CITGO employees are actively participating in relief efforts in those cities where the company has a presence and evacuees are being received, ... We continue to monitor the situation and stand ready to help in every way we can.

Felix Rodriguez

Unless there's a consensus on both sides, the implementation of the statements on relief will hit a cul-de-sac. The only institution that provides aid is the army, and if that is not allowed, then the offer is self-defeating.

C. Uday Bhaskar

We're not really happy about the way it came about, but there's signs of relief that there are jobs here.

Tom Young

While it is an extremely sad time for Mrs. Reagan, there definitely is a sense of relief that he is no longer suffering and has gone to a better place.

Joanne Drake

It's obviously a big relief. He's a quality player who gets us around the park.

Stuart Duffy

Dean Heller has a clear record of blocking initiatives that would provide open government and tax relief for working families.

Cliff Nellis

Record crude prices usually mean record trade gaps. Nobody sees relief on the energy front any time soon.

Oscar Gonzalez

There has to be a way to have Medicaid relief without taxes being involved. I would love to see the General Assembly look at their budget the same way we look at ours, and live within their means.

Gloria Whisenhunt

New York was a relief - not all hierarchical and rule-bound.

Ayumi Hamasaki

That was key for him -- his versatility, being able to start and being able to give you quality innings in relief. It saves these other guys -- you don't have to use them too early in the game too often.

Muzzy Jackson

To avoid unnecessary duplication, the Asbestos Relief Trust will be entrusted with the management and administration of the new trust.

Richard Spoor

I think he loves it. It is a relief to go in the rehearsal hall and get away from all of it.

Randy Moore

I may come back and fish BASS someday, but right now, I'm just going to fish the FLW tournaments and have some fun. I don't know if I would call it a relief, but I'm happy with my decision. The people at FLW have been awfully good to me, and they always make you feel like you're a good customer.

Larry Nixon

It will be a relief and a joy to go ahead and get started with things. We are not out of the woods yet because we still have some money to raise, but we are certainly hoping that getting started on this thing will help bring in that last bunch of money that we need.

Bob Easton

Strong revenue returns have increased chances of the scrapping of exchange controls, the further reduction of the corporate tax rate as well as further tax relief for individuals.

Martin Jankelowitz

It will provide substantial relief for those with very high drug costs and will provide modest relief for millions more.

Bill Novelli

It was a big relief to get my first hit. I was there to play defense, but I wanted to be in a position to just do what I was asked and not think about it.

Jeff Fiorentino

America's economic recovery is now well underway thanks to the President's tax relief.

Donald Evans

This is a huge relief. I think we've played good the last few games, but didn't come out with a win.

Matt Webster

ReAct Now: Music & Relief.

Bo Bice

We have to divide into two parts -- one is the relief and the second is reconstruction. He said that the response of the international community in the context of rescue and relief have been commendable.

Shaukat Sultan

We don't want this credit counseling requirement to be yet another hurdle that consumers who really need bankruptcy relief have to jump over to get it.

Travis Plunkett

Today was a relief rally; it was an oil price relief story.

Lynn Reaser

If the court were to grant the plaintiffs the relief they seek and order the defendants not to remove the monument, chaos would ensue.

William Steele

We know that many organizations in our community will continue to have benefits to raise funds for the relief effort in upcoming weeks. The Chamber will serve as a clearing house for that information, and we will publish a regular calendar in The Messenger detailing the upcoming events and services or programs available to evacuees.

Stephanie Baker

This will be a huge financial relief for the Rangers.

Tom Verducci

These groups have a different way of seeing the problem: that it's not just short-term emergency relief.

Roberta Cohen

I felt relief beyond belief. I've got a house to go to. FEMA did their share by me.

Anthony Morgan

We're hoping we can be a light for people back home and give them something to cheer for each weekend. Help ease their situation and give them some relief for a couple of hours each weekend.

Bill D'ottavio

The HMDA RELIEF interface for E3 is a joint effort to provide E3 customers with comprehensive HMDA compliance options that further boost the accuracy of HMDA submissions. The difference is deeper integration than is typical and meticulous efforts in field mapping by Harland Financial Solutions.

Leonard Ryan

That will mean Canada for lumber, and Latin America also has a lot of the most relevant supplies that are needed in the United States, ... There will be tariff relief.

Gary Hufbauer

It applies to corporate giving as well. If you have a company that says, 'We're pledging a million dollars to disaster relief,' well, a good chunk of that is probably going to come out of what they give to some other group.

Rick Cohen

Welfare and dependency grants, personal income tax relief, and cuts in those costs which would make housing more affordable for middle and low income earners are likely to buoy consumption expenditure, and manufacturing.

Colen Garrow

We're going to spend the next 30 days at least focused on relief restoration rather than business as usual.

Mark Foley

RESPITE, n. A suspension of hostilities against a sentenced assassin, to enable the Executive to determine whether the murder may not have been done by the prosecuting attorney. Any break in the continuity of a disagreeable expectation. Altgeld upon his incandescend bed Lay, an attendant demon at his head. 'O cruel cook, pray grant me some relief -- Some respite from .

Ambrose Bierce

They'll have a good team this year. They've got good relief pitching and starting pitching now, and they've got some bats.

Patrick O'neill

Deeper debt relief, the Ottawa Treaty on land mines, the global movement for women's rights and protection of the environment -- none of these advances would have happened without NGO ideas and pressure.

Michael Edwards

It's kind of relief feeling. I think all of that stuff is behind us. What happened in the past is the past.

Orus Lambert

The situation in Central America is bad and we are terribly concerned for the people. The companies are doing everything they can to assist government agencies in their relief efforts. We have not been able to assess just how extensive the damage is, but the effects on the U.S. and European banana markets is going to be substantial.

Robert Moore

This belated, begrudging action might be some relief to victims, but it does not relieve the cardinal of his responsibilities. He has shielded these men for too long.

Barbara Blaine

The relief operation worked really well. There were very few cases of preventable death, no epidemics, no mass cases of dysentery. We vaccinated against measles. We had blankets, coats, sweaters distributed.

Dan Toole

There is concern that there could be more lightning with the storms as they progress over the next couple of days. But hopefully we will have enough rain to bring some relief and some extinguishment to some of these major fires.

Graham Fountain

There is no relief in sight.

Mark Rosenberg

It's a relief to finally do it and get it over with.

Candace Parker

Yet declines to give them any relief other than an exhortation to the Legislature to deal with the problem.

Denise Johnson

But people are desperate and there are people, including many of my constituents, who need any kind of relief. I am not going to stand between them and these $400 cheques.

Brian Mason

You could almost argue that investors sense some relief.

James Kelleher

After leaving that situation it was almost a relief being back at square one.

Michael Jenkins

Surfing helps me with soccer and life. It's a good relief where I can go chill. I don't have to worry about school or soccer.

Drew Delis

There's definitely a sense of relief. It's just been a very long two and a half years. I've described it as a ball and chain ? something we've had to carry around with us.

Teri Knight

It's beautiful to see the Big Arm moving the pallet around, ... Big relief.

Chris Hadfield

Some people were expecting not so good a result because of the dispute over the Western Australian rail contract. There's a bit of relief that the result is still a reasonable increase.

Brent Mitchell

Maybe with relief pitchers, you need to look at not only how many saves a guy has, but how many innings he pitched getting those saves.

Steve Parris

The government also provides emergency relief in disaster-hit areas, offers help to low-income people, vagrants and street children, and encourages the development of charity organizations.

Li Liguo

The Mississippi National Guard (Air and Army) distributed more than 6 million pounds of ice, 153,000 cases of water and 44,000 cases of meals ready to eat (MREs) to affected people in 15 counties, ... Over 600 unit members participated in hurricane relief efforts.

Bill Crawford

A separate website is being opened to record all contribution made towards the J and K relief effort so that funds donated to this cause are earmarked for the purpose.

Sanjaya Baru

It's a sigh of relief. Now it takes a lot of pressure of me and we can start looking at the future a little bit.

Peyton Sellers

It's been way too dry. There doesn't look to be any relief in sight.

Jim Andrus

It's a huge relief. No more hand cream, those rings are staying on.

Tim Scatena

The CIDA funds that are generated in this manner will be made available to support relief, rehabilitation, and eventually reconstruction proposals that are submitted to us by Canadian non-governmental organizations.

Aileen Carroll

There is a lot of relief for daters who are serious about wanting to be in a relationship. This comes in the form of what appears to be dramatic changes like speed dating and Internet dating.

April Masini

It's a great relief that one prowler was apprehended.

Karen White

It was such a relief to know that war was over, that peace had come.

James Starnes

It's nice to have our own destiny now, but there's really no relief because all these teams out here are pretty equal.

Shannon Kleibrink

Boats are an emotional purchase. Our team members sell them as family activities and as a form of stress relief.

William Mcgill

It was a big relief to achieve our main objective of qualifying from this group.

Abdoulaye Sarr

As hard as it was being away from (my family), I really felt like that's where I needed to be. You almost feel guilty coming home because they have to stay and live it for who knows how long. So, whatever relief we could give was an amazing experience for us.

Wendy Gordon

They are calling for more relief airports, greater access to relief airports and good standards at relief airports.

Kate Sarsfield

We never imagined that we would have the opportunity or the need to gear up with this type of planning ... It's not an occurrence that I would expect to repeat during my career. I can say that with some degree of relief but mostly pride in the entire team having risen to this occasion.

Robert Shaw

Right now, they're close to capacity, so that relief valve isn't there.

Alec Young

We wouldn't expect to get relief for the overall dry conditions for six to eight weeks.

Matt Bragaw

Welcome to famine relief...

Clive Owen

One of the things that has been weighing us down has been the retailers and to have a piece of good news from one of the better known names has been a bit of a relief.

Richard Hunter

We've secured three pieces of relocated business from New Orleans that helped an otherwise slow first quarter and we'll be giving back nearly $1 million to the New Orleans hospitality relief program.

Greg Saunders

The old story in antitrust cases is that the government wins the battle and loses the war. The question is: What do you get in relief?

Harry First

Episcopal Relief and Development immediately gave $25,000 grants to three different dioceses in the area, ... and churches across the country are taking in people and sending caravans of people to help out.

Scott Fisher

I think it's an accumulation of work over the years, culminating with our work during the Hurricane Katrina-Rita relief effort.

Greg Roberts

Passage would bring relief to millions of small-business owners and their families. It would certainly ease Main Street's growing anxiety about being slapped with and ruined by a Mickey Mouse lawsuit.

Dan Danner

Our hotels, Shutters on the Beach and Casa d el Mar and all of our staff involved want to give back locally to those organizations spearheading the nation's relief efforts.

Klaus Mennekes

We didn't want to lose all the Slams. It's more kind of a relief. But to do it here at the U.S. Open, it's worth giving up five in a row.

Mike Bryan

There were 26 vehicles and 86 personnel. We saw 2,538 patients and transported many to hospitals, relief shelters and clinics. We provided medical evaluations, inoculations and assisted patients with prescription medications, crisis intervention, child assistance, family interventions and emotional support.

Amos P. Cameron

I got a nine on that hole. If I would have gotten some relief, I would have got a five or six and I would have won the tournament.

Sammi Sloan

That's a big relief for us.

Fred Cerise

Last year I was crying because it was so unexpected. Now, it's more of a relief because now we can move on to what we really want to do.

Kara Huyser

We should not try to make the federal government our first responders, ... But when a disaster of the size of this hurricane hits, we should have better mechanisms in place that allow our federal government to restore order and provide relief.

Martin O'malley

This work is so immense -- it's dangerous anytime you have a single organization monopolizing relief services, ... The Red Cross needs to recognize its limitations and reach out by partnering with local agencies who have people on the ground.

Brent Brown

There's a tad bit of (relief), knowing there's a better day around the corner. The future's brighter on the other side. We look forward to (the end) but we'll still try to finish out the year on a good note.

Rasheem Barrett

CA has got to be breathing an incredible sigh of relief. Anything that keeps CA at arm's length from legal proceedings is good for CA and good for its customers.

Michael Dortch

When it comes to hard issues, we as a board are going to have to hang tough. We've got to give relief to schools that are overcrowded. And nobody likes to move.

Carol Kurdell

I can spare a dime, brother, but in these morally inflationary times, a dime goes a lot farther if it's demanding work rather than adding to the indignity of relief.

Phil Ochs

It's a real sense of relief to have Tim home.

Jay Gallagher

In my experience, music is an opportunity to relax when things are stressful in my life. It provides relief and it has always been a safe heaven and I know that I can always depend on that organization. It is something that helps me escape. It is also a healthy opportunity for people to keep themselves grounded. Singing conveys many emotions- motivation, excitement, inspiration and expression.

Bo Shirah

It was a big relief when I saw the ball go in the net. We always make it hard on ourselves and just can't get an easy W.

Lewis Ratcliff

I think it's just a stress relief and a way to express myself, which I really enjoy.

Lindsay Filoseta

I always felt that the great high privilege, relief and comfort of friendship was that one had to explain nothing.

Katherine Mansfield

This is a huge relief for us. It feels nice to get that monkey off of our backs.

Cassie Schrock

It is very frustrating because we want to provide relief.

Susan Tucker

It's a relief. I am really looking forward to this and to finally being playing tomorrow.

Fredrik Ljungberg

Even as sufficient pledges have been made for recovery and reconstruction, relief is still less than 50 percent funded.

Andrew Macleod

Certainly there are feelings of relief that we didn't have to actually execute any of our contingency plans.

Bob Lay

The case was reversed on appeal. She's gotten a new trial. She's gained the relief she's entitled to, according to the court of appeals.

Alan Curry

It was a great relief for me as well as everyone else in the dressing room when I got there. I've been waiting for that a long time. I got over a little hurdle when I made that first big score in Pakistan. That gave me the belief to kick on and I knew that my first hundred wouldn't be far away, as long as I applied myself as I did there.

Paul Collingwood

Katrina was so long ago for so many people. Even if we only raise $100, it raises awareness. Relief takes years and months, not weeks and days. Hopefully it will be a moral victory.

Christopher Shim

The National Hockey League Players Association members have those affected by Hurricane Katrina in their thoughts during this extremely difficult time, ... It is our hope that this donation and the auction proceeds from the players? opening night jerseys will assist the Red Cross in their massive relief effort, and help to ease the burden on the hurricane victims.

Ted Saskin

By next year, those (affiliates) who have been members all along would get some relief, and (new memberships) would give us a tremendous amount of power in the organization. It's becoming a very good trade association.

John Roark

In the wake of record oil prices, consumers and fleet managers are looking for relief on ways to meet the energy challenges we face. There's no need to wait. Real alternatives are available now.

Beverly Miller

Basically to give us a little relief.

Peter Robbins

If we hand the relief items to police we are not sure it will reach the victims.

Abdul Razzaq

It was a giant sigh of relief. It panned out a little better than some expected.

James Grossman

We finally getting some kind of relief. We get to come up here and chill and relax.

Lawrence Henry

What is gained by debt relief and aid can be lost if we don't get a proper trade agreement in Hong Kong.

Dean Gordon Brown

General Newton was our hero, ... And, when the chairman said he strongly supported the motion — boy, that was a great relief.

Rob Simmons

It'll be a little more relief when we actually have a store and the doors open up and we're selling things. But I think to have come this far and literally be in the place that we are today is gratifying. It's been a long haul getting here.

Peter Nordstrom

(The Federal Emergency Management Agency) has some pretty tight criteria to get any disaster relief. People need to take some initiative on their own.

Tom Kelley

The guys down here, they felt like they turned their back on them. It was five days before we saw any relief effort and it was too long, just too long.

Pat Johnson

I definitely feel a sense of relief. We got that monkey off our back. Now we know we can win at Arco, and that will give us confidence on Saturday (against Modesto). We wanted to come to Arco and prove we weren't just paper champions.

Julius Thomas

We'll take it day by day (after the holiday) and see how the fuel situation looks. (Canceling games) might be a possibility, but hopefully we'll see some relief.

Steve Bryant

VVA Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund.

John Rowan

This work is so immense - it's dangerous anytime you have a single organization monopolizing relief services.

Latosha Brown

The prospects for broad telecom reform including franchise relief are fairly low this year because there are too many unsettled major issues.

Paul Gallant

The stock should react positively to this as there should be some relief from the concerns over raw material prices and the effect of the price increases on the back half of the year.

John Faucher

To be honest, it's a bit of a relief not having to be the party animal for a change.

Sara Cox

It was down to the wire, so it was almost a relief. I look forward to working with all the different board members.

Arlene Silveira

Chad did a really nice job in relief and kept us in the game.

Patrick Mcgrath

We knew we were in for a game. It's elimination time. But when the home run came, it kind of gave us some relief.

Layton Aliviado

The win last night gave us momentum and was like a sigh of relief. We knew after that game that we would be OK.

Damian Williams

The tax relief the president has given to this economy is working.

Brandon Evans

The victim's family expressed relief that they would not have to endure the trauma of a long homicide trial.

Bob Clifford

You can't get much better than that. Our pitching is definitely the key. We've had unbelievable relief pitching.

Jerry Royster

Yes, this is obviously a relief for us.

Mark Atkinson

I was just so excited! It was such a relief. It had been such a long time coming.

Brenna Moser

We're seeing working families. We're seeing the folks with more educational skills and background finding their way into having to reach out to the hunger-relief system for help.

David Davenport

I am extremely disappointed that [the president] has proposed this relief using such a politically charged approach. This is not time for a partisan political debate on vouchers.

Ted Kennedy

The Salvation Army needs a lot of help right now in terms of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. So we thought this was a good place to donate the money.

John Lawrence

When the relief work is over, there is going to remain a huge job of rebuilding, I hope that the Fuller Center can be a significant part of that rebuilding effort.

Millard Fuller

We're convinced that we need to make changes to separate the support systems from disaster relief, make it easier to administer, easier to figure out and easier to access.

Chuck Strahl

This is obviously a very expensive proposition, and it hits in red states, so Republicans will be foremost among those pushing for relief.

Robert Bixby

We had 100 percent devastation down here, and I haven't seen an adjuster yet. We need some relief for these people.

Joey Difatta

It's a big relief. We're looking forward to moving down the road and putting this behind us.

Dave Beaver

Every day at ARC we provide relief to thousands of displaced people around the world. I hope that my experience in dealing with international refugee crises will be helpful in bringing relief to my fellow Americans in the wake of this terrible disaster.

Hugh Parmer

Allegany County raised almost $40,000 in Katrina relief funds. Wellsville Central School students raised almost $8,000 themselves.

Madeleine Gasdik

That was a lucky shot. I didn't think it was going in. It was a big relief when it did.

Meredith Corriher

The medical clearance was a relief, but I haven't cleared her yet as far as fitness levels go . . . I'll know a lot more tomorrow.

Peggy Liddick

It's still disappointing, but considering BRAC, hurricane relief and the publicity generated by the Coalition (for Change), we feel we did the best we could. We knew reaching the goal was going to be a virtual impossibility given what we were seeing early on.

Steve Wiggs

That was a big relief.

Stephen Katz

We had just laid our daughter to rest, so it kind of did take us aback, but at the same time we did feel a sense of relief when we heard the news.

Gary Whitlock

He's been solid all year for us in middle relief, and he came in and got the job done again today.

Jarod Ingersoll

When we, we were told the child was breathing, and there was a pulse, it was just a relief for all of us.

Sandy Cauthen

Then we come back and the bats were pretty good, we hit the relief pitcher pretty well. I thought we hit the ball extremely well. We climbed back in the game with a few runs, but the dam-age had already been done.

John Geary

We've asked for all Texas officials to keep an accurate accounting of costs that are directly related to the relief effort so that we can ensure these are reimbursed.

Steve Mccraw

It's going to be the heart, the pulse of the relief effort, ... We've got a vested interest in getting back there and getting things running. That's where our homes are, that's where our families are.

James Riley

If we get the relief from the Kenyan federation, then that would work.

Bernard Lagat

We're trying to hold down family homes with kids to provide some relief to the schools.

David Meeks

Unfortunately, there's not a lot on the horizon that offers us any hope of relief.

Derrick Smith

Being in a position where we now have a backstop that can support us up to towards $1 million if we get into financial strife comes as a great relief.

Ken Conway

As I have often said, whenever a disaster occurs anywhere in the world, there are relatives grieving in Queens, ... It appears that most of the organizations involved in relief efforts are currently asking for monetary donations.

Helen Marshall

Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a part of the neighborhoods and communities affected by this disaster, and we are committed to contributing to the relief efforts now under way, ... On behalf of our company and all 61,000 of our employees, our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is affected by this disaster.

Ann Taylor

We have had great cooperation from the community, ... As soon as we get word that it is safe, we are sending 24 disaster relief trucks to the New Orleans area.

Bob Martin

Relief food should not have duty charged on it because it is not coming for sale, it is coming to be distributed to people and that is what is essential.

Alfred Mutua

Years later, I was in Baltimore one day and I talked to (then-manager) Johnny Oates. He said, 'You changed the game. You created the ninth-inning pitcher.' I said, 'It was the managers who did it. They started holding back their best relief pitchers to get saves.' .

Jerome Holtzman

I hope with all the finger-pointing and the blame game [regarding federal-relief] that people don't get discouraged to give.

Paul Azinger

While I applaud the sentiment, I think it's not likely to be practically realistic to plan to try to offset in other places of the budget the large emergency relief that's needed in this case.

Joshua B. Bolten

Launch aid is a prohibited, market-distorting subsidy that is unique to Airbus. (It) is above and beyond the other forms of government support Airbus already receives -- tax relief, government-sponsored R&D and government-paid infrastructure projects.

Boeing Co

Well, as I characterize most of them, they're all gimmicks, gimmicks to fool the taxpaying public that they're going to get some kind of tax relief.

Lowell Kalapa

In the shorter term where there has been some concern on those numbers there could be little bit of a relief rally.

Matt Willis

Is it going to get better? Probably not. You may see some relief in local areas when we open new roads ? for a couple of years.

Don Deberry

We have always viewed the White House and the House as going along with some airline relief as part of a whole package. If you try to pull it out and pass it separately, it changes the dynamics of pension reform.

Greg Kelly

It's our annual fundraiser to help us with disaster relief here locally. The funds will provide direct assistance to those who are involved in disasters instances like a single family house fire or a flood. We need to have donations from the public and this is our way of moving that process along.

Sharon Kesselring

Pending interpretation of counsel as to whether the relief deputy coroner is an employee of the county.

Charles Bishop

They were getting only minimal relief, ... And I was concerned about property tax relief. I took a look at the average home owner in District 4, and the proposed plan only offered $18 a month or less in tax relief. That was not substantial enough.

Tommy Williams

We just battle and battle every night. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Jason Tapp

We have sent our condolences to the people of Pakistan and we are looking at ways of helping Pakistan's relief funds as well.

Colin Gibson

This is about property tax relief. We're going to raise over $100 million more per year.

Abe Naparstek

We are seeing a relief rally but there will be problems throughout the year and we're going to see a lot of volatility in the U.S. and Europe.

Ron Chapman

North Dakota is helping with the relief efforts and we will continue to provide more assistance.

John Hoeven

The real strength in the market in 2003 was from small-cap and mostly busted companies. It was a huge sigh of relief that many unprofitable companies did not go out of business.

Kent Mergler

We are sorry that it had come to this. It's a relief for Evi now.

Jochen Behle

Charm and nothing but charm at last grows a little tiresome. It's a relief then to deal with a man who isn't quite so delightful but a little more sincere.

W. Somerset Maugham

The OMB estimate will be higher primarily because of additional funding for the war and for recovery and rebuilding needs in response to Hurricane Katrina, as well as the estimated costs associated with the one-year extension of relief from the alternative minimum tax.

Alex Conant

Flood relief was our No. 1 priority.

Gary Faulkenberry

The old lady from my block who testified against me at my trial gets relief packages from her sister in Miami.

Raul Rivero

We want to offer our fans and the members of MYSA a way to help out the victims of this disaster. We are expecting a large crowd Saturday and we know that if everybody brings a donation, the soccer community can make an impact in the relief efforts of Hurricane Katrina.

Djorn Buchholz

This service will bring immense relief to the thousands of people who have their relatives across the Line of Control and are desperate to know about their welfare.

Mehbooba Mufti

I?m just glad it?s over. I made it pretty easy on myself this week. I just went out there and tried to play 18 holes every day and act like I was playing with my buddies. It was a relief when that last putt went in on the last hole.

John Holmes

It's just a relief. It's like a dream. Right now I'm in shock.

Whitney Scott

I know it's a great relief for Commissioner Flores. I'm glad to see that she can put it behind her.

Travis Ketner

It certainly is a great relief, ... It's also wonderful to know that the case maybe has opened a way for the use of this (1996) law to be circumscribed, curtailed a little bit.

Lynne Stewart

Yes, I don't know why, but I have never been disappointed, and I often was in the early days, without feeling at the same time, or a moment later, an undeniable relief.

Samuel Beckett

Some of the worst companies have been the best performers. But a lot of the recovery in the poorer-quality companies was just relief that they survived. We're finally starting to see some better action in the higher-quality names.

Kent Mergler

Our 600 employees in Maine can breathe a sign of relief that this referendum is not going forward. We were always hopeful that the effort to impose a crippling new tax on Maine's bottled water companies would not gain sufficient public support.

Tom Brennan

Right now the Guard's equipment stocks are depleted. That's going to have an impact on their ability to do domestic relief missions.

Christine Wormuth

With some speculation that the RBNZ could have moved by 50 basis points, the end result was a market reaction consistent with an element of relief.

Robin Clements

It's a new market, though. I think the new market is made up of insurance people and construction and relief workers.

Beverly Martin

At this stage, we want them to get more involved in ... budget support, debt-relief support and many other things that can help ... our country on economic development problems.

Paul Kagame

Cisco had pretty solid numbers pointing to solid growth. Cisco is definitely a bellwether. It's a big sigh of relief.

Theo Maas

Debt relief is considered to be aid.

Amadeu Altafaj

The fact that people are dying should be catalyst enough to scale up relief efforts and put pressure on aid agencies.

Rob Holden

If we allow this we'll have a plethora of applicants behind them seeking relief.

Jay Edwards

People are extremely excited about the lineup. In the first place, people are thrilled that the festival is even happening, but beyond that collective sign of relief ... folks are incredibly excited about the number of jazz legends and artists we're presenting in 2005.

Frank Malfitano

There were lakes in the middle of the fairways where your landing area would be on two or three holes. And there's nowhere to drop the ball to get relief without compromising the integrity of the drop. So the rules were really compromised. It's just not a good competition that way.

Kathy Dais