Many people feel anxious about the future.

The situation now is not easy. But I believe in the good sense of the Japanese people.

Please change the government and give us a chance.

For those who think the current pension system isn't working, we want you to vote for the Democratic Party and let us carry through pension reforms under a Democratic administration.

We want to stress the importance of pension and child-care issues ... The Koizumi government cannot achieve these reforms. We need a change in government.

This country will not change without a change of government.

This country will not change without a change of government, ... I don't believe that the people are naïve enough to accept the prime minister's assertion that foreign affairs and other issues will be resolved if the postal services are privatized.

The depth of the middle class is waning as the polarization of society is in progress.

True reform can only happen with a change in government.