We are a pretty traditional culture here and we identify with traditional form factors like camera, and we still use phones [primarily] for making calls.

Home is still the dominant place to print, yet the anaemic number of prints supports IDC's theory that end users have more reliable expectations regarding mobile imaging than vendors themselves.

Kodak is in good shape to continue its growth, ... The majority of camera sales come in the final three months of the year, and its simpler, lower-cost cameras should benefit.

Keeps all doors open as long as possible until the real opportunities start to shape themselves.

While network cameras usage will grow within both existing infrastructures and in new environments, most opportunity lies in new installations. Vendors are already penetrating new verticals.

That technology in particular would be appealing to a variety of potential companies from a Fuji or Kodak, who would want to buy that for their kiosks, to a Sony or a Cannon who kind of want to do the same thing.

The technology itself (behind Opal and Onyx) is great. Whether it can deliver is beyond the technology. It's up to Polaroid as a business.