Safety is in large part an educational process. The Internet is moving really quickly in the same way that we all were taught to not talk to strangers or not get into a car . . . those same kind of rules are being taught and need to be taught to kids for the online world.

There are no tried-and-true age verification technologies.

Technology is the language they speak, where they form communities, and we can provide them with opportunities to create communities with other Jewish teens. They're just looking for new ways to connect.

Technology is the language they speak. They're just looking for new ways to connect.

Teens today, whether they're Jewish or not, they have common thoughts and perspectives. While many people think teens are turning away from religion, in fact, they're not.

Often there is so little time in the class that we end up just talking about contraception. There is no time to talk about relationships.

The notion of going to where the teens are ? in the public schools, at the movies ? is a very important strategy. If we sit back and wait for them to come to the classic institutions of religion, that simply isn't working.