The traditional definition of an executive is normally associated with an individual who heads a corporation or is at a high level of a particular business, whereas the Black Executives of the Mid-Hudson Valley will not exclude, say, a young entrepreneur embarking on his first business venture.

Gilbert West

The biggest difference this year was that we upped our competition throughout the year. We faced a combination of bigger schools and traditional powers.

Russ Mckenzie

You're investing your time in bringing your weeds back down to where your traditional weed control systems are effective.

Cass Mutters

The traditional brick and mortar [store] is not always the way.

Stacey Key

If we are going back to a more traditional 1950s, 1960s style of economic activity, we are also going back to a '50s, '60s style of inflation performance.

John Shepperd

We do not want anyone selling our own knowledge to us. Also, we would like anyone using our traditional knowledge to acknowledge that it is from India.

Ajay Dua

Suppose longevity goes way up, and we're all living to 115, ... We can't expect to retire at 65 and take our final 50 years off. On the other hand, do we want to work until 100 and have a traditional 15-year retirement?

Ron Gebhardtsbauer

There are more choices now in sex. The change in traditional family values has led to more affairs.

Yuan Rongqin

There can be no more ancient and traditional American value than ignorance. English-only speakers brought it with them to this country three centuries ago, and they quickly imposed it on the Africans-who were not allowed to learn to read and write-and on the Native Americans, who were simply not allowed.

Barbara Ehrenreich

Increasing stack height is a traditional and historical way to alleviate downwash. That being the case, it makes sense for us to look seriously at all of our options. We're essentially going to leave no stone unturned . . . to find the right solution.

Steve Arabia

We enjoy traditional music, ... but we like the stuff that is a little bit challenging and edgy. You can also say that a lot of the Tom Tom Club stuff has a real sweetness to it. We're certainly not opposed to sweetness in music.

Chris Frantz

We are a pretty traditional culture here and we identify with traditional form factors like camera, and we still use phones [primarily] for making calls.

Chris Chute

Traditional enterprise search platforms are very expensive and cumbersome to implement [for IT departments.] They also don't satisfy end user requirements, so they have a low adoption rate.

Chris Weitz

It represents for SCO a departure from their traditional market focused on their technology and operating system. I only question ... how will they treat in a fair way the needs of the Linux world.

George Weiss

The search engines are increasingly aiming their strategic efforts at traditional content originators and aggregators like newspaper publishers. The irony is that these search engines exist, largely, because of the traditional news and content aggregators and profit at their expense.

Gavin O'reilly

You won't find an answer on how to run a government, traditional or modern, or how to run the economy or how to run a hospital or a television station by looking to Islam.

Fred Halliday

Our big guys-the key is they pass really well. The kids take pride in passing the ball. It's a traditional part of the program.

Frank Sciolla

With exceptionally strong business fundamentals, an outstanding new product platform and gradually improving global conditions, we look for a return to our more traditional sales and earnings performance levels in the second half of the year.

Michael Hawley

It is nothing like a traditional supermarket. Our stores are designed to resemble a European open-air market.

Jo Natale

Over the past 75 years, The Dearborn Inn has served as a shining example of what a great American hotel should be. While the hotel has evolved to meet changing guest needs, it maintains its traditional roots as a business and leisure destination, as well as a community gathering place for countless events and celebrations.

Bob Pierce

At some level, this [reorganization] is clearly a response to Google because of Microsoft's historic orientation around the fat client and traditional operating system and applications.

Gordon Haff

The companies founded two or three years ago have been struggling with the assumption that follow-on investments would be as easy to get as the initial funding. They're not getting [the follow-on] funding, and so they're telling people that VCs don't want to spend. We do, but more on the traditional companies missed during the dot-com bubble.

Geoffrey Moore

These (disputed) methods haven't been widespread. Even Yahoo goes on TV to tell people to get on the Web. To reach the mass market, you have to go through traditional means.

Susan Scott

There's not a lack of fitness content, in some regard, on traditional television. But if you want to do a yoga workout that targets your abs at 4 in the afternoon, you'll never be able to get that level of convenience without this type of technology.

Matt Strauss

We're flipping the dynamic. If you are in the market for a product, and you have no idea when commercials related to that kind of product are going to appear, it (traditional ad placement) doesn't help you very much.

Tom Rogers

We would require more of students to graduate than traditional public schools.

Scott Hall

We try to represent the traditional dancers as closely as possible.

Ioanna Hawkins

Kwanzaa is a pan-African celebration of heritage and culture and family and community. The principles and the manner of observing the holiday lift up traditional values that are key to our lives.

Janine Bell

We don't have enough teachers being generated by the teaching colleges, ... We have no choice but to go outside the traditional means of getting applicants.

Harold Levy

Future purchase plans indicate a hastening shift to IP solutions, particularly in the small business market, where IP-enabled and IP-based purchase plans are nearly double that of traditional PBX or Key Systems.

David Lemelin

Yahoo! is embarking on a major transformation. The company must now prove that online advertising is cost effective and integral to the marketing mix of traditional advertisers.

Holly Becker

I want to improve tea as a beverage, as an international beverage. Tea is very traditional drink in China and in a lot of countries in Europe and the Western world as well. But yet no one has upgraded the Chinese tea to a really international standard.

Thomas Lee

Lucent knows that in the longer term, it's going to continue to win business and it can offer customers almost any major service, ... This is a way for it to broaden its product line. One of the things [Excel does] is help traditional phone networks connect to the Internet backbone.

Michael Neiberg

It's a traditional New Orleans drink. I'm sure in New Orleans they haven't stopped drinking them.

Jerry Maher

What you see in that document is the traditional powers exercised by the president at Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

Adm. Richard Gurnon

The story, of course, is the well-known children's tale, and the music is appropriate for very young children, who are able to follow the story, and the more sophisticated musical audience. There's definitely an appeal for families who might be nervous about viewing opera for the first time, and the seasoned audiences who are more experienced with traditional musical scores.

Linda Dobbs

What we wanted to create for the film was a sensual feeling using the traditional Japanese kimono as our key starting point. We took the creation of the kimono and changed it to make it something that the modern, Western audience would relate to.

Colleen Atwood

She smashed traditional power structures, turned the system upside down. That's what people want.

Marta Lagos

It was a legacy of the days when technology wasn't quite as advanced, and when the online schools were perceived as of a lower quality than traditional institutions.

Sean Gallagher

Western wear is at its peak. I mix the traditional type of Western wear with what I call 'shabby chic cowgirl', and it's very popular.

Bobbi Faria

Maybe what eBay does is so part and parcel that you can't tie it into the traditional world.

Lanny Baker

We collectively want to explore the possibilities of how to underwrite the cost. We want to see if there are other business models out there as opposed to our traditional method of the state funding it all and relying on user fees to pay for it. It would save us money and let us do it in a way that would achieve these ends more quickly.

Barry Fukunaga

DART Adapt was founded on taking traditional marketing methods and principles and applying them online. The feedback loop online is such that you can get almost immediate feedback to drive your optimization.

Brad Bender

It has been agreed that the status quo is the preferred option and the Australian Open will therefore remain in its traditional date in 2007, as opposed to the week later as previously proposed.

Geoff Pollard

Maintaining a traditional log home is a huge expense of both time and money. Expect to spend a minimum of $750 a year in time and materials to maintain a real log home, and another $6,000 or more every three to five years to have the house professionally preserved, re-stained and sealed.

Scott Seiler

It was very surreal, it was very traditional. We were bringing offerings, and I had a blanket in my hands, offering it to Chief Julio.

Jeff Neary

It's about having a strategy that connects with your specific consumer. Traditional grocers are saying, 'I'm here to sell groceries to everybody,' but that model died 15 years ago.

Frank Dell

They're all solid candidates. They're very much in the traditional mold for California Supreme Court justices. They worked in a DA's office or the attorney general's office and then they climbed the judicial ladder. They've come up through the ranks and they don't bring much career diversity to the court.

Stephen Barnett

Traditional vaccines base their protection on the antibodies they produce against the virus, but the antibodies only protect against very, very similar strains. They don't have the capacity of covering strains if they mutate.

Dr. Suresh Mittal

Burritos have become a staple in the American breakfast diet. Our Made-From-Scratch biscuits continue to be our signature breakfast favorite, but the success of last year's Loaded Breakfast Burrito proved that a burrito is a popular and convenient way to enjoy traditional breakfast items. And, steak and eggs is a classic combination at breakfast that tastes great together in a burrito.

Brad Haley

In today's world, the traditional link with the dollar has broken.

Peter Hillyard

Avanti's bar medium is a fantastic way to bring our brand values to life, gain peer group endorsement and drive consumers in store. This reinforces our traditional viral campaign strategy by creating a buzz in the bar environment and gaining more immediate talkability.

Gordon Lee

Occasionally, they get grants or small amounts of federal money. They have to depend on their state aid by the number of students they educate. They have an even tighter financial arrangement than a traditional school system does.

Debbie Ratcliffe

For the first time in history, we are hearing from shippers, not shipping lines, that bottlenecks are affecting their bottom line. If we are hitting the wall in the traditional modes of transport, short-sea shipping might become a major contributor to goods movement.

Jeff Shane

The combination of standardized protocols and component-based software will make it less and less sensible for corporations to have their own IS staff in the traditional sense.

Chris Meyer

Traditional coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery has undesirable side effects that range from cognitive loss to increased hospital stays that are believed to be related to artificial heart pumps. In this project, we believe that if the heart were able to beat freely during surgery, these pumps would not be needed and it is possible that these side effects might be lessened.

M. Cenk Cavusoglu

They're buying everything and they're buying it everywhere. This buyer has now transcended the traditional buyer profile.

Tim Sullivan

The 22-year-old man died at 2 p.m. He was the vendor from a traditional market and the only positive case that we were treating today.

Ilham Patu

Hick-hop is a combination of your traditional country instruments - the fiddle, banjo, the pedal steel guitar - and then I'm running off the mouth on top of all that, ... I just started doing it because I grew up singing to country music and rap and rock, and I combined all my favorite music together and came up with this.

Cowboy Troy

She was a larger-than-life figure. She was not the stuffy type of traditional cabinet minister.

Reg Empey

Take Provo district. They had someone with experience in social work, and she wanted to be a teacher and didn't really want to go back to school and do a traditional way, so she enrolled in an Alternative Routes program.

Bruce Schroeder

What we look for is consistent growers where the earnings haven't disappointed, ... We have a few of those in mind, some of the traditional growth stocks. General Electric is a good example.

Robert Bloom

They're [Boeing] going to become more traditional in their business over the next few years, with the commercial bouncing out ahead of the military, back to where it used to be.

Paul Nisbet

We do it with the right flavor. It's traditional Polish melodies that I put the church words to.

Dennis Motyka

I always do diamonds, ... ... but I don't do large stones. I try to use non-traditional shapes.

Angela Cummings

This will be a big positive because there is a migration taking place from traditional SUVs to something that has the same feeling but is not as big. It provides a destination for all the defectors who don't want SUVs anymore.

Jim Sanfilippo

Pattern modeling is very useful and a major step, but users don't always conform to those patterns. For example, when there is a specific event like a traffic jam or a big rugby game there is a big spike in mobile phone calls in a concentrated area. Traditional network design can't cope with those changes in network usage very well.

Mike Flanagan

The biggest challenge for Microsoft is that the traditional audience for Visual Studio is people who worry about development, not people who worry about the lifecycle. The biggest challenge is going to be educating those people to what the benefits of Visual Studio are, especially those Team System parts in Visual Studio.

Carl Zetie

The junior varsity will really have to raise its game as the next three matches are against traditional volleyball powerhouses North Platte, Ogallala and Scottsbluff.

George Briggs

The traditional model has been to fund a start-up to get a seat at the table to see whether it's going to be a strategic acquisition. The thing that's changed is that the guys at the table are often getting beat out of the acquisition. So they're not waiting anymore; they are cutting the deal right at the beginning.

Susan Green

There are an awful lot of relationships in contemporary America that are unfamiliar to traditional American law. American law is either going to recognize and accommodate them, or to ... rearrange assets in what is basically a random fashion.

Andrew Koppelman

Only women in their 50s or 60s have this embroidery skill. It is vital that we protect this important traditional folk handicraft. Otherwise, it may become extinct.

Song Shuixian

The difference between Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is we tend to treat the condition. Chinese (medicine) treats the whole animal.

Alyssa Erlandson

I'm a traditional marathoner with a shuffling stride... I'm not the prettiest runner in the world, but I am efficient.

Alberto Salazar

The tragic effects of terrorism have forced the new-construction industry to re-evaluate traditional methods of fire protection in commercial infrastructures.

Craig Scott

We know from social research that traditional family structure is the best place that children can possibly be raised, So, yeah, I want my child to grow up in a Virginia that continues to put mom and dad as the model and holds them up and says, ultimately, what we want to see happen -- this is what we as a government want to protect and promote.

Victoria Cobb

I already had a fraught relationship with my parents, who were very traditional. They wanted me to get a proper job, like any right-thinking parents would.

Naveen Andrews

These opportunities are much broader than our traditional consumer and professional tax businesses in the U.S. and Canada. Taxes also impact our payroll business as well as the tax forms part of our supplies business.

Steve Bennett

It positions the Antitrust Division to address the challenges of the New Economy in the 21st Century while strengthening enforcement capability in traditional industries.

Charles A. James

The boundaries on publishing, retailing and distribution are getting blurred. We can't rely any longer on the traditional assumption that we're a publisher, he's a retailer, we won't retail, he won't publish. We'll have to accommodate one another.

John Makinson

This study confirms that video on demand complements the traditional TV viewing experience. In addition to watching programming not available on traditional TV, customers are using VOD to learn about shows they may not have seen before or to catch up on past episodes of series they've missed.

Page Thompson

I'm going to try to prepare, what for the McArthur family is a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Did you know that mashed potatoes with onions could be dehydrated?

Bill Mcarthur

Charter schools are public schools. Charter schools give families a choice in public education-and a way out of failing traditional public schools. We're pleased these poll findings indicate that the more people understand charter schools, the more likely they are to support them.

Nelson Smith

Without access to the huge amount of capital needed to go the traditional route, we are establishing sound relationships with strategic partners among quality suppliers to help us achieve our objectives.

Beverly Farmer

It's pretty traditional in that it continues the long tradition (of foreign soccer teams) using numbers for their names, so I think it's great. But it's also unique (to MLS). You want to bring something special to this team and I think it does that.

Pat Onstad

In the next three years, 75 percent of corporate workers will be mobile at least 25 percent of the time. It is not going to be a one-size-fits-all Wintel (Windows/Intel) monopoly like its been in the past, its going to be a real hodgepodge and that's not a bad thing. It creates innovation. But convergence is not going to happen in the traditional sense.

Jack Gold

I learned a lot of traditional ways and even visited a pharmacy which dispensed herbal medications.

Voncea Brusha

One of the things we try to do [is] to make our point, but to make it with humor and use unconventional ways ... via Web ads. It's not a traditional way, but we are using humor to send a message about a serious issue.

Christine Iverson

There will be cutting and assembly, but not by us. The cutting and sewing people will be owned by separate companies, our traditional customers.

Wilbur Ross

We're going to do some old traditional folk songs. We haven't completely set up a list. We'll play some music from modern Celtic rock bands like the Seven Nations. We'll play a couple of more contemporary Irish tunes that I wouldn't call rock; they're more contemporary ballads. We haven't set it all out yet, but they run the gamut.

Jim Angell

Inconvenience is often a price for progress. We must concentrate on the Master Plan. The construction of these two facilities will transform the UMKC Hospital Hill location from two traditional-style buildings separated by parking, into a true 'campus' environment with modern facilities, green space and commons.

Robert Simmons

We've been trying to get away from the staid, traditional format of chamber music concerts because we're losing audience members to age. Chamber music is too easily seen as blue-hair stuff. That's why we have to get even more creative while maintaining the integrity of the series.

Saul Gropman

Big banks...don't know how to underwrite these loans. New immigrants come here with nothing, for two to three years they work very hard and then they buy first home in America. It's not easy for a traditional mortgage lender to understand how they save.

Thomas Wu

Beneath the surface of civilian interests and capitalistic enterprise smoldered embers of the world's war spirit -- humanity's traditional flare now to be enflamed by new instruments for fighting . . .

Mary Ritter Beard

At that point my community and my family asked me to work on this because we were drastically affected. Our traditional hunting grounds were flooded and our Indian land rights were extinguished. I had this duty to do something about the unilateral extinguishment of our rights.

Armand Mackenzie

... User-created material increasingly competes for the audiences of traditional media companies and holds some appealing qualities as a business model. For one thing, it is cheap. And it taps into the social aspect of interactive media that has fueled the advance of the Internet.

Richard Siklos

Because it's chewed, it delivers caffeine to the body four to five times faster than a liquid or pill because it's absorbed through tissues in the mouth -- not the gut, like in traditional formulations.

Dr. Gary Kamimori

Best Western has been synonymous with affordable, reliable and service-oriented lodging since 1946, with many of our hotels located in traditional drive-to markets. As part of our 60th Anniversary year, we celebrate our roots by bringing the essence of those early days of travel to the contemporary, adventurous spirit of today's consumer.

Dorothy Dowling

These recent seizures demonstrate that our officers are aggressively and effectively pursuing our traditional mission of narcotics interdiction.

Susan Mitchell

It is crucial that businesses and consumers apply the same prudence when making online transactions as they have when they make traditional commercial transactions.

Pottengal Mukundan

Competition is most definitely spurring on the mobile operators. They have never been so aggressive in rolling out new services. Competition has been depressing the traditional revenue and profits from voice services, and even messaging-related revenues are under pressure.

Jake Saunders

We have been talking to growers all along the fringes of the traditional burley growing area, ... We are still contracting with growers.

Philip Morris

I love entertaining Korean people with traditional songs from Ecuador . It has been an exceptional, new experience for me to perform in Korea and I enjoyed so much.

Jose Gonzales

It's definitely a way to reclaim some market share, but how do you get a kid to want it? Kids are more proficient with technology than Mom and Dad. The traditional barrier to what made something a toy has really dissolved... why shouldn't they have the real thing?

Chris Byrne

[A couple often starts out roughly equal in pay and hours worked,] and suddenly, they find themselves in the traditional roles because the world of work hasn't changed, ... It's hard to pursue two full-time careers and have a family. It's just about impossible unless you can afford to hire a full-time nanny.

Phyllis Moen

The need for two-way radios hasn't diminished, but the demands on them—and on those [people] using these systems—have grown exponentially. Unfortunately, traditional two-way radio technology is proprietary and it has always been impossible to talk across different systems.

Deb Mielke

You can tune the photovoltaic to capture parts of the spectrum that have not efficiently been captured before with traditional methods - the red and the infrared for example.

Conrad Burke

We will be adding more academics in the next few years to accommodate a wider variety of students, such as those from the School of Architecture. Syracuse got a reputation as a 'traditional, does-it-well' program, and it's so much better than that. Seeing it come back to the forefront of study abroad centers is really exciting.

Dr. Meredith Hyde

Jeanne is an outstanding retail and management talent who has developed successful brands and programs in both traditional and online retail channels.

Lee Scott

The approach was not traditional. Quite frankly, I'm concerned that when Campus Edge comes back, we'll lose our edge.

Nancy Bain

There's a vast amount of (classical) repertoire and recordings, not to mention a number of different varieties of consumer interest, and it's very tough to try to pack all of that into a traditional store.

Jonathan Gruber

This is traditional. It has been done for just about every AG that's left.

Roger Shatzkin

I think, under the traditional broadcast model, it is going to be very difficult to get other revenue streams right now.

Philip Olsen

I'm not really a traditional Brier rookie.

Richard Hart

From the hotel guest's side, you try to make the experience no different from a traditional luxury hotel.

John Fair

On the commercial side, clearly all of the three major types of companies -- traditional pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies and medical device companies -- view health and medicine as a growing market.

Hamilton Moses

We are trying to create some new way of communicating that is not the traditional advertising story-telling.

Diego Scotti

Of course the new version of the ID card should have our traditional name on it, and the household certificate transcript modification fee should be waived.

Mayaw Biho

Rock 'n' roll, jazz and traditional folk culture.

Robert Hunter

There is no question that the demand for traditional sport utility vehicles has been affected by rising gas prices.

Steve Lyons

They also are more forgiving and have a bigger sweet spot than the traditional irons.

Chris Plummer

This is a deliberation that has to do with aesthetic values and it has to do with property values, ... The board must carefully monitor all proposed building projects, whether they are modular or traditional stick-built.

Dan Collins

It's better because at a traditional high school you have 30 kids in one class and one teacher and they don't have time to sit with you and talk about what you need with.

Shaquayla Robertson

She probably has enough steam to get into the harbor . . . but whether she will have the power to overhaul the German system is, I think, quite unlikely. Germans want some economic reforms, sure. But not Reaganomics that take away traditional strong social protections.

Gero Neugebauer

There is a very high growth of new companies, which are backed by venture capitalists [and] are starting out as software-as-a-service companies. Also, there are vendors like SAP that offered a traditional license that are moving to hosted offerings.

Buell Duncan

The inline design makes the DATUM-C practical and efficient as a pipeline booster, and because of the compact size and quiet operation it would not even require the construction of a traditional pipeline station.

Harry Miller

As we've been saying since last year, the company plans to spend approximately $130 million in 2000 developing a number of new businesses, ... We think each of these businesses is highly promising, though all are riskier than our traditional businesses.

Donald Graham

We believe there is a place of value for the (traditional) broker. We don't see everything going on to the Internet, just about 20 to 30 percent.

Jim Marks

On many occasions, we observed weak understanding of basic program management and systems engineering principles, an abandonment of traditional processes, and a lack of rigor in execution.

Richard Covey

Our customers value the ability to protect their event experience. By providing this unique product, we have expanded our traditional market to include those consumers who, until now, may have been hesitant to make a significant investment in advance ticket purchases.

Mike Stein

Existing oil development has displaced caribou, polluted the air and water and created havoc with the traditional lifestyles of the people. No one can tell us that opening the Arctic Refuge to development can be done in an environmentally sensitive way with a small footprint. It cannot be done.

Jonathan Solomon

For Todd as an artist, it's very exciting because he's no longer constrained by the traditional cycle.

Mark Bliesener

There is a huge transformational shift in the way consumers and businesses alike are signing up for non traditional phone services -- and a unique offering like this enables them to be.

Jon Arnold

They have a pretty good following and good name recognition, ... Most of them are kind of like what traditional secular music is playing, but with a Christian message. From top to bottom, this is probably the best one we've had.

Chris Johnson

In traditional voice systems, you can fix 40% to 50% of the problems remotely. On the data side, you can do 80%. Voice is still very people intensive, and people are the most expensive element of the network environment.

Larry Jones

The difference between this and a traditional filter is, of course, this you can wash.

Jeff Siegel

Most projects that are developed for broadcast networks are not appropriate for Comedy Central in the sense (that) they're much too traditional and not for our audience, ... But once in a while, you find something that works.

Lauren Corrao

Access to the Internet today is as much a necessity of life as the more traditional services and should be available to all.

Jonathan Baltuch

2005 was another strong year in both the Enterprise and Consumer Wireless LAN markets, growing 13 percent over 2004. Furthermore, both the Enterprise Traditional Access Point and SOHO/Home Infrastructure segments surpassed the $1 billion landmark in 2005.

Aaron Vance

You still have your traditional toys. I don't think that will ever change.

Karen Harris

One thing we are trying to do is really think outside the box. Not everyone wants to sit and listen at the traditional speak-outs, so we are trying to find the best manner in which to get people to participate.

Michael Lawson

If the public-financing mechanism got knocked out, people could be sitting in the middle of a campaign with public-financing gone and most of the traditional sources are illegal. We'd be in a crisis mode pretty quick.

Sen. Donald Defronzo

That's been the biggest surprise to me. We're a wholesaler of Internet telephony, and our initial assumption was that the first customers would be ISPs looking to extend their traditional business to include voice. But it's been the traditional resellers selling prepaid calling cards that have moved quickly.

Tom Evslin

Research shows that traditional advertising and public relations work pretty well for events, such as a sale. But brand loyalty and commitment occurs through experience, use of a product and talking with other people.

Tom Eiland

Some of the upscale retailers and those who sold electronics were way up - some 30 percent. Some of the traditional department stores and low-end department stores may not have even made 5 percent. The week before Christmas may have made the difference for us (in Georgia).

John Heavener

I think it's an avenue of educating children that just are not able to succeed in traditional home-school roles or in the public schools.

Lisa Carlton

It's just a traditional jazz format. Piano, bass, vocals, and then jazz players just kind of come and sit in.

Neal Connors

I think this is a matter that's on a different level from the issue of equality between men and women. I think it's presumptuous to judge traditional culture based solely on current values and measuring sticks.

Hakubun Shimomura

Managing sales compensation has always been a difficult task. As products and product configurations continue to get more complex, more and more companies are trying to use incentives as a way to drive specific behaviors. There are so many variables to this that compensation challenges mount to the point where traditional solutions like spreadsheets no longer provide an adequate remedy.

Denis Pombriant

Because is in the application market space, I thought people would be more conservative. This is a nice signal for traditional Internet deals currently in registration.

Corey Ostman

This is a threat to enterprises in that they will find fewer network operators of traditional services, and an opportunity in that they may see new service providers.

David Passmore

The traditional role of journalism is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

Tim Wulfemeyer continues to be a vital took in our retail convergence strategy. Customers expect access to emerging retail channels as well as traditional ones.

Greg Josefowicz

Microsoft is really trying to push developers to .Net as fast as they can, but a lot of developers we've found have a need to continue to maintain and build new applications on the traditional, Windows 32-bit platform as well as the new .Net.

Rob Cheng

It's one machine that has the PET scanner and the CT scanner coupled together. It's quicker than going through two procedures. It's also quicker than a traditional PET scan. The benefit is the patient is imaged at the same time in the same position. It's great for early diagnosis (and) great to see the spread of diseases.

Frank Talbot

The sponsors are going to go back to some of the more traditional aspects of the Miss America Pageant. There will be no casual wear competition, they will pick a top ten and then eliminate to the top five who will perform their talents on the air. The final question will be asked on stage of each of the finalists.

Kelly Keiser

This is another example of someone working outside the traditional box to help re-create a new downtown neighborhood.

Michael Schmand

It?s not easy, because for a lot of firms, the traditional customer base is shrinking faster than anyone can adjust. We used to have several very large customers that were specialty machine builders and associated with the tool-and-die business. There are hardly any of those left. [Now] we?re dealing with a larger, more diverse customer base.

Tom Volk

We feel that the traditional accounting measures designed to capture physical assets are deficient in capturing the full value of a firm.

Sean Clark

A modern take on traditional country homesteads in the area.

John Blair

The legacy retailers are really waking up and going after the Net big time, so the competitive landscape has changed for the pure companies. Huge venture funds have been formed to help traditional companies create Web operations.

Steve Bengston

Money you don't see you won't spend. People who want to retire before the traditional age have got to have more than traditional retirement accounts.

Pat Jennerjohn

Susan is an accomplished fundraiser who will help the Foundation explore non-traditional funding sources in addition to the strong support we already receive from the meetings industry.

Deborah Sexton

Our schedule allows us to play our traditional local rivals, as well as some national powers, before we get into the conference schedule, ... We travel to Duke and Virginia Tech, play a full slate at the Garden and play in the Holiday Festival. This will give St. John's fans a great opportunity to follow our team, which features a lot of new faces this year.

Norm Roberts

They have to have end of course testing just like at the traditional high school as well as pass the Georgia high school graduation test to get their diploma.

Gary Chapman

Roland-Story is a traditional power, and Story City has got to be one of the biggest home field advantages there is. This win is one of the best in my coaching career.

Rob Sinclair

The company must now prove that online advertising is cost effective and integral to the marketing mix of traditional advertisers. There is an expectation that after six to nine months of calling on traditional advertisers, dollars will come pouring in. Our research suggests that turning 'toe-dipping' budgets into real dollars may take over two years.

Holly Becker

It's not terribly surprising to me that it might take quite a marketing effort to interest shippers beyond the traditional base of prairie grain.

Paul Larson

We are moving the company away from its traditional mentality and approach.

Abhi Talwalkar

Replacing traditional phone service has been done. Now, it's time to utilize the real power of IP communications by providing organizations with capabilities that they can customize for any application in any environment. This is a good example of how the communications industry and computing industry are colliding.

Jeff Pulver

My traditional records are just chosen from my longtime favorite songs. But I have lots of music left in me; I'm just waiting for it to arrive.

Jane Siberry

He's an old-fashioned, traditional father and he is going to pay for everything he feels responsible for.

Douglas Whipp

The Internet as a tool means all the leading retailers are going to be on the Internet in the next couple of years. The pure selling concept over the Internet has proven not to work and the pure plays are gong to be surpassed by traditional retailers.

Daniel Peris

They were all traditional models and these are not traditional times.

Martin Nock

The traditional anti-fun feminist point of view is that of course men are bad, and they make women do bad things.

Tucker Carlson

In the last few years, companies have begun to move beyond traditional philanthropy and basic compliance into a new kind of corporate and social responsibility. It is the new business environment that has prompted concrete steps by corporations.

Jane Nelson

Traditional high frequency circuit designs have relied on deep pipelines and/or aggressive dynamic circuits. New low-latency static circuit fixed-point (FXU) and binary floating point (BFU) units naturally achieve high frequency without resorting to super deep pipelines or power-hungry circuits.

Brian Curran

It is a very, very traditional industry and some old habits do die hard.

Jim Kelley

The new small stores were designed so that they required just two-thirds of the capital cost to establish and two-thirds of the operating costs. This means (these) would deliver the same rate of return as a traditional store.

Don Meij

A challenge to the right of Israel to exist can be construed as a challenge to the existence of the Jewish people only if one believes that Israel alone keeps the Jewish people alive or that all Jews invest their sense of perpetuity in the state of Israel in its current or traditional forms.

Judith Butler

Even with encouragement for healthy alternatives, some parents seem to like traditional treats.

Laura Mccarthy

We have a good number of long-term members, as well as some newer members, which makes for a nice mix. We're famous for our choir - we have a fabulous choir director. And I think many people continue to enjoy our traditional style of worship service.

Jeffrey Miller

I was always in trouble from an early age. I had a fraught relationship with my parents, who were very traditional. Doing plays at school was a joyous release.

Naveen Andrews

There was a belief at that time that we didn't need the (pro personnel) process so defined, or that position so defined ... that our head coach and our scouting department would be more involved. I think now there's kind of a belief that we should have a more traditional setup where there is a director of pro personnel. And it's more clearly defined.

John Shaw

I realized that I wanted to play characters and do traditional theatre. I wanted to make believe again. I like putting on a costume and pretending to be someone else for a few hours, and I have a great respect for playwrights.

Lusia Strus

A time will come soon when the conservative Tibetan society will break out of its traditional shackles and accept such shows with open arms.

Lobsang Wangyal

We're the baby-boomer generation who have become a bit disenchanted with traditional pensions.

Colin Smith

On a pure dollars-and-cents basis, the difference is that with the traditional 401(k) you get the tax break now, while with the Roth 401(k) the tax break comes later.

Michael Boone

It's pretty forward-thinking, and a lot of traditional people have some prejudice about making structures that are too large that are not metal and you have to build it from the inside out.

James Winegar

We continue to underestimate the move to a service-oriented economy. The traditional manufacturing side of the U.S. economy will continue to shrink.

Ben Hock

No one has tasted them. They resemble the La-Mian noodle, a traditional Chinese noodle that is made by repeatedly pulling and stretching the dough by hand.

Lu Houyuan

In our Kyoto collection, I think (people) thought we were going to come up with really over the top, crazy looks, but instead we found the designs almost shaped themselves into traditional-feeling pieces.

Richie Rich

The traditional high school concept for a frightening number of people just doesn't work.

Jason Silverman

Customers are doing very interesting things with PHP, such as connecting PHP applications to data warehouses or developing traditional business-critical applications in PHP. It's a very exciting time to be involved in open source.

Monica Kumar

Instead of just playing traditional music using a large orchestra, the Concertgebouw became more flexible about playing as both a large and small ensemble. A smaller and more flexible group was a benefit both for Baroque music and contemporary Dutch music, which often had no use for a large traditional orchestra.

Louis Andriessen

We were genuinely shocked when the community didn't respond to the script. But there was a concern that it was so different that people weren't going to be able to embrace it. The conventional wisdom is that even with very distinctive shows, the winning formula in television is a twist on a very traditional franchise.

Dana Walden

Eastern Europe really represents three distinct opportunities global retailers should be acting on: Russia, traditional Eastern Europe like Hungary and Romania, and 'new' Eastern Europe like Ukraine, Slovenia and Latvia.

Fadi Farra

Traditional therapy focuses on the individual, looking at our unconscious motivation, etc.. Then there are family-systems theories that focus on the family as a unit, a single organism. 'Codes of Love' integrates both. It's a firm review of the literature and a new blending of very important skills.

Mark Bryan

That has been going well. The first day we did it I asked for a show of hands if that was the farthest they had ever run at one time, most of the freshman raised their hands. We're gradually getting used to it. We are also doing less of the traditional static stretching and focusing more on dynamic stretching, which involves a lot more movement and gets the muscles a lot more warmed up.

Steve Huling

Consumer demand for natural beef is increasing and we believe there's an opportunity for us to grow with it. While we have every confidence in our traditional beef products, we also believe in giving our customers a choice.

Noel White