These technologies are interesting in the same way that a shoe can also be a hammer. There are incidental uses for cell phones that often can be something that changes it altogether.

Everybody is using the 'V word' now. Basically, it's become a way of saying our values are All-American, and you don't have any ... It will certainly appear at the [Republican] convention because Bush is not going to let go of the values issue.

Language doesn't so much cause divisions as it symbolizes them. I don't think using 'evacuee' or 'refugee' will change people's minds, but it will signal differences about how we think about class that has always been there.

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Cell phone makes those boundaries between public and private very porous. In the past, if you're having a spat with a significant other in a public place, one of you will argue and say, 'Not here' because it's intrusive. But now, with cell phones, there's no 'Not here' anymore.