We decided to put a hold on what we wanted to do and stick it out -- hurt their business.

We were on the next train to L.A. and I had a contract within a few days.

Avanti's bar medium is a fantastic way to bring our brand values to life, gain peer group endorsement and drive consumers in store. This reinforces our traditional viral campaign strategy by creating a buzz in the bar environment and gaining more immediate talkability.

We've got a lot of plans for it. We're going to remodel in the next 30 to 60 days and we're going to do everything we can to make it nicer and newer. But at the same time we plan to keep the nostalgia of the place that people know so well.

Affinity marketing is where DM crosses over into field marketing, giving us a broader understanding of how to use samples with consumers. It's not just a DM approach, but about devising creative ideas for sales and using DM skills to drive this.

People are really going to love this place, and we're going to make sure they love it for years to come. Bowling is a family sport, and we want to see families and everybody else come out.

This is a positive event that will likely generate many headlines.