This study examines a type of traditional Chinese cave dwellings that can be seen as an example of the most elegant sustainable design solutions that have the least environmental impact.

Jiang Lu

It's not unusual to see a rotation back into some of these traditional stocks.

Stuart Freeman

This is the equivalent of a more traditional :30 spot on TV, rather than running a search impression and banner ad because of the level of engagement.

Jon Gibs

However, the employer is not required to contribute any more of the cost of the HMO than it contributes for its traditional health plan.

Richard Kass

It's a game we would like to see be a traditional game. It is only natural, being that it is two hours away. You are always looking for a 12th game and there is one right down the street. I think it will be a great game for both schools. Financially and recruiting-wise, I think both schools will benefit from it. I know our players look forward to it.

George O'leary

This site, which once produced only traditional products, will also produce digital media and related products with the capability to supply markets worldwide.

Yeh Ying

People were sort of stopping having the traditional Jewish music in weddings and ceremonies. And I kind of liked that stuff.

Hankus Netsky

My personal opinion is that it's a very good thing. The Chinese Communist Party is starting to take an interest in and adopt a friendly attitude to traditional culture and values.

Sheri Liao

This is a fantastic moment for online video, with full-length traditional TV shows and live feeds of international soccer matches coming online to augment the rich content already there. Orb Networks is pioneering the instant enjoyment on mobile devices of all that content.

Brian Mccarthy

The survey results combined with the drop in the unemployment rate indicate that the traditional labor supply is essentially exhausted.

Jeffrey Joerres

Many projects were done at the turn of the millennium with [traditional] hole-in-the-ground time capsules. The new idea is to have the capsule be completely electronic, instead of in the dirt.

David Ewalt

First of all, we have all the traditional favorites. There's a fine line between new and old, and we like to make the fair different every year, but keep the same traditional favorites.

Peter Cappucilli

At the end of the week the villagers wanted to thank us, so they had a party, the bakery made cakes and the villagers dressed in native costumes and performed traditional dances.

Ann Baker

I'm fearful that if we don't have smart development [no matter how small the acreage] that we still risk losing traditional values. These lots may be small, but you still have to have a road to get there.

David Ladd

We are back to the traditional assets like pooled investment funds, deposits and so on.

Tom Mcphail

There simply are more options for entertainment these days outside of traditional toys.

Anita Frazier

The liberal elites running Hollywood have no intention of ceasing their relentless attack on traditional values. It's almost impossible for parents to block out all of the left-wing messages that Hollywood and its media friends are bombarding our kids with. The solution is for parents to teach their children to laugh at Hollywood and to regard celebrities as silly people.

Katharine Debrecht

Builders who are focusing on an older clientele get it, but even so, a lot of them still don't get it and are building in traditional institutional kinds of ways. They're hurting themselves.

Richard Duncan

We are proud to be able to carry traditional Chinese furniture styles that were popular in the 12th century.

Nancy Mui

Part of being the smallest school in Section Four is that we suffer from a lack of depth. So we have to hit the boards, protect the ball and play hard defense. It's the traditional types of things we have to do well to give ourselves a chance to win.

John Bernhardt

The great thing about the new CD is that there are some more traditional elements for this record, but it's still mainstream.

Richie Mcdonald

[Davis, a returning storyteller, will recount tales learned from a family of traditional storytellers who lived on the same North Carolina land since 1781.] I discovered in a story I could safely dream any dream, hope any hope and go anywhere I pleased, ... Good Evening.

Donald Davis

Dividends paid out are a share of profit, not interest. In that sense, they are no different from your traditional funds.

Peter Chiang

And if avian flu develops into a pandemic human strain - as many experts fear it may - the vaccine might complement traditional vaccines and be used to protect people.

Andrea Gambotto

Every [player] decision has two main components, the scouting or traditional analysis and the numbers … depending on the situation, you weight them differently.

Daryl Morey

People are not conforming to the traditional ideas of prom. They are more individualistic, more willing to do their own thing. It's just a complete change in our culture.

Ryan Williamson

As a matter of traditional and sound constitutional doctrine, an amendment to the Constitution should be the last resort when all other measures have proved inadequate.

Arlen Specter

That's double the traditional recovery rate.

Jill Davis

It's a very pretty thing: orange inside, lavender outside. If you cook it, the color goes back to the traditional carrot color. It tastes the same as other carrots.

Dave Wildung

In keeping with our vision of the radio industry, Susquehanna Radio Corp. wanted to team with the leader in Internet broadcasting, and clearly understands our goals and is able to effectively broaden our reach beyond traditional radio.

David Kennedy

Fuel cell vehicles run on clean-burning hydrogen and are three times more efficient than the traditional combustible engine.

Albert Wynn

These days - with the decline of the traditional churches - I'm concerned about where we obtain some form of moral direction.

John Scott

This is a bigger game than most because of the historic and traditional aspect of their program. They are one of the storied programs of college basketball.

Tony Wingen

The traditional notion of retirement, where one stops working completely and enjoys leisure time with friends and family, is obsolete. In fact, workers in 2005 feel less confident than they did in 2000 that they will be financially able to leave the workforce ahead of the traditional retirement age.

Carl Van Horn

We have no gimmicks. We play pure traditional music from the heart, with an image that conveys a deep respect for the genre.

Doug Deming

It's traditional for an heiress to be raised in a sheltered way. No one thinks that's true of me, but it actually was.

Paris Hilton

It has a kind of artsy, flamboyant look to it. Now it's taking traditional design and going over the edge with it. Instead of a skull with a dagger through it, you'll see an exploding skull with a dagger through it.

Bob Baxter

This suggests one of two things: either investors are unduly optimistic about the sector, or more ominously, perhaps, the homebuilders are seeing strong demand from non-traditional buyers, ... In other words, real estate speculators have moved into the market, replacing owner-occupiers as the primary end-buyers.

Michael Panzner

I would characterize it as a real growth industry. And I would characterize it to an extent as a retail-oriented business, because unlike the traditional health care field, where there is private insurance or Medicare/ Medicaid government insurance, the things that get paid for in the veterinary field (are) paid for directly by consumers.

Todd Richter

It will be very hard for anyone to gain ascendancy as a PRI leader nationwide. I expect to see traditional PRI members attempting to control the party.

Sergio Sarmiento

That consistently is the most common objection or common opposition you see with a street-naming debate. I think it's the most vocal opposition. (Businesses) either fear the cost of changing their address or the loss of their traditional identity.

Derek Alderman

'It's a Hi-5 Christmas' continues the Hi-5 tradition by offering great, festive songs -- traditional and new classics -- that children and their families will treasure.

Bob Frank

For years, I made traditional quilts. I taught quilting through the Parks & Recreation (in Brookfield) and quilt stores.

Norma Schlager

It's not like a traditional rodeo. It's judged more on the skill of the cowboy and the rider. We'll have 140 cowboys here. They're coming from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Texas and Mexico, so it is a real big deal.

Karen Laflamme

Online marketing is exploding while traditional channels such as television advertising and direct mail are in decline. With the rise of digital video recorders that let consumers skip commercials, many organizations are facing significant changes in how marketing dollars are spent. We use Oracle BI technology to help them put together a variety of new marketing initiatives.

Paven R. Bratch

Traditional therapies are important, but (conductive education) is more specialized and focuses in on certain disorders.

Stephanie Reed

Both the enterprise traditional access point and the SOHO (small office/home office) segments surpassed the $1 billion landmark in 2005.

Aaron Vance

This year has been different because we don't have that one go-to scorer. In the past, we've always had a traditional guy who's going to be our scoring focus. This year we have to get it from all different parts.

Pete Liptrap

Online TV is going to make inroads into traditional forms. That can be a threat to the traditional providers of content or it can be an opportunity as well.

Rob Enderle

Contributing to a college fund for a grandparent can be very inexpensive. One good thing to encourage is gifts of traditional savings bonds.

Diane Harris

It lets the music breathe a little better. Melody is so important to traditional Irish music. I want to let it breathe and not cover it up.

Tony Davoren

It's like downtown in a neo-traditional way.

Paul Hanson

The jobs are there, but, particularly for working adults, traditional education just isn't going to cut it. New ways for training that meet the real-life requirements for adults are critically important.

Jerry Rubin

A completely different type of audience. They really like traditional bluegrass music over there.

John Abrams

She was a real feminist, and she kept bugging me about getting involved in women's issues, about doing something to help. I was a traditional mom. I was divorced, had been a housewife. I had no idea what I could do.

Jill Duval

This is going to be one of the finest bonsai gardens in North America, if not the world. Bonsai is so relevant to what we are, and our mission of connecting people with plants. It's a very traditional art form, but it's a very energetic art form, and we are at the forefront in design and the use of natural plants.

George Briggs

These are millionaire candidates who we thought would run above traditional politics, and instead they have super-sized their negative campaigns. What citizens have gotten is a very conventional campaign dominated by name calling and exaggerated criticism of both candidates.

David Rebovich

The farm is an example of traditional, blended with technology.

Justin Armstrong

The figures regarding the lost three-month-old file may seem extraordinary, but they exemplify how traditional file journaling during backup is not up to the complex task of managing offline files for long periods of time, which archiving and media management technology address.

Patrick Dowling

We have to look beyond traditional boundaries.

Robert Brady

We talked about it on Monday. This is a big, traditional rivalry. You can't play this game without being up for it and without being ready for it.

Bill Dinardo

Nowadays, people like to buy traditional canopy beds, and use it not as a bed but as a living room piece.

Marybelle Hu

Traditional media don't have the time or resources to cover all stories. We want to offer an alternative perspective on news outside of what the mainstream media has to offer.

Joff Redfern

They were very popular through most of the '70s and part of the '80s. But when microwave ovens came along, people lost interest in baking and traditional cooking methods.

David Dahlquist

With genetic engineering and even with traditional breeding, it's important that farmers don't become dependent on just a few varieties of a crop, but instead try to preserve diversity.

Jane Rissler

We can produce ethanol at roughly a buck a gallon and that's going to be going down. We can produce soy diesel, biodiesel, at around $2 a gallon. That's probably going to get less expensive, ... These products in the ag community become very, very competitive against traditional fossil fuels and I think that means nothing but good things for ag in Michigan.

Pete Hoekstra

When we said 'water feature' I envisioned a more traditional fountain like at Fountain Square in Cincinnati, ... Six urns out there don't do it for me.

Bob Allen

CSS is the most mature segment and, as such, many of the traditional call center technologies are becoming more commoditized. However, there is also more interest in technologies specific to areas such as analytics and workforce optimization, so we see positive but modest growth going forward.

Sharon Mertz

We offer a lot of selection. It is not a traditional store. It leans towards trendy, whimsical and up-to-date. We have fun clothes for fashionable kids.

Jolinda Fox

The bold and innovative design of Reflex stretches the traditional boundaries of a subcompact car. Reflex delivers the fuel economy and flexibility that Americans have come to expect.

Peter Horbury

One out of every nine Americans is now Latino. In certain states, Latinos, in the next 20 years, will outnumber the traditional white non-Hispanic population.

Harry Pachon

The internet has enormous potential to bring weight-loss success and lifestyle changes to people worldwide and in settings where traditional clinics cannot.

Rachel Johnson

We're coming back around to a more traditional sound.

Richie Mcdonald

This indicates not many young people will accept staying single. The real reason for the current situation for these excellent women is the traditional thinking that a man must excel a woman.

Lu Jianmin

[The new products] allow Internet service providers to offer roughly the same 3,000 services available on traditional circuit-switched networks.

Frank D'amelio

I'd prefer to just say what it is I'm talking about. I think using the term traditional use is counterproductive to good policy discussions. It's a buzz word.

Cathy Johnson

We hope to be accommodating in as many traditional uses as possible.

Don Hudson

It was the opportunity to see high school football and see the stands full. I'm not saying that Columbus doesn't play good high school football. But Valdosta is a traditional powerhouse and was ranked No. 2 in the state.

Ahmand Tinker

As traditional Liberal voters become dismayed by Paul Martin's campaign, they're finding a comfortable new home in the NDP. This ad features just a small sample of them.

Brad Lavigne

E-mail doesn't look like the traditional business communication -- it has the feel of sticking a Post-It on somebody's desk. E-mail can be sent without a lot of reflection. Most employees don't really think of the fact that when you send an e-mail there will be a copy on your computer, the network backup tape, etc. It's frequently harder to get rid of an e-mail than a written document.

Michael Overly

There has been catch-up in the mega-caps, ... These companies haven't done much in recent months, and they are going to have to participate to some extent to have the traditional year-end rally.

Richard Skaggs

Konica Minolta's move is a positive surprise and I was also not expecting Iwai to step down. This is a bold move rare among Japanese firms. I think the stock will go up. The traditional camera and film businesses were seen as a barrier to earnings growth and now it will be completely gone.

Hisashi Moriyama

Feel bound by the traditional definition of what makes a CBS News anchor.

Andrew Heyward

People young and old come to listen to the traditional Irish music. Everyone's welcome. Everyone is Irish for the day.

Mike Saffran

The buyer that makes most sense is the buyer that has a strong presence in the traditional retailing of toys.

Melissa Williams

Since the dawn of time, traditional marriage-the union between one man and one woman-has been the building block of civilization, and at no point in our nation's history has that foundation been under more severe attack than now.

Jim Demint

But people are still in love with traditional surveys in spite of my repeated advice against them.

Craig Cochran

There is a respect for tradition and traditional motifs. But there are also many who bring stylized traditional forms, not just the shape, to their work.

Peter Stoessel

It's like the jewelry for your cabinets. Glass knobs, stainless steel, brushed nickel-feel finishes are all in rather than traditional brass.

Adam Bolton

I believe in the traditional definition of marriage, period.

Laurie Hawn

I don't understand one thing. It's traditional in this country, when someone is accused, to let him tell his story to an independent body.

Donald Fehr

If we were traditional Chinese people, we'd be doing this.

Alyssa Erlandson

We do not ask those in traditional marriages to re-register their marriage in every jurisdiction to ensure legal recognition of their relationship. Nor should we ask those in same-sex relationships to do the same.

Joe Grabarz

I have no doubt that most people who listen to Alison Krauss and say they like bluegrass have never heard real bluegrass played in the traditional manner, and probably don't even know who Bill Monroe is.

Mark O'connor

Lifting the ban, we found the traditional fun.

Ying Sheng

This is a complete misrepresentation of what work is like. It is not true anymore, but is an old-fashioned, traditional view of what working in the law involves.

Janet Gaymer

We've sweetened them up considerably. They have a lot more sugar and flavor in them than the traditional scone.

Laurie Steed

So they have almost no inventory relative to the sales they generate. It's much more cost-effective than a traditional retailer.

Tom Gardner

I'm based in galleries in part because if you call what I do postmodernism, nobody on eBay is searching for that, ... eBay does well for traditional work and people who collect it.

Leslie Cohen

This extreme tubing experience is the perfect addition for Six Flags Hurricane Harbor. Tornado combines traditional and nontraditional water park elements with the height and speed of a theme park thrill ride. It will quickly become a favorite with our park guests.

Ron Sevart

Even in Ghana everyone wants to be Western. The young people don't want to hold on to the traditional drumming and dancing. They are into hip hop and hip life and all that rap stuff.

M. Powell

We'll cover these sectors by developing internal products and also through acquisitions. We've done 52 acquisitions as a company, and it's a traditional way of moving our business ahead.

Mike Volpi

Internet TV is fundamentally about delivering video programming through interactive, rich-media experiences that go well beyond what traditional broadcast and cable TV has offered.

Jeremy Allaire

It's hard to say we had been thinking about this sort of problem. The traditional supply disruption you think about is a political one, like the 1973-1974 embargo. Here, you had a situation where a local refining problem could become a global one.

William Ramsay

We are seeing a lot of non-traditional investors in commodities, such as mutual funds and pension funds, becoming interested in commodities such as platinum because they want to diversify their portfolios.

Tom Kendall

The end of March represents the midway point of the traditional prime buying season in London. We expect April, May and June to perform in a similar manner with continued strong price growth.

Liam Bailey

As traditional hedge fund investment styles in mature markets become more crowded, we are expanding internationally and into more asset classes.

Daniel Stern

I consider myself someone who attempts to balance both traditional and newer methods of player evaluation. I feel like objective analysis has a very important place in the decision, but it's only one part of the process.

Rick Hahn

It's great to see traditional control and custom market leaders like Vantage along with custom newcomers like EI and Intel bringing digital technology platforms to the forefront at EHX. There's no doubt, EHX is the place for custom integrators and retailers to get a handle on the technology changes that are revolutionizing our industry.

John Galante

This is a concept in its infancy, one that will eventually become mainstream. But today, shoppers are using the 'net as an information tool, not as a means of avoiding dealerships. So I don't think shoppers are looking to avoid the traditional dealership process.

Chris Denove

There are two types of oats on the market. Traditional, which is ground either course, fine or medium or the modern method, which is cut. This is where a machine cuts the grains into small pieces.

Anthony Stone

Our traditional wood businesses showed good strength during the first quarter growing both in margin and volume. This counteracted a more difficult U.S. export situation and helped us to achieve net income only slightly below last year.

Richard Goodfellow

The peanut program has worked. We made significant changes. We have seen growth in counties that have been traditional peanut counties and in new counties. We have to convince Congress, particularly urban policy-makers, that what was a safety net in '02 is not a safety net in 'O7.

Bob Redding

It's music for anyone who likes to dance, have fun, cut loose and enjoy life. It's good honky-tonk boogie-woogie blended with Cajun, swing and other traditional songs and sounds we can't pull ourselves completely away from playing because that's what we like.

Linzay Young

In many ways, Beckham is the perfect catch for an Indian mother. He loves his wife, he has a son, he is also a good father and he's changed the meaning of what we used to consider the traditional macho footballer.

Gurinder Chadha

There are about 5,000 schools that fall in the category, non-traditional.

Kevin Lennon

That show was great. He was up there in his traditional black garb and when he said his opening line, 'Hello, I'm Johnny Cash,' the crowd went nuts. It was awesome.

John Picano

There will be those that will claim this merger brings us closer to a re-emergence of Ma Bell; however, my support is predicated on the applicants' enforceable commitments to open its traditional local markets to competitors, invest in new markets, and accelerate deployment of broadband technologies. The end result should produce more competition, not less.

William Kennard

One of the things that impressed me was that blend of the traditional Southern revival with the cultural sensibilities of a middle-class suburban congregation.

Nancy Ammerman

Women buy three times as much in remote [mail or phone order] clothing purchases than men in traditional channels. We believe that category has been waiting for women to come online.

Nicole Vanderbilt

A part of the interesting design of Fortress is our emphasis on using traditional mathematical notation whenever possible. It's our hope you don't need a proprietary IDE to prepare Fortress code. Right now you can use any ASCII editor to write Java.

Guy Steele

They're just really comfortable as opposed to a traditional heel. I feel like you can walk easier in them.

Sarah Andrews

Maybe you just want to be daring and put in a few bowling balls instead of traditional gazing globes.

Greg Stack

The ability to determine what constitutes risk, and the requirement to report that risk to executive decision makers, can be a highly political activity requiring excellent written and oral communication skills with a good knowledge of business. Generally, these skills have been lacking in traditional technically-oriented information security specialists.

Paul Proctor

We're creating a centralized way for the NFL to take all of the game footage, digitize it, add all the metadata and make it available for all of the producers to access on a PC. That kind of flexibility makes you more efficient for traditional programming and paves the way for next-generation applications.

Steve Canepa

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the business of selling recreational items. But kids today are moving away from traditional toys and toward electronics at a much younger age. Toys 'R' Us has to adapt to this shift and explore new areas of the business.

Craig Johnson

It didn't originate from multiple ships, it originated from one ship. It looks that we may be leaning towards the traditional bilge oils that impacted these birds or impacted these shores.

Terry Harvey

Multinational companies inside and outside the mainland (China) are turning to local and traditional themes to stand out from the all-too-often bland crowd of international corporate identities.

Julia Brown

The Asian rhino will only be saved from extinction if we can reduce the pervasive ongoing demand for traditional Asian medicine and restore its shrinking and fragmented habitat.

Elizabeth Kemf

You're seeing a return to traditional measures of value as investors become more focused on things like (price-to-earnings ratios), interest rates and earnings.

Edward Jones

This award shows they have done so by upholding the traditional values of the game.

Ehsan Mani

This is just a traditional thing I've been doing ever since I was old enough to cook.

Eddie Jenkins

I have the unique ability to be on the forefront to deal with issues such as traditional values; the Second Amendment in protecting gun rights and enforcing laws such as illegal immigration. I'll have a position to influence the selection of federal judges.

Ed Bryant

Partners reported that customers are now coming to them and they say it's an important shift from even a year ago. It's a better indication the mass market is truly materializing because they're going through traditional trusted relationships with partners for their expertise. In the past we pushed ourselves into those partnerships and now we're seeing a transition with partners coming to Red Hat.

Ed Boyajian

There's no real reason to restrict our development to traditional street venues. Traditional street venues are getting so much more competitive it almost behooves you to look at possible alternatives.

Fred Williams

It's a wonderful ranking and it's a very special designation. We're proud the ranking speaks to more than the design of the golf course but also to the traditional golf experience and ambiance of The Kingsley Club.

Fred Walker

For an ancient civilization with a history of more than 5,000 years, it is sort of a shame to be unable to introduce our traditional culture to other peoples or share our new thoughts and concepts with the rest of the world.

Zhao Qizheng

I anticipate seeing a dip in traditional instant tickets. I don't think it will be a long-term dip.

Ernie Passailaigue

Herring roe is a traditional luxury food for the Japanese, and is usually presented as gifts during their holidays. When their economy went south, the price of roe went with it.

Ernie Koepf

They're not missing in the traditional sense.

Ernie Allen

This is daunting. It's going to take some time, ... These kids are not missing in the traditional sense. The key to this is communication.

Ernie Allen

We've had some success in appealing to traditional domestic owners. But it has been limited because body and engine configurations were expanding faster than we were able to introduce them.

Ernest Bastien

We're coming closer to a resolution to this, and it will allow us to have 12 games. Ideally, like I've said, we'd like to play our traditional rivals the last game of the season.

Eric Hyman

He's got the apparatus of the White House, of the DNC (the Democratic National Committee) and all the party regulars, the traditional supporters. It's always been uphill in that regard.

Eric Hauser

We have more programming in our warehouse than we can monetize on traditional TV.

Eric Frankel

The fact that thought leader management and MSL programs have developed in non-traditional healthcare sectors is a testament to the impact these pharmaceutical programs have had, not only on research progress, but also on product growth and corporate reputation.

Elio Evangelista

Our merging with the NRF is indicative of the times too. We actually were negotiating this agreement with NRF 12 to 18 months ago. We realized that the world was converging, and in order for to remain powerful and lucrative, we were looking for a more traditional partner as well.

Elaine Rubin