If you look at the statistics of who is in the market now, more than 50 percent of all American households own some stock, and more than 80 percent of the households of people who are 35 and younger own some stock, be it mutual funds, be it through their 401K or in individual equities.

Makes me want to swerve my car into a bridge abutment.

The city auctions always lost money. We'd get a small turnout of people bidding, and we had to hire auctioneers and pay city employees to handle the goods.

It keeps stuff moving. We have stuff coming in every day, almost all day long. Every arrest has evidence.

We have done a number of very good things with this.

We not only help them integrate into the community and into the local labor market. But for a lot of folks these days, two-income households are important, particularly when the service member is deployed.

We brought the laundry unit, a generator and a shower unit to be used by whoever needs them.