I wouldn't have done any of it if I hadn't taken that course. When I was younger my dad would show me stuff and try to get me interested, but I just never was. Now it's different. Most of my friends here (at Clemson) are avid hunters. Now I have an interest in it, too.

He called for it and it stopped. As soon as I had her in my sight I started shaking. I've done some crazy things before -- like skydiving and stuff -- but this adrenaline rush was amazing. I can't describe it any other way.

They're so thrilled -- I think they've called every single person they know to tell them about my deer. With their Christmas letter this year they sent a picture of my deer. None of my relatives can believe it.

My parents tried for years -- they'd try to sneak things into my food, and anything that looked like meat I'd have to check the package. I ate fish and poultry, but I was very picky.