to resolve some remaining building project issues so that we can break ground in about a year to a year and a half.

Matthew Lepnew

New Yorkers now vote for vision, ideas, and skills that bring the city together, and for leaders who appeal to our common public interest instead of the special interests. That's the appeal of Bloomberg; people believe he isn't a typical politician, and that his only priority is a well-run city.

Dick Dadey

Sometimes the primary is more important than the general. If they don't get out to vote for it or against it, then it may go the other way than what you wanted.

Dana King

Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.

George Jean Nathan

I do not expect any vote.

Christian Wulff

If they vote to stop the program, the program will be stopped. That will be that.

Bill Moss

Many of our associates attach significance to holding more shares. As a stockholder, I am thrilled about the outcome of the vote.

Shannon Patten

Only one in every four people under 35 voted in the last election and Gore still won. So if we get more young people to vote, we can get the landslide we deserve and we could really reap the benefits of what John Kerry stands for.

Jason Bateman

A lot of people are against elections. Even some of the people we removed from the race are calling on people to disrupt the vote.

Jacques Bernard

It was judicial tyranny. If the constitution is changed, it can only be changed by a vote of the people.

Kris Mineau

The risk of a (U.K.) rate cut has risen sharply with this vote. It shows the doves are fighting pretty hard but there is a middle camp which is ready to be persuaded.

Michael Hume

I, for one, have woken up in the middle of the night thinking about it, being unsure how to vote.

Charles E. Schumer

We've seen this before in other situations. You stall and delay, hire a bare majority, put in new work conditions. You meet once a month, two hours at a time, refuse to budge on any major issues, and drag it out until they vote out the union altogether.

Don Crisato

I for one have woken up in the middle of the night thinking about it, wondering how I should vote, ... This is a vote over the chief justice of the Supreme Court ... this isn't just rolling the dice, it's betting the whole house.

Chuck Schumer

Personally, I think everyone on the Lakeshore Committee breathed a sigh of relief once this project was completed. Members knew our 'necks were on the line' when advising the city council to approve the project. And it barely passed the city council by one vote.

Jim Stack

It means I can vote against anyone and everyone in elected office that in any way supported the Bush administration.

Margot Kidder

Either we're going to have a positive outcome, where people get energized and physicians will want to stay here and we gain market share, or we get a 'no' vote and the exodus starts. The future of health care in Sonoma Valley is at stake.

Jim Mcsweeney

I've been asked by a number of people to run. I really feel I have a civic duty to get involved and let people vote for someone who is honest, has higher ethics and would watch taxpayers' money.

Henry Becker

Based on the national elections that took place in January, we anticipate that insurgents will attempt to intimidate voters and deprive them of the opportunity to vote.

John Vines

If the people want this, fine, but they should at least have the chance to vote on it.

Phillip Brown

Coach Shepard has my vote for Coach of the Year. He did an absolutely great job with getting the most out of what he has.

Pete Shuler

My feeling is relief ... I'm glad it's over. The members will be free to vote with the assurance that they have proper information.

William Higgins

Iceland will also now be able to vote in the commission as part of the pro-whaling bloc, which will make the conservation-minded nations' task all the more difficult.

David Kemp

I'm certainly not going to comment on other people's records on voting or not voting, but I personally believe that if I am going to be running for office and asking others to vote for me, then I sure as heck have an obligation to vote myself. Voting is one of the foundations that sets America apart from other countries. It's very important.

Andrew Warren

How can they get 75 percent of the people to vote themselves out of a job? ... It's absolutely ridiculous.

Bob Rose

Every election there is always an effort to get more people to vote.

Mayor Michael O'reilly

If for some reason the voters really want 3,500 homes and no commercial and they vote down the PUD plan, then we proceed with Plan B. I'll be surprised if the majority of people around there really want to see 3,500 homes.

Dan Griffin

It goes to show...every vote does count.

William Baker

'bad news for Kinky. If a voter was going to go independent, they may want to go somewhere that they won't waste their vote.

Kelly Fero

The policy reason why this is bad is that it puts the onus on the voter to fix the state's mistake. But the fact is this is a violation of the Constitution and federal law by putting an undue burden on the right to vote.

Justin Levitt

Some other people have approached us about hosting the men's tournament, but the vote of the coaches is we want to stay right here as long as the Old North State Club will have us.

Bruce Heppler

The strong vote today gets us to the 50-yard line. Now we're looking to the Senate to get us into the end zone.

Robert Bruininks

PLEBISCITE, n. A popular vote to ascertain the will of the sovereign.

Ambrose Bierce