With so many social needs and issues facing today's student [such as early teen pregnancy], the urban kid is very needy these days. Our students will be better prepared for high school because they will have the advantage of smaller learning communities throughout their school career.

The focal point of our long-range plan is the creation of small learning communities throughout the school district, beginning with early childhood education and continuing all the way through high school. This plan will allow us to reduce school sizes throughout the district and remain at the forefront of today's cutting-edge practices.

It will allow us to ... offer better individual services to each kids, which is our main concern.

The fact is we have always been sensitive to the [community]. We looked for locations with the least amount of impact.

We are looking to take it to another level. [As in the high school], there will be a whole unit of support, so the kids can be serviced individually.

[With the joining of the two high schools] I could see us becoming a powerhouse.

The uncertainty of what has happened with the SCC [has been a factor], but not the primary reason [for the change]. The slowdown with the SCC gave us a chance to step back and see what we were going to do.