The state of our economy is tightly tied to the ability of our citizens to purchase needed fuel, ... Out-of-reach prices threaten Floridians at every level and every income scale, and the people deserve some kind of relief.

Charles Miller

I feel great. My body feels better not having to work out for football and baseball at the same time, and it's a relief just to be able to focus on baseball 100 percent.

Gavin Dickey

This could easily affect the result. The relief measures, especially for agriculture, can be used as an election platform in the remaining campaign rallies.

Hasitha Premaratne

There's no guarantee, particularly in Nigeria, that it (debt relief) will be spent on the right things.

Richard Dowden

I am asking that all friends of Christian Coalition to continue their prayers for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, but at the same time to make tangible donations to Christian Coalition's Katrina Relief Effort. I believe that we can truly make a difference during this critical time.

Roberta Combs

It would have been a relief to the general fund that the city needs. It just made sense.

Ceeon Quiett

We feel a little sense of relief. The projected path now puts Galveston on the clean side as opposed to the dirty side.

Steve Leblanc

Any industry that confronts cases under consumer protection statutes ? and that is every industry in America ? will breathe a huge sigh of relief after this ruling.

Michael Greve

It's a big relief. It's an awesome feeling. It's obviously like a dream come true for me and I'm very happy about the big win tonight. It was a very big win and now we can build on that.

Mark Streit

I have kind of mixed emotions about (my rookie year). On one hand, I've kept my card for next year, which is basically a huge relief and a huge accomplishment. It's not an easy thing to do for a rookie.

James Driscoll

We urge the administration to file its Section 201 action immediately, to make it comprehensive, and to seek emergency interim relief.

Leo Gerard

Another person who's smarter than I. What a relief to not have to be the smartest guy anymore.

Dave Winer

Sport Relief money does a lot of amazing work in India and it's great that the England boys have been able to come along and see it.

Phil Tufnell

It's pretty obvious that the response that will be needed will be prolonged food aid relief over next few months.

Carolyn Mcaskie

It's a relief. We won and I finally scored. What could be better?

Roy Makaay

Our bill recognizes that we are in a period of economic uncertainty, so we give people immediate tax relief, which we think will help them get through this uncertain time.

Richard Gephardt

The reality of it is that hospitals are the insurers of last resort, ... That policy decision has clearly been made by Congress and until there is some relief these are the kinds of earnings we can expect from hospitals.

Sheryl Skolnick

I think we should consider some relief for people, ... We did last year, and I think it ought to be on the table again this year.

Jeb Bush

The recent drop was mainly due to a downtrend in New York, especially that in the technology sector. So the rebound came as a great relief to investors here.

Hidenori Kawasaki

When relief operators are available, he has been spending days digging through the wreckage.

Bob Bell

It's groundbreaking in terms of the relief that this committee granted.

Robert Hager

The federation needed something good, something like this to happen. After all that's happened the last six weeks, it's such a relief to see them go out and be successful.

Terry Kent

The relief effort is ongoing and Iranian Red Crescent teams are on the ground.

Mansooreh Bagheri

Our demographic is solidly in the executive class. When people have to be so focused in their work life, this is such a relief for them.

Barbara Banks

Josh did a great job in middle relief last year. He has the mentality that when he comes in, nothing shakes him up.

John Sparks

All of his saves have come in relief appearances.

Ralph Kiner

In a situation where the state is facing budget problems, it's hard to convince voters that you can do a lot. If it was so easy to provide property-tax relief, surely they would have already done so. It's easier to attack.

David Rebovich

In terms of overall relief, it's not the end of the world.

Natasha Hryckow

I don't think the American public wants to see their gas tax money used for general appropriations, ... Hurricane relief ought to be a separate issue.

Henry Brown

This way, the relief really goes to those people who may have been taxed out of their homes as a result.

Lowell Kalapa

The rationale for the only recovery plan is to make sure that there is no gap between the end of the relief operation and full-scale reconstruction.

Jan Vandermoortele

I think there is going to be a certain amount of relief when the Fed stops raising rates.

Diane Bishop

Heather has pitched in every game, coming in relief or starting. She's had her good moments. The key [to her success] is location.

Chris Tippins

This is great, especially after struggling the last two years. It's happiness and relief all in one.

Joe Bergamini

We are encouraged because we have secured some additional relief for some of our communities through this new partnership. We've made a big step in the right direction.

Lukata Mjumbe

We homeowners need help. We need immediate relief.

James Head

Negotiations always involve some lack of uncertainty regarding the eventual outcome, but we believe (the) announcement provides some measure of relief to investors frustrated by previous stalled efforts to sell the company.

Adam Steinberg

[• Bring a buck : KU is hoping each fan attending Saturday's game against Louisiana Tech will bring a dollar to be donated to the Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.] This is an excellent way to underscore our efforts to aid the hurricane victims, ... We know our generous fans will do what they can to help.

Lew Perkins

I'm just like everybody else. I'm tired of paying high gas prices at the pump. … This is a way to give consumers and businesses and school districts immediate relief from high gas prices.

Jeff Harris

You can't tell me there aren't places to save a penny or two on the dollar and ship it to relief in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, ... I just don't believe it as I look around.

Jeb Hensarling

We were running out of space for female inmates and needed to provide some relief for the Women's Prison. The use of these dorms will provide needed space at a low cost to the taxpayers.

Tim Reisch

It is a huge pressure relief.

Tim Morris

It's a relief. Getting past the first round is always the toughest.

Bob Turcotte

Under these conditions, President Jiang must remain at home to handle urgent problems of flood control and emergency relief.

Tang Jiaxuan

There's a lot of heartbreak and, at the same time, relief, especially for the families now that closure can start to begin.

Keith Murphy

This at least avoided a complete closure and gives some relief to the fishing industry.

John Coon

Continuing consolidation largely depends on whether or not tax relief announced in February provides new stimulus to this consolidating curve.

Rashika Lalla

Our personal reaction was one of relief, because they got it right. When it comes to Sept. 11 and United Flight 93, we don't need another movie. This one got it.

David Beamer

They're getting nervous. They're getting angry. They have not really done anything about it because they want to see if there's going to be relief for it. But now they're aware of it.

Delos Smith

It's a bloody relief.

Rowan Woods

It's a huge relief. There are a number of small damaged patches, but they are off the race track and are now being dealt with.

Simon Lee

That's absurd. The relief we are seeking is to halt state funding to a private school that practices discrimination.

Christina Gilgor

The reason that these [congressional relief measures] are always done as supplemental appropriations is the idea that these are unpredictable acts of God ... we need to overcome our collective denial about natural disaster and we need to budget for it and prepare for it, and if we did, we'd have a more civil and just society.

Theodore Steinberg

It was more of a relief than anything.

Rob Carter

You can tell they've really been through a lot, ... But I keep seeing big smiles. They're happy to be here. It's a relief.

Jane Martin

At the end of the summer driving season heading into fall, we should get some relief from high gasoline prices.

Brian Hicks

The (anti-virus) system worked, which was quite a relief.

Mary Kelly

?We want to encourage other companies that have significant business assets in this area--as well as those that do not--to join us in a massive relief effort for our fellow citizens who will be suffering in the days and weeks ahead.

Steve Odland

This is a huge relief. A huge relief. I've got a big grin on my face, and I have to keep pinching myself to believe it's really happened, you know?

Fran Bagenal

The Minnesota Air National Guard is ready and eager to assist with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

Tim Pawlenty

We believed that the first priority was not to interfere with any relief efforts that were accommodating the evacuees, and that included Houston, it included San Antonio, it certainly included Baton Rouge.

Joe Browne

We don't know whether it is worth us proceeding at all, candidly, under the ruling you made. Without some relief, frankly, I think that there's no point for us to go forward.

Rob Spencer

It's a big relief because we now get back to the final which is the opportunity we've been waiting for all year.

Terry Danyluk

There's actually a little sense of relief. All the pressure is behind us. Now we can just play soccer.

Michael Gillman

I am pleased that the president seems to be fighting the urge to have the federal government control child care and has embraced the Republican ideal of tax relief.

Deborah Pryce

It's a nice way for people who don't want to get undressed to get some relief.

Sister Lucille Phipps

A big relief. I was so happy. They were my No. 1 choice. I went up there (on a recruiting trip), and everything felt right.

Jeff Ide

We'd get some sort of relief rally, ... And then we'd have a sobering up.

Larry Rice

Check the diaper; if it's wet you get relief from casual water.

Bob Murphy

Our crews had a very busy weekend. A little relief would be nice.

John Swenson

It'll be a big weight off my back when I can have that relief without worrying about the door being busted down ( by police ).

Warren Dolbashian

Trent has been as good as we expected. If we need a big hit or for him to come in relief, he always comes through.

Pat Herrera

Getting relief on that basis, it is harder to imagine a steeper uphill battle than that.

David Dow

Fully 93 percent of the tax relief in our bill goes to taxpayers with annual incomes under $100,000, 76 percent goes to taxpayers with incomes under $75,000, ... If ever there was a tax plan for America's forgotten middle class, this is it.

Bill Archer

There is a sense of airline financial relief fatigue among members, who feel that we have already rushed to the well on their behalf with post-Sept. 11 support and it's now up to them.

James Oberstar

The housing stats were a relief for investors worried about rate rises.

David Stix

The resident smart person down at Anheuser finally said 'Enough,' ... It shouldn't have happened and now it has come to an end, so I'm sure they're all collectively breathing a sigh of relief.

Juli Niemann

I hoped the chemistry was going to be there. There were six leading actors, and I wanted them all to mesh. I didn't know how they were going to relate. But a lot of them came out of a certain Hollywood generation, so they all knew each other and it was like a reunion. When I felt that click, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Florence Seidelman

I guess I haven't gotten rid of the aggression, so it's actually going to be a little relief to go to cross-country and just go for it and not have to worry about this area where I could fail so miserably.

Sarah Konrad

It scared the hell out of us. When we figured out it was the cops, there was a sense of relief.

Doug Thomas

The Democratic Party opposes tax cuts but it cannot say so publicly. Thus, it is forced to support the idea of lowering the tax burden but using class warfare rhetoric to dispute the allocation of the relief.

Dick Morris

It was very, very stressful. Once I made my decision, it was the biggest relief. It got to the point I was really emotional.

Blaire Hiler

It felt like a real relief rally. Also on the Dow, we hit a key technical level and we were able to bounce back from it.

John Pickett

Colorado realized the importance of the CHI PACC program and was ready to receive this waiver before Katrina. The hurricane has certainly elevated the need for children's relief programs, not only for those states directly impacted by the disaster, but for states like Colorado that are helping to absorb displaced citizens.

Joel Hefley

I just threw it up there and had faith that he would catch it so I wouldn't get in trouble with Coach. He caught it, so it was a relief.

Terrell Everett

As a result, places in the Southeast, like Atlanta, are having quite a wet time of it, and we are getting nothing. There's not much in the way of relief for the next 10 days, and January through March show below normal predictions.

Glenn Carrin

It was harder racing the track today than it was the competition. The heat was a factor and it had an effect on the racing. It's hard to sit there and run lap after lap without any relief. And today, there wasn't any relief.

Bobby Allison

The great thing is that when anyone from MACO, USDA, or an organization helping with disaster relief entered a business asking for donations or assistance, no one asked questions or interviewed us.

Pam Davis

There are all kinds of relief. To parents, the definition may be enrollment, but to educational programs there may be different definitions.

Betty Gray

[The bill] continues Congress's effort to bring immediate relief to those individuals and families devastated by Hurricane Katrina, ... This Congress stands ready to help those most affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Jim Mccrery

We pulled into a Red Cross relief area and almost had our generator taken from us. There were a group of young people who threatened to take it.

Jim Lowe

We are on track to deliver 100 per cent debt relief within the coming weeks to 19 of the 20 countries.

Thomas Dawson

We continue to be in this trading range, at the lower end right now, ... The only catalysts that can get us out of here in the next few weeks is some relief at the pump, lower oil prices and news about how much the Fed is going to raise rates.

Joseph Battipaglia

I love relief pitching, I truly do.

Clem Labine

In this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all... Perfect relief is not possible, except with time. You cannot now realize that you will ever feel better... And yet this is a mistake. You are sure to be happy again.

Abraham Lincoln

It's something I've kind of been dreaming of my whole life. It's a relief not to worry about it anymore, and concentrate on hockey.

Andrew Ladd

What we are seeing is a continuation of the relief that the Fed will fight inflation, but will do so gradually.

Charles Reinhard

We've been looking at the good and the bad and just praying about it, looking at all options. It's a big decision, not just for me, but for my whole family. It's going to be a big relief.

John Chiles

It is a relief to have those people back and in custody, because where they are at now they are not going to cause anybody any trouble.

Sheriff David Haggard

So it's ironic that he was only a one-term president, largely because of the Great Depression, and people complained that he wasn't doing enough. And yet he really had all the capabilities of carrying on a relief effort for America the same way he did in Europe, but he just wasn't given enough time.

Henry Petroski

There is a clear difference between disaster relief operations and warfare. Our armed forces are designed to protect us from enemies, not protect us from fires, floods and hurricanes.

Bruce Lawlor

We were the first relief effort that made their way there.

Tim Armstrong

Only three relief points will be opened on November 7 along the Line of Control (LoC).

Vijay Batra

I was disappointed in some respect to see that some of these bills had been submitted have an effective date of July 1, 2007, which is going to be no help to the people who need the relief now.

Bob Grantham

Then we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

Nancy Vinson

The underlying operating environment for companies is likely to remain very difficult over the next six-to-nine months -- especially in Europe -- so we would definitely sell into any relief rally in the event of a benign resolution to the Iraq question.

Saul Henry

In certain trying circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer.

Mark Twain

There's not another relief pitcher out there who has done what Trevor has done, consistently, year in and year out. In my opinion, he has been the best closer over the last decade. He should, therefore, be compensated as being the elite of the elite.

Rick Thurman

Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.

Mark Twain

You realize there are certain things that you'll never do that you always thought would be part of your future, ... It's a big relief to discover what you are best-suited for, and it's a real advantage to be able then to focus. You can just jettison all this useless floundering around, attempting to do stuff that's really not in your range, and focus.

Richard Hell

We stopped collection efforts in the zip codes affected and set up financial relief packages.

Chris Spencer

Anyone who is able to come down from the mountains gets relief and medical assistance at the camps established for this purpose. They do not have to cross the Line of Control to find relief assistance.

Tasneem Aslam

Some of you delivered $1.18 corn to the elevator and paid $3.30 in diesel fuel to get it there. We're not going to turn it on a dime. Short term, we need some kind of relief.

Larry Mitchell

When I finally won a golf tournament, it was relief, it wasn't excitement, ... If I were to win (today), it would be a much more exciting win than the one at Disney World.

Brad Bryant

If a person smokes for taste and not for relief of negative moods, then perhaps they shouldn't be given an anti-depressant to help them stop.

Timothy Baker

We had a relief rally on the back end yesterday (Thursday), and it's carrying through to today.

George Goncalves

Who?s going to pitch in relief? That?s our biggest question right now. We?re auditioning.

Mike Daboul

The senator has spent some of his campaign funds to raise awareness about an important Senate initiative to provide real and genuine property tax relief for the people of his district. At times, it is appropriate to use paid advertising to do that so you can provide a more focused awareness effort.

Duncan Davie

I am ecstatic. This is the single best initiative for property tax relief.

Sen. David Cappiello

Anything that provides school property tax relief is welcome.

Sen Dean Skelos

At the end of the day, a lot of New Yorkers want some relief from the intensity of everything else that's on their air. This is an alternative for them.

Bob Bruno

I felt like Steve was missing some shots and they were making shots on him from the outside. I have Kyle on the side as my relief guy and he stepped up and did an excellent job and that got us back in the game a little.

Todd Boward

President Bush probably breathed a sigh of relief when he landed in Idaho last night. But no matter where he goes, he's going to find a Cindy Sheehan in every community across the United States. The name is going to be different, but the message is going to be the same.

Laura Mccarthy

It was a big relief for me. Our team needs to make a push and I think with both of us being healthy on the court at the same time, we can do that.

Jolene Anderson

I like to say that I provide pain relief to people whose lives are cluttered with too much stuff. Getting your office organized can give you peace, serenity and can really simplify your life.

Patty Wolf

Olivia Mauro did a really nice job coming in as relief and containing them. That's the kind of performance we're looking for from our pitching staff.

Leslie King

It is a very sad time and a big loss for me personally. He provided comic relief but was also a real person doing things that were very important to the show.

James Arness

Suddenly on the eve of an election, all of a sudden the minister and the Liberal party gets religion on tax relief for Canadians ... It looks a lot like you're just trying to change the channel.

Monte Solberg

We will organize the establishment of call centers and begin making assessments as to the needs of their areas as well as to begin coordination for the sending and receiving of volunteers and distribution of relief supplies.

Jeff Parker

We're having as much difficulty reaching (the disaster areas) as anyone, but we have eight trained people down there and several of our trucks are on their way with relief supplies.

Carol Lee

We used to be overwhelmed with supplies. I think we're not getting as much because we're off the front page, and people think we don't need it. But we're still providing relief, even six months later.

Sakura Kone

I have an Alka Seltzer bat. You know, plop plop fizz fizz. When the pitcher sees me walking up there they say, 'Oh what a relief it is.'

Andy Van Slyke

When Zach left, it hurt. But when Mike came, it was a relief because we're going to have a nice tandem in the backfield.

Andy Hartmann

We called all over Columbia and Orlando. Every refrigerated truck available for rent was already in New Orleans helping with the relief effort. It forced us to put the transport on hold for quite a few months.

Martin Vince

What a relief. It all came together out there today. It was good to be together after so many distractions.

Amy Nixon

It was like reading about my life. I'd been back and forth with doctors for years without finding relief.

Debbie Williams

We see that the inflation rate is going down, so that there is a chance that tax reform with its enormous relief in the second half of the year will begin to work.

Hans Eichel

What's funny is that, in fact, the liberal Catholics are kind of giving a sigh of relief, but conservative Catholics are complaining. They were hoping that someone would crack down on all of the people they consider heretics, but so far he has not done that.

Thomas Reese

We've done our best to allow them to make trips home and back, and get things set up and meet the people who are going to be taking care of him, ... There's also some excitement, and I think some relief, to get back to what has been an incredible interruption in their normal family life.

Robert Patterson

I remember the lead disappearing just like that. It was a whole spectrum of emotions and an overwhelming relief and joy at the end. I remember frustration and anger that we allowed the lead to be extinguished. It shouldn't have come down to that.

Teri Rosinski

We will now look for similar ways in which Queens residents can join in the national relief effort to help entire cities in need.

Joseph Bruno

Children helping children is one of the most heartening aspects of the enormous relief effort.

Dianne Sherman

A satirist is a man whose flesh creeps so at the ugly and the savage and the incongruous aspects of society that he has to express them as brutally and nakedly as possible in order to get relief.

John Dos Passos

It was just a relief. I guess we've been pretty down on ourselves. I don't think we were having fun with each other. We weren't having fun period.

Channing Toney

It will be just as hot at the beach as the inland areas, so there won't be any relief.

Jim Lushine

My record company (Atlantic Records) was like, 'We're going to give you a week, ... I was like, 'What? I want to go into the studio tomorrow.' That's my passion, and that was the one thing that popped right into my brain, like studio, I need to go. It was more a release, not much really a relief, but a release, definitely.

Lil' Kim

For our district, extending the AMT provision is very important. In Bergen County in particular, people pay extraordinary property taxes and state and local taxes, and they need alternative minimum tax relief.

Michelle Presson

It was a race to see who was going to get that first championship. It was a relief to get the first one out of the way for the school.

Graham Whitehouse

This is not just an Idaho issue, ... Other states are also facing property tax relief issues.

Randy Nelson

This scenario has the attraction of delivering universal tax relief.

Macquarie Bank

I think we have focused on the middle-class actor who has needed some relief and help to be able to live a life in this industry and we have done that.

William Daniels

It's ridiculous if you're looking at onramps as congestion relief.

Brett Bader

U.S. companies are committed to humanitarian relief and do care as well about improving their image abroad -- especially given the anti-American climate.

Maria Schneider

This is such a relief for the team. This group really deserves it. I'm just overwhelmed.

Scott Dixon

We're in rehearsals and Katrina's hitting, and we're hearing about the National Guard troops and equipment that is not available for disaster relief because they're over fighting in Iraq.

Brad Wright

These are the staff members that will be writing the next spending bill for Katrina Relief. These staff members will be advocating and lobbying for the relief funds.

Jenny Manley

I've heard so many people come in here saying, 'Customer service says we don't qualify for lemon-law relief.' Customer service is the last people who are going to tell you that you qualify.

Vince Megna

The relief money is coming in much faster than it has for any other natural disaster that I can remember. That should help minimize some of the hit on consumer spending.

Mark Vitner

It's something we can do an do quickly to provide some relief.

Bob Beauprez

BT's current resilience should bring a little relief to a sector that has been reeling from a string of negative announcements.

Morten Singleton

Basically, it was a free pass into the United States. All you have to do if you're an illegal is say you're here to work with Hurricane Katrina relief.

Andy Ramirez

What we've really got to do is take this one-off opportunity to put some incentive in the tax system for all taxpayers and to give tax relief to those middle-income earners left behind in the last couple of budgets.

Wayne Swan

The mix is very different than what it was before, as it was at least 80 percent tourism and convention business. Now it is one-third tourism, one-third relief and recovery and one-third families coming back and forth.

Michelle Duffourc

There are some great opportunities, including selling the land. If that happens, George and I will invest in something else in Las Vegas ... and George will donate his profits to the African Debt Relief Project.

Rande Gerber

The administration is working with Congress in providing relief in this area.

Jeanie Mamo

The dramatic business tax relief proposed would place Canada in the upper echelons for investment and development among industrialized countries.

Niels Veldhuis

There's relief (in the market), coupled with some good corporate news from GM. Certainly the U.S. durable goods data today is very important. Oil prices are steady and that helps too.

Hilary Cook

We're breathing a sigh of relief.

Lee Beattie

That takes Dixon out of my district. That's a relief. That's one less (school) out of my 20 (schools). If it's going to benefit the children, hooray for them.

Charles Glover

There are other kitchens running locally, but you know there are lots of folks who may not get the relief they need. There are so many people trapped in the city or too far away from help.

Alan Cole

Based on the presentation that we heard today, there are more issues then the last time we sat down, ... It fails to target tax relief on middle incomes as the president's approach would do.

Franklin Raines

It was an important time of the game and to be contributing in that way it would have made me feel good even if I was scoring runs. It was a great relief. Hopefully, I can draw some confidence from my bowling and flow through to my batting here.

Andrew Symonds

It's been a tremendous relief. I have a great wife. I owe a lot to her, just the way she's handled everything pretty much on her own.

Scott Proctor

Enclosed is a check for the Rally for Relief. This is the $2,000 we received in 1997 from Ms. (Joan) Kroc. We hope that this will help another family like it helped us. Good luck in your fund raising.

The Angel

In that district, she is particularly vulnerable given her record. Voters have demanded an investment in education coupled with property tax relief. (Lawmakers) are going to have to face that in November ...

Amber Moon

I know he [MacDonald] backed away because we were intent on appealing any relief he would have received from the zoning board.

Matthew O'connell

For the locals, it's a sense of normalcy, relief, and it gives us an outlet to come out and maybe just get a little crazy like we normally do.

Patrick Keating

This relief effort is going to go on a long time. If they can't give blood or money or help now, they can give later on.

Patricia Smith

It's a great honor to be part of this relief operation.

Ghulam Rasool

We thought we were in, so it definitely was a relief to know we weren't going to have the toughest road possible because of the mistakes we made. I'm happy that we're playing so close to home and hopefully a lot of fans will make it to the game.

Jana Francis

The biggest relief is we make the weight and be able to eat. I couldn't eat for the longest time. This is my junior year, and I expect to win this year.

Jeremy Jackson

We need to have tax relief for those who really need tax relief. The concept of tax cuts is fine, but we want it targeted.

Charles Carrier

It's basically a relief for the Bay Area Committee to know that whatever non-relevant factors that contributed to the selection of a bid city will no longer be part of the bid. I truly think that the process will be dramatically cleaned up and it'll benefit all bid cities.

Larry Baer

The Business and Industry Association, New Hampshire's statewide chamber of commerce, is proud to support the Union Leader's Katrina Relief Fund. Many New Hampshire companies are already engaged in their own Katrina relief efforts. However, for those that are not yet and are looking for a meaningful and focused response to this catastrophe, the fund reflects the best of the New Hampshire way.

Jim Roche

The positive reaction reflects investors' relief at the political situation.

Adithep Vanabriksha

Maxed out. We're drowning, and we need some relief.

Roy Knight

We pride in operating legally, ethically and responsibly. We believe the Interior Department does not have the power to take away the royalty relief that was granted by the Congress in 1995.

John Christiansen

There's been an outpouring of support and concern and a desire to help from the artist community, our audiences and our employees. Many of the artists across our channels are from the affected areas and have a strong connection to the south. We are looking to activate every hip-hop, rock, country, R&B, and pop music fan out there to get involved and help support the relief efforts.

Van Toffler

He wasn't able to injure somebody else, that we know of at this point. It's just sheer relief for our local community.

Gloria Mccauley

More than anything, ... it was a relief.

Jason Varitek

I do think people will breathe a sigh of relief when they believe the Fed is done tightening.

Fritz Meyer

If Congress will pass a plan that gives real, voluntary Medicare prescription drug coverage ... then I will sign a marriage penalty relief law.

Chelsea Clinton

We need to make legislators aware of declining enrollment so that they can look at how districts are funded and give some temporary relief.

Janice Cook

It takes a lot of pressure off our shoulders to get through the first game. It's huge . . . just relief.

Kyle Levins

Even though there were hundreds of volunteers who took time off from their jobs and dropped everything in their life to help in the relief effort, there was absolutely no sign of the federal government except in the area with a fence around it.

Colleen Cooke

We're going to earmark part of our money to help in rebuilding the headquarters of the united Chinese society and possibly to donate funds to the hurricane relief fund.

Alvin Wong

(My) relief is tempered by the fact our colleague ... remains in prison. I hope that President Milosevic will see fit to exercise the same humanity he has exercised for us in granting clemency.

Peter Wallace

[So far, the relief effort could be described as] somewhat organized chaos, ... Nobody wrote a book about how to do this, and I guess we are going to write it right now.

Gene Green

I'm a cancer doctor and an HIV doctor, and if I have a drug that gives people relief of pain, increases their appetite, decreases nausea, and perhaps improves their mood, that's an important drug to be able to give people, especially with cancer who are at the end of their life.

Montel Williams

There was a huge sigh of relief, but they were still underground. We weren't out of the woods yet, and we still had to follow procedures to get them out.

Fritz Corrigan