236 quotes about joining follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one.

John Lennon

Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Why join the navy if you can be a pirate?

Steve Jobs

It's better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.

Steve Jobs

There is always a secret irritation about a laugh in which we cannot join.

Agnes Repplier

Anyone of good, moral character may join (the auxiliary).

Barbara Erickson

Androgyny refers to a specific way of joining the 'masculine' and 'feminine' aspects of a single human being.

Dr. June Singer

Can I join the party?

Joseph Gentile

I made it clear to him, if he wanted to join the Nationalist Movement, not to hold the April 29 event.

Richard Barrett

We're not going to support cuts to domestic programs, and I expect more than a few Republicans will join us on that.

Jim Manley

We are very pleased to have Roger join our board of directors. With his international and management expertise, Roger will bring a wealth of experience to our board that will help us continue to grow our business globally.

John Haley

We were just hoping that Stephen wasn't hurt seriously and will be able to join us again soon.

David Harrison

I hope we can join eighteen other states in saying that $5.15 an hour is not enough.

Doug Jackson

It's a dream that is alive. We want people to join in that dream and make it happen.

Terri Smith

In the days ahead we will urge the international community to join us in support of the earthquake's victims and we will be vigorously engaged.

Christina Rocca

I am really looking forward to joining Columbus, coming in and working extremely hard. We want to win championships, that is our goal.

Jason Garey

Shane tried to join the Marines but was turned down for a hearing impairment.

Peggy Cox

Microsoft fired the first salvo, if you will, in 2005, and the rest of the parties will join the battlefield in 2006.

Doug Lowenstein

Our motto is 'join in and have fun' and we want people to come along and enjoy themselves.

Richard Thomas

But I'm not worried about seeking out the approval of others - that high school thing of joining the club.

Stephan Jenkins

I asked her to join us and she jumped at it immediately. She is so generous.

Linda Decramer

Students join because they enjoy working with kids.

Christie Cadmus

They're not people who decide to join unions. They don't feel they need them.

Leo Troy

We are happy and we want everyone to join in the fun.

Stefano Gabbana

Let us join together in the East to create a legend that will be worthy of this age.

Hao Fang

Don't join the book burners. Don't think you're going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book...

Dwight D. Eisenhower

They can join the team when they are in fifth grade.

Terry Fleming

There had to be something else happening that would explain this discrepancy. Rather than trying to compete, I decided join up.

Christopher Reynolds

It wasn't the world's greatest surprise given that Delta had chosen to join up with Air France.

Chris Tarry

The final decision is up to Dr. Buss, but everything is in order for Ronny to join the Lakers.

Bouna Ndiaye

We are excited to have Ron join our team as we continue to build out our efforts in these sectors. Ron will be an asset to the firm as we continue to expand our capabilities in the future.

Tom Hughes

I'm joining corporate America.

Tab Hunter

That in the end the Democrats will come around and join us for the good of the country.

Ron Bonjean

Normally we like to go at noon and get it done. But we were going at 3:30, so that Nick could join us.

Rob Kornaker

I think the FDP will stick to the position it established before the election that it would only join a coalition led by the CDU.

Oskar Niedermayer

It would be like joining any organization that you would take interest in.

Cate Moye

I'll do what I've got to do. If that means joining a picket line with the Stewart family, I'll be there.

Jim O'donnell

I'd be happy to have the federal government join us in the prosecution.

John Dwyer

I don't think they are as active as much as the larger gangs. It's a hang out thing more or less. But it doesn't go farther than that. But here, we try to get them out that and try to do something positive by joining the Boys and Girls Club.

Fred Hudson

I believe there is a moment of sorrow in the country. We join with that sorrow from the presidency.

Tony Saca

The best option would be to join forces on a national front, but to do that you need a common business basis.

Dennis Phillips

It's our children and our children's children who will be affected by this technology, and it is up to us to stop it. I hope you will join us.

James Cromwell

Everybody forgets Brandon hadn't played baseball in two years (before joining the T-Bones). He should just be a junior in college.

Al Gallagher

We had a contractor join us one year and he brought a truckload of sand for a really huge limbo pit.

Steve Hoffman

I ask my team to join Felipe Calderon's campaign with the same energy they have given to me.

Santiago Creel

It seemed like when we ran second, they beat us. When the opportunity came along to join them, there was no second-guessing.

Sterling Marlin

Lynn Swann needs to join us.

Bill Scranton

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Gene Nudo

Sharing in the cost of the machines is huge. That's probably the biggest incentive [for joining the collaborative].

John Cameron

Those two Liquid Tension albums introduced me to Dream Theater fans. And it helped ease my joining a bit.

Jordan Rudess

We will join for the sake of our future, because we know the experience of other countries that did so -- they only gained from it.

Nursultan Nazarbayev

Hopefully this will be a lot of fun and people will join in.

Heidi Funk

Business as usual is out the window at IU. We ask all of you to join with us as we build a new future for Indiana University.

Stephen Ferguson

We join our entire Guard family in raising up our prayers on behalf of Bryan and his family and many friends.

Craig Campbell

I am grateful that these highly experienced drivers are joining my team.

Aguri Suzuki

Hopefully they will join the Chamber.

Kelley Smith

We hope to join them here in the near future, but currently don't have the funds.

Burke Eizinger

The bridge joining us is one powerful international brand fueled by the exchange of ideas, best practices and resources.

Mike Butler

Anyone who would like to come look at the house and talk with us about what's involved in joining the DAR can come.

Gail Henry

(We) are pleased to see them join Dell and H-P in providing free computer recycling for their customers.

Robin Schneider

We come to most Eagles games here. We've got four fans here now and I expect four more to join us. There should be quite a few here tonight, but I wouldn't expect any problems. The Eagles have a strong base in D.C., so we should be OK.

Greg Rollins

Until the war in Iraq dies down, I don't think anyone in his right mind would join.

Bryan Harris

These are some of the last classes to be held in the center. Even if you do not join us for regular classes, join us for this special night.

Robin Getter

He was a homeless man, but he came to join hands with us to fight tyranny.

Somsak Kosaisuk

I fell in love with the whole atmosphere. It was like joining the circus and not having to leave home.

Corinne Marrinan

We are encouraging students to join the march and rally after their classes have ended for the day. We believe education is vitally important to their future.

Joel Foster

It's so easy for a kid to join a gang, to do drugs, ... We should make it that easy to be involved in football and academics.

Snoop Dogg

I aughta join a club and beat you over the head with it.

Groucho Marx

This event is truly designed to let SUU students know how highly they are regarded by the community, and we hope all Cedarians come out to say, 'Hi,' and to join in the fun.

Larry Baker

When people find out about the issues at hand, they join in.

Dan Peters

He's Iraqi after all. If he's not hiding out (in Afghanistan or Pakistan), he's probably headed to Iraq to join the fight there.

Ken Conboy

Flossie, who was very outgoing and friendly, would come by and tell me to join them.

Nellie Morales

These groups will be asked to disband, join the security forces or will be dealt with as outlaws that have no right to exist and will be treated accordingly.

Rafiq Husseini

There are a lot of states that are concerned about this provision and are weighing whether to join this legal challenge.

Tom Dressler

I have been asked to join these meetings next week.

Betty Lourdes Tabanda

I'm not different for the sake of being different, only for the desperate sake of being myself. I can't join your gang: you'd think I was a phony and I'd know it.

Vivian Stanshall

I am currently serving on the infrastructure committee, and more are welcome to join these teams. I would encourage you to.

Jean Myers

… I'm not going to be joining ZZ Top. You know they can't play my stuff. It's too complicated.

James Brown

We are very pleased to be joining the Continental team and look forward to an expanding relationship.

Ceo Bryan Bedford

It's only been within the past decade that women have been allowed to join. This is a big deal.

Katherine Martin

We're proud that Fabian has decided to join us. There were a lot of clubs interested.

Ralf Rangnick

We're in a position where we either spend well over $100,000 to conduct our own election or we join with the county and share in the election cost.

Leon Cubillas

I could join the Lakers basketball team. I've got Kobe here today.

Lawrence Sivils

Brett and Digby have certainly made a significant contribution to the Carlton Football Club, both on and off the field, since joining Carlton in late 2003.

Grant Williams

We are in solidarity with those injured yesterday. We will invite him to join our coalition.

Alexander Milinkevich

But Europe has changed, fundamentally, since the early '90s. Now the countries to which these languages are broadcast are members of the EU (European Union), or are likely to join soon.

Nigel Chapman

I thought about this long and hard, and I am so, so honored to join this family.

Meredith Vieira

We are very pleased Dan Gable has agreed to join coach Brands' staff. They will make an extraordinary team.

Fred Mims

I told them I would be very happy to see them graduate with their classmates. I would be happier if I will see them join the graduation ceremonies, which means by 2008, they'd already be free.

Dr. Melinda Bandalaria

I thought to myself, Join the army. It's free. So I figured while I'm here I'll lose a few pounds.

John Candy

I was found nothing! ... But the turning point for me was joining the Herpetologists League of Connecticut.

Scott Tucker

Unfortunately, we now need to either find a 50-and-over league that will accept us or join a golf league instead!

Bill Ahern

[Joining the Honors Program] is something you volunteer to do…it's just like joining a club…you don't get distinguished on your diploma for joining a club.

Katie Base

I would encourage everyone to join their church choirs.

Barb Vanderleest

ASFA predicts the incidence of employees joining a new fund is likely to be in the order of 11 or 12 per cent a year.

Philippa Smith

I personally think that it's going to be quick, that the Iraqi army will join the Italian army in historical folklore.

Bill Sterling

Our next goal is to be number one in Canada ... and we can't think of a better content provider to join us than the NHL.

Hugh Panero

You can't beat The Beatles, you join 'em.

Peggy Lee

You don't have to be a Latina to join. You just have to be geared toward Latina issues.

Susana Lopez

We still hope that Poland will join this agreement.

Maria Assimakopoulou

It would be great if the community could join in because it?s really for a great cause. When you?re helping someone in the world, you?re doing something good.

Matt Campbell

It will ignite excitement for our team. The ones who watch Friday are going to be anxious to get out and join the team.

Jacque Bartow

We have seven new programmers joining us this month.

Don Swarthout

Anyone 60 or older can join.

Birgit Briggs

I join Dean Frances Coleman, the director of our campus library system, in thanking Mr. Barnes for this significant contribution. It will greatly enhance our collection.

Michael Ballard

Our members are growing more rapidly than most Fortune 500 or S&P 500. We've measured their growth from before joining TEC and after, and there is a significant growth after joining us.

Dan Barnett

It's really been a journey of faith. If more people want to join, we'll welcome them.

Melody Knoles

Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all - By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall (The Liberty Song).

John Dickinson

It's always nice to get some young folks to join us because they see things differently from adults.

Peggy Mccarthey

So why join the Storytelling Club? Because the shortest distance between truth and human beings is a story.

Anne Beardsley

It's going to be fun, especially for the young ones just joining the team, because we've got the best fans in the state, and this is our gift to them.

Brian Fisher

Phil Daniels is an extraordinary talent. It is a real coup to have him join the show.

Kate Harwood

I wanted to return home. Dynamo had offered me the best possible conditions and I was happy to join them.

Alexei Smertin

Wal-Mart is a neighbor that's going to join other businesses already here.

Camille Lilly

One of the risks that Microsoft faces, following its admission to search through all of its legacy code, is that it may have encouraged hackers to join in the search.

Tom Newton

We should lift up both because we're joining both places. We're not going to leave our Mexican culture behind.

Ricardo Garcia

I hope that you will join me in praying for rain, ... I think that we have to have your prayers.

Lawton Chiles

There's no need to rush in, but most people will probably be better off getting the coverage than not joining up.

John Rother

Ukraine will never join NATO.

Taras Chornovil

He's a guy that I've always felt that when this opportunity came my way, he was one of the guys I wanted to hire. I'm very excited he and his family are going to join us here.

Danny Rocco

There are two overwhelming reasons why Turkey should be allowed to join the EU.

Michael Gunter

It's going to be hard for him to join that course of conservative dissent, ... If he does he might look again as someone pushing on the extreme.

Christopher Borick

Great numbers of Canadians... are determined to join us whenever we appear in the Country with any force to support them.

Benedict Arnold

Obviously, we're glad they're here and looking at us. We hope they find that we are a good fit for their conference. Joining a conference, that's obviously our goal.

J. Webb Horton

I'm happy for Bruce because he is such a classy guy and very humble. It will be fun to be in Cooperstown this summer and see Bruce join the great players of the game.

Mike Roarke

If they were so keen on meeting and joining forces with FVR [Ramos' initials], why don't they join the council, which is endorsed and will be attended by him [Ramos]?

Gabriel Claudio

Our Monday protest will have more people joining from the provinces.

Sondhi Limthongkul

Do not join encounter groups. If you enjoy being made to feel inadequate, call your mother.

Liz Smith

I've got no respect for any young man who won't join the colors.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

We welcome ... all New Yorkers to join the Republican Party.

Stephen Minarik

You do your work as fully as you can, and the ones who hear the sound join in.

Lance Henriksen

Alexander is an incredibly gifted young player, and we are excited to have him join our club.

George Mcphee

It will be loads of fun. Everyone should come and join in on the fun.

Stefanie Danklesen

I am flattered that she is interested in joining us. But, of course, I am only one of 32.

Bob Kraft

It's kind of hard to pick up, but once you get it, it's so much fun. You don't know what to expect once you join, but once you do it's really fun.

Sean Daly

Dad suggested we join at an early age. We liked the Scouts so much we ended up staying.

Chris Quinn

We are thrilled about joining with Bear Growth Capital Partners to help expand our market presence and achieve future growth.

Ann Tucker

We continue to actively evaluate whether to join the protocol.

Andrea Slattery

This isn't going to be an easy fight, but Steve and I recognize we can wage a better battle if we join forces.

Ron Gidwitz

It's about a cluster of Hispanics in south Austin and a cluster on the border and a bunch of empty districts joining them all together. The court has said that is suspect.

John Alford

We are very pleased that Mr. Cohen will join the attorney general and her office in the fight for Illinois consumers.

Melissa Merz

The surest way to become a pacifist is to join the infantry.

William H. Mauldin

All ages, genders and ethnicities are welcome. If you love the theater, join us.

Dora Murray

Heaven and earth! How is it that bodies join but never meet?

Beah Richards

I will be joining the campaign with a song in my heart, with a spring in my step.

Charles Kennedy

We are pleased that Henry has accepted our invitation to join the Board. His experience and expertise will be invaluable as we advance our carbohydrate-based therapeutic compounds through clinical trials.

David Platt

Although it is hard at the moment to speak about motives, I cannot help but think this act is directed against Croatia's efforts to join the EU.

Ivo Sanader

Today, we invited 5,000 people. But we expect a lot of uninvited guests because more would try to join the feast. We are prepared for them.

Shyam Kumar

He let us know with deep regrets that he wouldn't be able to join the team due to the constant commitments he has at this time.

Fernando Ravelo

We will join people from around the world in fighting the ownership of peoples.

Vicky Holt Takamine

The biggest surprise was how he (George Washington) was so dependent on her companionship that he was eager to have her join him when he was away from home.

Patricia Brady

If I can join hands with FIFA and other continental bodies to promote football globally, then I can do more than that to raise African football to new heights.

Roger Milla

We're delighted to have Bruce join the board, ... His leadership helped set our course and it continues to be a very successful trip.


I am extremely happy to be joining Racing Engineering - I will not let them down.

Adam Carroll

It seems that there was some interest from other clubs but we were always confident that Willie would be joining us.

David Smart

But I would be happy for him to join up if he is selected and put the matter in the hands of the England medical staff.

Kevin Keegan

We (she and her husband) made the commitment to join Our Lady Queen of Peace and help the Brazilian community.

Cecilia Johnson

We did try. At this point, he will not be joining us.

Nick Logan

I am looking forward in joining this team.

Gilberto Simoni

Boy, are we getting calls now from other companies that want to join the program.

Gayle Tuttle

It's the way that it's done. If somebody wants to join the military, that's fine.

Lucinda Perry

This is our second year having the carnival, and the Chamber wanted to join up and try to restart the county fair.

John House

Joining the ISC family enables us to expand the ways in which we can reach a significant base of racing fans among our customers.

Rick Parsons

He was one of a few reasons [to join].

Alan Shearer

It certainly would help our government. It would also help a lot of other countries that are thinking of joining the international coalition.

Faruk Logoglu

Doctors are upset, they are angry and they are frustrated. We are getting calls every day to join the union.

Louis Simpson

Ah! if I could but counsel my friends to join me here, I would not hesitate to call them to me. But would they come?

Jules Massenet

The combination of the two companies creates a U.S.-based global enterprise that will join the ranks of the largest oil companies in the world.

David J. O'reilly

I'm honored to join the Giants. This uniform number made me think of the great expectations the club has.

Lee Seung Yeop

I've never been one to say that Britain was joining a happy band of brothers.

Jim Callaghan

You can join the federation on Saturday. We don't want to keep anyone from entering.

Michael Borys

It was through his encouragement that I was asked to join the team. I'm glad I was able to contribute, especially in the final game and get those points.

Chris Leach

When you join the firefighting family, this is what we do for you when you pay the ultimate sacrifice.

Anthony Correia

We hope a lot of people can join us in this collaborative effort to improve the lives of children in our community.

Carrie Zerafa

We donate a whole day for the families of the area to come out and join the fun. We hold the event on the first weekend of April, this year it happens to fall on April 1 so there is going to be a lot of fun.

Stacey Pursley

We have a lot of talented players joining us, and I'm optimistic it's going to give us the winning edge.

Gwen Weatherford

The publishers are going to join this revolution, ... They're not going to be able to stop it.

Steve Riggio

Canada is our country. It belongs to us and we belong to it. Let us join together, in our time, and make history once again.

Paul Martin

We are always looking for graduates to join. Besides, the only way we're going to be able to continue to grow is with the help of graduates.

Pam Bryant

He wanted to study, and we were poor, so I thought that it was a good idea for him to join.

Maria Gomez

Dana and Chris always said they were elected to a club they never wanted to join.

Maggie Goldberg

He basically stabbed pro-life people in the back by joining the Gang of 14.

Mike Dewine

When the reviews are bad, I tell myself that they can join me as I cry all the way to the bank.


Well there are those that you wield and those that you join.

Richard Murdoch

We started inviting people to join us. You don't have to have a dog.

Kris Faricy

Just by going out and singing our language, it has really attracted a lot of kids to come and join this choir.

Kathy Sierra

Would join the Conservative Coalition in the state Legislature. About 60 percent of the Legislature are members or considered conservative, which my father was one of them.

Charles Capps

I am thrilled to be joining a club as prestigious and successful as Liverpool.

Peter Crouch

It's not the old boys club that it used to be, where people were invited to join someone's board more on friendship than expertise.

Bruce Knapp

I think it would be sad if we didn't join. This guy (House Speaker Jim Black, who proposed the law) is way out of line.

Jim Shuping

At the time, I turned them down. However, they approached me again recently and told me how the business was going and asked me again to join them.

Brian Daugherty

I watched it last year, and I loved the competition and how much the brothers get into it, so I decided to join in on the fun.

Paul Sanders

[With the joining of the two high schools] I could see us becoming a powerhouse.

Stanley Sanger

We hope that these free concerts will whet their appetite for more and they will join us for regular concerts during the season.

Carla Johnson

Starting in 1999, I began to join some of the international meetings. Through these activities, I have broadened my horizon to a large extent.

Yang Yang

Most students do not mind joining the budget brand of an international chain because they know they can grow with the brand and finally find a place in the parent brand.

Vaidyanath Purohith

It's a big fundraiser, but it's more for exposure. Hopefully, people will like what we're doing and will want to join and become members.

Judy Nachazel

I'm really excited to join the PGM because coming out of college, it gives you a head start in the golf business and in the PGA. Plus you get to play a lot of golf for really cheap.

Andrew Lewis

I think we can do better. That is what Robert Kennedy always said. I think we can do better too. Won't you join me in the effort?

Paul Wellstone

For every one that is hurt or killed there are a hundred more that are willing to sign up and be policemen and to join the new Iraqi army.

John Basilica