The information from the two sides will create more market volatility, and it's necessary to warn (Hong Kong) citizens of risk.

Joseph Yam

I along with many others really question the way they've packaged the field house with the technology. They packaged a lot of necessary things in with things that aren't necessary. Technology is important.

Larry Parks

I believe it would be a necessary thing. Fuel is not going to go down.

Richard Perkins

Science already contained all that was necessary, if you just brought it out.

Arthur Young

I just didn't feel it was necessary for the homeowners association to pay for this, especially if we had the money in the budget. That's bad public relations entirely.

Craig Civalier

Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive.

Edith Wharton

If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.

Vladimir Lenin

The president reiterated France's position to him (Bush) -- that disarming Iraq is necessary and must be done within a U.N. framework.

Catherine Colonna

For us to maintain our way of living, we must tell lies to each other and especially to ourselves. The lies are necessary because, without them, many deplorable acts would become impossibilities.

Derrick Jensen

My priority is to give the general manager and head coach all the resources necessary to make the Browns successful.

Randy Lerner

But just as I was ready to call it quits, I got the necessary money from a third party, who had been instructed by Bing to help me out, without letting me know where the help came from.

Bob Crosby

Young people should be helped, sheltered, ignored, and clubbed of necessary.

Al Capp

It takes for as long as it's necessary to select the best one. I don't have a timeline for that.

Gerardo Cardenas

Failing that, I will be obliged to intervene -- if necessary, by imposing a tax on these exceptional profits.

Thierry Breton

A baseball manager is a necessary evil.

Sparky Anderson

These actions were a necessary response to the company's current economic challenges. The company adhered to the law in making these difficult decisions.

Marcey Evans

The government wants to meet its obligation to all the major downstream players that have committed a lot of money to downstream oil and gas, necessary to meet the aspiration that the president has already articulated.

Tony Chukwueke

Art is so wonderfully irrational, exuberantly pointless, but necessary all the same. Pointless and yet necessary, that's hard for a puritan to understand.

Nadine Gordimer

The happiness of one's own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one's own happiness, the happiness of others.

Paramahansa Yogananda

American efficiency has its merits. But I wonder if it is necessary to introduce it to such an extent that we'll end up losing our Japanese culture.

Toshio Hinode

In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent, unresolvable, and necessary.

Kathleen Norris

There is no problem about the deal. I have got information today that we have received the approval from the Department of Company Affairs. We are completing necessary formalities of the acquisition.

Naresh Goyal

Awarding a student a diploma without the necessary skills and knowledge does a great disservice to that student.

Jack O'connell

It's unfortunate; however it's a necessary transition. It's happening all up and down the coast from Richmond to Philadelphia.

John Eichberger

It is crazy. That's why every game is so important to us. You can't afford to be dropping games because we're not playing hard or we didn't come with the necessary intensity.

Ben Gordon

Believed it was necessary to amend the permit because the permit granted in July of 2004 was based on false and/or misleading information.

John Phelps

The reason it is so long is to give us as much soil volume as necessary.

Dan Henry

I'm afraid we have not learned all the necessary lessons.

Uri Savir

I dislike the VAT hike tremendously, I don't think it's necessary.

Holger Schmieding

It's not always necessary ... I don't always do it. But if something important has happened, and it hasn't been resolved, like this bombing raid on Libya ... I just postulate that.

Nelson Demille

Getting down all of the information necessary for the barcode takes 15 minutes, while the application itself takes about two minutes.

Peter Shin

We want to make sure the candidate we choose has the level of integrity we feel necessary to carry on the pride and tradition that has been established.

Gina Uccelli

We could do it (set up shelter) in half an hour, if necessary.

Diana Gustafson

It is scandalous that the California Dental Association continues to protect its dental monopoly at the expense of those who need care the most. AB 1334 is necessary to expand critical access to care for millions of Californians.

Lin Sarfaraz

Going into debt is never easy and, in your case, going deeper into debt is a necessary evil.

Greg Zandlo

If anything is going to halt necessary investments in next generation networks it will be Congress dictating business models to companies.

Claudia Jones

Some member states don't share [the view] that it is necessary at the moment to adopt this measure at the European level.

Philip Tod

It's a positive move that shows the company is no longer an old-style family-run business. Dilution of the stock is a necessary evil. It's better than going belly-up.

Naoki Fujiwara

It is a peculiar art form, but I think it's a necessary art form - and I do believe it's a noble art form.

Paul Conrad

How important this job is. Entering this profession is not only noble, but absolutely necessary for the future -- for our state and our country.

Suellen Reed

Enemies are necessary for the wheels of the U.S. military machine to turn.

John Stockwell

With the current situation, I want us to look at whether they're really necessary.

Michael Rodgers

Violence is not necessary to destroy a civilization. Each civilization dies from indifference to the unique values which created it.

Nicolas Gomez Davila

We continue to work with leadership to draft a bill that will provide the necessary borrowing authority as expeditiously as possible.

Andrew Gray

The burden to show that this is necessary falls on the government. There was no transparency. This is disturbing.

Daniel Patterson

If we do what is necessary, all the odds are in our favor.

Charles Buxton

For a 16-metre long yacht, these safety requirements are not necessary.

Bian Lieqiang

Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.

Claude Monet

Engineering, medicine, business, architecture and painting are concerned not with the necessary but with the contingent - not with how things are but with how they might be - in short, with design.

Herbert Simon

What is necessary to keep providing good care to nature has completely fallen into ignorance during the materialism era.

Rudolf Steiner

For the sake of the people in the region is it necessary to do all this gradually and without any haste.

Nebojsa Covic

For me it's absolutely necessary to start from the very beginning. I can't think of coming and contributing something anywhere along the line other than the very start.

George Stevens

I feel like I can serve the people and have the experience necessary to do a good job.

Dennis Mitchell

To be truthful, I don't even know why it's so necessary to close the regional centers. It's going to end up costing us more money to close them than it would be to keep them open.

John Pinkerton

Could also be considered a very necessary accessory.

Joe Blankenship

What we did when we did it was necessary, ... We didn't want the industry to totally collapse.

John Mica

I see that it's necessary, but I don't really want it nearby.

Jamie Smith

Committed to doing what is legally necessary. ... If necessary, he will support a constitutional amendment.

Scott Mcclellan

These aren't casual requests for home remodeling. These are medically necessary requests to ensure her safety, her independence and her well-being.

Sarah Price

A summary of the documents downloaded... so that the government can take the necessary action.

Raul Gonzalez

It does appear to be tracking what's happening in the market - in fact, it might under- represent the necessary correction.

Stephen Ward

The American attack on our sacred sites is almost certain and we have taken the necessary measures.

Muqtada Al sadr

The government is maintaining full vigilance on the inflationary front and will take all measures that are necessary to keep inflation under control for macro-economic stability and growth.

Abdulnabi Macki

We just told each other we had to get a win by any means necessary.

Devan Downey

We have made the difficult but necessary decision to complete this process with the help of the court.

Bruce Lakefield

It is necessary to be concerned about the importance of educating a really beautiful human spirit.

Shinichi Suzuki

We believe the league dealt with the matter quickly, decisively and appropriately - and did not feel that any further action was either warranted or necessary.

Bill Daley

White matter may provide liars with the tools necessary to master the complex art of deceit.

Adrian Raine

He has developed the conditioning necessary and has become familiar enough with what's necessary to be successful at the 200. It wasn't something that he had done before, but it's a new challenge for him.

Arvel Mcelroy

There has not been a firm offer put forward that meets the financial criteria necessary to continue operations.

Kerry Skeen

The Auto Club believes that when a motorist buys a vehicle, he or she also buys everything needed to operate it, including all the information necessary to make a replacement key.

Alice Bisno

I think given the tenor of the times and the feelings of some people that it was necessary to put them in.

Commissioner Charley Martin

The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.

Dustin Hoffman

The commission discussed all the violations, ... and now we are going to take necessary decisions concerning any of these violations, and we will inform the Iraqi people about the results of this investigation.

Safwat Rashid

Disclosure is necessary but insufficient to restrain pay.

Richard Ferlauto

[Lasers] are incredibly powerful machines, ... And in the cosmetic area, maybe people don't take it as seriously (as necessary). Lasers can be more dangerous than the scalpel.

David Goldberg

A left turn in the fate of Russia is as necessary as it is inevitable.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Every year we do a lot of necessary maintenance work, many things you can't see. It's a year-round improvement process.

Kathy Bennett

From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.

Katherine Whitehorn

We are going to go to international organizations and that is what I told the Colombian government. There is nothing left but to go to the necessary international bodies. We have no other alternative.

Antonio Parra

They are meeting daily to ensure they have the necessary resources and personnel to manage the crowd and have met with organizers of the march.

Pati Urias

There are periods in history when change is necessary, and other periods when it is better to keep everything for the time as it is. The art of life is to be in the rhythm of your age.

Oswald Mosley

At the very least, students will be able to start taking the necessary classes this fall. We're just finishing the details.

Colin Read

When it is not necessary to amend the Constitution, it is necessary not to amend the Constitution.

Charles Rice

What we suggest is that they look at ones already in place to see if they are necessary.

Don Brunell

I think the Bank of Canada sees these manufacturing losses as a smooth and necessary adjustment.

Ted Carmichael

The police will take firm action as necessary. Blocking the highway or preventing companies going about their business is unlawful.

Chris Fox

Note how good you feel after you have encouraged someone else. No other argument is necessary to suggest that never miss the opportunity to give encouragement.

George Adams

We were stagnant during the middle part of the game. They were able to get the tempo to their liking and we just didn't make the necessary adjustments.

Robb Berger

We like to eat because it is necessary for survival, just like sex. We have an appetite for both so that we will engage in those behaviors over and over again.

Sarah Ash

Thus, be it understood, to demonstrate a theorem, it is neither necessary nor even advantageous to know what it means . . . .

Henri Poincare

It is a lot of money for a school board election. But she must have felt, due to the competition, that it was necessary.

Carol Comeau

I think the White House should be aware of this and do what is necessary (to reverse the decision).

Christopher Wolf

Wildlife management is a necessary evil.

Bart Semcer

My good friend Simeon Saxe-Coburg is the prime minister who implemented the reforms necessary for Bulgaria's EU accession.

Graham Watson

Cleaning of defects is a critical and necessary step in generating a zero-defect mask blank, because defects in the substrate become defects in the multilayer, which ruins the mask blank.

David Krick

A clear, long-term framework will give business the necessary incentive and confidence to invest further.

John Hofmeister

We have changed the transparency of county government. We're very open in the decisions we make. Sometimes it's painful to air disputes, but I think it's very necessary to have an open government.

Jerry Caddel

The hearing will go through the lunch hour and through the dinner hour if necessary and the judge gets really angry if you can't settle so there's a lot of pressure to reach an agreement. A magistrate judge will beat you to death to settle.

George Chandler

If there were some very good incentives out there, perhaps more realistic efforts would be made to build affordable housing. But those incentives are not there. Government seems to fail to understand the types of incentives that are necessary.

Joseph Narkiewicz

While it is generally agreed that the visible expressions and agencies are necessary instruments, civilization seems to depend far more fundamentally upon the moral and intellectual qualities of human beings -- upon the spirit that animates mankind.

Mary Ritter Beard

Unless you address some of the underlying problems in these bills, I doubt there will be a consensus necessary for passage of them.

Andrew Mcdonald

If the emergency center is going to bring in new patients, a critical care section will be absolutely necessary.

Kevin M. Spiegel

In a world where we are forced to conform to society, it is necessary to have personal chaos.

T. Alan Armstrong

It is necessary to establish ban on military flights over Kosovo. That is one of the ways to stop Serbian war machinery in Kosovo.

Ibrahim Rugova

We're going to take all steps necessary to protect the creativity and innovation of our employees.

Debra Peterson

Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.

Robert H. Schuller

We will repeat these visits as we do for all prisoners of war and all civilians deprived of liberty in Iraq, regularly, at a rhythm that we choose, and as long as necessary.

Antonella Notari

They're watching the storm very carefully. They'll have regular contact so they can divert if necessary.

Peter Miller

My father was the kind of person who never asked for anything for himself but was always ready to ask for whatever was necessary to help others.

Patrick Connolly

Zoning is another big one. They have authority to implement land use regulations if they felt it was necessary.

Loren Smith

For centuries the leaders of Christian thought spoke of women as a necessary evil, and the greatest saints of the Church are those who despise women the most.

Annie Besant

We know this is unacceptable, ... Once a sort station is implemented, it won't be necessary.

Harry Kim

Or they can just show up, sign in and walk around and volunteer. No experience is necessary.

Sally Paine

We don't feel it's absolutely necessary to drastically increase our measures at this time.

Jessica Gissubel

When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision.

Lord Falkland

All payments will be done by way of bank transfer, no longer in cash. But we need to build the infrastructure because not all missions have the necessary facilities.

Desra Percaya

At their age it is affordable and is a necessary component of any financial plan.

Paul Hrisko

These are very difficult decisions to make, but are necessary because we are doing business in an extremely competitive automotive industry.

Brian Kesseler

Life is easier than you'd think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable.

Kathleen Norris

I don't consider it an admission that the system was flawed. I've maintained consistently that we would try to make those improvements that were necessary to the process as we moved along.

Thomas Hemingway

Always be a little kinder than necessary.

James M. Barrie

We're satisfied that the necessary precautions have taken place or we wouldn't launch.

Ron Dittemore

Where there were challenges, the ANC committed itself to make the necessary changes. Our campaigning paid off. We were not bothered much about all the attacks about service delivery in certain areas. There has been a strong statement by the electorate that they are happy with the ANC.

Smuts Ngonyama

We have not proposed to pay for a grade separation and we do not think that one will be necessary.

Paul Andronico

The Indian government has always thought themselves able to do whatever they feel is necessary to curtail artistic freedoms.

Shekhar Kapur

This is a very difficult thing thing to do, but it's necessary given the current business conditions.

Robert Herta

It's very necessary. All school board members should be interested in all students. You need to have a broad enough base of opinions to do that.

Rita Walker

It doesn't fix it; it mitigates it a little. It does not change the underlying high cost structure of Long Island ... but it's a very necessary Band-Aid at least in the short-term.

Pearl Kamer

If significant noncompliance with the standards is found, it may be necessary to perform additional analysis of the conditions.

Daniel Levinson

Our members believe that live music is essential, and minimums are appropriate and necessary.

Patrick Quinn

It's just a matter of understanding what's necessary and discipline yourself to do it.

Arthur Lydiard

All of these are necessary right now. Otherwise, much of the efforts of the military will be shut down.

Ike Skelton

What they told me ... is they feel they were justified in their actions and they were using the amount of force necessary to overcome the situation.

David Benelli

An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

A little bit of me will die when we put in a lift out there. But it is so necessary. It is a safety issue.

Kevin Mccarthy

We will evaluate the situation constantly and find more room to relocate these (in Liberty County) if it becomes necessary.

Michelle Lyons

I think they've been doing very well. They've been moving aggressively in terms of building up the necessary financial infrastructure.

Frank Gong

Diversity is not a characteristic of life; it is a condition necessary for life ... like air and water.

Barry Lopez

There is no philosophy which is not founded upon knowledge of the phenomena, but to get any profit from this knowledge it is absolutely necessary to be a mathematician.

Daniel Bernoulli

Obviously, we do not agree with the decision, and we will continue to press our case through all of the levels of review and beyond as necessary.

Charles Kupchella

He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain.

Mark Twain

Effective measures are necessary to end the fighters' activities, liquidate their bases in Kosovo and reliably close the Kosovo section of the Yugoslav-Macedonian border and the Albanian-Macedonian border.

Alexander Yakovenko

With the groundswell of legislation, business will realize what's necessary. There will be a cost to not doing it.

Stuart Ballinger

It is neither necessary or possible to educate someone who never questions anything.

Joseph Heller

We will do it on a rolling basis, as countries make changes in law and regulation necessary to meet the CAFTA commitments.

Steve Norton

I run an honest business so I don't have anything to worry about. To me, it's not that much of an inconvenience. It's just unfortunate that this is necessary.

Rita Houston

I wish to thank my parents for making it all possible...and I wish to thank my children for making it necessary.

Victor Borge

Independence is not a whim or an ambition. It is the necessary condition of our survival as an ethnic group.

Aslan Maskhadov

If we can get it into the township and get the necessary approvals, we can get it under way as soon as possible.

Bob Poole

Ready to go to jail, ready to die, whatever is necessary to stop this pornographic filth ...

William Tucker

By my senior year, the UW Habitat chapter had developed enough to begin entertaining the idea of a campus chapter-sponsored house, but we were far from raising the funds necessary to do so.

Seanne Hanke

How I wish we lived in a time when laws were not necessary to safeguard us from discrimination.

Barbra Streisand

The more specific and measurable your goal, the more quickly you will be able to identify, locate, create, and implement the use of the necessary resources for its achievement.

Charles J. Givens

There is ample parking for games. But there's not a lot of surface-lot parking, which is necessary and conducive to tailgating.

Bob Wallace

It's a new medicine but it had all the necessary certificates.

Nina Vinogradova

Right now, we are showing very little-to-nil margin on making the range necessary to get to Kent. It is a big concern.

Jon Karkow

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.

Burnadette Devlin

A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

I've essentially doubled the business since I've been here in two years. And we're going to do more. Our corporate award line is really expanding and I've got enough room here to expand operations when it's necessary.

Tom Tucker

He is being accused of delivering raw materials necessary to build Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons. The use of those weapons by the regime in Baghdad led to the death of thousands in Iraq and Iran.

Fred Teeven

The role of the city is to only do what is necessary if the benefits are there. At this point, our goal is not to estimate what their request is for assistance.

David Cavazos

I'm not convinced that it's necessary on campus. I don't view it as a problem.

Josh Wood

While we regret the impact of this consolidation in human terms, we believe it is necessary in order to bring the expense base of the company down.

Steve Riggio

What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?

Marion Barry

I think September 11th showed very dramatically how first responders are absolutely necessary in a community.

Jim Coleman

Everybody knows the buying power of the Hispanic community and the immigrant community. I don't think it's necessary to put it out there as a form of expression as it relates to this movement.

Juan Ochoa

Without the mandate, it would not have been necessary to raise this year.

Tim Norman

Having this kind of technology available to athletes and coaches helps give us that necessary edge that you need to win on the world stage.

Nick Hill

I would agree that Saddam Hussein was bad, but I don't know that invading or sending troops over there, and the amount of troops that we have, is completely necessary.

Lauren Smith

Before the new system, the export administration function was paper driven, manual and labor intensive. The introduction of software became necessary due to the increased level of business and demands from customers for a faster turnaround.

Barbara Russell

This administration's tough policies had certain advantages in dealing with this Congress on the huge changes in law that would be necessary if there were a change of policies for North Korea.

Jim Leach

NASA just doesn't have enough money, and they are being asked to make some vary hard choices. It's necessary to honor our international commitments [to the space station], but its basically coming out of the planetary exploration budget.

Jim Crocker

The company will do whatever is necessary to move this forward and have something to place before the commission next week.

Rod Sierra

But they didn't raise squat, so the next election cycle, they decided to do it by any means necessary, and corporate money is a lot easier to raise.

Andrew Wheat

It is increasingly clear that many firms still don't have the necessary plans in place.

Sir Digby Jones

What we're trying to do is walk the line between not giving out any more [incentives] than absolutely necessary and ensuring ... the program is not being taken advantage of.

Gordon Anderson

This was a difficult but necessary step. Northwest's actions since filing bankruptcy along with the continuing distress affecting the entire industry requires us to change and to do so quickly.

John Spanjers

I didn't think it was necessary.

Bob Mccarthy

It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.

Sir Winston Churchill

At times of great stress it is especially necessary to achieve a complete freeing of the muscles.

Konstantin Stanislavsky

This thing could take years, but that doesn't mean you give up on it. We are convinced that fundamental political reforms are necessary. And we're also convinced that the Legislature isn't going to do it on its own. This isn't going to go away.

Keith Richman

Saving the shoreline is necessary to saving the entire Sound. Ecologically, this is where the action is.

Kathy Fletcher

I'm not sure that the transfer of these positions is necessary.

Pat Gleason

I have already issued instructions that the necessary documents be prepared, and on Wednesday (March 22) we will resume negotiations.

Yuriy Yekhanurov

It's a cluster theory of development. We bring our top players together and put them in an environment with all the necessary resources to excel.

Craig Tiley

More museums are embracing it. But some museums consider it this necessary evil, like the sugar-coated pill, when in fact it's not.

Nicola Lisus

The German government approves of such a merger and will approve the budget necessary to achieve it.

Gerhard Schröder

We believe that the current reduction, combined with other cost-cutting measures, is necessary to assure our competitive position in the rapidly growing wireless communications market.

Irwin Jacobs

It appears the city's involvement would be necessary to pursue the public utilities application through the Public Utilities Commission.

Pat Coleman

The selection of a major is really not necessary for someone who is heading toward a career area.

Art Johnson

GTE must be in a position, if necessary, to vindicate its rights and ensure that all its concerns have been adequately and effectively met. This matter is important to GTE as both a customer and a competitor.

William Barr

The flight was canceled because we were unable to obtain the necessary security clearances from the Department of Homeland Security and their international counterparts.

David Messing

Absolutely no alert measures ... are necessary at this time or contemplated.

Larry Speakes

I hope you're right. I remain extraordinarily concerned that you are creating or exacerbating an issue for yourself that is not necessary and that you can easily avoid, but it is your call.

Mark Kaplan

We are waiting for those final 10,000 votes to be counted. Then we'll see if a recount is necessary.

Stan Devereux

We have limited knowledge, or else science and philosophy would not be necessary.

Ivan Urlaub

One of our biggest challenges is to find resources to fund some of the necessary steps we need to take.

Gary Tucker

Humility is a necessary veil to all other graces.

William Gurnall

... I will fight until my last day in office to make sure that our children are protected and that they have the facilities necessary to be kids.

Michael Gibson