Kate has made it absolutely clear all along that she will cooperate with any police investigation when the necessary arrangements can be made.

Stuart Higgins

If the government builds up necessary infrastructure and exempt some duties, we will earn US$ 1.0 billion in the next few years.

Tipu Sultan

Is due diligence necessary? Yes. Is seven years of due diligence necessary? Probably not.

Tom Crouch

We don't want to create any more damage than absolutely necessary. But in areas that had high water, we have to go in. There's still a chance that somebody might be in these residences.

Charles Hood

Certainly, the coaches deserve a lot of the credit because they've kept these guys going. In addition, the rest of the team has maintained the level of play that's necessary to be successful.

Brian Graham

With regard to equity in funding facilities, the Court in essence invites further litigation by ruling only that necessary evidence was not presented.

Scott Mccown

The court finds that it is necessary to grant (Moody) a new trial because it finds the jury misconduct undermined the integrity of the jury deliberations and public confidence in their verdict.

Susan Roberts

It's apparently not enough to merely ask judicial staff to change their mindset. Necessary measures are also needed to curb inquisition by torture.

Yu Min

Both necessary and appropriate in the circumstances.

Tom Sneddon

I don't believe in team motivation. I believe in getting a team prepared so it knows it will have the necessary confidence when it steps on a field and be prepared to play a good game.

Tom Landry

These are difficult decisions but they're necessary given the current business conditions.

Robert Herta

We know when the sea level was that high in the past, and we know how much warming is necessary to get that amount of sea level rise from both Greenland and Antarctica.

Jonathan Overpeck

We're too old and too mature to fight. Fighting's not necessary.

Brian Ritchie

As a former federal prosecutor, David has the skills and experience necessary to root out corruption and help us maintain the highest ethical standards in city government.

Richard M. Daley

It's not cost-effective; it's not necessary. The consumers we've done focus groups with are comfortable that this is a very rare disease and we've got safeguards in place.

Gary Weber

The alternate airports have grown faster, making it necessary to open new ones.

Linda Greene

Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.

Richard Bach

Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.

Sholem Asch

Within this framework, the necessary decisions can now be taken in the Paris Club.

Hans Eichel

There are groups in the Kremlin who believe that (the old) methods are not necessary any more.

Nikolai Petrov

Consumers who lose money to scams have very little chance of getting any of it back. So it is essential that, in addition to enforcing the law against scammers, we equip consumers with the skills and knowledge necessary to avoid falling victim to them in the first place.

John Fingleton

We were blessed to have some young kids hungry for baseball. We're already excited about next year. We played well. We put forth the necessary effort.

John Carlock

That's so they can cut roads and take other measures necessary on a moment's notice.

Chuck Sanderson

It's not necessary to sell the company, they could to a (licensing) deal.

Jason Kantor

That's why we will keep making these warnings and if necessary take further action, ... can increase interest rates and we can do it in a way that really hurts.

Alan Bollard

It is necessary to coordinate our actions, as both Russia and Norway are interested in combating poaching and illegal fishing.

Alexei Gordeyev

We are still convinced that it is necessary to deepen and increase our relations in the economic field.

Joseph Deiss

I hope that will not be necessary.

Javier Solana

I classify my style as 'By any means necessary,'.

John Mccoy

Our alternative is to build a bridge but we don't think that's necessary at this point.

Rod Haraga

I don't have any degrees. I was a dropout. So I guess it's not absolutely necessary!

Walter Becker

Society is like the air; necessary to breathe, but insufficient to live on.

George Santayana

We've taken this action because believe it is necessary to preserve the value of the Java technology.

Alan Baratz

She will definitely raise the money necessary to be successful in November.

Roger Germann

The minister has not insist on anything, apart from a request that he's kept informed. All the necessary documents will also be at his disposal. He was previously not kept informed, but it was my duty the past few days to supply him with all the details.

Jannie Ferreira

I think being interested in food security is modern and necessary.

Thierry Breton

Remember, you don't want to have any more correspondence with the IRS than is necessary.

Jeffrey Kelson

I think they're taking this seriously, and they're trying to do the things necessary to fix the problems.

Jeffery Robinson

I don't believe in the any-means-necessary brand of politics. That leads to cutting corners to win, which leads to ethical lapses.

Tom Campbell

We followed the race up on the hill, we saw the course, what is necessary for the combined downhill.

Vedran Pavlek

Well, it's very boring. It's very boring. I guess I view it as a necessary evil.

Kenny Wallace

It in no way applies to reporters - in any way, shape or form. If a technical fix is necessary, it will be made.

Mike Dawson

One must ... aim to stimulate, educate, coax, coerce, cajole – shock when necessary – but, above, all to entertain. No newspaper, and no newspaperman, should ever be ashamed to entertain.

Larry Lamb

I believe it would be very, very difficult for her to stand up and take the kinds of actions that would be necessary to change that culture.

Jim Oberweis

The Long Island Sound has become a critical and necessary economic engine to our region, and somehow the president just doesn't get that.

Adrienne Esposito

Grim is one way to describe it. We're faced with a serious financial challenge on how we can do the things that we feel like are absolutely necessary for the good of Sedgwick County.

Commissioner Dave Unruh

Minister Martino couldn't sign because his colleague Giulio Tremonti couldn't guarantee him the EUR 120 million necessary.

Antonio Martino

Makes it necessary to take actions to ensure our continued worldwide leadership.

Robert Nardelli

The support of the international community is vital and it is essential that donor countries contribute necessary funds as soon as possible.

Rashid Khalikov

It is clear Judge Roberts has the necessary legal experience and character to be the chief justice.

Jim Jeffords

Investigate this troubling phenomenon and do whatever is necessary to bring it to an end.

Arsalan Iftikhar

Perfume isn't really necessary when you're working out. Or cologne. Some people really splash it on and that's not good if you're allergic to it.

Risa Stewart

When you want to believe in something, you also have to believe in everything that's necessary for believing in it.

Ugo Betti

Not all industry CEOs, especially in the software and Internet fields, see involvement in policy as necessarily important to their bottom line. They come from an entrepreneurial milieu and view government as a necessary evil.

Marc Pearl

Banks are a necessary evil. I'm not sure how many people are going to want us closer to them.

Mike Castellana

It's highly unlikely that the kind of majority we will see can pass the necessary reforms.

Susana Garcia

On that road of the informer, it is always night. I cannot ever inform against anyone without feeling something die within me. I inform without pleasure, because it is necessary.

Whittaker Chambers

We have made the necessary efforts in the last years to prepare for a possible IPO.

Gunter Thielen

We usually ask for a donation . . . but it's not necessary. We're there to keep our neighborhoods clean.

Jan Wilson

Home heating assistance is necessary for many New Jerseyans to keep their homes warm this winter. Congress needs to act now in order to avoid a crisis.

Rush Holt

We do not want a war with Iran, but if Iran attacks we will take all possible necessary measures.

Wakil Ahmed

NASCAR will use whatever means necessary to stop it.

Mike Helton

It is necessary to raise the level of screening for start-up firms when they are to be listed.

Taizo Nishimuro

Ignore it. No answer is necessary, Your Excellency. The president does not know his place.

Atsuko Abe

We tried to as best we could to maintain affiliations in close proximity, ... We certainly are not going to get every necessary tie between an NBA D-League team and an NBA team.

Stu Jackson

I have been telling them to secure against non-structural damage ... This may not be necessary for the current quakes but is always a good idea.

Bill Phillips

A ''sin'' is something which is not necessary.

George Gurdjieff

They just didn't have the sense of the strength of their vote. Just thought it wasn't necessary.

Charles Phillips

I'm basically the idea person. I'm not physically involved in the production. I don't have the necessary abilities, so I go to the top people.

Jeff Koons

More coals can be added to the top if necessary, ... Add coals to the top rather than to the bottom, because you have more space at the top.

Linda Ryan

When an aviator crashes, it's very necessary to get up there again right away.

Herbert Sloane

But, ... we can now do so effectively and when necessary so as to make certain that we get these vessels to stop.

James Loy

Anyone who has any involvement with the child should be at the table and provide what is necessary to get these families back together again.

Gordon Johnson

Moving forward, we'll continue to evaluate each subsidiary company in line with our larger business goals to reach market leadership and profitability and if necessary, effect further mergers, consolidations or divestitures to accelerate the achievement of these goals.

David Wetherell

You have not yet given us the information necessary for the evaluation of your proposal. This is not good faith bargaining.

Henry Reichard

If we can't get the necessary approvals for this season we will be looking at next season. This is not just about bringing them in in the short term.

Simon Greenberg

It is not necessary or even possible for us to massively increase the defense budget.

Cao Gangchuan

Those are rules that should be followed at any time, but they are even more necessary right now.

Doug Artusio

If the Constitution is worth anything, if the Declaration of Independence is worth anything, if the boys who died on the field of battle did not die in vain, fair employment practices are correct and necessary.

Dennis Chavez

So it's necessary to recheck patients to see if they are still allergic.

Jay M. Portnoy

The only thing that permits us to acquiesce in an erroneous theory is the lack of a better one; analogously, an injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice.

John Rawls

War is just to those to whom war is necessary.

Titus Livius

We look forward to working with the Legislature to determine whether additional actions are necessary to better provide the necessary benefits for those who gave so unselfishly of themselves.

Joanna Rose

While war is never anyone first choice, sometimes it is a necessary choice.

Gresham Barrett

After a careful and complete review of the facts, we thought it best that these players leave the team. This was a very difficult decision to make, but one that was necessary.

Dave Balza

Reform is necessary and preferably something that gets us more money. Until there are some changes, we aren't in a position to do anything immediate with the Morrison report.

Mark Winkleman

We can't let this happen with the paramilitaries. There's still time to take the necessary decisions, to find out who the congressmen are with links to them.

Cesar Gaviria

I will do whatever is necessary to get our children home.

Michael Gravelle

There is no necessary connection between the desire to lead and the ability to lead, and even less the ability to lead somewhere that will be to the advantage of the led….

Bergen Evans

This final drilling campaign will complete the data requirements necessary for inclusion in our final Definitive Feasibility Study.

William Murray

It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself.

Charles Baudelaire

At the moment we anticipate that the findings of the Korean investigations will be necessary before we make any final determinations about that paper.

Katrina Kelner

There just isn't enough parking, and this project will be adding an additional 450 necessary spaces. It's a perfect complimentary use.

Gary Kellison

The world is governed more by appearances than realities, so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it.

Daniel Webster

Financially, we all have to do it. I don't think there's anyway around it. So be it. It's a necessary evil we all have to face at this level.

Matt Griffin

Andrew has played a lot of cricket lately at a high intensity so it didn't seem necessary to rush him into a game only two days after he has arrived in Melbourne.

Sunil Gavaskar

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.

William Ockham

We think care and prudence going forward are equally necessary.

Scott Harshbarger

However, it is necessary to bring our school start date more in line with our neighboring districts.

Betty Johnson

Brazil is little known in Sudan and it is necessary to invest in marketing to consolidate ourselves in the market.

Rodrigo Solano

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Since so much is being asked of our troops and their families, it is necessary to regularly examine progress and assess what more needs to be done to help them safely complete their mission and expedite their return home.

Ron Kind

People are taking the necessary steps to leave the city of New Orleans.

C. Ray Nagin

The most money we have ever been able to get appropriated for the juvenile justice bills was $55 million a year, about one-tenth of what was necessary.

Bobby Scott

We'll take whatever actions necessary up to and including termination.

Christopher Simpson

Change is tough, people don't like it, but it is necessary. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.

Christopher Bond

If a person desires to be a humorist it is necessary that the people around him shall be at least as wise as he is, otherwise his humor will not be comprehended.

James Stephens

Every kind of service necessary to the public good becomes honorable by being necessary.

Nathan Hale

If we find any negligence in the death of this offender, we will certainly take whatever appropriate action is necessary.

John Fougere

Their feedback was carefully evaluated and appropriate adjustments were made to the specifications where necessary and practicable, but without compromising on the objectives of the IR and Singapore's interests.

Margaret Teo

It's no longer possible for governments to provide the kind of resources and investment necessary to deal with these kinds of issues.

Raymond Kendall

I don't want to see the event become a corporate billboard but if that's the only way it can go on and if it's done tastefully ... it would be appreciated if it's necessary.

Arthur Hardy

Electing to file Chapter 11 is a necessary and responsible step.

Tim Needham

It is necessary to try to surpass oneself always; this occupation ought to last as long as life.

Queen Christina

We don't think it's necessary. We're pretty clear on that.

Marianne Bichsel

A complete cull of all rural poultry in the country is not necessary and we were very vocal about this when I was there [in Turkey].

Juan Lubroth

We felt that in fact, conditions were safe enough at the site that wasn't necessary.

David Carroll

Because people like the mayor of Hartford or Jorge Perez endorse a candidate doesn't necessary mean that other people know about them or are in tune with all of that.

John Padilla

We have to face the hard reality that the elections cannot be held on January 8th and that the necessary corrections should be made to ensure the holding of a credible vote.

Max Mathurin

It is necessary for China and Africa to promote cooperation in consular affairs.

Shen Guofang

Philosophers say a great deal about what is absolutely necessary for science, and it is always, so far as one can see, rather naive, and probably wrong.

Richard Feynman

Republican leaders say these cuts are necessary to curb spending, but they are also pushing to hand massive tax breaks to their campaign contributors.

Toby Chaudhuri

Air New Zealand will become a nimble and fast moving airline, able to rapidly adapt to change more quickly than its competitors. I am determined to implement the necessary measures to ensure this happens.

Rob Fyfe

In necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, liberty; in all things, charity.

Anne Baxter

The human body is very complex and the accuracy levels required from blood glucose measurements must be very high. A single technology was not enough to create the necessary accuracy.

Avner Gal

We must take whatever actions are necessary to ensure that TAP can meet its future obligations.

Jack Wagner

We must do what is necessary to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Yves Bot

We have used civil disobedience in the past, but only when it has been absolutely necessary.

Ramon Saul Sanchez

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

St. Francis Of Assisi

We want to communicate the great message of what immigration means to the American economy. In this political climate, it's also necessary to talk about how our borders must be secured.

Terry Holt

Although there was probably more reaction than what we anticipated, all along we had a system set up to continue to gather information as necessary.

Bob Williams

The moral mandate to achieve success exerts pressure to succeed by fair means, if possible, and by foul means, if necessary.

Robert Merton

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.

Miss Piggy

In light of the surplus, the MTA needs to assess whether the next fare hike is necessary.

Mike Bloomberg

Both believe that the enclosures were not only helpful, but necessary under all of the circumstances.

David Sherman

A lack of evidence doesn't mean there isn't a problem. We've never done the studies necessary to find a problem.

Jane Rissler

What the doctors told me is that it wasn't necessary to cut into his brain, so we're hopeful that there will not be any permanent damage and that he will have a full recovery. So far, things are looking better. He has moved his arms and legs and his eyes are alert.

Roger Legeay

As a bank we have a fiduciary obligation to our customers and their money. The services necessary for an individual's investment plan might not all come out of the same department. We might refer them to our loan department for debt consolidation for example.

Cheri Butcher

We send out an inspector, the inspector evaluates the damages and, according to the damages, we would determine what was necessary.

Dasha Castillo

You have a governor with a business background and he understands a vibrant business community is necessary to create jobs. If he follows through on all of that I think it will have almost an immediate positive effect.

Philip Kirschner

Will be necessary until the situation in Afghanistan is completely stabilized.

Kurmanbek Bakiyev

I see it as necessary more to answer world opinion than to solve any problems.

Richard Rosen

Think about the expertise that is necessary to approach an interview with a victim of that age. That's not something that just any officer is capable of or has the facilities to do. It has to be done in a very controlled environment.

Jim Saunders

His attorneys did not feel, at this point in time in the trial, it was necessary.

Raymone Bain

It is necessary to be realistic, the two are complicated but we have trimmed the difference (to Barcelona) and are fighting for everything.

Sergio Ramos

These economies may be delaying a necessary adjustment to high oil prices.

Haruhiko Kuroda

Clearly, the dividend cut was overdue. It's interesting that it only finally happened when (Jerome) York joined the board. The 50 percent dividend cut in the eyes of the union is a necessary action, it had to happen.

Sean Mcalinden

We believe this action is necessary to protect the intellectual capital we have worked hard to develop in-house since 1996. Although we have been focused on innovation and building value for our customers, we cannot ignore companies that we believe are infringing our intellectual property.

Jeff Lunsford

Necessary to ensure maintenance of high quality running of the institution.

Charles Simonyi

Even though it would be challenging to have (accommodation) reviews going on in a lot of areas, it may be necessary in order to connect the dots. Some of us feel the responsibility to do this right.

Debra Edwards

We still have an opportunity to make the playoffs and our fans expect and deserve a team that will fight to the end. I felt this change was necessary to help with that endeavor.

Alexi Lalas

We're ready for the audit, all three years back to 2003, if necessary.

Walt Kuver

Consolidation was a necessary and positive trend in the evolution of these businesses.

Sumner Redstone

Most necessary in directing a piece like this is comedic timing.

Robert Larsen

We don't like to issue them when it gets like this, but on the other hand, sometimes it's necessary.

Terence Mcelroy

We don't want to block our people from working in the game industry. We act only if necessary.

Martin Tremblay

My view is that there is a good possibility there is life on Mars, probably in the subsurface. We know from examples on Earth that life can exist in extreme places, and Mars seems to have the necessary ingredients for that.

Thomas Mccollom

Chip companies are designing chips that can go into aviation products, (and) it may be necessary to buy a specific aviation product liability policy.

Norm Jacobi

This was an extremely difficult decision, but necessary in light of the very challenging telecom environment and our need to operate as cost-effectively as possible.

Greg Maffei

I was just lazy. I saw college just as a necessary step toward law school, which I couldn't wait for.

Robin Lord

The board's feeling is that three-strikes is a great law if used appropriately, and this measure to change it is not necessary.

David Labahn

We have high expectations for our staff. When they are violated, we take the necessary steps.

Rick Kaufman

The first thing we have done is commission a telephone survey, ... We talked to 608 adults in our five-county area, and, based on the results of the survey, we felt it necessary to conduct focus groups.

Margie Hale

We will fight this nomination tooth and nail. We have taken the position of: By all means necessary.

Hilary Shelton

There can be no such thing as a necessary evil. For, if a thing is really necessary, it cannot be evil and if it is an evil, it is not necessary. - Tiorio.


I don't think I made the necessary adjustments at halftime and we came out from the locker room and looked like we just woke up.

Dave Hiatt

It is necessary to try to pass one's self always; this occupation ought to last as long as life.

Christina Of Sweden

That was a huge thing, the defensive intensity. But I really feel like that experience with Highland the first time has matured us in a lot of ways. One thing about our season, we've had some 'necessary' failures.

Mindi Winters

Of course, it is also necessary to embark on the road toward recognition of Israel's right to exist.

Alexander Kalugin

Our agencies depend on our raising the funds necessary to provide services to those in need in our community.

Carolyn Jackson

I think we have overall the kind of things that are necessary, but since we've never made this attempt before it is kind of iffy. But I think if we get that far in the process we'll set the table for 2012.

Randy Pullen

Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life.

Alvin Toffler

We need the commitment of governments for anti-poaching efforts to work, ... Collaboration that is necessary has not been present until now.

John Sellar

The physician may also recommend additional tests if necessary.

Dr. Wilma Wooten

We have well over the necessary signatures.

Margaret Blohm

We will draft a letter to the D-O-T stating that we've agreed to it. They will make the necessary cost adjustments.

Jim Griffith

With such a large population of 1.3 billion, the Chinese government faces a harsh challenge. Therefore, the making of '24 hours' is very necessary and in demand.

Huang Bailian

We discourage the armaments up here because it's not necessary on the northern border.

Claude Lebas

Permits always make the process a little more laborious, but just like anything else, it's needed and necessary. You've got to follow the law of the land and that's what it is.

Bob Meyer

It's necessary now. The message has to not only be presented, it has to be accepted.

Gerald Meyers

These changes are necessary to clear the past deficit and to contain the amount of future funding needed.

Willie Walsh

I do not know why he felt it was necessary to kill her, ... He does not even know why he did it.

Thelma Soares

Jesus says it is necessary for someone to free him finally from his human body, and he prefers that this liberation be done by a friend rather than by an enemy.

Rodolphe Kasser

Even when spam doesn't get to your inbox, it uses up bandwidth. The necessary increased filtering also risks blocking genuine e-mails.

Richard Cox

Showing off seemed to me to be a highly valuable and necessary activity when I was 20.

Dylan Moran

Everyone agrees we need to get more freight on to rail. But the Government is cutting the grant necessary to do this. It is another example of a promise being broken.

Chris Grayling

This had become severe enough that we felt that a change at this point of the season was necessary. This is not a decision that was made lightly, as coach Cavanaugh has had a long career at Canisius during which he has contributed much to the growth and development of our program.

Tim Dillon

One can not be an American by going about saying that one is an American. It is necessary to feel America, like America, love America and then work.

Georgia O'Keeffe

We donated $15,000 in materials necessary to construct the house.

Jeff Nobers

This pilot group is unified and they will support whatever actions their leadership determines are necessary.

Don Burnham

This is the first time that the heads of state have strongly affirmed that it is necessary to fight against impunity...that appears to me to be helpful.

Sidiki Kaba

To have a reason to get up in the morning, it is necessary to posses a guiding principle.

Judith Guest

He's continued to go out there each time and be consistent for us. He's thrown well and has made the necessary pitches when he's needed to.

Steve Stinson

A wondrous necessary man.

Thomas Middleton

I apologize to all parents, but I don't have any choices, ... We will work the the parents on an installment pay plan if necessary.

Jim Compton

If families are important, if people are important, we should be willing to pay what's necessary. We should be willing to make the appropriate investment in our people.

Bernard Rostker

It's necessary to be slightly underemployed if you are to do something significant.

James D. Watson

It is very necessary for a country like Nepal to have a voice.

Dinesh Wagle

These measures are necessary for our defense and the defense of our friends and allies.

Robert Joseph

He can execute the option game in all its forms. He's a very dangerous player. He can go the distance or make the necessary decision to pitch it out to the other guy.

Al Lavan