Language is the source of misunderstandings.

Antoine de Saint Exupery

Out of economic necessity or as a result of lifestyle choices, an increasing portion of Japanese women are actively participating in the workforce and becoming a very important source of income and consumption growth.

Kathy Matsui

We have been successful in identifying popular open-source software applications that our customers are interested in using on the Microsoft Windows Server platform and working with those companies or projects to ensure that solution is well integrated.

Bill Hilf

The bitterest tragic element in life to be derived from an intellectual source is the belief in a brute Fate or Destiny.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

While the government might take measures the public wishes it to take ... there will be some who will not be sacrificed and that will be a source of anger.

Ludeki Chweya

The real estate market has been an underlying source of support for private consumption. As that market begins to slow and weaken, that would have an impact on private consumption.

Brian Dolan

We are the leading source of reliable information about cancer. We want to eliminate it as a major problem, but we are also here for the patients and for there loved ones.

Nancy Verderber

Asia has become the source of finance, the source of savings. It now has the human capital to manage that well. Why doesn't it take the advantage of that opportunity to try and create financial markets that work better for the people of Asia.

Joseph Stiglitz

Plotinus, 'The One' and the Source of MatterThe ideas that Plotinus developed as a neoplatonist writing about seven hundred years after Plato acknowledged the prior ancient philosophical work by pre-Socratic philosophers on elucidating the concept of ?The One? unified being that creates everything else that exists through another aspect of himself.

Gary Gibson

I am extremely glad to see that this project has been approved and is moving forward. It should be a real source of pride for the community and will benefit all Madera students and athletic programs from high school to youth sports.

Randy Blankenship

Organizations in every industry vertical are becoming more and more aware that high-performing employees are the most critical source of their strategic success. And employee performance management, along with training and development, is the fastest growing category of strategic human resource functions.

Dan Boccabella

That project will burn a waste product imported from the Mainland until the developer acquires a local fuel source.

Jeff Deren

We cannot yet conclude the source of the blast.

Firman Gani

It becomes a public resource and a source of stories. It is a great resource from a storytelling point of view.

Hugh Martin

The employees and Duke University have only heard one side of the story. These people have good jobs, good money, good benefits, and they believe Peter is the only source of all that.

Dick Long

These restaurants are helping to preserve the basic source of the good ingredients upon which their reputations are built.

Paul Muller

Is about IBM not fighting the open-source tide, but choosing to ride it.

Stephen O'grady

One septic system from one household into a 3.5 billion gallon reservoir would not create any kind of hazard to the reservoir itself or the drinking water source.

Rich Henning

Water remains the best choice for hydration. Low-fat milk will also give you a great protein source, or you can mix seltzer water with juice. As some juices are high in calories and sugars, try to drink in moderation or mix half water and half juice for a water juice combination. Soda and iced tea should be drunk in moderation because they usually come with lots of sugar and caffeine.

Julie Raeder Schumacher

One of Mack's biggest challenges is to grow in asset management. The business provides a stable source of revenue to offset all the volatility in other parts of the company.

Geoff Bobroff

We believe that this latest round of price cuts may be indicative of pricing pressure Oracle is experiencing from low-cost database alternatives such as Microsoft's newly released SQL Server 2005 and open-source offerings.

Robert Stimson

This is a significant bet from a serious source and we will be monitoring the market carefully to see if the gamble gathers momentum.

Simon Clare

These new stories are from a very innocent source.

Peter Simonson

Black bear aggression is most often the result of a human intentionally or unintentionally threatening a bear, its cubs, or a nearby food source, and the best reaction is to defuse the threat by leaving the area in a quiet, calm manner.

Mark Ternent

One of the goals of our research on software quality and security is to define a baseline so that people can measure software reliability in both open-source and proprietary software projects.

Ben Chelf

Source was making assumptions and conjectures based on talk among his colleagues.

John Walker Lindh

I'm not ready to give up all the work done by geologists, chemists, biologists, astrophysicists and the like for the Bible. It's not a science reference source.

Mike Chambers

My perception is that we are headed toward a future where the surface water from the Rio Grande diversion is likely to be the dominant source of water for most communities around the Santa Fe area.

Ted Harrison

I learned firsthand the value of paying attention to patient experiences and using them as a source of information.

Nancy Howe

The rising price of gas and oil has spurred a great interest in alternative heating solutions this winter. A Hybrid Heat system will allow homeowners to save money for years to come, since they can always choose which source of heat they would like to use, based on the cost of gas and electricity.

Tim Perry

This is a book about how a couple can use money to enhance their relationship. Money doesn't have to be something that is a source of argument.

Sam Goller

It is wrong. This whole thing is wrong. For medical decisions to be made on the basis of a payer source is wrong. It just shouldn't be. I understand the economic pressures on physicians, but this is wrong.

Mary Frank

We're still a strong presence in the community and a great source for not only do-it-yourself needs but your home services professionals as well. When you have more competition, it really inspires you to put your best foot forward.

Yancey Casey

Please read the attached information for your personal consumption. As previously requested, protect the source, I find all the information that you are sending me very useful. I hope you will continue sending more.

Leandro Aragoncillo

Because Chinese GDP is growing at 8 to 10 percent, it provides a huge source of incremental demand for other Asian countries selling to domestic Chinese consumers.

Ben Walker

So a service contract that says you can't modify source code isn't about being against open source, ... It's about saying 'Hey, I want to be able to deliver to you additional value, and if I send you a patch automatically and you change the source code, it may blow up your computer.'

Jason Matusow

Many people like to eat sardines with their bones, which can be a good source of calcium as well as the omega-3 fatty acids.

Judy Thompson

This is a time for blooming flowers and people see them and want to pick them and take them home. But leaving the flower in place is very important for seeding this summer. If it's blooming, once you take the seed away it doesn't get pollinated, it's no longer a food source for bees. Just leave it where it is. Draw it, photograph it or smell it but don't pick it.

Scott Reid

They're being a bit more open perhaps to combat the biggest threat to the company, which is open source. They really have to do it because IBM is going wholly the other way and seeding (open-source products) far and wide.

Steve Reynolds

For Xerox, the accounting function was just another revenue source and profit opportunity, ... As a result, investors were misled and betrayed.

Stephen Cutler

A lot of these business owners did not know what the source of the money was. ... He very well might not have known.

Jonathan Katz

Look at commercial open source companies. How different is Red Hat's business model from Microsoft's? I'd say it's pretty marginal.

Jason Matusow

Today, that's not a worry for us. The idea that other countries might change their law to introduce restrictions [on open-source software] seems unlikely.

Loïc Dachary

We're trying to avoid that again and by doing that we're trying to reduce the food source. As far as shuttle program is concerned, it's unacceptable if there's another chance of an accident.

John Shaffer

I would sit back and still keep up with parties, but for the most part, the plan is for this to be a great source of passive income for me.

Cynthia Koenig

The ignition source is all going to have to be human. It's not a case of lightning striking.

Chuck Maxwell

You can build an entire ecosystem out of Linux and open source.

Jean Bozman

The decision condemned a company for not saying yes to a company who requests a huge amount of secret technology for the future. The Windows source code is copyright. It is valuable, the fruit of lots of effort.

Ian Forrester

You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes.


We want to look for places where there was water for an extended period of time and potentially had an energy source, like a hot spring, because that's where you would expect life to have developed.

Rich Zurek

I believe there is no source of deception in the investigation of nature which can compare with a fixed belief that certain kinds of phenomena are impossible.

William James

Spyware sends information back to a source, usually some kind of businesses. It monitors what sites you are going to. It finds the sites you are most interested in. If you are interested in hunting, for instance, spyware will let the source know that. Your computer probably will be targeted with a lot of pop-up ads about hunting.

Gordon Mills

We're somewhere along the path to open source. We will increasingly get there.

Jeff Bernard

Fish is an excellent low-fat food and a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals. We want people to continue to eat fish because fish is good for them - just be smart.

Dr. Maxine Hayes

The improvement in jobs and wages means we can expect spending to be pretty good this year. Consumer spending will be reliable source of growth that will support the economy.

Satoru Ogasawara

They have been very active outside the U.S.. That has been a key source of performance.

Karen Dolan

The art of dancing stands at the source of all the arts that express themselves first in the human person. The art of building, or architecture, is the beginning of all the arts that lie outside the person; and in the end they unite.

Henry Ellis

The company does not have an immediate need for these funds, ... However, by taking this action we have taken advantage of the favorable terms in our current facilities rather than seeing this source of liquidity eliminated.

Frank Dunn

The Word became flesh to communicate to us human beings caught in the mud, the pain, the fears and the brokenness of existence, the life, the joy, the communion, the ecstatic gift of love that is the source of all love and life and unity in our universe and that is the very life of God.

Jean Vanier

Tourism is our main source of revenue in Currituck and five commissioners are going to be at the helm 100 percent.

David Palmer

If you don't go after the source, then we have no ability to stop the gun violence.

Warren Thompson

This can be described as an epidemic. These (cases) will happen again as long as we cannot determine the source.

Siti Fadillah Supari

About 10 or 15 years ago, the source of shamrock seeds disappeared, because there was in fact only one source in the country, and the man died. He didn't pass it on to anybody else!

Thomas Quearney

The work we would try to eliminate first is going to be some of the functions that we can easily transfer to another manpower source.

Bill Carr

His conclusion is contrary to virtually everything I've seen in my 17 year history of commercial free/open source solutions. I believe that the effect of open source on the proprietary vendors is a force 1,000 times more powerful than the force of proprietary principles on the open source community.

Michael Tiemann

It is the formidable character of the species to routinely seek the improbable, the difficult, even the impossible, as a source of pleasure and self-justification. Who would try to write poems, or novels, or paint pictures unless he is an optimist?

Lionel Tiger

At the very least, I have to have very good visibility into my contract manufacturer in China as to any quality hiccups that might affect me. I need to get early warning of those, and potentially I may have to source locally to remain responsive to fluctuations in demand.

Colin Masson

Captions get cut down or rewritten. That's been a source of long-term frustration (for photographers). People like the audio because they finally get to tell what's really going on in the photo. The majority of photographers here really want to get that information out, and they are frustrated by not being able to.

Jen Friedberg

We're not out to punish the alcohol industry. We're looking at finding a source of predictable funds from a source that makes sense.

Lee Erickson

But really what we're looking at is the source of the pollution and that is coal-fired power plants.

Shannon Harps

Among the majority of people, bush meat is recognized as a valued resource, ... In many areas, bush meat also represents the only viable source of meat protein, with domestic meat being prohibitively expensive and largely unavailable.

Robert Barnett

We are following in the grand tradition of Berkeley engineering, as with Berkeley 's BSD UNIX operating system, in making our innovations freely available and unencumbered for research and possible commercialization in source code form.

Randy Katz

A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source.

Arthur Baer

ECD is an open-source Excel-based version of 1752. The Excel version is a more powerful form than the PDF form.

Michael Kirschner

As the nation's leading retail provider of renewable energy, Edison International is committed to developing new, environmentally sensitive energy technologies to meet the growing demand for electricity throughout the U.S., ... The San Juan Mesa project will provide the people of New Mexico with a valuable new source of environmentally friendly electricity at a time of rising fossil-fuel costs.

John Bryson

It is a problem that has nothing to do with cleanliness. It has to do with a source bringing them in.

Joseph O'connor

New Horizons' journey is planned to take it more than four billion miles from Earth, where the sun is just a bright star in a dark sky. At this distance, no alternative energy source is capable of providing sufficient and reliable electrical power.

Dwayne Brown

We used the protocols and source code that were published on AOL's Web site. We looked at the documentation on the Web site, and we believe we are in full compliance. We tried to contact AOL [about our product plans], but they did not return any of our phone calls or e-mails.

Beth Nagengast

Knowing that we are general physicians and that our patients are going to have needs that far exceed the capability that we have here, we can be a strong referral source to those facilities as well.

Nicole Spoor

All school food should be good food. School meals should be an important source of nutrition for children, especially those from low income households.

Suzi Leather

They did not get a lot of energy behind their open-source initiative, ... Just declaring that something is open source does not mean it is going to be popular.

Peter O'kelly

This asymmetry in the treatment of lenders and borrowers is a major source of instability in the global capitalist system and it needs to be corrected.

George Soros

At this point we are not sure if the chlorine source is a solid or a gas. That is one of the pieces of the dioxin formation mechanism that is still unclear.

Paul Lemieux

We had always jokingly talked about Web sites in the past, and since finishing school, my gears sort of shifted. I knew he'd be a good source for input and ideas.

Ryan Wilson

I think a lot of folks have withheld judgment because they recognize the source of these attacks, that is the state Democratic Party. People in Montana, I think, have been withholding judgment until they hear from Conrad directly.

Mark Baker

This is all part of Sun's effort to remain relevant by making Solaris more attractive to users and blunting the growing interest in Linux by offering their own open-source technology.

Frank Gillett

An understanding of the natural world and what's in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment.

David Attenborough

Anytime a professional source that becomes a professional tool that raises the image of our profession in the public's eye and says we have basic skills in reading, math, science and all those things, I think it's a good thing .

Dr. Phillip Raley

Journalism is based on a code of conduct and professional ethics that clearly exclude telephone espionage but the concept of express permission of the parties could be used unfairly against the media if, for example, a source later retracts.

Reporters Without Borders

We employ adults with disabilities. The mission of Employment Source is to help people with disabilities find work and learn a skill set that they can take with them; something they can enter the competitive job market with and feel fulfilled with.

Shelly Flood

If you don't change these differences, you're going to have a poorer and less competitive state. Whatever the source of the Hispanic population is, they are clearly the future force of the Texas population.

Steve Murdock

I want everybody to understand that my emotions fuel my competitive desire. They are a source of energy for me. However, I have let my emotions get the best of my judgment.

John Rocker

Another thing to keep in mind is usually bears will hibernate sooner if they have a poor food source. That might have accounted for the record bear harvest this year (they didn't hibernate until later). The season was also enhanced by fact that you had ideal hunting conditions throughout the season.

Regis Senko

Woody has always been a reference point for me, as well a source of inspiration along the way. I was brought up around his music at a pretty early age, ... The reference in the song relates more to the way my own children have become fans, I guess (laughs). If there was no Highway 61, we may not have had Bob Dylan or Leadbelly .

Jay Farrar

We've gotten really good feedback on the electrical connections we've put on balconies. Since there is not an open source of flame, you are able to get around any kind of condo or fire-code bylaws.

Mark Sammons

I'm an environmentalist at heart and I am, like many residents, concerned about over development in Branford. I decided to put up the site as a centralized source.

Jerry Shaw

Business can be a source of progressive change.

Jerry Greenfield

More of our customers are telling us they want to try open source but that they have concerns.

Philip Robinson

In open-source software (OSS), Europe is at the forefront.

Florian Mueller

She's a calming influence at times, she's a source of energy at other times.

Mark Peperkorn

The real demand source is China, rather than Europe, but the country is rapidly alleviating its raw materials input problems.

Jon Bergtheil

In general, the twin deficits (trade and federal) will be an ongoing source of volatility in the dollar and interest rates.

Alan Gayle

A mortal lives not through that breath that flows in and that flows out. The source of his life is another and this causes the breath to flow.

Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus

She subtracted from public knowledge by introducing this unknown source whose name she couldn't remember. It's almost like the gaps in the Nixon tapes.

Jay Rosen

I'm almost embarrassed to put on a Duke lacrosse jersey now when it used to be the biggest source of pride for me of all time.

Dave Stilley

A major problem with spectrographs is that they collect only a small percentage of photons from the target light source, which means that they are only useful to search for distant planets when mounted on relatively large telescopes.

Jian Ge

As we expand the business moving forward, home-based agents will be an important source of new hires. I expect to reduce our operating costs and at the same time tap into new sources for agent talent.

John Combs

I am certain that the people of Afghanistan are very happy tonight and see in this constitution a new source of hope. ... The time for jihad is finished.

Lakhdar Brahimi

The funding from that grant ends after this year. And, we have been told it won't be renewed. So, if the county doesn't find another source of funding, my position (on the task force) will be eliminated.

Dennis Fowler

According to one FA source I spoke to, 'Sven has a lot of thinking to do', particularly about the midfield and about the formations.

Five Live

The government has a right to ask what the source of the money is, and be sure it isn't from the same crime he's being charged with.

Richard Martin

We think we've got a nice straddle brand and we think we can source volume from multiple places.

Tom Mcloughlin

Our effort continues to recruit for the school. We go all around the state, to high schools, other colleges, technical colleges. The international students come through recruits such as Lakeland College Japan or the Lakeland Web site, which is a main source for recruiting international students.

Nathan Dehne

As I never tire of saying, heat is not the antithesis of light but rather the source of it.

Christopher Hitchens

Wastewater's probably the most likely source of this. It's hard to say exactly that these things are causing the effect, because there might be something else in the water we're not looking for causing the effect.

John Windsor

There are guys that work really hard. They are working out and playing and trying really hard. The opportunities haven't presented themselves to everybody yet. I believe there is a legitimate source.

Ronald Ramon

It is at Red Hat's very core to help unlock the power of open source and open communities.

Matthew Szulik

This gives us more of a seat at the table with these other open source projects.

Robert Shimp

Victims are often the best source of information and we would advise them to look out for their vehicles. We can suggest the sort of areas where there is a stronger likelihood of it being located.

Mark Jackson

It has made it impossible for us to make decisions because that's the only source for formulary information that's out there.

Barbara Potter

A fire needs three things to survive: fuel (like weeds or dry grass), oxygen and a heat source. A lot of grass fires are preventable.

Chief Gary Ogden

We are reaching a point where our stationary air sources have pretty much bottomed out on what we can reduce. The number one source of air emissions is mobile sources.

Glenn Palmer

Obviously it's a source of great consternation for the Bucks as well as us.

Carol Skornicka

We send professionals to the original sites to source jade articles, all of which are designed and carved by skilled local craftsmen.

Ye Ling

We don't know yet if the Mini Mart is the sole source of contamination. We will continue our investigation into other possible sources. However, the Mini Mart owners have been cooperative and are helping clean up the contamination.

Matt Rhodes

I must say that to me it's a reassuring story. We're finding again and again that child care is not the source of worry that existed when we started the study.

Sarah Friedman

We don't tell the White House who they should consider, but our organization is close to the White House. Historically, we have been a source of strategic advice to the White House in defending it's nominees.

Sean Rushton

Listen to your mind, and you'll tire quickly of it's discourse.Silence your mind, and you'll connect straight back to source.

Gabriella Goddard

Culturally, the black community has always embraced family and church as a source of strength. But technology is a factor in mobility today. You can stay in communication with friends through Palm Pilots and emails.

Dan Owens

SAFDA members countrywide should all be able to give the appropriate advice from the correct source right now.

Jeff Osborne

Cellar Roots has great potential. We want to continue publishing EMU students' writing and artwork. It is important as a resume builder as well as a source for gaining writing and publishing experience. It is an important part of our mission to continue doing this.

Jennifer Armstrong

It's a good opportunity for them to get out and see people. It's a nice social hour for the them to get out and enjoy. Some of them have no other source of socializing.

Dolores Hominsky

We'll continue to watch the water quality and hope the source of the bacteria is determined and adjust accordingly.

Bill Brennan

Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion.

Lorraine Anderson

Everyone benefits when innovation is fostered through collaboration and the open exchange of technological advances, ... We are gratified to see CA respond so enthusiastically to IBM's call for owners of intellectual property to accelerate interoperability and the adoption of open source software.

Jim Stallings

Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.

Sam Houston

Open source today is expected to be 'good enough,' and, most of the time, open-source products meet that expectation or exceed it. When you're paying as much as you pay for Microsoft, by comparison, you expect a lot more than good enough.

Michael Goulde

That is a promise that open source cannot deliver. Although customers of all sizes want the benefits of a trusted database, Microsoft understands that the specific database needs for hobbyist, mid-market, or large-enterprise customers can be extremely different.

Carol Dullmeyer

These units have been great tools for the State Police. They not only deter driving under the influence but are also an excellent source of revenue.

John Mattman

But looking for the effect of proprietary software on the open source community is like trying to measure the gravitational effect of the earth on the orbit of the Sun.

Michael Tiemann

If you have an individual that you know has been through the criminal system a number of times, then I try to look at what the source of that is. I think this court does a good job of identifying these mental-health and substance-abuse issues.

Glenn Jones

Cell phone and other battery-powered device manufacturers are always trying to give their customers as much flexibility as possible. Since the AAT3685 can be programmed for two separate constant current charge levels up to 1 amp, users can now charge their device from either an AC source or any USB port without compromising their fast charge rate.

Bill Weiss

We must show that liberty is not merely one particular value but that it is the source and condition of most moral values. What a free society offers to the individual is much more than what he would be able to do if only he were free. We can therefore not fully appreciate the value of freedom until we know how a society of free men as a whole differs from one in which unfreedom prevails.

Friedrich August Hayek

We are providing a cleaner source of water to avoid any health problems, and in the second instance we're providing for the needs of women and children so they have access to water all day.

Mark Peters

It's not an easy topic because it gets at some fairly delicate issues. The source of some of the smuggling, who's involved, means it is probably not that easy a topic to tackle.

William Ramsay

Make sure you go to a trusted source to buy your parts. If someone is selling you oil filters out of the back of a truck, they probably aren't the real thing.

Tom Henderson

If we're serious about making ethanol a viable fuel source, we must ensure that consumers have access to it at the pump.

Sue Cischke

1st Source Information Specialists continues to display egregious disregard for privacy, and previous industry-driven actions do not appear to have deterred their illegal activities. We can assure our customers that we will make every effort to put these services out of business.

Kent Nakamura

To my knowledge, the Legislature never did approve a funding source for it.

Chris Mccloud

The critic is the only independent source of information. The rest is advertising.

Pauline Kael

I think writing about unhappiness is probably the source of my popularity, if I have any-after all, most people are unhappy, don't you think?

Philip Larkin

The establishment of these tax credits signifies that Congress recognizes solar as an important source of energy that belongs as a part of our national energy portfolio. And along the way, SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association) developed new; powerful supporters of solar who will help us continue to expand solar energy markets in the years to come.

Rhone Resch

Identifying the egg as the source of other nutrients is meritorious, ... But dietary cholesterol is not necessary for health and we certainly don't want to add a potentially injurious substance at unlimited levels.

Robert Eckel

Getting access to source code . . . was kind of like the secret ingredient. I wanted to know what the secret was.

Kevin Mitnick

We're looking to identify funds if we can. We're also looking at other resources to assist the government in making this a reality, ... At this point, we don't have a particular source of funding for that but we're still looking if we could help in finding [another] way to assist.

Tom Glenn

If you're using the Internet today, you're using open source software; you're using Linux.

Larry Augustin

It was one of the original, old 'rat-rod' cars where guys would go out and source parts from all kinds of cars.

Gary Wallace

We want to connect kids with their food source.

Christina Ammon

As Sherlock Holmes would say, this is a one-pipe mystery. In the time it would take to smoke one pipe, you could solve it. You just trace the books back to the source.

Grigori Chkhartishvili

We think the case is building for Asia to become a more independent source of growth for the global economy.

Adam Le Mesurier

We have now come to the conclusion that the only way to be certain of satisfying the Commission's demands is to go beyond the 2004 Decision and offer a license to the source code of the Windows server operating system. The Windows source code is the ultimate documentation.

Brad Smith

I still have yet to hear a good reason why people need to go to an online travel agent when they could go right to the source. This will definitely be a big change this year.

Christopher Elliott

This gives us a chance to further embrace open source and learn the business model. By having this technology we gain a lot more access and insight into projects worldwide.

Robert Shimp

Source Technologies is focused on making hardware and software purchasing as seamless as possible, regardless of a company's acquisition strategy or constraints. Performance Leasing provides the flexibility, choice and superior support our customers need.

Miles Busby

These are people who felt trapped in a bad marriage or onerous care-giving duties and widowhood offered relief and escape. The old paradigm would have seen this absence of grief as emotional inhibition or a form of denial, but in our view, these are people for whom bereavement serves as the end of a chronic source of stress.

Deborah Carr

Michigan Avenue are serious players in the aluminum industry, but without any details of the bid or the source of the funding it is difficult to evaluate.

Kurt Billick

Suckle was the first West Indian DJ and he had this fantastic source of music.

Georgie Fame

[One senior administration source said it became clear] within the past 72 hours or so ... while I wouldn't say he was pushed, there was no one here encouraging him to hang in there, either.

Harvey Pitt

The two most important aspects are that this can be done at atmospheric pressure and just by heating a sample, a procedure which is much simpler than existing ionization methods using a laser or high-energy beam. The method does not require a high-voltage power source.

R. Graham Cooks

A gym is a great source of activities for children. But it can also be a solid operational revenue source. It can be rented out for events, which in turn encourages businesses to sponsor teams, shirts and other activities.

Robert Scheer

As with other individuals and organizations, we too have seen the proliferation of source code licenses become problematic. We had 10+ Shared Source licenses, and as more and more product groups sought to use source code releases as a means to work with developer communities, this number was only going to rise further.

Jason Matusow

Apple Computer has the exclusive right to use the apple mark on such a broadcast, if used to indicate the source or origin of the hardware and downloading services mentioned in the advert.

Anthony Grabiner

Corn is an OK source for ethanol. But if you really want to hit a homerun, you need to go to cellulose.

Daniel Kammen

We are very pleased with the results of this study. It confirms that the Kansas Visitors Guide is reaching Kansas travelers, inspiring them to travel, and providing them the information they need once they get going. The Visitors Guide continues to be the must-have information source for Kansas travelers.

Becky Blake

Those outside the industry often do not realize the capital intensity of the wine and grape sector. As the vast majority of holdings are private, often family businesses, the main source of investment capital continues to be private resources, with support from the commercial banking industry.

Barbara Insel

DaimlerChrysler has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cell technology. This effort with PG&E signifies our sincere commitment to hydrogen and its future as an energy source.

Mark Chernoby

Rich men's houses are seldom beautiful, rarely comfortable, and never original. It is a constant source of surprise to people of moderate means to observe how little a big fortune contributes to Beauty.

Margot Asquith

We are trying to source our cement right now, hopefully we will get that within the next two weeks. If it gets any longer, then it will affect the office staff and everywhere else.

Leo Taddeo

With his knowledge of the Linux and open source marketplace, Dave can help OSDL deliver on its mission of bringing together industry, developers and customers to advance Linux.

Stuart Cohen

It's great to have big goals. It's a source of motivation.

Joannie Rochette

One of the major advantages of using an anaerobic technique is it lets you remove MTBE at the source, before it has a chance to spread.

Derek Lovley

If that happens it would be a tremendous partnership in which their usage of the building would end in the late afternoon and they would not need it on weekends. That would provide the league a revenue source to pay the overhead, and allow us to continue to offer batting cages and build the training back up.

Bo Batts

The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan value and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism.

Reinhold Niebuhr

Productivity and the growth of productivity must be the first economic consideration at all times, not the last. That is the source of technological innovation, jobs, and wealth.

William E. Simon

Our Internet Services strategy is designed to provide a value-added service for broadband, which is a key source of growth for the company.

Richard Li

Our goal for the build kit is this summer, but making this happen will be a volunteer project--as are most open-source efforts--so I'm not in a position to promise.

Felix Kramer

We?re hoping next year?s event will involve even more community groups. We?re hoping this will be an annual source of pride and goodwill.

Jen Schlegel

Coupling the system to a low-cost pump source, such as a microchip laser, could open up commercial opportunities. However, the design is still in its early stages and will require some industrial input.

Justin Lawrence

Over the years, Microsoft has guarded its source code very carefully. It's been very measured in how it's approached complying with that particular part of the sanctions.

Laura Didio

Nuclear fusion has been explored as a potential source of power, but we are not looking at this as an energy source right now.

Yaron Danon

Our basic objection is that the county indigent health care fund is a fund of last resort, and if another funding source is available, which it is, then the law passed by the voters requires that it be used instead.

John Mcarthur

The intelligence to know what the attributes of the device are in terms of its output characteristics, and then do the transformation of [data] from a potentially more robust source [to a format] the device can understand -- that would be a major service.

Phil Hester

Seniors are a great source of knowledge and wisdom, and the people I see who are happiest after their retirement are the people who stay active.

James Donovan

The directory is a source for collectors and historic museums eager to own fine, hand-crafted, period-accurate objects and also a means of supporting those who perpetuate the art forms that are such an important part of our nation's heritage.

Tess Rosch

It's good for open source – it validates the value that open source provides.

Marten Mickos

The second outage was chosen to disrupt academic schedules less significantly, as it bridged over two class periods. During the second electrical outage, electricians discovered the source of the electrical disruption, which was a failed bushing in the electrical transformer serving Holloway [Hall].

Frank Mazzola

Go in and physically meet your financial source of advice.

David Darst

This new offering delivers a compelling, easy to deploy solution that gives small and medium sized businesses a boost by providing the technology, skills and support they need to drive real business value from open source.

Ron Hovsepian

Customers are doing very interesting things with PHP, such as connecting PHP applications to data warehouses or developing traditional business-critical applications in PHP. It's a very exciting time to be involved in open source.

Monica Kumar

This is really a nice compliment to our previous ranking with Consumers Digest, where that ranking relied heavily on an outside source looking at us. This ranking uses a lot of input from current students who are living the SUU educational experience.

Stephen Allen