We are working throughout the borough with the community, with elected officials, and civic organizations to foster economic growth as well as support the creation of attractive and affordable housing to neighborhoods and provide the city's largest borough with an even better future.

John Young

I think that both Kate and Samantha did well in their individual performances. It was great to see Kate make it to finals to score for the team. I think Samantha swam well, but she will tell you she didn't. She came down with a cold the week of districts, and it lingered throughout the trip to state and it had some effects.

Dave Christie

Peace, plenty, and contentment reign throughout our borders, and our beloved country presents a sublime moral spectacle to the world.

James Polk

He and I are going to talk about it and see if it fits. I've had a lot of friends throughout the years that have worked at Ole Miss and I've heard a couple different things about it.

Dan Werner

I'm really looking forward to it, I just wish that there was a way of keeping track of the score throughout the event.

Robert Wallace

We were quick here today and are looking strong and consistent, so it is a positive start to the weekend. There is still a long way to go, and we have to remain reliable throughout the weekend to achieve the result that our times today promise.

Juan Pablo Montoya

It?s going to continue snowing throughout the nighttime hours and into tomorrow morning. We expect the snowfall to intensify throughout the evening and should keep with our original forecast of 8 to 13 inches by the time it?s all over.

Larry Nierenberg

Throughout a lot of the black community, he was an object of derision and scorn because of the way Ali treated him. It was cruel.

Thomas Hauser

If you do that and rebalance your portfolio each year, you would have one that could last throughout your career.

Wayne Bogosian

The Bible tells us: Blessed are the peacemakers. I invite you all to be peacemakers for Fiji, throughout the elections and beyond.

Josefa Iloilo

The Koreans have decided to make these cell lines available to researchers throughout the world. We applaud that approach.

Robert Goldstein

We hope that over time that people of Afghanistan will support throughout the country a democratically-elected government. This will not happen overnight but it is happening.

Bob Johnston

Some GPSS employees were not clear on the policies regarding church and state issues so (the memo) was just a matter of guidance. This is the same policy that all state and federally funded school districts throughout the nation follow.

Gerry Cruz

We are going to have to put security fences around all of our units throughout all of our campus to keep this from happening again. That is going to be a tremendous extra expense.

Linda Edwards

The anger and frustration among all employee groups at Northwest Airlines was evident throughout the voting process. In the end, Northwest management failed to convince a majority of the work force that the proposal was appropriate or that they could be trusted to honor their commitments.

Bobby De Pace

We're three quarters through implementing incident management throughout our group.

David Slyderink

We've had some health problems throughout the year, and we got beat by them earlier, but we weren't healthy. We are now and we're hoping that'll make the difference.

Marty Durand

I never heard a complaint throughout the entire site. Everyone always had a smile on their face.

Megan Jones

This has become a meeting spot for people throughout the region.

John W. Warner

This is an ordinary tool as used throughout the country but always in adherence to the Constitution and always -- and this is so important -- always with the oversight of a federal judge who has to determine that ... probable cause exists in the first place.

Chuck Rosenberg

We are speaking to groups throughout the state, reminding them to vote 'NO' to weakening term limits. This ballot initiative has been tainted from the start. The outcome will be meaningless because the electorate has been presented with a deceptive question.

Max Linn

The new site was worth the investment because the region is now equipped with a state-of-the-art facility, broad warehouse stock, and bays ready to service the local industry. This expansion reflects the ongoing commitment to customer service by Utility's dealers throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Craig Bennett

We insure over $1.7 billion of jewelry throughout the country.

Darin Kath

What (Cox) has been able to do, infuse young talent throughout the years, young pitchers and win is one of the toughest jobs to do. Nobody has done it better.

Davey Johnson

You take a triple crown guy off your team, you're going to feel the effects. Conversely, I think we'll be stronger throughout the lineup this year.

Cory Anderson

When everyone is in the same room, there are little awakenings throughout the night. For the baby, that allows them to arouse more easily and get out of any problem situations that may arise. The safest place for the baby to be is in the parents' room next to the parents' bed but on a different sleep surface, like a bassinet or crib next to the bed or even attached to the bed.

Rachel Moon

This is an exciting opportunity for us to help people contribute to a cleaner energy future by making solar electricity more accessible to more homeowners across the state. We look forward to selecting an outstanding institution to be our partner in this important new program to bring the benefits of renewable energy to people of all incomes throughout Massachusetts.

Warren Leon

We're able to pick up man-to-man full court, three-quarters court, and that's been a key to our season so far is our defensive intensity. The guys who have come in off the bench have really given us a lift throughout the year.

Freddy Johnson

Clients throughout the Middle East really appreciate sector expertise. Things move very quickly here.

David Church

The entire New Orleans Saints organization would like to extend its prayers and best wishes to all of our fans throughout Louisiana and the Gulf South region, ... a source of pride and joy in these difficult days.

Tom Benson

Electronics firms must manage products throughout their lifecycle more quickly and effectively than ever before. They don't have time to wait until everything is perfect.

Mike Burkett

This is one of several events we plan throughout the year to just move dogs out of here. We do everything we can do to get people in here.

Cherie Owen

We are confident in the ability of all these guys, and we think they will give us some good innings throughout the season.

Richy Brooks

To identify one reason would be unfair to Louis. It's not a matter of wins and losses. There were problematic things throughout the entire program. This is not an indication of how I feel about Louis Orr. There is not a finer, more genuine and honest man than Louis Orr. I have a lot of respect for him.

Joe Quinlan

Our biggest concern throughout this process has been that this is going to raise electricity costs in New England.

Kevin Conroy

I'm glad that we finally took a straight up-or-down vote on the lottery. We have a very serious need throughout our state for school construction.

Scott Thomas

It was a good game. The Chinese played a lot better than they did in round robin. They have improved throughout the competition and we have been very impressed with them.

Charley Thomas

The track is technical and quick, with enough bumps and high rumbles to keep your attention throughout the entire course. Without the stadium turns, we'll all enter the main straight much more quickly and have another series of bumps to deal with.

Mark Patterson

We are here as a community educational resource for adults. It's a good idea to continue educating ourselves throughout our lives. Not only is it a good example to set for the younger generations, but keeping the mind sharp ultimately increases the quality of life experienced.

Sue Zimmerman

Expect more throughout the summer. The number of companies that are running out of cash or are going to be in deep financial trouble probably heightens during the summer as sales languish when consumes are away from their PCs.

Jeetil Patel

It appears he went throughout the supply warehouse shooting them. They weren't all in one section, they were in different sections of the warehouse.

Phil Cline

You'll see exercise artifacts from years ago, and then examples of modern equipment like Nautilus machines. It shows the progression of fitness equipment throughout the years.

Don Figarelli

Human Dignity has gleamed only now and then and here and there, in lonely splendor, throughout the ages, a hope of the better men, never an achievement of the majority.

James Thurber

[The couple wanted the new design to reflect nature, invite sunlight, and connect with the outdoors as much as possible. To accomplish that Wolf added windows throughout the house.] The old house didn't have many vistas, ... so we created them.

Gary Wolf

It's our fellow Alabamians as well as people throughout the Gulf Coast. You want to be there for them as they've always been for us.

Randy Owen

We have several things set up throughout the state, including sentinel doctors who keep an eye out for any unusual activity.

Fernando Senra

The truth is that the anti-war movement is growing, not only in America but throughout the world. And that is the real issue.

Bianca Jagger

Our focus was on Illinois State for the first week. Our focus was on Illinois State all the way through camp. For them to say that this is our biggest game of the year and this is what we focus on all the time, they better look at out schedule. We have big games all throughout.

Nik Moser

What you do today when you go into that jury room is going to echo throughout the history of Neshoba County from now on, ... You can either change the history that Edgar Ray Killen and the Klan wrote for us, or you can confirm it.

Mark Duncan

When the winds die down it allows us to make better progress, but we expect to deal with it throughout the day.

Joe Luna

It's allowed me to really learn a lot about fund-raising throughout the metropolitan area.

Kate Allen

This makes the axis much more oblique than it is today (about 25 degrees), but such an obliquity has probably been very common throughout Mars's history. Actually, it last occurred only five and a half million years ago.

Francois Forget

The volunteer of the year is more of an in-house honor where we recognize the person who has helped the chamber with their program of work throughout the year. The citizen of the year is a community award where we honor the person in the community who has been dedicated to making Haines City a better place to live and work.

Jane Patton

Valuations are getting near the high end of the range, but I think there's a fair amount of upside surprises possible throughout this year.

Dennis Forst

Throughout the centuries, man has considered himself beautiful. I rather suppose that man only believes in his own beauty out of pride; that he is not really beautiful and he suspects this himself; for why does he look on the face of his fellow-man with such scorn?

Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont

I'm fairly bearish on the sector and I think industry sales will be weak throughout the end of the year and possibly even into early 2001. So I'm not recommending very many stocks -- just one stock, actually, in the group right now.

Linda Kristiansen

Ultimately, in its collapse, Laos was important because it proved the validity of the so-called 'domino theory', which preached that communism - once victorious in South Vietnam - would metastasize throughout the region.

Michael Johns

I've asked staff to figure out where the 31 places are throughout the county.

James Healy

There aren't a lot of options still out there. But it's like any other position. You're going to keep evaluating it every day. We're a long ways from being a complete football team. So we're liable to add players on any day at any position throughout training camp.

Charley Casserly

There are probably 30 to 35 areas like this throughout the county.

Michele Baker

Coach Haskins was all about winning. He said, 'I'm going to put the best team on the floor to get the job done.' That was his way throughout all the games.

Nevil Shed

Honestly, I don't look at records or anything like that, I just play the game. But it would be a good accomplishment if I reach those records, being under Stevie Thomas. I learned a lot throughout the years playing behind Stevie.

Lawrence Samuels

Internet offers the church the opportunity to make the saving message of Christ accessible throughout the world, ... In societies that don't allow the presence of priests, nuns, religious or lay missionaries, Internet can offer people undertaking a spiritual quest, or even just the curious, a chance to obtain information or find an inspiration that would otherwise be impossible.

John P. Foley

We had a stretch where we had some turnovers. But (the players) kept their heads up and maintained intensity throughout the game.

Jay Murray

When they enter seventh grade, they are dispersed throughout the school so that there are mentors in every classroom.

Katy Tobler

I personally use it because I think it's a great idea. I think it would be a smart thing for people to be on because you can avoid high winter bills and high summer bills. You can count on your bill being fairly consistent throughout the year.

Rodney Bourne

Sunlight is important to us. I'm just thrilled with the lighting throughout the house. It's about being in nature and bringing the outdoors inside with all the windows.

Jackie Warner

Has been in the movies for 45 years-although one would never guess, looking at her. [Throughout her career,] she has epitomized femininity and intellectuality in the Italian cinema.

The Brothers Grimm

I was just ecstatic. We've set a lot of goals throughout the years and this is one we've never attained in my 14 years of coaching.

John Corcoran

Again, it's poise and character. We made some plays. When we stopped doing that, that's how Clemson got in the game. When we got back to doing that, it permeates throughout.

Larry Coker

They held our hand throughout the process. We call them for guidance all the time.

Karen Rafalowitz

I said we needed three scorers, and those three stepped up. If we have that throughout the season, we'll be fine.

Myron Corbett

We also have a free PlayStation sitting in front of a comfortable couch and other pay video games throughout the rink.

Karen Fullmer

I really honor my father and the other people throughout the times who paved the way, who were all pioneers without realizing what they were doing for future generations.

Byron Motley

Strong and consistent business performance can only be achieved with talented and dedicated leadership throughout the entire management structure. These promotions recognize leadership excellence of individuals in disciplines across the company, emphasizing that it is strength across a broad front that enables Cadence to continue our pace of growth and innovation.

Mike Fister

Throughout the process, I continued to be impressed with the fact that he was winning at programs with far less resources and tradition than what exists at Murray State.

Allen Ward

I was on the phone after (the selection show) and everything kind of went down from there. Most of the discussions went down (Sunday) morning with my family. All throughout the week we were throwing out different pros and cons about what to do and what kind of opportunity I'd be stepping into.

Matt Carle

This is a great day for Swiss hockey and a great day for this group of players. It started with the wall in net (Martin Gerber), we had unbelievable penalty killing throughout, and a lot of courage from a group of players who were just shortly — a few years ago — asking for autographs from the players they just beat.

Ralph Krueger

We just had great cooperation throughout the district. People really jumped in.

Peter Rex

Currently, all goverment and private sector watch centers are not reporting any unusual activity associated with the Code Red worm, but we will remain vigilant and continue to monitor the situation throughout the night.

Ron Dick

We are continually seeing an increase in the number of obese patients presenting to hospitals. These patients are not necessarily surgical patients but present with a variety of medical needs and can be seen throughout a health care facility.

Sandy Wise

I feel as though I have lived many lives, experienced the heights and depths of each and like the waves of the ocean, never known rest. Throughout the years, I have looked always for the unusual, for the wonderful, for the mysteries at the heart of life.

Leni Riefenstahl

After 9/11, families were looking for things to do together and fun that was closer to home, and that sense of trust and safety have continued to build throughout the industry.

Beth Robertson

The flooding is everywhere and I'm not talking about just New Orleans. I'm talking about all through Mississippi and Alabama. So this storm is really having a catastrophic effect throughout the South right now.

Mike Brown

Saves Israel again from the embarrassment that the haste of the government has caused throughout the world and from the feeling we have imposed unnecessary injustices on many Palestinians.

Yosef Lapid

We ha some good things happen, and we had some sub-par performances. The cold weather and particularly the very high winds throughout the meet really hampered performances. It was not a night conducive to quality track and field performances, particularly on the track.

John Sletten

One of the biggest discussions in music right now is whether Shostakovich was completely repressed by the Stalinist regime or if he had coded messages showing he was striving for his own personal freedom throughout his music, or if he was a party member happy to be there.

Patrick Gardner

She is the creature that delivers hope throughout the play.

Tracy Salter

My goal is to give our guys who performed well at lower positions last weekend the challenge of higher flights this weekend. Our upper and lower classmen will be rotated high and low throughout the weekend. We want to expose them to them to the challenge of playing high, but we also want to continue to build their confidence.

Tim Madden

I think throughout the season we all learned to focus in and that the team was a big part of it. Sticking together as a team was a huge part of it. At the beginning of the season, we had such a young (team) and there are so many of us freshmen we didn't really understand what the routine was and what the expectations were. We learned from every competition.

Jami Lanz

We're a very good team and can compete with anybody throughout the year. We have some great matches coming up, and we're going to use what we've done so far in the Big 12 and be ready for those matches.

Sam Winterbotham

I thought all three games were good ball games. I was a little disappointed that we didn't hit as well as we had throughout the rest of the season, but the positive side to that though is that we did hit at the right time.

Fred Hill

I think it was pretty evident that we controlled the game, but we just didn't put the ball in the net. I thought the boys played well throughout the game.

Colin Stewart

It is a recurrence of the knee problem he had in Pakistan. He felt stiffness in the right knee, and will continue treatment throughout the day. Hopefully he'll be fit for the first test.

Andrew Walpole

The next 12 to 18 hours are critical for determining the ultimate river levels that we reach throughout the night and into tomorrow.

Rob Hartman

Ninety percent of my varsity players have been to one of my camps throughout their youth. I think that makes a difference.

Bobby Brockman

You have to position the ball underneath the holes, because the greens are really quick and really good. In order to take advantage of this course, you have to be able to putt aggressive and that means keeping the ball underneath the hole and having uphill putts where you can stay aggressive all the way throughout a round.

Bowen Sargent

I'm grateful this ordeal is over, and I'm so looking forward to getting back to the job I love. Once again, I thank my fans from throughout the world for their undying love and support.

Paula Abdul

What happened at Aberdeen was an aberration, ... Sexual abuse is not endemic throughout our Army.

Togo West

My personal opinion is they're better than 11th in the country. Obviously, they're very well-coached and they just have talent throughout.

Cindy Stein

We are happy this is all behind us. All throughout these negotiations, which resulted in a civil settlement, we sought to assure the jobs and futures of all the very talented people at the Strong companies and to enable Strong Funds to continue to serve its many investors.

Stanley Arkin

There was pretty heavy damage throughout the house, ... It was extensive, especially in the kitchen area.

Paul Patterson

Dustin got two fouls in the first 30 seconds, so we had to sit him early. He managed to avoid fouling out, but we needed to spot him in and out throughout the game.

Terry Youngbauer

Schools are the heart of the community for many throughout Mississippi. FEMA is proud to be able to help in providing the tools and funds through the Public Assistance program so students can have a safe, comfortable environment to continue to learn.

Nick Russo

Inexperience can be used as an excuse or an opportunity. It is as an excuse that it is most often trotted out England's management ... India, throughout, this series, have used is as an opportunity.

Michael Atherton

We solved the riddle by finding this really ancient element conserved throughout evolution that acts as a sensing mechanism and tells these fungi when they've changed their environment.

Bruce Klein

We couldn't handle their pressure throughout the whole game, and they had a little spurt and before you know it you're down 20-some points.

Jeff Bambule

Corning started out slow but steadily improved throughout the day. That's what I feel jamborees are for to improve.

Teresa Lamb

Tupelo was the best team we have played this season. We went out there and played good throughout.

Chris Graves

Throughout the lean years following 9/11, Disney continued to invest at a heavy pace in its parks as it anticipated this turnaround in the market.

James Zoltak

Boston Scientific has been an excellent and quality collaborator throughout this trial, and they have pledged an expeditious and thorough review of any issues identified on the catheter system or its use in our trial.

Richard Otto

We will be promoting Oman as a key destination in our network. We will be offering good packages too and will be giving a wide range of holiday choices throughout our network.

K. Ashraful Kabir

My first laps in the Courage were really satisfying, throughout the three free practice sessions, I bettered my lap times by 2 seconds per session. By doing so, I wasn't too far away from the regular prototype drivers in qualifying.

David Hart

Our list represents many different genres throughout all parts of the 20th century. And our hope is that each song will help tell a very different story.

Hilary Rosen

I think it's heavily used; evening traffic is high. The influx of people throughout the day is high, and we anticipate a large increase.

David Ricks

We are pleased and excited about the level of interest and participation from business leaders and local chambers of commerce throughout the state. We plan to make this an annual event for small business.

Jim Roche

Throughout history the world has been laid waste to ensure the triumph of conceptions that are now as dead as the men that died for them.

Henry De Montherlant

We have a variety of food vendors and a variety of foods to enjoy throughout the night.

Nadia Skertich

This is the outcome we were hoping for. We have maintained that it was important to us that we had certified librarians throughout the bargaining process, and we are happy to see that the district and the board have done the right thing.

Veronica Barrett

Throughout history, the leaders of countries have been very particular of what songs should be sung. We know the power of songs.

Pete Seeger

They are working on things throughout the area because of the weather. If customers are experiencing trouble, it's sporadic.

Vanessa Smith

(We're) successfully transplanting the loft lifestyle from the downtown core to places throughout the city. We've made it even more modern with our choice of the most contemporary and innovative features and finishes.

David Feldman

I didn't always know, but I always wanted to. I always wanted to be the very best receiver the Cowboys ever had. That was my goal coming in as a rookie and my goal throughout my career: being the best they ever had, going up in the Ring of Honor.

Michael Irvin

She's just so strong that she can do a little bit of everything. She's been one we could count on throughout her career.

Tim Kohlbecker

I thought we played fairly well throughout the day. We would be down a bit and than come back. The girls showed a lot of heart. They fought hard throughout the two final games. You can't give up 10 points in one rotation, that pretty much took us out of the second game.

Lisa Holok

Wellington Mara was a dear friend and football fans everywhere mourn his passing. Throughout my tenure as an NFL owner he was an invaluable advisor in person and in our many phone calls. As a Hall of Fame owner and backbone of the League, he shaped the sport we all love so dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with his family during this sad time.

Daniel Snyder

We are enormously proud of our students who have worked hard throughout the year and are being recognized as the best and brightest future leaders. Moreover, they will have the benefit of being exposed to many Fortune 500 companies that are supportive of what we strive to do and are therefore involved with this conference.

David Dorsey

We understood that they were stronger on floor and that was the only area where they beat us in the first meet. We were hoping to put up some points in the other three events, so we could have a cushion going into the floor. But we had a few problems on the bars and some errors on the beam throughout the meet, so that ended up not quite working out.

Greg Beaupre

They don't like competition. We've been known as the Times throughout all of our existence. We have many Times products. They're generally known as the Tribune. The Times, the Tribune, it's just common sense.

Andrew Corty

The rules don't change. We follow the same policies that we've had in place throughout the school year.

Don Green

The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around... Throughout history, "tender loving care" has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.

Larry Dossey

The negative economic trends were reflected in the group's operating results, which were unsatisfactory throughout the entire year.

Leif Johansson

Steve got us going early with the blocked shots on [Dwayne] Curtis. That gave us a run and gave us some transition points. We had a lot of energy and we controlled the tempo throughout the game.

Darian Townes

Throughout the Zelda series I've always tried to make players feel like they are in a kind of miniature garden. So, this time also, my challenge was how to make people feel comfortable and sometimes very scared at the same time. That is the big challenge.

Shigeru Miyamoto

We came out of the gate and executed throughout. We didn't have a lot of time to practice for Syracuse and their 2-3 zone, but mentally, we talked about a lot of what we wanted to do to attack it.

Jamie Dixon

We don't use the press to necessarily get steals and points. We press throughout the game to wear teams down. And I thought they wore down a bit under our pressure.

George Drawhorn

In some cases, we'll find tribal members are only in several different counties. Others might have tribal members scattered throughout the state, so we grant the whole state.

Roger Boyd

We have 13 research sites distributed throughout the world. Videoconferencing lets the biologists collaborate with the chemists and clinicians when they are all located at different sites. [With video] you can see the whole development spectrum and get the appropriate inputs.

Mark Lamon

You need to have that. It spreads throughout the community.

John Swanson

That has always been the single most important thing after you put in the runways. What the Department of Transportation is essentially saying is that we need more cargo transportation facilities throughout the United States.

Randy Topel

We were in constant communication with them throughout the semester. We wanted to make it clear that we understood that they were visiting students, and we were here to aid the institutions in New Orleans that were closed.

Courtney Cassard

Great things have happened under his leadership in La Vista, ... The name Any Anderson is well-known throughout the state of Nebraska. I would wish him well and I would say that I salute him. Have the rest of your life for your wife and grandkids.

Jerry Ryan

This investment is about giving authors with small voices the loudspeakers they need to get their works published and distributed throughout the world.

Steve Riggio

Both teams were a little bit tight throughout the match. It wasn't the cleanest of matches, but it certainly had the drama that a lot of people wanted to see.

Craig Pitcher

I didn't wear red underwear during my last animal year 11 years ago. That year was bad luck so I planned to strictly follow the rules throughout my animal year next year.

Li Xiaojun

A pool of 80 officials throughout the country have been chosen to sit for a two-hour examination where their skills in the ring will be tested. From there, they will be graded.

Krish Naidoo

Capacity constraints throughout the industry have become severe.

Geoff Kieburtz

They've given a green light to any creationist throughout the state to bring these issues into the classroom. Science teachers are not prepared for that discussion and don't want it, because they've got plenty of science to teach.

Jack Krebs

We're seeing a firming of IT budgets throughout the United States, ... We are seeing budgets get set.

Joe Tucci

All of our New Orleans people are distributed throughout all the states. I was born and raised there. We need to go back.

Linda Lacey

We will be filing progress reports with the Department of Heritage and they will stay in close touch with us throughout the project.

Barbara Webb

Craig was steady throughout the game. And he did a heck of a job on the boards.

Dave Pettit

There is just unbelievable interest and the support of the fans throughout Euro 2004 has been very moving.

Vassilis Gagatsis

This should enhance the fleet of taxi cabs available to our visitors throughout the region.

Tim Mccarthy

In order to maintain his 97 percent voting record in the Senate, there are minimal times throughout the year when private travel is necessary. Senator Kennedy's record in the Senate is a clear indication that special interests don't influence him or his positions on legislation.

Melissa Wagoner

Fortunately, our current economy will offer lots of hope for these people. Companies are expanding throughout the state, and the Ada County unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 2.7 percent, which means area businesses are looking for good employees with transferable skills.

Georgia Smith

They (doctors) warned us at the very beginning that there would be a lot of baby steps throughout the whole process. In essence, she has taken a lot of baby steps that, when you look at the whole picture, it has added up to huge steps. She has come so much further along than anyone hoped she would be at this point.

Melanie Davis

He did a good job throughout the preseason of limiting the penalties. He had a couple spells where he had more penalties than he should have had. He has all the athleticism to carry out the technique, the speed to run with the receivers, the toughness. And he had a good camp.

Jim Bates

The chief of naval operations has outlined an aggressive enterprise IT strategy, and formation of this EPMO will set the stage for future IT growth throughout the Navy. BearingPoint is honored to assist in transforming the way the Navy manages and delivers on its IT priorities.

Beth Smith

I couldn't point to a finer example of cooperation. This has resulted in a dismantling of a major drug organization that I'm sure has its tentacles out into our homes and children throughout East Tennessee. This case is being prosecuted in federal court but could not have happened without the law enforcement agencies in Upper East Tennessee.

Russ Dedrick

What I liked was the way the kids stayed together and kept working throughout the entire game. What I didn't like was that we made some mental errors. But our kids tried hard, and it's one of those things. We capitalized on some mistakes by Nogales, and the kids got lucky. Between those things, we pulled out the win.

Matt Johnson

It's an ongoing effort and you'll see additional efforts throughout the year.

Neal Shear

Put your hands down! Do NOT salute me! There are snipers throughout the area who'd love to grease an officer.

Forrest Gump

We are confident of being among the top three research academies throughout the world.

Lu Yongxiang

We passed very well throughout and we communicated well.

Tony Couture

We envision connecting more deeply online, on mobile and on demand with key consumers throughout their various life stages -- from their unique interests to their finances to their health and well-being. We are also looking to create a more customized consumer healthcare experience, working in association with GE Healthcare.

Beth Comstock

I'm mad I lost, but happy that my coach is happy for me because I worked hard throughout the tournament.

Chris Foster

This new venture creates an opportunity for both Paramount and Universal to launch new operations throughout the world from the foundations built by our successful UIP partnership.

Rob Moore

As a player, it's all the hype and running out on the court, the excitement of 15,000 people. As a coach, it's the experience that I've had that I've shared with these guys throughout the whole year. They've asked me many questions since we've won on Saturday.

Brad Clark

We will continue martyrdom operations throughout Palestine until the occupation leaves. The barriers of shame and disgrace set up by the Zionists shall face more blows.

Al Aqsa

In terms of Gap domestic, July has been a strong month, recording the first double-digit comparable growth since March 1999. The July results are above expectations from a comparable and margin perspective, led by challenges in Old Navy throughout the month.

Alan Marks

They took it to us pretty good in game one. I told the guys after that game that they kind of made a statement for the district, and we'd have to see how we'd progress throughout the year.

Dale Scott

We are relieved to put this issue behind us so that we can focus more sharply on the key factors that drive our business results and that continued to challenge us throughout 1999, ... It is difficult at this time to predict what impact, if any, the settlements will have on these factors.

David Banks

We had clients in throughout the day, and they're happy that we're back in our space, as well.

John Kinman

It's tough to kill the five-on-threes and four-on-threes. (Andy) Delmore has that big booming shot and hits the net quite a bit. Our PK has won us games throughout the year and they'll lose you a game here and there.

Joe Mullen

He's certainly built a lot of confidence throughout the year. I think he's had some milestones to get over, and now he's beating some guys who are ranked in the top 20.

Lenny Bernstein

The big question is, are we going to be able to move the fall harvest? To the extent that this backs up the transportation system, that is a question on the mind of the grain trade throughout the region.

Mark Drabenstott

Great cultural myths deserve to be added to. We've done this throughout time immemorial, starting with the Greeks.

Michael Walsh

They hit some shots early on, and we trailed by five to 10 throughout. We just never found a way to make it closer.

Scott Larrabee

This will be a chance to run with a fast group. They'll have to be pretty aggressive. At this course, they're going to have to think and be focused throughout the entire race.

Derek Hood

I can honestly say that we've had the best year that we have ever had here in my tenure. We've performed very well throughout the year. Men and women, both sides, have really swum at a whole different level.

Arthur Albiero

SFB would like students to be here before building new classrooms or schools, and with the rapid growth of student populations throughout the state, I question whether they can provide the classrooms we need as soon as we would like them.

Troy Thygerson

I don't know about Andy's confidence. He's practiced very well, so it's more a mental thing than anything else. He'll have to fight his way through it if he wants to play at this level. The backup job was open in training camp and Andy won it, but that doesn't mean it won't change throughout the year.

Trent Yawney

There'll be sort of a breathing rhythm throughout the day. Moments of quiet work mixed with engaging activity. It's generally what children are like anyway.

Seth Truby

We think this can be a very strong part of the new tourism effort. We have the names of Ralph Stanley and Jesse McReynolds - names known throughout the world. We need to take advantage of having a venue in their own town.

Charlie Mcconnell

He had a really tough class. He was behind 6-0 and came back to win. He's won numerous tournament throughout his career, but this is the first time he's been rewarded for it. He deserved it.

Dwayne Myers

Out of the box we are offering a complete GPS solution for people wanting to drive in Europe. Digital map material is provided by Tele Atlas which is highly detailed, easy to read, includes loads of points of interest information and has comprehensive road data right down to street numbers. And it's the same level of detail throughout Europe, all running on your mobile phone.

William Morgan

You have two very powerful opposing forces in the market. You have the Fed being very aggressive, lowering interest rates and throwing liquidity back into the market. And you have underlying business trends throughout most of the economy that are awful in many industries and show no signs of improvement. You have to take a side.

Jim Gribbell

Throughout his first term, the governor has won key victories for working people.

Doug Scofield

It shouldn't have come down to that really. We didn't make enough plays throughout the game for it to come down to just one play.

Deshaun Foster

[That could be the situation throughout the game, but Razorbacks defensive backs coach Bobby Allen said the defense expects to keep its usual scheme.] We match up our corners vs. wide receivers in everything we do. If it falls out that those two are hooked up, that's what it'll be, ... They move around so much and they put their guys in a lot of different positions.... They've got playmakers.

Bobby Allen

American music has touched everyone's lives throughout its short history.

Hilary Rosen

This was a great team effort on the kids' part. We had several different kids step up and do some nice things throughout the game.

Derek Sonderland

Our top two (boys) runners struggled throughout the race. But the rest of the team did well and the only 3A teams to finish ahead of us were Lyons and Wiggins.

Jeff Marcus

My hope is that Quincy is going to become a model that is replicable throughout the country in terms of bringing together the different partners to ensure that all children are properly educated.

Phillip Jackson

The biggest impact from the new plants will be in the first part of this year, but there will be some impact throughout the year.

Frank Lee

We looked at a handful of buildings locally and actually looked throughout the Triangle.

Blake Strayhorn

We have given up more points, 68 and 71 in back-to-back games, than we had all year. We have to play better defense and make a few more hustle plays, plays that we had been getting throughout the season.

Ben Borries

Gusts on the ridge tops will reach over 100 mph and 40 to 50 mph at lake level throughout the morning hours.

Shane Snyder

We were so consistent throughout the entire game. It was great to see.

Angie Krebs