We believe this is something that helps instill confidence in our children. It gives them the confidence to speak in front of large audiences. You can see improvement each year. They learn not to be afraid of speaking in front of a crowd, and some of them learn pretty quickly how to work a crowd.

Nelson Jones

Everybody is going to know the signals so that I only have to say it once and we can get lined up and play. So it's going to be on each individual person this week, more so. I'm still going to be giving the call, I'm still going to be speaking to the people, but I'm going to say it once and it's on you to remember it.

Doug Justice

They washed their hands. We believe this right should not be exclusive to people who speak English fluently and can navigate that Web site.

Rafael Ayuso

Sloth: Which current congressman uses the term 'Great Americans' as a codeword to ask his staff if the person he's speaking to is a big donor?

Brad Meltzer

It's under way as we speak.

Janice Smith

I have a couple of lists that I can refer to throughout the day, but I don't have the official 'FAT' book yet. Yes, it really is called the FAT (Federal Acronym and Terms) book. And no, you can't speak a sentence around here without using an acronym.

John Scales

For those new to the search engine marketing space, it would seem logical to conclude that based upon the vast number of marketers participating in pay per click advertising that it would be a more lucrative channel than natural search engine optimization – which is known to involve a lot more work. But, the numbers speak for themselves.

Robert Murray

As union membership for nurses unions grows, so does our ability to speak out.

Cheryl Johnson

They came here in 1980 with nothing and speaking no English, ... They worked odd jobs, and Mom helped out selling cosmetics and perfumes at a local swap meet.

Jacquelyn Tran

I want to emphasize that it's not that these men are what we call rape-prone. It's that they're in a rape-prone environment. I think that's an important distinction. Fraternity men and athletes are no more likely as individuals to rape somebody - but there are a few characteristics of both fraternities and sports teams that speak to this issue.

Danielle Currier

We need to speak to the Greens and the F.D.P. in the next few days. What we need is the largest possible consensus. We have our own agenda. We need to conduct open talks.

Dieter Althaus

It has certainly occurred at the expense of the fair-use rights, which underpins our right to speak freely in society. That growing body of scholarship includes a number of prominent law professors and writers on the West Coast.

Rick Boucher

Anyone who attempts to relate his life loses himself in the immediate. One can only speak of another.

Augusto Roa Bastos

As that front was coming through, winds gusted to 35 or almost 40 mph. Right now, generally speaking, were not that high. We're coming off the peak winds.

Tony Mainolfi

Seniors are attracted to the simplicity of the storefronts, ... They would rather speak one-on-one with a person.

Scott Phillips

I'm not going to speak for the people of New York. They'll hear the issues and make up their minds in November.

Harold L. Ickes

Second, it's important to bring Richard back to actually speak in the Dole Institute, which he was so instrumental in establishing.

Bill Lacy

Greenspan is speaking on the economy and ... the unmistakable message from the Fed is that hurricanes only represent a transitory risk.

Richard Franulovich

Giving a voice to people who have been isolated, or have been invisible and silent, allowing them to speak out regardless of their economic status, their gender, or where they live.

Yoshio Utsumi

Always be ready to speak your mind and a base man will avoid you.

William Blake

[Pemberton, however, says Childress and others who speak out against NASCAR don't have to worry about being punished.] I used to speak out against them, and now I'm (working) here, ... So I don't think that that's fair to say.

Robin Pemberton

Deeds, not words shall speak me.

John Fletcher

Every student that I speak to feels isolated in some respect in their department and schools and so offering these events is some way to link together the community.

Paul Rohwer

Even as we speak, the exchanges of information are under way related to the activities of different extremists and terrorist organizations, including in Afghanistan.

Igor Ivanov

It would be inaccurate to say that Churchill and I conversed. Like Gladstone speaking to Victoria, he addressed me as though I were a one-man House of Commons. It was superb.

William Manchester

Expect to bring back months' worth of information, names of new contacts, and experts-all of this after the opportunity to hear from and speak with expert practitioners in many environmental health fields.

Robert Vincent

Well, we're out of time here. Regardless of that, and what might be perceived as our disagreement on the substance of this, my great thanks for coming out and speaking to this under these circumstances.

Keith Olbermann

We want to show we're part of the labor force as well. We have a right to speak up and say we don't support illegal immigration.

Alex Segura

The data are overwhelming. Gifts, travel grants, consulting contracts, support for continuing medical education and speaking fees affect which drugs doctors prescribe for their patients.

David Rothman

American professional athletes are bilingual; they speak English and profanity.

Gordie Howe

I want to speak directly to the kidnappers of my daughter Jill, who could be fathers like me.

Jim Carroll

Such in outline is the official theory. I shall often speak of it, with deliberate abusiveness, as 'the dogma of the Ghost in the Machine'.

Gilbert Ryle

Fundamentally the male artist approximates more to the psychology of woman, who, biologically speaking, is a purely creative being and whose personality has been as mysterious and unfathomable to the man as the artist has been to the average person.

Beatrice Hinkle

You speak of beginning the education of your son. The moment he was able to form an idea his education was already begun. . . .

Anna Letitia Barbauld

You know it's hard to hear what a bearded man is saying. He can't speak above a whisker.

Herman J. Mankiewicz

Metabolically speaking, we've found this to be much cheaper than we anticipated. The energy you exert could be offset by carrying an extra snack, which is nothing compared to weight of extra batteries. Pound for pound, food contains about 100-fold more energy than batteries.

Larry Rome

Competitors aren't sitting still. Toyota continues to gain a percentage point of market share a year. Ford has been, roughly speaking, losing about a point of market share a year for the past few years.

Bob Schulz

An ombudsman has an obligation when it spots trouble, when it spots patterns, basically to speak truth to power.

Neal Milner

I don't care who it is, there are procedures that need to be followed. It has deprived the community of their right to speak ...

Barbara Gordon

When they speak, dead frogs fall out of their mouths.

David Hare

What's good about this is it was motivated by the students. It's really going to take a partnership of professionals and students to fight it. Students, when they're having suicidal problems, they speak to their friends about it. It's very difficult for professionals to break into that inner circle.

Jeremy Jaramillo

Baseball is this intense subculture that actually doesn't speak very much for the larger culture.

Michael Lewis

The technique of remote interpreting is more appropriate for meetings such as those with, say, 15 people speaking one after the other from notes and with a clear running order rather than those where there are fast-moving negotiations and lots of give and take.

Hans Christian Andersen

This year, we see no real weakening of exports because globally speaking there is quite strong demand from the US, Japan is picking up and Europe is resilient.

Sebastian Barbe

We cannot medicate ourselves, legally or illegally, to a state of wellness and happiness - God knows we've tried, ... Speaking of God, if he doesn't exist, we blessed better well invent her.

Steve Kline

Morale went in the toilet, and I'm speaking mildly, when this happened.

Mike Buesing

That's what it's going to take — veterans groups, veterans and mothers who have lost kids speaking out.

George Muller

I thought if my mom has something that she can do with children with acting and speaking to your peers, then other parents have things they could teach.

Krista Spindler

I know I speak for the Bishop when I tell you how sorry I am for all the pain you have suffered in your life.

Anne Edwards

Creatively speaking, the past five or six years have been the most fun of my career.

Richard Marx

The English (I cannot speak of the Scots) are moralistic, and have made moralizing their discipline since the reformation. They like to be told what to think, and their literary heroes are moralists.

Howard Barker

They (children) often can't speak for themselves.

Jeanne Marsh

It's not so much knowing when to speak, when to pause.

Jack Benny

I would hope that Gov. (Bill) Owens would speak out strongly that this administration should not be pre-empting the state's prerogative. How duplicitous this administration is.

Sloan Shoemaker

It was unfortunate, and until I speak with the organization and see what they have in mind, maybe I can comment on it later.

John Tamargo

They're a huge attraction but they don't necessarily, after the first year or two, pay their way, so to speak. To some degree, as the newness wears off, even your corporate sponsors start to kind of fade away.

David Towne

Many of these people came from repressive countries and regimes to begin with and had no love for speaking with authorities. The only way you overcome that is by building relationships with the community, and this had the opposite effect.

Vincent Cannistraro

Every time the people of the country speak through their legislatures on the hot-button issues of the day...the army of lawyers of the Left line up at the courthouse steps to put a stop to the will of the people.

The Foundation

Cindy Sheehan certainly doesn't speak for me, our military families or our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Deborah Johns

The government should have quarantined the affected farms to prevent further spread. But as I speak this has not been done. There is still movement of humans and birds in an out of these farms.

Awalu Haruna

[B]y taking down one of these volumes and opening it, one can call into range the voice of a man far distant in time and space, and hear him speaking to us, mind to mind, heart to heart.

Gilbert Highet

He got a little mad at me and didn't speak to me for a while.

Audrey Moore

How can a heart suffer your deepest thoughts and yet only speak the unmoving, inconsequential utterances of abject silence?

Anne Austin

Nobody wants to ask Joe when he might be retiring. It's the elephant in the room, and no one wants to speak up first.

Suzanne Miklos

I believe that our employees ought to be able to vote on the offer we've presented, ... I have faith and confidence in the employees of Boeing that they're going to speak their mind and they're going to express their wills.

Jerry Calhoun

We made the album and when they didn't want to put it out, they didn't give it back to us. I think, morally speaking, that's a definite flaw in the modus operandi of majors. That M.O. doesn't make any allowance for the emotional and moral side -- we wrote these songs, they belong to us.

Matthew Caws

We've acquired a lot of different companies and architectures and we were outgrowing those clothes as we speak ... [records management] was hard with those disparate systems in place.

Larry Hawkins

Generally speaking, the whole point of adult masquerades is that you get to do something that you don't normally do.

Jack Santino

Who's going to do it? Who has the authority to kind of step into that role and speak for everybody?

Anthony Decurtis

Generally speaking the November sales pace makes one wonder what is going on with housing starts.

David Resler

You don't need to speak Thai to survive.

Sebastian Bellomo

I see it as my duty, my responsibility to speak out for the liberty in this country affords me, ... I believe this is a way to respect the Army that Matthew loved. We should expect our leaders use it respectfully.

Becky Lourey

There are two real targets for intelligence: the Islamic world and China. It's pretty clear that the types of people who are going to be high on their recruitment list are going to be Asian-looking, Asian-language- speaking Brits.

Bob Ayers

We will speak with individual departments to work around classes scheduled in the buildings.

Bob Albanese

You show your traits off on tape. Let your action speak to how good you are. Too many guys out there want to talk about how they play. Show it off on tape.

Chris Hovan

Captain Wood and Officer Norton were speaking directly on behalf of the PBA.

Richard Carey

Speak to your siblings to ask them and have them share with you their medical history, including history of any type of cardiovascular disease events, such as heart attack, stroke or blockage or clogging of the arteries in the legs.

Dr. Joanne Murabito

When refineries are shut down naturally, the amount of fuel you deliver to the market would be lower. That doesn't speak to whether or not the U.S. motorist is burning less fuel.

Ben Brockwell

When I speak to groups of parents of young kids, they mostly want to develop strategies for qualifying for financial aid and the unfortunate part is if they haven't saved anything, they may discover that aid will mostly be in the form of loans.

Jack Joyce

We are confident that the availability of Malayalam Language Interface for Microsoft Windows XP will help extend the reach of IT to the nearly 35 million Malayalam speaking population in India.

Raveesh Gupta

It?s real exciting. Right now, it?s looking like it could be one of the best events ever, so to speak.

Ric Donnelly

His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals.

John Corry

No one represents their interests, here or in Mexico. They have to speak up and do it themselves.

Jonathan Fox

People were dismissive of the data. They are continuing to buy dollars as we speak.

Jeff Gladstein

My client wants to be heard as soon as possible on the charges in question. He wants to use his right to speak. It is not comfortable to defend someone who has done nothing wrong.

Boucounta Diallo

I waited patiently. I'm a taxpayer. I deserve to speak.

Michael Tierney

Suppose a case with five defendants and 20 victims. Does each victim have the right to speak at the sentencing of each defendant?

Daniel Friedman

We should speak with one voice.

Doug Christensen

In Paris, one is always reminded of being a foreigner. If you park your car wrong, it is not the fact that it's on the sidewalk that matters, but the fact that you speak with an accent.

Roman Polanski

The governor has always said that a healthy debate is a good thing for our party. He looks forward to going to the convention, speaking at the convention and meeting with all the grass-roots Republicans who have helped him since the recall.

Adam Mendelsohn

We're optimistic about [having a meeting] this week when the commissioner is in town and Mr. Benson is in town. The governor has made it a goal of hers. I think those meetings are being set as we speak.

Tim Coulon

We have gotten to the point where we need to get a deal out to our members so the members can speak directly to the company.

Karen Schultz

Public opinion is a permeating influence, and it exacts obedience to itself; it requires us to drink other men's thoughts, to speak other men's words, to follow other men's habits.

Walter Bagehot

Advertising practitioners are interpreters. But unlike foreign language interpreters, adpeople must constantly learn new languages. They must understand the language of each new product, and speak the language of each new target audience.

Jef I. Richards

The important thing they are taught is that if they forget a line or two, they are to continue on and finish the piece with poise. Improvise if needed, but continue to speak in character until they have come to the conclusion of the performance.

Nancy Wade

The program here is doing great. Our first dual immersion students are going into junior high school next year. When they're younger, they seem to be able to retain information faster and learn both languages simultaneously. My own daughter is in the program and she was speaking fluent Spanish by third grade.

Maria Gonzalez

One of the reasons I was chosen was because I was a person of color. People wondered if I could speak.

Len Elmore

Generally speaking, and not in all instances, those schools that have higher percentages of students receiving special education services are going to tend to do less well on the tests. It's the nature of an education disability that it makes it more difficult for you to learn in some respect or another.

David Ernst

Darling: the popular form of address used in speaking to a member of the opposite sex whose name you cannot at the moment remember.

Oliver Herford

After much work, we were able to come across a phone number and a phone call that was made to a family member. That phone call led us to a phone number and an address that led us to Fuentes' location. We had local law enforcement respond to that location and verify for us by seeing, speaking with, and even touching Naomi Fuentes to make sure she was alive and well.

Ram Hernandez

The figures we've posted speak for themselves so I'm not going to say anything about Belinda, no.

William Stairs

The best job in the world, ... I love to entertain, so every time I do it, I'm chasing the balls, so to speak. People always greet me with a smile, and within seconds we're all laughing together.

Mark Roberts

How rare it is to find a soul quiet enough to hear God speak.

Francois Ftnelon

It was quite a shock to my nervous system because I'd never been in a school play or anything and I'm basically reticent about speaking in public.

Frank Perdue

The time has come for investors to speak up.

Peter Peterson

Statistically speaking, the chances of moving up (the) income distribution (curve) is less than it was a decade ago. Students with debt face real concerns with the shrinking middle marketplace.

Heather Boushey

The witching hour was basically from 6 to 10 o'clock, and now we're just mopping up so to speak. The storm seemed to be weakening and separating as it moved into central Iowa.

Steve Teachout

When I saw him speak here before, I could look into the audience and see people who look like him laughing at things I didn't know the references to. There is an intimacy between Chicago writers and the population of this city that I find really wonderful. It's warm and it's welcoming. It's a little like going to a Baptist church. They know when to say 'Amen'.

Dorothy Allison

Most people I speak to think we still have a ways to go on the downside, but how far is hard to say.

Stephen Murphy

I was there before the second plane hit [the World Trade Center] and I will speak about what happened, my experience there, and just encourage people that they be ready for eternity.

Rob Moore

She opens her eyes when I speak so she knows me. Yesterday when her brother came in, she got real fidgety so she knows who we are.

Salina Newman

Okay, known to vote for Republicans, ... compounding the crime, so to speak, because they were political and now they're trying in an 'Alice in Wonderland' way to accuse the ambassador and his wife of being political.

Chuck Schumer

I think that what is important is that the music be honest and direct and that it is relevant to today. I think music needs to be of its time and speak to that time.

Dave Holland

The plays she makes, that's what motivates me. I can't speak for the rest of my team, but I catch myself running down the court over and over just shaking my head and laughing, the things she does.

Leah Rush

I researched speak-easies in D.C. -- on Georgia Avenue and in Northwest -- during the Prohibition Era. I wanted to stick with that theme.

Joe Englert

A lot of it was just trying to get them to be more vocal—to take charge a little more. Both of them are younger so they have to learn to speak up and lead a little more. They just have to be a little more confident.

Amy Siedlecki

They're a private organization, ... They can do what they please. But if I were running things I at least would've given both candidates a chance to speak so they could make an informed decision.

John Dalton

Services are the present and future development trend for enterprise software. We've all agreed to speak the lingua franca of services. This is immensely important to customers; just as HTML enabled the explosion of the Web, SOA is doing the same for business applications.

Andrew Leigh

Invention, strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory; nothing can come of nothing.

Sir Joshua Reynolds

It is a fool's prerogative to utter truths that no one else will speak.

Neil Gaiman

But I had a hard time finding anyone to integrate with culturally or even to speak to at first, and our real contacts came from outside the Montreal Jewish community.

Damian Nisenson

When we speak with leading advisors, those that really take their practice seriously, the really good ones do have client advisory boards. They are willing to spend the time and effort to embrace other methods or practices.

John Nersesian

Conversation is the art of speaking without thinking.

Victor De Kowa

I told John I would speak up for him. It will be tough, emotional. But I have to fulfill a promise.

Ray Jarosz

I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.

Dr. Seuss

We are really privilege to have coach Hooks speak at the banquet. This will be his second time speaking at the banquet.

Vera Rodriguez

I'll do whatever he wants me to do, ... I don't think I'll door knock, but certainly I'll speak, and I'll speak on his behalf.

Ralph Klein

It is a mistake to speak of a bad choice in love, since as soon as a choice exists, it can only be bad.

Marcel Proust

People will make judgments before you even speak based on the way you look. Most definitely your physical appearance matters. The way you dress, your hygiene - it all matters.

Jonathan Adler

Nature can refuse to speak but she cannot give a wrong answer.

Charles Brenton Huggins

This year, the theme of the cookie sale is Be Brilliant. Girls will be coming up with brilliant and creative ideas to sell Girl Scout cookies. And in the process, participants will learn finance skills, public speaking, marketing and customer service, goal planning and a variety of other life skills that will help them succeed in the future.

Belinda Wright

Rest days are as important as training days, and it's important for endurance athletes to speak with their personal physicians about their routine. Athletes also should be aware of this post-exercise window of opportunity, continue to eat right and take precautions around others who are sick.

Michael Flynn

Through research we found that youth respect brands and products that are authentic and speak to something real. They are all struggling with the question, 'Who am I?' They want to fit in but stand out too.

Que Gaskins

I will speak to my captain because Essex has played a big role in my development as a bowler.

Danish Kaneria

Generally speaking, 95 percent of all branch applications get approved. It's really not a controversial process.

Dan Egan

It is very important for us to speak English. Very, very, very important.

Jose Mejia

After all, when you come right down to it, how many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language?

Russell Hoban

Mr. Smith was the first person in the door, so to speak.

James Ingram

I have done my work for the people and that will speak for me when the time comes.

Datuk G. Palanivel

When I pass, speak freely of my shortcomings and my flaws. Learn from them, for I'll have no ego to injure.

Aaron Mcgruder

Meaning that if you live in the moment, so to speak, we play today, and tonight we're done.

Alex Van Halen

I like to think I speak for a lot of the players. But a lot of the players don't ever support me, which [ticks] me off.

Scotty Bowman

I'm very disappointed that I'm unable to represent my country, but after speaking with our doctors, we feel it's the best thing to do at this time and my only real option. We will now use the Olympic break as a part of my rehab program in an effort to continue strengthening the injury for the final stretch of the season.

Kari Lehtonen

We were expecting the yen to gain towards the end of the week, given that Fukui will speak tomorrow and with the U.S. trade data coming up on Friday.

Hideaki Furumaya

In general, higher education does not know how to speak for its interests. It offers a stance that is defensive, cowardly and likely to be ineffective.

Stanley Fish

In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it.

Boris Pasternak

That's the normal means of communication when you have something to say, by speaking to the parties involved, not the press.

Sarah Lewis

The match-up here was so close that the team that competed the best was going to come out the winner. I think the results speak for themselves.

Steve Bietau

In a sense I do feel very privileged. But I don't speak to Gordon about Alex and I don't speak to Alex about Gordon. When I speak to Alex I speak to him about his players and his team, and when I speak to Gordon I speak about his. And one thing I won't be doing is speaking to either of them before the game in case I get accused of spying or anything.

Mark Mcghee

Everyone should know what is expected of them when they file a complaint. If they want to make a statement, they need to make a statement of facts in writing, and if we [the committee] felt the facts were pertinent, the individual would be allowed to speak at a hearing.

Christine Robinson

As we speak right now, there'd be a compelling case.

Paul Mcnamee

Only 11 are filled, as we speak.

Bob Gunja

Language has not the power to speak what love indites: The soul lies buried in the ink that writes.

John Clare

I want to speak directly to the men holding my daughter Jill, because they may also be fathers like me. My daughter does not have the ability to free anyone. She is a reporter and an innocent person. Do not sacrifice an innocent soul.

Jim Carroll

She was above everybody's top game. She played above her potential, and she always played at a higher level. What I liked the most about her is nothing went to her head. She was very mild, very respectful, and let her actions speak for herself.

Cip Sanchez

Today, the campaign begins speaking directly to voters about Conrad Burns' record of delivering for Montana. Montana is a better place to live, work and raise a family because of Conrad Burns.

Tom Bunnell

Here we are in the state championships. This was not the time to be quiet. It's a time for everybody to speak up and say what they have to say. Then we can put the pieces together and find out what we can do to make things turn out all right.

Herman Gooden

The past season did help me develop my leadership skills. Coming off my experiences at Florida State, I have more confidence to speak up now with the German National Team then the last time I was with them. I think that will help.

Viola Odebrecht

What is Time... That you speak of it so subserviently? Are we to be the slaves of the sun, that second-hand, overrated knob of gilt, or of his sister, that fatuous circle of silver paper? A curse upon their ridiculous dictatorship!

Mervyn Peake

They say any time you catch the flu it's the sickest you've ever been in your life. I can speak to that. It's the truth.

Melvin Ely

I speak to him fairly regularly, I am sure it will come up in conversation.

Barry Hall

I don't know what in God's name Cardinal George was thinking when he allowed this perpetrator to remain in ministry. It goes against everything that Cardinal George has been speaking about.

Barbara Blaine

My father was the 87th Latino to be in the major leagues, but he was the first one ... to be able to speak up and become an activist against prejudice, not only in baseball but also in society, and that took a lot to be able to do that.

Roberto Clemente

Over the next few months, the more people I speak to, the more informed decision I can make.

Steve Bass

Don't speak again until I speak to you.

Judge Nancy Saitta

I have only to speak for myself; to speak for freedom for myself; to determine for freedom for myself; and in doing so, I speak and determine for the freedom of every slave on every plantation, and for the fugitives on my right hand.

Charles Lenox Remond

We don't see Iraq the way you see it on TV. That's what we want to tell people. We're the same as you, we can sing, we can speak different languages.

Hassan Ali

The numbers speak for themselves. And the numbers speak in a very good way.

Dante Scala

There is an enormous amount of mistrust towards me. They say that what I'm saying is too good to be true, and that I must say something else when I speak in Arabic. Trust is missing, the progress made is not acknowledged.

Tariq Ramadan

Our own court filings on this matter speak for themselves.

Chris Winans

The call needs to be put out to all the people of Macomb County. This is not an issue only for African-Americans. If ... you care anything at all about your county, you have to speak out.

Linda Parker

I think the public is incredibly supportive of this. I have yet to speak to anybody that is not just incredibly excited.

Anna Bartha

It's true that I have spoken about doing a book before, but then everyone you speak to is planning to write a book.

Dylan Moran

An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely classifies him.

Alan Jay Lerner

Speaking from the perspective of the Santa Maria and Lompoc valleys and Surf Beach.

Joni Gray

It's 100 percent free and you speak to a live person.

Mary Hunt

When I came here, I couldn't speak a word of English, but my sex life was perfect. Now my English is perfect but my sex life is rubbish.

Julio Iglesias

Listen, someone's screaming in agony - fortunately I speak it fluently.

Spike Milligan

Action, so to speak, is the genius of nature.

Robert Blair

My Father taught me to weigh my words carefully, and speak up only when I had something insightful to add to the proceedings, or something really funny to say. He also taught me that if I couldn't be that kind of guy in real life, that I could earn a healthy living pretending to be that guy in the movies – particularly when paired up with a long haired stoner.

Kevin Smith

Fed speak is very important.

Stephen Sachs

I don't know any other way; if you say no, they're going to speak to them anyway. Mike called me up after we lost in the tournament and I said fine.

Jack Kvancz

But have not always dared speak with such brutality.

Gianfranco Fini

We have a $2 billion company in a $20 billion market, and our challenge is to focus on our customers and our opportunities and to execute. No one questions the opportunity that's ahead of us and the potential for Juniper to realize the magnitude of that opportunity. The work of recent months and the priority of the [future] will be to remain focused and to let our execution speak for itself.

Scott Kriens

I was not as involved in the day-to-day decisions of football that I should have been. I got involved in the speaking and traveling. ... There's got to be a balance. It was a little bit of football, and a lot of this. You can't do it that way.

Mike Dubose

Relatively speaking, Japan looks the least uncertain market in regard to politics and the economy.

Hitoshi Yamamoto

I had the good fortune of speaking with Orson Wells many decades ago and he said 'Success is primarily luck anyway.' And I have been very lucky. Of course, Orson Wells was enormously talented and brilliant - so who am I to argue with him!

George Kennedy

Realistically speaking, considering that it's already December 19 and that we don't have a decision from the government, a year-end closing just can't be achieved.

Tom Jurkowsky

'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Abraham Lincoln

Rarely does anyone speak of fear for his own life, as if an unspoken etiquette prevails.

Jane Gross

Is no longer a partner we can trust, and we want new elections, preferably as soon as possible. It's gone far enough with all this bickering. It's time to let the people speak.

Gerrit Zalm

The situation in Abidjan is very similar to the one we had yesterday. There's a crowd of Young Patriots outside the U.N. building as we speak, and it's a growing crowd. We had an attack on a U.N. convoy this morning shortly before 7 a.m.

Margherita Amodeo

Personally speaking, I think that being a folk song writer, which I am, comes with a responsibility to reflect on the social times you are living in, ... That's just what I did in my latest release, Hearts in Mind.

Nanci Griffith

Technology is the language they speak. They're just looking for new ways to connect.

Matthew Grossman

If Osama bin Laden is still Public Enemy No. 1, we have a challenge to find him among Pashto-speaking people whose nuances we're poorly prepared to interpret.

Rush Holt

It is difficult to speak after a game like that.

Cosmin Olaroiu

One thing we are trying to do is really think outside the box. Not everyone wants to sit and listen at the traditional speak-outs, so we are trying to find the best manner in which to get people to participate.

Michael Lawson

Generally speaking, private entities are shielded from these sorts of lawsuits. But because the park is leased from the City of New York, and the security is jointly provided by the city and a private firm, that makes them liable for civil rights violations.

David Brickman

The airfares are less expensive, and it's very easy to get there. It's very convenient. It's English-speaking and the value is good.

Caroline Haberfeld

We're looking at added volatility this week because of the September 11th memorial Wednesday, George Bush addressing the U.N. and Greenspan speaking Thursday.

Jennifer Williams