This could be how the first flight began?insects just jumped off branches and started gliding.

Understanding what's out there is essential for us to cherish it… We know so little about this life on this planet. Life on this planet is essential for its long-term sustainability.

If demand continues to surge along you are going to have high prices. Our forecasts currently assume no demand side shock.

It's going to be fun, especially for the young ones just joining the team, because we've got the best fans in the state, and this is our gift to them.

The exports earning forecast for 2006-2007 mainly reflects increased export shipments of iron ore, liquefied natural gas (LNG), grains and oilseeds in response to strong demand in Australia's export markets.

This strong performance reflects higher export prices across almost 80 per cent of all minerals and energy commodities exported, along with increased export volumes for over two thirds.

The exports earning forecast for 2006-07 mainly reflects increased export shipments of iron ore, LNG, grains and oilseeds in response to strong demand in Australia's export markets.

Humans seem more interested in discovering life on Mars than we are on this planet. Yet understanding life on this planet is critical. It is said that modern medicine didn't begin until the completion of the Human Genome Project . Likewise, we can say that modern biology won't begin until we understand who we share this planet with.