As we've transitioned from a business company into the consumer space, we had to look at how we talk to our home and small business consumers in a different way.

Jim Wallace

Limonene has been around forever, carbon dioxide as well. What we've been able to do is devise this catalyst for the first time that allows these two small molecules to come together to make a plastic.

Geoffrey Coates

There's a lot of happy people here. In a small town news flies.

Dave Knight

We are very supportive of having someone dedicated to the unique problems small businesses have with the tax code. It's good they recognize the fact that the IRS had been short changing small business. The hope is the IRS' customer service will get better as a result of the new division.

David D'onofrio

What we're seeing now is more saturation in the market. When we started making skate apparel 15 years ago, this was a small market.

Ken Block

We made two acquisitions in 2005 and they were enabled in no small part by open source.

Robert Simmons

And small increments increased the likelihood of problems.

Carol Pryor

It's a small thing, but it was worth doing.

Pastor Henry Motta

We knew that things were getting fairly stretched and there was exposure to potentially even small shocks, but that is not a small shock, ... it's an absolute, monstrous hurricane.

Paul Horsnell

We have nearly 8km of exhibitions but even I can't tell you exactly how many pieces we have because even a small archway or a minor fresco is art.

Francesco Buranelli

The direct use of physical force is so poor a solution to the problem of limited resources that it is commonly employed only by small children and great nations.

David Friedman

The surprise is just how quickly Wi-Fi has been implemented. Even small schools without much of a budget have been able to implement it.

Bert Sperling

Like other small men who act as you have acted, you have a Napoleonic complex and need to compensate for what you lack. Little person, big bomb. But you are still a small man.

John Hawthorne

Because it's high-stakes, there's obviously a lot of concern and scrutiny. I would really put them up against any industry. It's just that their mistakes are really magnified. Their mistakes are really a very small percentage of the volume of tests.

Don Long

I wish [residents] were more involved, ... We only receive a small group of opinions to go by. If people don't contest, then we have to assume they are okay with it.

Denise Griffin

My teaching is by way of starting out with something small, bringing it big and then bringing it back locally.

Jeff Evans

Some of these are small companies that don't have disaster insurance or disaster recovery plans.

Stephen Moret

That's 14 hotel rooms, 14 steak dinners. In a small community, that's a lot.

Pat Chrysler

He's lived here in the community since he's been done with basketball. He owns a business and his wife's from here and now he has three small children, so he's always been around. ... It's always been something that's been in the back probably of everybody's mind, the possibility of him coaching someday.

Jeff Callahan

It started off as a small thing. We thought it would be neat for the kids to learn about what was going on and to try to relate to these kids and be able to help in some way.

David Curry

The business sentiment index is expected to reveal a slight improvement across a broad front, ranging from large firms to small firms, as the Japanese economy is now enjoying a well-balanced recovery.

Tetsuro Sawano

It is possible that Iceland is the tip of the iceberg, the first domino to fall, albeit a very small one.

Julian Jessop

The results may have been unintended but they are what they are: ZIP codes have always been a big factor in determining insurance costs — and now it looks like it's going to be taken away. And let's face it, the urban areas have higher incidences of accidents, higher medical costs, higher legal costs and many more insurance claims than you're going to find in small towns.

Nancy Mcdonough

I went to work for Climax in 1947. I didn't have a car, but things were simple, you could walk anywhere it was so small.

Marie Zdechlik

Just like small women do things, like do their hair or do their nails and buy nice clothes to make that small body look good, full-figured women can do the same thing.

Wanda Davis

The number of growing companies and the companies with real desire to grow within Scotland is quite a small percentage of the overall marketplace. Our priority is to focus on these companies that want to grow.

Terry Currie

While a little bit of heat is produced by radioactive decay, this is a very small world and that (heating) is pretty minor.

Alfred Mcewen

He's small but explosive. He's a great skater and handles the puck exceptionally well.

Ron Ivany

We're getting a lift from markets where we hadn't advertised previously. It's small now, but we're starting to see it.

Diane Centeno

It was a small miracle finding these people alive. It was very hot and there was such smoke.

Reint Dykema

(The event) enhances small businesses' connection to their environment and gives them the opportunity to make connections they need to survive. You never know when you might need someone's help. People can find other businesses to trade something out for services rendered. These meetings let you know someone else is out there in the same boat.

Shelle Youngblut

There is some feeling that the small separation between add and drop deadlines is not very helpful. [Students] can't petition [or] find faculty over the weekend. It could be that we [will] have the drop deadline and add deadline all on Friday or Sunday. That way we won't tease students.

Donald Blake

The city auctions always lost money. We'd get a small turnout of people bidding, and we had to hire auctioneers and pay city employees to handle the goods.

Bill Mann

Although the Twins have a small profit, in order to keep up with the rest of Major League Baseball, they need a new stadium. The Twins have one of the worst stadium deals in all of baseball.

Kurt Badenhausen

We started small and have grown through this tremendous effort.

Peter Horvath

I think as a small private school we do get overlooked sometimes, but that's fine with me because we know how good we are, and we are going to go out and play hard every night.

Mike Cooper

They've had lighter [numbers] in the past two quarters. There might have been some inventory fluctuations that would actually help them and have a small impact on sales numbers on the positive side. Otherwise, I'm expecting numbers to be in line with consensus.

Shiv Kapoor

It has very small and delicate ears. It's not all flour corn.

Karen Adams

A lot of people need big banks for the convenience. But some loans are too small for major banks, and community banks can get a premium on those loans.

David Feaster

Our labor force is rather small right now, so you need to take care of the workers you do have. It's also up to the employee to utilize the training that's made available to them and practice good safety habits.

Cindy Pomeroy

The Democratic caucus is rich in diversity. Democratic women have excelled in Congress — leading our efforts on the Rules, Intelligence, Small Business, House Administration committees and the Steering and Policy committee, and Democratic women play a prominent role in every committee.

Jennifer Crider

I think it's going to benefit Claremont more than anything. Take a look around you, it's small, and I think new businesses mean more people. I think it's a good thing.

Christina Smith

The small driving mistakes were annoying, but it's important today that I wrapped up a place in the seeded group at the Olympics.

Georg Hackl

When I drove for British teams... they called me The Tadpole because I was too small to be a frog.

Alain Prost

Cross-country skiing is great if you live in a small country.

Steven Wright

Many of the companies are small mom and pop operators with a one or two vessels. We won't be looking to buy companies in many cases, but their assets.

John Wobensmith

I don't think it hits you when you're in the audience how big a crowd actually is. When we look out at Carnegie Hall, we will feel so small in comparison (to the audience). But then you realize you're there because you worked so hard for it.

Michelle Ammerman

It makes it all worth it. Practicing in small town like this, because I don't think it would've been possible in other cities.

Dr. Michael Akhiyat

The new austerity policy has created a small concern on the China side and there is a correction in the crude price overnight, so the market sentiment right now is not very good.

Gideon Lo

The picture is quite clear. We have a situation similar to what we've seen in Asia so far. There are a number of small-size family clusters of disease, including many children that had contact with infected birds, in particular backyard poultry, particularly backyard chickens.

Dr. Guenael Rodier

Small companies are always right on the edge. (Setting up a retirement plan) distracts the management from their single-minded purpose of getting business in the door. You've got to make it easy for those people.

David Wray

Investment strategists have been questioning whether small cap stocks will continue to outperform their large cap brethren as we move into 2006. And like so many things with investing, who really knows. As I see it, small caps will continue to outperform until they don't.

Keith Wirtz

If Brazil has a small crop, we could continue to have higher prices for a couple of years.

Kevin Barley

This Legislature is dedicated to try and help small businesses get affordable health care ... and they are looking for many different ways to do that. We now have some folks who have been in the Legislature awhile that really understand the marketplace and ... we haven't always had that.

Carl Miller

I suppose the Ivey may be having some small effects, but we don't think it should be. Fundamentally we don't think there's been any real shift in the Canadian economy.

Carolyn Kwan

Aspiring to a small business that does what it does very well is a noble pursuit.

Narenda Rocherolle

Small things are adding up. We're having several good innings but we're letting one inning get us in a hole we can't get out of. If we can solve that, we'll be in good shape.

Chris Cozort

The change will mean the launch of more small cars in the coming years.

Jia Xinguang

Trains can't suddenly climb hills just because they're small.

Paul Busse

That local support is needed for small business. One thing I want to do is develop a relationship that evolves as the needs of the business do. I don't want to design a site, have you hand me a check and I'll never see you again. You need quarterly contact.

Greg Wilson

This year it's very important because there are so many small movies chasing the last couple of (nomination) slots.

David Poland

With Marco out we really don't have a lot of options. We're small and we can shoot, so we might as well take advantage of it.

Marshall Strickland

David is still making physical and mental strides. There are small gains, like learning new words. He says 'golf' when we drive by the golf course and 'doctor' when we go by the hospital.

Leone Nunley

We have a mixed bag of partners. Several of our integrators are small. Size doesn't matter.

Dave Shepard

A lot of the small farmers couldn't make a living, so they went on to other jobs in other areas. Quite a few passed away, and their children didn't take their place. The town just evolved over time because of it.

Gerry Smith

Preliminary information from Mexican legislative sources indicates that the intent of the draft legislation is to clarify the meaning of 'small amounts' of drugs for personal use as stated in current Mexican law.

Janelle Hironimus

The U.S. Geological Survey have responsibility for the entire world; they just don't have the density of stations they need ... to precisely locate small activity.

Jim Zollweg

Most business brokerage firms are small independent operations. I've developed Murphy as a one-stop shop to handle all of our customers' needs during the buying and selling process.

Roger Murphy

A lot of small brokers may not have a trading execution service, or have one that is heavily manual, which means it costs more to provide support services for clients. One way around that is to introduce automated execution services.

Sang Lee

The good thing is we are more hopeful about Nicky Butt. His hamstring injury is not as severe. You are normally out for 10-14 days with a small strain and he possibly could be available for the Villa game.

Steve Bruce

The problem with small- to medium-size businesses is bigger because they don't have the time to deal with it. And typically at remote offices, you have a limited amount of IT resources.

Scott Olson

With a young squad, you have to constantly keep small goals in front of them. We want to make it past (Association of Christian Schools International) regional and another goal is to win the ECIC (East Central Illinois Conference).

Tim Abney

He had a young wife who was looking for a job, and two small kids. Their car had been repossessed, and they were struggling financially.

Mark Baird

The Internet is an agreement to use a small number of communications protocols, and it needs almost no governance at all.

Jim Harper

I hope that this book will help the abduction issue in a small way, anyway.

Charles Jenkins

They seem to be a little on the small side, but they looked used enough.

Brandon Bloomfield

You hear a lot of press about laptops and mobility and the ability to work from anywhere. We want to get across to the decision maker at a small and medium sized business what products they need to buy.

Russell Morgan

We're trying to survive as small farmers.

Rod Keeling

A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, big or small, young or old. He doesn't care if you're not smart, not popular, not a good joke-teller, not the best athlete, nor the best-looking person. To your dog, you are the greatest, the smartest, the nicest human being who was ever born. You are his friend and protector.

Louis Sabin

The filing fees are becoming an issue for bottom-end (small) companies.

Bruce Sheppard

Don't like small talk, love rainy days.

Melissa Gilbert

War is hell and all that, but it has a good deal to recommend it. It wipes out all the small nuisances of peace-time.

Brian Hays

Going in, economists thought that once trade barriers were lifted that small countries would benefit. But we found that cost barriers exist that only large countries and large corporations can overcome.

Gordon Hanson

Even if these games could be described through linear equations, small changes in conditions would alter the outcome. Even in the most optimistic world view, these methods are not going to do well.

Koleman Strumpf

Reading it will help explain why small-town elections are best-served tending to their own knitting and not trying to ape the national stage.

Tom Vincent

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it.

Steven Wright

I am very proud to have played a very small role in this undertaking.

Carl Williams

It's hard for companies to change that philosophy and start charging, The mobile phone offers an environment where people are used to paying for small transactions.

Peter Hamilton

You are a very small man, and like other men (of small stature), you have a Napoleonic complex and a need to compensate for what you lack. Small man, big bomb.

Alice Hawthorne

We're going to have to be effective with small ball. We need a handful of guys to step up and hit .300 for us to be effective.

Bruce Del Tondo

We worked hard all year and tried to set an example for our people back home. Just because we are a small school, we don't have to follow the mold of other schools.

Herman Andrews

We just can't wait to see the outcome of what we started. I just see us in the embryonic stage of this. It's just a small beginning, and it's only going to grow.

Robert Cabana

Being selected to guide this historic property through its next phase of development is an honor and an exciting opportunity. Our goal is to develop a project that honors the historical significance and small-town charm of Young's Farm and the surrounding area.

Don Allison

He said he'd never seen 'turf toe' in the second toe. He said, 'Your shoes are a half size too small.

Kevin Mench

We have invested tens of millions in capital from loyal and patient investors to bring our products from invention to market. But we are still a small company, and we can only succeed and innovate if large companies are kept from violating the laws that protect inventors and innovators.

Daniel Méndez

The reason that small wineries only serve (so few retailers) is that it's as far as they know to go. We have more experience introducing new brands to the market.

Paul Jenkins

The tragedies of 9/11 hurt a lot of businesses, large and small. If the big guys were hurting, then you know that the small guys just got crushed. We're trying to change that.

Ricky Clemons

It's a small event this year in the sense of what we want it to eventually become.

Rick Hohenthaner

Laws are like spiders' webs which, if anything small falls into them they ensnare it, but large things break through and escape.


I had a small friendship group of quilters called the Bag Ladies. After a guy joined, we changed it to Bag People.

Cindy Young

It's still comparatively small now, but I see endless potential. Realize that 10 million objects have so far been built by our members. I'm stunned by people's endless desire to create.

Philip Rosedale

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones come daily.

Ivy Baker Priest

Miss Locklear is maintaining a small lead.

Dennis Ward

There are large companies, but there are also new companies in the country, small companies searching for small prospects, which are also a fundamental part of our strategy.

Armando Zamora

The situation is not an alarming one. It is a concern that we have a constituent in the groundwater that should not be there, but we don't see this as a large-spread contamination. We believe it is in a small area that we're able to control and do corrective action.

Herbert Meade

The focal point of our long-range plan is the creation of small learning communities throughout the school district, beginning with early childhood education and continuing all the way through high school. This plan will allow us to reduce school sizes throughout the district and remain at the forefront of today's cutting-edge practices.

Stanley Sanger

It is really unusual to find small dinosaur footprints.

Neil Clark

The latest food guide no longer has four food groups. Whole grains take first place. Raw fruits and vegetables are second. And there is only a small amount of daily dairy and even fewer meats.

Denise Dowell

'The Ron Clark Story' is the true story of one teacher's courage to leave his small hometown and head to one of the most challenging public schools in the country.

Michael Wright

I am an old man in a small town in Cambodia. I don't want to cause any trouble for anybody. But I do have my own beliefs which, if I can, I will tell people about.

Roger Graham

A small town is a place where there's no place to go where you shouldn't.

Burt Bacharach

Any time you take such a small program ... and expand it to millions and millions of employers, there most likely are going to be some glitches.

Kelly Knott

If you consider that poverty is about lack of opportunity what could be more restricting that being mortgaged up to the hilt so much so that even a small change in your personal financial circumstances could lead to you losing the roof over your head.

Roger Burrows

We will lose foam on this flight, just like every other. The key is to make sure that any foam we do lose is of a small enough size so it can't hurt us if it hits the vehicle.

Steve Lindsey

I don't think it's a small move in this direction; I think it's a huge move.

Charles Rossotti

Eat small amounts, not to overindulge.

John Hastings

The new partnership has no real drivers. A problem of this size is not going to be solved by a small amount of money and cheerleading.

David Doniger

BR-27 is the spine. There is small lot older commercial development on south end, to freeway interchange commercial services at I-69 and then scattered commercial establishments north at Herbison Road.

Jeff Gray

The functioning of this clock was probably known to a very small group of people.

Harald Meller

Little Charlie was delivered by a C-section and not expected to live. I'm a widow with no children . . . I'm just a small time (cat) shower . . . This is like losing three children in one fell swoop.

Iris Tanner

What in fact takes place in an election is that two hand picked candidates are propped up before the citizenry, each candidate having been selected by a very small group of politically active people. A minority of the people... then elects one of these hand picked people to rule itself and the majority.

Robert J. Ringer

It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.

Old Chinese Proverb

This nation's health-care problems are, in no small part, about Wal-Mart. Should governors take up Scott's offer for him to visit their states, we are sure he will hear just that.

Andrew Grossman

The enhanced accuracy is well worth the small fee [under $100] that you pay.

Keith Hall

Try to realize it's all within yourself no one else can make you change, and to see you're only very small and life flows on within you and without you.

George Harrison

At a scale this small, each and every atom matters. We were able to prove that this system could work, and the components to make it already exist, all that's needed now is to put them together.

Johan Lagerqvist

It's simply a matter of extent. If you've got small areas of mold, just a few square feet, it's something a homeowner can clean with 10 percent bleach.

Anu Dixit

We will have small protests in the morning and the big one will be held in the afternoon.

Shobhakhar Parajuli

Our technology has driven us to develop more and more labor saving devices and, with that, a lot more entertainment devices ? televisions, video games, DVD players. You create even a very small excess number of calories a day, say 10 extra calories, that's the equivalent over the year to a pound.

Morgan Downey

So you pick out a small lesion in the lung and really focus on it, pinpoint the treatment as opposed to treating a larger area, ... It reduces toxicity and allows you to deliver a very high dose. That's basically where radiation is evolving.

David Greenwald

AMD is still a small company versus Intel but the fact that they are growing is testimony to the improvement of their product lines.

Richard Whittington

I'm going to be more of a 2 or 3 (shooting guard or small forward). I probably play best as a 2. I've been told that in their motion offense all three of the guards handle the ball.

Julie Molloy

Small business growth is crucial to California's jobs climate. All of the small business advocate winners have demonstrated leadership abilities not only in running their own businesses, which is a major accomplishment, but also in working to promote policies that will help other small businesses thrive.

Allan Zaremberg

When I returned, I saw the dead dog in the woman's bedroom. I also saw four five-month-old puppies in one small crate unable to move, and sitting and standing in their own feces. It was unbearable conditions.

Donna Cavanaugh

Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take small steps.

Helmut Schmidt

We are responding to feedback that we have received from large-enterprise customers. We are continuing to assess the demand from our small-business customers. But we haven't seen that demand so far.

Simon Hughes

Right now we're still a small business going through small business pain.

Kurt Robinson

If we get a good harvest, we could be able to give small rations to excessively desperate families whose kids are learners at Hopewell.

Vitalice Kahendah

You would think that with Microsoft coming, that the small vendors would collapse. But Microsoft is really, really late.

Tom Bittman

In movies, what they're doing is trying not to hit each other. Here, you want to make your blade movements as small as possible.

Jay Glenn

It's pretty heinous, ... Small- and mid-cap stocks, and even micro- and nano-cap stocks, have not participated.

Jeffrey Berman

It does help. But when Lee Memorial must pay $11 million a year to the trauma center, $1 million is only a small help.

Linda Brown

I like throwing snowballs at small children.

Sam Mendes

We are just astounded by the overwhelming support we've received, ... It is just one of the advantages of living in small town USA.

Dick Grove

The small increase in mortgage rates in November may have prompted many prospective homebuyers to jump into market in order to take advantage of pre-approved mortgage rates.

Gregory Klump

It's crazy to think about replacing existing successful small businesses with other businesses.

Adrian Moore

Small business owners have a great stake not only in what's going on in the stock market, but what's happening in the overall economy as a result.

Alan Skrainka

We had to get up and pressure and just cause havoc. I really never was worried that we would fight back. That's what this team is -- a group of small fighters. We just keep coming at you.

Chris Chaffer

The In-Sight 5400R delivers the same ruggedness and performance as the In-Sight 5400, yet the camera is about the size of a C-cell battery and can fit into very small spaces. The camera weighs less than 2.5 ounces, which also makes it ideal for moving applications where the camera is mounted on the end of a robot arm, on a gantry or on a positioning stage.

Kris Nelson

His chances on appeal are between small and tiny.

Joshua Dressler

Wal-Mart, Walgreen's and Sally Beauty Supply in La Crosse, Wis., have a small selection of Black hair products. When I visit Milwaukee or Chicago I usually try to pick some up, but I don't get there as often as I would like.

Vivian Blount

State government represents the majority of the dollars rolling through, but of the 600 customers on the network today, about 58 percent are optional, ... The political subdivisions, whether they are small or large, get the same deal as the big agencies, and that's real attractive to those folks.

Steve Parker

Living in a small apartment requires some ingenuity to find a good location where it doesn't take up your whole living room.

Linda Johnson

GOES satellites help our forecasters to see both the big picture and small-scale storm features. Since they are designed to be stationary, GOES satellites act as steady eyes on the ever-changing weather and climate.

Jack Kelly

We (the company) have small Killer Bees up to Global Hawk.

Dave Edwards

We have a small lineup and we live and die by the 3. We weren't able to hit enough of them tonight.

Casey Higgins

A small number of high-profile horses at short prices in the ante-post markets have suffered injuries in a short time. If they had not had such a high profile, no one would be talking about them.

Paul Struthers

The mining industry is big where you are, but it's very small when it comes to buying power. It's difficult to compete with manufacturers when those markets are huge.

Lewis Wade

The observed motion was small, and we could not duplicate it without the presence of dark energy. When we added the dark energy, we got a perfect match.

Fabio Governato

Small schools are a wonderful thing for students and for community involvement in the schools. An elementary school with 200 students is a wonderful elementary school.

David Kern

I still think $7.50 is a little high right now. I don't know of any small business or large one that could withstand that at this point.

Chris Bryant

She felt again that small shiver that occurred to her when events hinted at a destiny being played out, of unseen forces intervening.

Dorothy Gilman

They prey principally on small birds they catch on the wing, and Zion has a really good food source and good nesting sites for these falcons.

Jeff Bradybaugh

But words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.

George Gordon Byron

It is a fascinating story of a changing small New England town, and this museum will provide us with the opportunity to share it with residents and visitors.

Glenn Reyer

[IBM's strength is in catering to large corporate customers.] But IBM is not focused on really small companies - with, say, 50 workers or less - or on individuals, ... It's not a consumer company.

Stephen Ward

Our intent is to fill the Regional Park with every sign, large or small, that has been on display in McMinn County.

Austin Fesmire

Our view is that it's now a substantial competitor to everyone else. It's no longer the sort of toy database that you use for relatively small businesses.

David Bradshaw

When we surveyed students about their interests and needs, they expressed a lot of support for the upcoming changes, but the educational climate we have is very important to them. We absolutely need to retain our commitment to providing a small-college experience. I don't pretend to say this won't be challenging, though.

Doug Garrison

We contact them if we have a special animal to be rescued. But we've always had really good luck with a really good community. That's the nice thing about a small town. We've always had someone come forward to rescue them (rabbits).

Renee Sorholus

No matter how small it is, they should still call their insurance agent and verify what happened. That way it's a matter of record so we can more easily defend them in the future in case anything bad comes up.

John Pisula

This is just one small way that we can help to meet the immediate needs of the many evacuees in desperate need of help.

Larry Kellner

Lifestyles and sex roles are passed from parents to children as inexorably as blue eyes or small feet.

Letty Cottin Pogrebin

This issue from a financial perspective is relatively small. Every time this kind of thing has come up in the past, they have generally settled the dispute or paid a fine.

Michael Judd

Someone who is involved in drugs shouldn't be in a small town like this.

James Kimball

It's really amazing how many people are connected in some small way and they don't even know it.

Gwen Craig

We originally came here because it was a nice small town, and it had a quaint little downtown area.

Michael Brommer

It is clear after today anyone still supporting legislation to dissolve the Second Injury Fund is not acting in the best interests of small businesses.

Frank Knapp

The rink is small and the roof is low so there's a lot of noise. The fans are right on top of the ice so I think it will be a great experience for the team. I know I'm looking forward to it.

Frederik Cabana

What have gotten us here are our defense and our ability to hang in there rebounding the ball, despite our small lineup.

Ron Price

It's a pretty expensive endeavor for a company to pay for, ... A small company can't afford it. It's just more overhead.

Ken Ford

If you have lots of small isolated populations, each one of them is more vulnerable to local extinction.

Brendan Kelly

We've taken what should be a small unit and made it much larger than it needs to be.

Marilyn Praisner

[There is a] curious relationship between a candidate and the reporters who cover him. It can be affected by small things like a competent press staff, enough seats, sandwiches and briefings and the ability to understand deadlines.

Ronald Steel

I didn't know what impact I would have right away, ... but I really wanted to show my teammates even though I looked like a small guy, I could make some plays.

Ted Ginn Jr.

We know now what sells. It's the small things, the inexpensive but unique gifts. And the jewelry really does well, ... We have several festivals and home parties coming up, so I'm working on the jewelry a lot. We'll also do well with the suncatchers and wind chimes.

Sharon Hill

For a bank our size, this eliminates an investment in a lot of expensive hardware, and hiring of more technically oriented staff. At a small bank, there's a lot of people who wear a lot of hats.

Dr. John Talbott

There are no small parts. Only small actors.

Milan Kundera

We are inclined to believe that the rise in U.S. small- capitalization stocks has gone beyond the point warranted by valuations, and have experienced a minor mania.

Gordon Fowler

It's not that there's not enough water. It's just that we're trying to produce water from a small geographical area.

Marlon Cook

She's doing so great. You knew she was going to be a success. She took the game serious. We just played a small part in her development on and off the court. She still has a lot more to offer.

Jerry Curtis

What seems to be generosity is often no more than disguised ambition, which overlooks a small interest in order to secure a great one.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

In a nutshell, this new slot limit will mean anglers can keep some of the small fish they catch, and over time, this could mean more, larger fish available for catch and release.

Sam Mckinney

I'm glad he chose football. He's a small kid so he never played youth football. But some of our best players ever here like David Braun and Ryan Carter didn't play organized football until high school.

Al Minnaert

It would allow millions of small businesses and individuals nationally to own their own health care. Contrast this with Jon Tester, who would raise taxes and give bureaucrats more control over our lives.

Jason Klindt

There are fewer opportunities for VC-backed companies to go public on Nasdaq than six, seven years ago. AIM is very small-company friendly and a lot easier to go public on. It also gives access to a whole new set of investors.

David Berkowitz

The environment is very good now. While in fact I'm less exuberant about the large stocks I think the small stocks will play catch up.

Louis Holland

We are a very small country, so it's a great day for the country.

Andrus Veerpalu

We need to be careful what we rent, and when we rent. If you can use a mid-size car, use a mid-size, or if you can use a small car. ...

Charlie Green

If I would compare it to other forms of malicious calls - heavy breathing, joke calls from children - it's very, very small as a proportion but I would imagine that it could grow.

Kelly Moore