If you look at how Republicans voted, some who are traditionally for tax cuts voted in favor of keeping the tax, and some who are big supporters of federal funding of highways and roads voted for repealing the gas tax.

We're not saying don't fill it out. If that is their personal desire to fill out only some questions, its better to do that than not get counted at all.

It's not helpful to have the point man on China PNTR leave in mid-stream to help Al Gore solve a problem.

When they say they're going to veto spending bills and don't tell us how to work out a compromise fairly, well what does that mean? They're playing chicken with the budget process.

It hung a lantern on what appeared to be a liability - his name recognition.

We don't and shouldn't catalogue by race. The term is racial profiling and I thought we were trying to get away from that.

It is a little like a reformed alcoholic taking little drinks - pretty soon, you have a real problem on your hands.

The only people who are playing politics here are uninformed staffers at the White House like Joe Lockhart.