Right now, if I had to bet would the Democrats take the House and Senate back, I'd say no. But are the odds a heck of a lot better than they were three months ago or six months ago? Heck, yes.

They [conservatives] thought they were going to get somebody who would just be full-bore, unadulterated, hard-charging conservative. And this group, they are really sore [upset], they feel disillusioned, they feel despondent and some of them are livid. Now the question is, do they get over this or not?

Are you going to see Republicans in difficult races having [Bush] come for rallies? No. You will see him do rallies for people who are not in trouble, or whom he can't harm.

The system is so awash in money that I don't think there's any danger that any side will be going in unilaterally disarmed.

Do I think there will be more Democratic money than Republican money? Heck no.

Doing a fabulous job on Rita doesn't undo the fact that people perceive the first few days of Katrina were mishandled.

Katrina is a major setback for Bush - back to square one. It's a setback for the Republicans as long as Bush is the face of the party. And, at least until 2008, he is the party.

Lame duck tattooed across his forehead.