It would be hard to overstate the importance of this deal. It is our biggest single defense program.

Colin Green

I really see that there is so much work that needs to be done, that we still have so far to go. I hope there is something I can do to improve equality, because that is something that every single human body deserves.

Tony Wong

They want their leadership back in as soon as possible. Every single organization is giving all employees an option not to go. Bulk of people who are responsible for that part of world are willing to go now.

Pieter Rieder

That triple was a big, big hit for her. She went with an outside pitch and put it where it had to go. Morgan Parkhurst with two outs (also) had that single up the middle that brings in a big run.

Bob Yagge

I think the single thing that George brought was his interest in and introduction of Indian music into rock and roll.

Alan Light

I've been helping fisheries keep track of the mark rate, and it has been very good. We've had a mark rate of 60 to 65 percent since it opened, and that accounts for every single fish that we've either kept or released.

Gary Krein

When that helicopter went down, my heart sunk. I thought this boy is out there saving lives and please don't let anything happen. Our prayers have been with all of them, every single person they are helping.

Ruth Taylor

For us having a single standard of citizenship for all New Zealanders irrespective of race remains a very important objective indeed.

Don Brash

Your single biggest investment is your home. If you want to buy a place like ours, you wouldn't pick one next to a feedlot. And, if you did, it would have to be awfully cheap. We don't want this ruining what we've worked for 30 years.

Patrick Bruggeman

They're so thrilled -- I think they've called every single person they know to tell them about my deer. With their Christmas letter this year they sent a picture of my deer. None of my relatives can believe it.

Amy Mlinar

CSN is a natural target because it has a single owner.

Catarina Pedrosa

If you have anything really valuable to contribute to the world it will come through the expression of your own personality, that single spark of divinity that sets you off and makes you different from every other living creature.

Bruce Barton

Every single employee that wears a badge here, that badge become a little soiled on that day.

Undersheriff Ern Hudson

By breaking the two tales into more or less alternating scenes and interspacing the two authors' actual words and poems, I was able to arrive at a single work that combines actors, text, music, dance, and even puppets.

Thomas Caron

They're working the system. They've had everything handed to them on a silver platter. I'm a single mother, too. And I work all day, six days a week.

Jackie Miller

The main reason is that we've seen costs for artists rising for many years. It's at a place where we need to be able to consolidate every single programming dollar we have in order to keep the talent level high and strong and to not minimize what we're trying to accomplish, which is [to] have the best festival in the country.

Heather Smith

This show is powerful. If I had this kind of emotional rush on every single play I do, I'd burn out in no time.

Keith Dixon

If there is a single quality that is shared by all great men, it is vanity.

Yousuf Karsh

In fact, I did not attend a single meeting at the United Nations.

Kojo Annan

We want to get the pod size down to the point where we can partition down to a single box.

Aisling Macrunnels

I guess one has to ask is this a single-use kind of facility? Lately, I've been talking with people in what's called the creative economy - dancers, artists, performers. They've started to wonder if maybe the public market might be a place for community art.

Lee Urban

A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity.

Baltasar Gracian

You should've seen the stacks of papers we had, ... We did research on everybody. I could tell you the kicker for every single school in Division I football now.

John Barker

Every single [scholarship recipient] I've spoken to has wanted to come back.

Debbie Reno

I probably shouldn't say this, but he reminds me of my oldest son. If you watch him, they both have that similar patience at the plate. I've seen him foul off six or seven or eight pitches and then hit a single. He's just a very disciplined hitter.

Jack Kokinda

A single idea, if it is right, saves us the labor of an infinity of experiences.

Jacques Maritain

I am ecstatic. This is the single best initiative for property tax relief.

Sen. David Cappiello

No single person will receive enough to genuinely change their life. This money is symbolic of the fact that while you were still alive, people cared enough to forge a legal resolution.

Burt Neuborne

I didn't rest anybody, they are injured. I am putting the best players on the field every single time. If somebody is injured, and they are not 100 percent, then obviously they cannot be in the lineup. Chris (Henderson) was one of them.

Robert Warzycha

After 37 years as a pilot, I see our commitment as a company to safety every single day.

Kevin Finan

He just attacks everything as hard as he can from the minute we start until he runs out of gas, and that's every single practice. We just want to kind of work on maintaining a little bit more.

Doug Stone

The quickest way to get on my bad side is to call me by that name. I am Single and reside in Overland Park, Kansas.

Dante Hall

Throughout my life, I have seen narrow-shouldered men, without a single exception, committing innumerable stupid acts, brutalizing their fellows and perverting souls by all means. They call the motive for their actions fame.

Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont

I'm aware of the priceless privilege of having been born into the theater. Although it was a career I rejected at first, the profession has given me an incredibly varied life and more than my fair share of success, failure, love, laughter and despair. I've not a single regret for any of it.

Joan Bennett

I wish there were more available. In today's economy we need all kinds of help, especially for people on fixed income and single mothers. Many can't make it without help or assistance of some kind.

Brandon Cole

Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a single moment - the moment in which a man finds out, once and for all, who he is.

Jorge Luis Borges

When we went down the salad dressing aisles, we could not find a single Kraft or Hidden Valley salad dressing that had 200 mg of sodium or less in a very modest two tablespoon serving.

Jayne Hurley

He didn't send a single cent for his children.

Girlene Soares

What we're trying to do is determine if our shareholders and customers have been misled. We can't think of a single shareholder who would believe that the PSC order isn't in their best interest.

Chad Jones

There isn't a single windmill owner in Holland who doesn't have a second job, for when there is no wind.

Johnny Ball

We believe that it is better for successful Web site business owners to host their Web sites on separate hosting accounts. At the same time there are many people who need to cut the costs they pay for Web hosting services. By hosting more than one Web site on a single account, and having easier management of their on-line content they will be able to do that.

Vesselin Drangajov

All it takes is a single act of aggression to permanently wound a nation's reputation.

Ramman Kenoun

I'd toyed with a couple of ideas beforehand, but I hadn't written a single cue, and it was a wonderful feeling to just write away.

Lars Von Trier

Intensity. That is the one word that this program will be about. It will be (written) on the butts of their practice shorts. They will have the word 'intensity.' If they don't come in ready to work every single day, that's when there may be some conflict.

Kellen Sampson

Religion has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history than any other single idea.

Madalyn Murray O'hair

What's the single biggest thing the audience wants to know about? The most often asked question I get is not about the plays or the actors. It's about the seats.

Richard Corley

It's going to take more than a single surge in oil production to end the current growth expansion of the country.

Sean Snaith

These huts were probably sold off as surplus and probably purchased by a single builder or developer and probably for no more that $100 to $200 each.

Chris Chiei

On one hand, they're saying there's no significant competition, but why are they fighting us tooth and nail in every single place for video franchises in these communities.

Mark Marchand

The port authority is the single greatest impediment to a revitalized waterfront.

Jane Jacobs

What made that fight extraordinary was not just how action-filled it was, but the high level on which it was fought. I've watched the tape about five or six times, and every single time, I'm amazed. I just can't believe what they did.

Al Bernstein

I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time.

Matt Lucas

'Star Wars' is broader than a single movie. Parents know that 'Star Wars' has been a positive influence.

Lynn Fox

The original thought of a single industry CEO centrally administrating all divisions of our business plan, will be replaced with an innovative model similar to what has recently been implemented by Viacom.

Christopher Thompson

It was a single gunshot wound to the head and neck by another.

David Campbell

It's the biggest single project hospitals have ever undertaken.

Gary Greensweig

A single sniper or two snipers shouldn't have to shut down a hospital evacuation for two hours now.

Ruth Berggren

We are bringing a single-minded focus that is hard to achieve inside a large corporation.

Vikram Mehta

We already had a single serve size in our 187 ml glass bottles and believed that adding PET would only increase the level of convenience for consumers and expand our package mix in line with market demands.

Wendy Nyberg

Every single terrorist event we've had, and the failed ones we've had, there usually are foreign connections, even though the cannon fodder may be home grown.

Magnus Ranstorp

These guys have not forgotten last year. I'm sure every single one of them remembers the taste of that loss.

Jeff Beers

The (controlled) flood of 1996 in the Grand Canyon is a good example. The idea that a single flood can make a difference was new. Our thinking was: If this was valuable in the canyon, can we begin to take the tools and apply them to other rivers?

Michael Collier

It didn't turn out that way, ... Over and over again he reminded me, things are not that simple. There's no single key or magic bullet that's going to cure all human ills or difficulties or problems.

Howard Cutler

No one hit it out of the ballpark for us. No single group could do a portfolio-wide idea for the soup business.

Terry Atkins

It is by no means enough that an officer be capable...He should be a gentleman of liberal education, refined, manners, punctilious courtesy, and the nicest sense of personal honor... No meritorious act of a subordinate should escape his attention, even if the reward be only one word of approval. Conversely, he should not be blind to a single fault in any subordinate.'

John Paul Jones

I have not heard of a single thing, ... Nobody's actually surfaced yet doing something underhanded. A lot of people are more leery of where money goes after they donate.

John Gillis

A promising career can be cut short, ... The knee is the number one body part injured in football and a single injury can cost a scholarship or end a career.

Michael Austin

There are a variety of factors going on in the marketplace, so I don't think you can say the Medicare change in pricing is in itself creating a single reason why individuals say they are not getting their treatment.

Herb Kuhn

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So does a journey in a circle.

Joey Novick

ICE agents conduct operations every single day in locations around the country. Operations are not random sweeps, but carefully planned enforcement actions that result from investigative leads and intelligence.

Jamie Zuieback

He's had a tremendous year. He comes to play every day and he doesn't give up a single at-bat. He's really shown a lot of maturity.

Dayton Moore

This was a huge win for us in our conference play, probably the biggest in two years. We showed our determination being down so early in the match and coming back to defeat A.C. Reynolds. They are a great team and we showed up tonight. I can't single anyone out on this win, it was a team victory.

David Fletcher

This has clearly been the year of the condominium for Massachusetts real estate buyers. Massachusetts, like other areas of the country, experienced a phenomenal growth in real estate prices over the past few years, especially in single-family homes, but eventually price outstripped demand and a correction was inevitable. Those who couldn't afford to buy homes turned to condos.

Terry Egan

A major positive feature is the clear signal on of a Goods and Services Tax (GST) by 2010. This would integrate the economy and make India a single common market.

Saroj Poddar

It's never killed a single person in the history of mankind and there's no reason it should be illegal.

Christopher Seekins

We are thrilled to announce that the FOP research lab has found the cause for FOP, It's just not the gene that we have found; it's also the mutation and it is a single mutation.

Jennifer Snow

This is a really great, old-style golf course. Anybody in the field that's got their game going has a real chance. It doesn't single any particular player out.

Loren Roberts

This county is in dire need of affordable housing. We have to use every single tool we have to put affordable housing anywhere it can be.

Burt Aaronson

When we look at people who start out single, get married, and then get divorced, they look different than the people who start out single, get married, and stay married. Specifically, the ones who will stay married start out happier-than-average . . .

Richard Lucas

Isn't about any single individual. It is about the freedom of all women to make reproductive decisions free from government intrusion.

Norma Mccorvey

Automakers need a consistent national policy for fuel economy, and national fuel economy standards cannot be written by any single state or group of states.

Gloria Bergquist

Just having the team togetherness. Everybody has to be a part of it - every single guy. When we're together, we know we're all we have.

Josh Duncan

Courts, jurors, even cops have this expectation that we can constantly pull rabbits out of a hat. It is just a physical impossibility that we are able to do that on every single case.

Barry Fisher

There are many Dostums. If you bring up records right now of warlords, you wouldn't find a single clean person in Afghanistan.

Ahmed Rashid

We haven't met a single soul who's ever heard that song. He doesn't know where he heard it - he can't remember.

Alan Doyle

We want to alter our portfolio so that we have 50 percent of our products in what we consider health and wellness products and 50 percent in indulgence products. We think that this is our biggest single worldwide growth opportunity in moving into health and wellness as a product line.

Steve Reinemund

Any idiot who looks at a map knows you can't build bridges to every single island in Southeast. These are huge distances ... so we need roads and ferries both.

Robin Taylor

We did not commit a single error in the game. When you can go five innings in high school baseball without committing an error, you improve your chances of winning.

Andy Keith

We looked at Sun, Linux and Novell. They didn't give us exactly what we needed. I like the single-vendor system.

Tim Cornett

We are preparing agreements with Americans and Europeans which will allow the creation of a single global navigation system in the future.

Anatoly Perminov

The poet knows himself only on the condition that things resound in him, and that in him, at a single awakening, they and he come forth together out of sleep.

Jacques Maritain

Nothing ever begins. There is no first moment; no single word or place from which this or any other story springs.

Clive Barker

At the time of these rapes there was a particular modus operandi that was being followed. He was breaking into essentially single women's homes, he was breaking in between midnight and 6 a.m., he was -- had a ski mask on, he would apologize to his victims afterward.

Montgomery County

While it's imprecise to extrapolate trends from a single distribution center, in our view the activity levels at this facility demonstrate that Amazon is highly likely to meet or exceed our December quarter revenue estimate of $1 billion. Shipment levels appear to be at least on plan, with a very high backlog of orders to be filled.

Jamie Kiggen

Every single piece of software on your PC can be hacked.

Tom Waldrop

(Womack) could pull those single-wides off and put two nice double-wides on that property without even coming before this board.

Don Andrews

We've got enough money for maybe a month. The bottom line is that we can't afford to let these critters into the Great Lakes. They will probably have the single most devastating impact of any invasive species.

Dan Thomas

If you get into single-digit vacancy rates, generally speaking, you see speculative development activity coming back. And it is coming back, but it's coming back slowly.

Kevin Hayes

Ninety percent of the evidence is going to be the testimony of these 42 inmate witnesses, and every single one will be getting something.

Dean Steward

You get it into single digits, maybe you can keep that run going.

Sharon Fanning

The Home Office did not think it necessary to give a single word of explanation to those individuals as to why this morning they can be safely deported to their respective countries of origin when last night they could not. If there are 'memoranda of understanding' between this country and the brutal regimes from which they have fled, those have not been provided to those men or to us.

Gareth Peirce

We don't want the consumer to be able to beat their man one on one every single time. Because that's no fun. ... There is a bit of a learning curve there and it's not going to work every time.

Tristan Jackson

To a certain extent, I do agree with that. When you're put into a position when you haven't had that much face time, you have to bring it every single week. You don't have that little extra cushion to have a bad night.

Melissa Mcghee

The ball had eyes and found its way through a bunch of people and inside the net. It was kind of strange for today, in a game where it seemed like every single shot hit somebody, this one kind of found its way through.

Greg Vanney

Clear all around. Three cars single file and then they're three by three behind that.

Danny Culler

That was a real battle. Both guys played extremely well. Both teams left it all on the ice. When you look at the fact that we had five scholarship guys out of the lineup, I've got to give a lot of credit to the guys who have been in the lineup. They've been competitive in every single game. They've played their hearst out.

Dan Fridgen

If you want to effect change it's not enough to educate people. Individual behavior is influenced by the environments in which you live. Men living in the labor camps are primarily single, poor; they live in housing without cooking facilities.

Marilyn Winkleby

This is one Golden Apple. But every single day, I see nine Golden Apples that sit in front of me.

Anita Ramirez

I think almost every single house in Lamar County has damage. We just don't know the extent of the damage.

James Smith

In my humble opinion, it's the single most convoluted benefit program in American history.

Robert Hayes

With Borland Developer Studio, we are offering in a single, integrated environment support for the Delphi language, C++, and C#.

Rob Cheng

The Single Business Tax is one of the worst taxes in the nation. We applaud the legislature for their work on this bill, and we urge the governor sign it into law so that the work of drafting a replacement can begin right away.

Sarah Hubbard

The key was getting the ball inside because I was a lot bigger than all of them. I don't think I've really had this big of a height advantage over a team, not over every single player.

Kelly Albers

I will use that tape. That was a clinic on blocking out. Every single time, they completely sealed us out of there.

Joe Lang

It's fragile. I mean, it's really, really fragile and every single day is a blessing for all of us.

Doug Carter

I'm not for obesity, I'm not for single parenthood, and I'm not for poverty. But I realize those groups are more likely to be targeted than others.

Anne Bacon

We only see the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do it.

Rudolph W. Giuliani

An error started the inning and then we give up an infield single. Then before you know it, it's 6-0.

Pat Listach

Every single candidate for Texas governor is talking about this issue. This is a major issue in many political campaigns, because this is a major issue for the citizens of Texas. Even Kinky (Friedman) is talking about it.

Terri Hall

It sounds like a single desk for the wheat board and that got them into trouble.

Gary Dufour

We deal with a lot of people on limited incomes in the restaurant. I'm a single woman. I'm 57 years old. I don't qualify for anything and a lot of people are just like me, they fall through the cracks.

Sharon Reynolds

To be effective, ... you really must use a combination of strategies. No single one would successfully prevent an epidemic.

Neil Ferguson

When she is up to bat, she is very fast. She also has a tremendous amount of power, so I always expect her to hit at least a double, but even if she hits a single, I know she will try everything to stretch it into a double and get closer to scoring.

Renikka Toliver

Single White Female 2.

Brooke Burns

These numbers clearly demonstrate that enterprises recognize the need to tame the password problem and are turning to single sign-on technology as their strategy of choice. Passwords as we know them are headed for extinction.

Marc Boroditsky

We become the single point of accountability.

Jeffrey Wade

The purpose of moving toward one name, one solution, is centered around a single branding effort by Microsoft. Most people today do not even realize that Microsoft has a business division.

Doug Burgum

I haven't made a single tackle all year. I have missed a couple of chances, but I really haven't had many chances. I just stuck my head in there trying to make a tackle and the ball popped loose.

Todd Sauerbrun

Terminals remain the single most important part of any proposition in Japan.

Bill Morrow

This new feature demonstrates our continued commitment to offer technology that brings value to our customers and continues to make the 737 the most capable airplane in the world's single-aisle market.

Mike Delaney

I'd be opposed to any kind of hotel tax. To single out one business for a tax is just not fair.

Robert Gattin

The single largest area where organizations can help improve their productivity is in how their employees leverage information systems to work together. In this new world of work that includes rapid change, IT departments need to ensure they are providing the collaborative infrastructure that employees are demanding.

Mike Bulmer

They took advantage of the opportunities we gave them. There were only a few opportunities, but they took advantage of them and buried them every single time.

Jordan Parise

It's a matter of semantics, because you are creating an identical twin. Cloning is creating a replica of a person or an animal. This is creating what happens in nature every single day.

Hilton Kort

Public records management is to force a single, less functional document format on all state agencies.

Alan Yates

I'm in favor of making up all the days. I don't want a child to miss a single opportunity of class time in Palm Beach County.

Paulette Burdick

We are very comfortable calling at DP World's Dubai ports. We have not experienced a single security issue in these ports.

Idan Ofer

At Athens we came up with the idea of using a single graphics folder per day. We have folders for each day, one per day for the 10 days leading up to the games and one folder for each of the 17 days of the games. This means everyone, including all the audio guys, knows where to drop their work.

Phil Paully

In the past, real estate services can be likened to going to a restaurant, ordering a single entrée and then getting billed for everything on the menu. Unbundling allows us to offer consumers the services they need and not have them pay for services they don't need or want. In this way, they can save thousands of dollars and protect the equity they've built in their home.

John Baylor

We have not had a single civilian casualty, ... It went very well, beyond our expectations. After all their boasting, it's a big failure for the Taliban.

Lutfullah Mashal

As far as we know, that's the largest single seizure of cocaine at the airport.

Virginia Kice

He's going to command the double-team, ... and if you single him up, he's going to make you pay.

Mike Rucker

I give all the credit to the players. I just told them to play all 90 minutes. You have to give yourself a chance to win the game. You can't fault these guys - they try to win games every single Saturday and we've been rewarded for it.

Dominic Kinnear

If you bought a [single-core] 2850 a month ago, [the new dual-core version] will have the same motherboard, the same system image. We designed the systems to be able to drop the dual-cores in there without disruption to customers.

Neil Hand

We are not under the delusion this will clear up every single question.

Towson Fraser

Does the government have the right to regulate every single letter that a doctor writes about a patient?

Mark Anderson

Second to none...People wanna live downtown. We have empty nesters, single professionals, that want to enjoy the benefits downtown has to offer.

Julie Sanders

You have to make it different. You put fiber-optic connectivity in every single residence or every single office over there. There's no place in Gainesville that has that yet.

Tony Domenech

Militants have made about five infiltration attempts since the October 8 earthquake, including two on a single day.

Pranab Mukherjee

To devise an information processing system capable of getting along on its own - it must handle its own problems of programming, bookkeeping, communication and coordination with its users. It must appear to its users as a single, integrated personality.

Cliff Shaw

Retail sales is the single best indication of overall demand in the economy.

Aaron Hill

It's the biggest single quarter the interactive industry has ever had, ... It's a big deal, especially given that a lot of people wanted to claim the death of Internet advertising two years ago.

Greg Stuart

To get the density we're looking for, we could reduce the number of the single-family homes. It would be more affordable and some could be used for professional offices.

Paul Webster

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.


This type of restrictions are not common in town houses or single-family developments.

Walter Moloney

Latino media, both print and broadcast, have played an important role (in bringing people out), especially when you consider that there is no single leader like a Cesar Chavez or Martin Luther King Jr. of this movement.

Felix Gutierrez

In much of the policy debates about fatherhood and marriage, it has been assumed that two-parent families are better for children than one-parent families, ... But a number of studies now suggest that the well-being of children in mother-stepfather families is no greater, on average, than in single-parent families.

Johns Hopkins

It has been rightly said that nothing is unimportant, nothing powerless in the universe; a single atom can dissolve everything, and save everything! What terror! There lies the eternal distinction between good and evil.

Gerard De Nerval

The dream is to have a single programming model.

Anders Hejlsberg

What's amazing is that he hits his lines every single time. The director might ask him to change his intonation or something, but he's always prepared, and he always has the words perfectly.

Rann Watumull

Most of us are middle-aged, white and male. I'm single myself, but I had a bus-spotting friend who got married a couple of years ago. His wife was horrified when she found out he owned 10 buses.

John Cumming

It's important to maximize your time and give 200 percent while you're single, but once you have a family you need to slow down and take care of them as you go along.

Juan Llera

If you knock out this gene in every single cell in the body, the embryos die very early. That doesn't help us figure out the role the gene plays in cranial development.

Yang Chai

The media expectations were down about us, but we know the game of football is simple. It's one play at a time. If you can get better each and every day and you win your battle every single play, the game will take of itself.

Kedric Golston

Casual hikers with no experience of Leave No Trace (environmentally conscious outdoor ethics) are more likely to have an impact on one single place. That's the main reason for the ridge runners.

Brian King

This is probably not going to meet muster. That seems so preferential that it doesn't seem to me that it would stand up. How can you single them out to exempt them from taxes and not every other theme park?

Dexter Douglass

When he caught the ball we doubled on him every single time. We wanted to limit his touches and not let him shoot, make the other guys beat us.

Matt Coute

They need to come here with desire and passion and the understanding that you can?t take one single play off.

Jim Dinello

We may not agree on the details of every single bill that comes out. But overall, the direction we see is very positive. It's time to put education first.

Pat Rusk

If you look at what's happening, you've got a bill over here, you've got a joint resolution over there, and as separate pieces they're just chips in a giant political poker game. But when you put them all together, the message is abundantly clear: This is the single greatest power grab in the history of the state of Florida.

Rich Templin

Developing the three different technologies was relatively easy. The hard part was combining them into a single device with a single interface and point of communication between them. It took quite a lot of effort to overcome this problem, but eventually we did.

Avner Gal

This unprecedented gift is a milestone for NLGJA as the largest single gift from a media company to the organization. CNN has ensured that the Aarons Award will be fully funded and has provided a solid base to our endowment to allow us to grow our awards program to help even more deserving journalism students.

Pamela Strother

At the end of the day, Boehner believes sunshine and transparency is the single most effective safeguard against political mischief and corruption, and he'll continue to push for more disclosure and transparency.

Don Seymour

Our primary interest is in moving XML-formatted information efficiently across low-bandwidth connections from drilling rig field locations to a data hub for processing. Having both the compression/acceleration and the encryption in one single tool was a no-brainer for me.

David Moran

This is a fantastically sensible idea. With the convergence of telecom and broadcasters through interactive television, there is a real need for a single regulator.

Theresa Wise

We've moved from a team approach to a single portfolio manager, who is responsible for the inclusion of the team's ideas into the portfolio. Analysts are held accountable for the strength of their recommendations.

David Marks

There is not a single radio station in the U.S. that just plays Spanish rock. It's really hard for it to reach the masses.

Gabriel Meza

I'm not in the least surprised that Andy is doing really well as he has always been single-minded and knew exactly what he wanted to do, ... Of course we are competitive, but in a good way, and it's great to see him doing well. I know he has the self-belief to keep it going.

Jamie Murray

[Inspired by her breakup with Stu, she has already penned what she hopes will be her debut single.] It's called Hate You, so it's very appropriate, ... It's very poppy, very like Charlotte Church's Crazy Chick.

Michelle Bass

Cable & Wireless owns a fairly eclectic bunch of assets which no single buyer is likely to want.

Nigel Hawkins

This is the single most valuable opportunity to bring suppliers together with the customer.

Tim Page

Beyond the notion of returning the rule of law to the border, the single most important aspect of this bill is that it does not reward those who have broken the law and does not constitute amnesty.

Jon Kyl

He's been an unbelievable amount of help to me. He sees me down there every single day and when I'm off, he knows exactly what it is. He is the one who helped me develop my slider last year, especially during the second half of the season. He's been amazing.

Derrick Turnbow

It's really a question of the economy and what the Fed's going to do, and that's not something you're going to see a big move on in a single day. Nothing's giving us those big knee-jerk reactions, so you're seeing things kind of wishy-washy today.

Bill Groenveld

[Granville had a 100 percent graduation rate for the 2003-2004 school year. Newark had 78.1, while all other county schools exceed 90 percent. The state's graduation rate is 85.9 percent.] We are by no stretch of the imagination happy with a 78 percent (graduation rate), ... The greatest single education issue we have to deal with is our drop-out rate.

Dan Montgomery

We do see an unfavorable impact in the first 12 months in the range of high-single to low double-digit same-store sales.

Cathy Wright

Until a commission is sanctioned to sift through all these ideas and coalesce it into a single vision, I don't think people will pay much attention.

Scott Cowen

The objective here is simply fact-finding and an understanding of faculty perspectives at this point in time. I will simultaneously be working with others beyond classics to see how best to carry this inquiry further outside of a single department, much of which may have to be done when faculty return to campus next fall.

Jerry Hogle

We felt we could dedicate these single years to finding out who we are and not being so distracted by the recreational dating scene. I'm still attracted to guys. But for now I get to know guys as friends. At the end of the day, one of the best pieces of advice I've gotten from married couples is to marry your best friend.

Alyssa Barlow

Coach Dixon made us love the game even more and we played our hearts out every single time we stepped on the court. She showed us how to be winners on the field and off.

Cara Enright

I have not seen a single statistic or fact put before you or the planning and zoning committee to support the need for a moratorium.

Carol Saviak

Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea would not be part.

Hermann Broch

Dominic has had some big hits here before. He is one of those guys that keeps plugging away. He comes down here every single day with the same plan and he is just eager to start hitting the ball again. He is a good player and you know that he is not going to be down for long.

Tim Corbin

That has always been the single most important thing after you put in the runways. What the Department of Transportation is essentially saying is that we need more cargo transportation facilities throughout the United States.

Randy Topel

Master data management is a discipline that goes hand in hand with information governance. Forward-thinking organizations are instituting processes to gain agreement on roles, responsibilities, policies, and procedures surrounding the maintenance of a single view of the entities needed for conducting business and measuring its performance.

Henry Morris

He coaches every single play, and you're going to have to do it, even if we're up 35 or 40. If you're out there playing around, and not really intense, he's going to sub you. You don't want to get subbed. You want to be out there and play.

Rodney Carney

It's one of the biggest single-county fairs in the state of Kentucky.

John Walton

When so many working parents rely on child care and single parents have no means, no family, safe transportation is our responsibility.

Jennifer Faliero

He works hard on every single play. And not just on the field, but also in the classroom.

Carl Robinson