People think it's bad for them. While abuse of anything is a problem, some chocolates actually have antioxidant properties that reduce the risk of blot clots and heart disease.

Dr. Melvyn Rubenfire

With the instruction, we have to reduce oil exports on consideration that it will be more economical and can lower our fuel oil production costs.

Purnomo Yusgiantoro

Prairie dogs compete with cattle for pasture and can significantly reduce the amount of available forage.

Pat Johnson

Anything that will help alleviate the amount of traffic will greatly reduce not only cars, but hopefully accidents.

Kraig Troxell

He looks at this as a historic opportunity - handed to Congress by God - to actually reduce the size of government. Anything is open (for cuts).

Will Adams

We were able to significantly reduce weight gain. The insulin resistance was less, and the blood pressure fell.

Dr. Richard Johnson

Deaths of wild fowl continue to occur, although less intensively. In Russia, we intend to keep the current situation within the existing framework, and will try to reduce the affected area through culling all domestic birds until wild fowl leave the country.

Gennady Onishchenko

So much of our business is driven by speed. Because of globalization, we have observed an intense pressure to reduce downtime and thus, increase overall productivity.

Peter Ratcliffe

Each country has already begun to identify a portfolio of actions to improve their energy security, reduce pollution and cut their greenhouse gases. What we are going to do with the partnership is find some alignment of those strategies so we can expand and promote investment in technologies that will help meet those goals.

James Connaughton

This missile is extremely accurate. It will reduce the number of munitions needed for any given targets and its vertical impact makes it the weapon of choice when collateral damage is a concern.

Derrick Edwards

We get a lot of false positives and we need to reduce the number.

Yan Noblot

The purpose of this is to reduce our impact of having greenhouse gasses emitted to the atmosphere. ... We can be leaders in reducing our impact by going 100 percent green. It's our hope other businesses and organizations would do the same.

John Chapman

I've noticed since 2005 there's been a downward trend in the number of reported offenses, and hopefully with a renewed energy and renewed excitement about the direction the department will go, we're on a great foundation, we'll be able to reduce that number even further.

William Mcmanus

The Census provides highs that are too low and lows that are too high. In effect, the Census income estimates artificially reduce the gap between the wealthiest and poorest Connecticut towns.

Wayne Villemez

The legislation will not improve the safety of the residents of Ontario and will not reduce the number of dog bite incidents in this province. It will, however, force the owners of friendly, happy dogs who have never bitten anyone to leash them and muzzle them without any reason.

Clayton Ruby

If it's in the best interest of both parties, that in some cases can reduce the amount of reserves the bureau needs to hold back.

Tony Fiore

Our concern is that physicians are failing to use the full range of strategies available to reduce patients' risk of heart disease and stroke.

Randall Stafford

We are very pleased to have Quest Diagnostics participate in National Preferred Provider Network (NPPN). This expanded relationship is a huge benefit to our NPPN membership and supports our commitment to help reduce healthcare costs for all of our customers. Implementation was completed in January.

John Lettko

If there were, theoretically, a lot of high obstacles nearby, we would have to reduce the weight of our airplanes in hot weather. We'd reduce fuel (and) cargo first, and try to do passengers last. But it would affect our operations.

Carlo Bertolini

Going paperless did reduce the amount of paper used, especially a few years ago.

Gary Sullivan

There wasn't really that much of a benefit to doing the fall work. Not doing it will help us reduce our fuel use. And we'll also save on labor and on machinery wear and tear.

Gary Porter

Monetary policy could in the short run focus on absorbing some of the excess liquidity to reduce the risk of excessive credit growth.

Albert Hofmann

Our department is overwhelmed with unwanted dogs. Altering reduces aggression in dogs. It may not eliminate it, but it does reduce it, which is an important public safety concern.

Marcia Mayeda

Indians love to reduce the prosaic to the mystic.

Jan Morris

We really need an inch of rain to reduce the threat of wildfire.

Kent Nelson

Spraying isn't going to make the virus go away. At best, it will reduce the risk somewhat.

Durland Fish

The people knew another count was being done and stayed off the road to reduce the count.

Darlene Thixton

Companies are trying to take some action in order to reduce their expenses, so you'll likely see some further mergers and acquisitions.

John Lichtblau

Efforts to maintain cleanliness of the household in terms of dust on the floors and in bedding can help reduce these complaints, ... Laundering bedding regularly with hot water and soap is a good idea.

Peter Thorne

Anything that would reduce standards, we would have a serious concern about. We certainly don't want to reduce the qualifications it takes to become a police officer.

Bob Baker

Fiber has been associated with a lower risk of diseases such as Type II diabetes and obesity. By increasing whole grains in children's diets, for instance, we hope to reduce the risk of childhood obesity.

Lisa Mcdermott

I do not recommend people drinking alcohol to reduce their risk of heart disease. We don't know for sure that a little alcohol is good. There are lots of risks with alcohol, and the benefits are not really clear.

Christie Ballantyne

The defining factor should be a supplier's ability to eliminate or reduce downtime, which is the biggest cost factor for a contractor.

David Glaser

Hopefully I will be able to maintain or at least level their taxes and look at a way that we can reduce taxes, My goal is to prevent future tax increases we need to hold the line on taxes.

Barbara Perez

Changing farming practices won't solve the problem, but it will buy us time until technology is on line to reduce the generation of harmful greenhouse gases.

Norman Rosenberg

We hope that the parallel efforts on both coasts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will help move the ball forward on initiatives to reduce emissions and mitigate global climate change in the United States and around the world.

Michael Peevey

That is a joke. You are not going to negotiate with these mortgage companies to reduce those mortgages.

Carol Johnson

As we expand the business moving forward, home-based agents will be an important source of new hires. I expect to reduce our operating costs and at the same time tap into new sources for agent talent.

John Combs

We do have to reduce our emissions but we also have to recognize climate change is happening, and we have to adapt as well.

John Church

If we can reduce the presence of the virus, we will reduce the probability of a human pandemic.

Bernard Vallat

We are concerned that the push to measure quality will become just a smoke screen to cut costs and to reduce the resources devoted to health care.

Dr. Frederick C. Blum

When you can't fall asleep at night or you keep waking up in the middle of the night, you have a low appetite, or increased crying for no reason, then you're showing signs that stress is getting out of control and it's to the point you need to reduce the stress in your life.

Chris Meno

To reduce poverty, we need growth. And to advance growth we need adequate and reliable energy supply.

Li Yong

We are reaching a point where our stationary air sources have pretty much bottomed out on what we can reduce. The number one source of air emissions is mobile sources.

Glenn Palmer

First of all, I have to say that I am not opposed to seatbelts. But, when you put seatbelts on a bus, you effectively reduce the seating number on the bus.

Kent Polsgrove

There is a need to reduce telecom competition but there are greater opportunities in wireless than long-distance.

Todd Rosenbluth

Growing demand and growing markets and networks will tend to reduce costs and raise efficiency, making successful economic management all the more important.

Lawrence Summers

Americans should have the opportunity to keep more of what they earn and we must also find ways to reduce ever-burgeoning federal spending.

Michael Crapo

Results were mixed at best. The only thing they really concluded was that they could reduce the prevalence of the disease but not eradicate it.

Michael Seraphin

The only effective way to reduce and prevent juvenile crime is to balance tough enforcement measures with targeted, effective and intervention initiatives.

Janet Reno

By increasing our green power use, FedEx Kinko's is helping to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted into the environment. Renewable energy purchases reduce our environmental footprint while helping to develop domestic energy sources that foster energy independence and economic development in the communities we service.

John Gomez

Understanding the correlation between peer-based education programs and HIV rates will contribute to this worldwide effort to reduce the incidence of HIV.

Alan Bernstein

The use of the existing rockets will help reduce the program's costs and lower risks.

Nikolai Sevastyanov

We cannot reduce our oil dependency without tackling our oil-guzzling transport sector.

Claude Turmes

What's increasing taxes is expenditures. We provide a lot of services. We spend a lot of money. There are two options - raise taxes or reduce services.

Frank Szeps

The way it works is there are certain receptors in the brain that if we block them, can reduce the pleasurable effects associated with drinking.

Richard Pops

You cannot have one or two years of growth and expect people to suddenly feel better. In unequal countries, you need more growth to reduce poverty than in less unequal countries. You need at least 5 percent year after year.

Pamela Cox

The limited (laboratory) data we have says that, okay, it's not going to prevent an illness but it may reduce the severity of the illness. But we haven't had enough good data to tell us what that means in real life.

Niranjan Bhat

Clearly we need to do everything we can to reduce the impact of aviation on people who live near airports and our project is looking at ways of keeping the aircraft higher for longer which will keep the noise further away and also at lower thrust settings as they're coming in to land.

Paul Collins

No one has spoken to Andy and that begs a question about communication. I found it strange that you reduce the squad from 60 to 30 and do not phone people who are not in it and tell them why. If we did something like that to people we would be accused of mismanagement.

John Brain

This is an industry in crisis. Every oil company will reduce their production forecast as lower spending will immediately be followed by lower production and lower reserve replacement.

Fadel Gheit

We very much regret having to reduce our schedule to allow for the late delivery of new aircraft from Boeing (BA) and the planned retirement of our older 737-200's in December.

Michael Cawley

Several processes have been initiated over the last couple of years that not only reduce the amount of paper used, but also help the firm operate more efficiently.

Dawn Anderson

If you are careful about what you put in your mouth, and if you are careful about using mosquito repellent, you can dramatically reduce the risk of the most common illnesses.

David Freedman

To reduce false positives, we need to understand our system.

Yan Noblot

I think you're still set for new highs in 1998, probably about 10 percent or so on the S&P 500. We've done 25 percent so far this year on the S&P. Reduce your expectations but I still think stocks will beat bonds and cash in 1998.

Ronald Hill

They really will feel that the European institutions have gone too far -- both the commission and the court -- and they will then try to reduce their powers in other areas ... where they are currently accepting their powers in competition or internal market.

Charles Jenkins

Our patients deserve to have access to health services in superior accommodations, which will facilitate our efforts to reduce health care disparities.

Daniel Kane

We are not trying to criminalise more people, we are trying to reduce the supply and demand.

Dave Johnston

If you reduce total fat, but you don't reduce the bad fat, you defeat the purpose because you end up reducing the good fats that protect your heart health.

Hana Feeney

If customers are able to reduce their water use, then Lake Decatur may not drop to a more critical level. If the lake level falls another foot, the city will have to implement mandatory water conservation measures, which have not been done since the drought of 1988.

Keith Alexander

We're trying to reduce family poverty. We don't want our children living in poverty.

Lillian Koller

It will allow consumers to spend money on other things, which helps the economy. It will reduce pollution and create a cleaner environment, which are all a good indication of why Gov. Blagojevich believes this will benefit everyone, not just people who buy fuel efficient cars.

Andrew Ross

We cannot prevent a flu pandemic, but we can reduce its impact.

Sir Liam Donaldson

It is going to help us reduce the paperwork. By simplifying the paperwork, that will allow us to move the petitions and applications through much faster.

Bill Strassberger

It doesn't address enough to the other side of the equation, which is reducing expenses. We here in Erie County cannot tax our way back to prosperity. We need to reduce our expenses. They need to reorganize County government.

Barry Weinstein

While we regret the displacement of our billing office personnel and the challenge this move presents for our employees, the decision to reduce overhead costs will further strengthen Sutter Amador Hospital's ability to provide high quality patient care to our community.

Siri Nelson

Chevron has provided clear alternatives that will help us to reduce our energy costs, which will help save millions of dollars over the life of these projects. In the end, we know these projects will help protect low-cost service for our customers.

Thomas Day

The trip will enable senior US military officials to have a close look at China and help reduce their misjudgment and misunderstanding of China.

Fu Mengzi

You spend money to save money. People want to reduce their living costs overall and feel better about the environment.

Brian Spears

The question is how you reduce the number of bases [the terrorists have] and the size of the sea in which they swim. What something like the Iraq war does is increase the number of bases you have to deal with and the sea they have to swim in.

Juan Cole

Landscaping based on the knowledge of deer feeding habits can reduce or eliminate costly damage.

Michael Seraphin

Our objective is to deepen and expand the market, reduce (price) instability, and boost transparency and efficiency.

Darmin Nasution

The governor believes this will help reduce the amount of money people are spending on gas, which will let them spend it on other things and help the economy.

Gerardo Cardenas

Just like in our fire prevention bureau, we can't tell how many fires we prevented but we do know by going out there and doing some of these steps that they did help reduce some of the effects of what we had going on.

Dale Simpson

Even if we could reduce deaths from one disease, like ovarian cancer, the return on investment would be priceless.

Michael Milken

You can reduce the fear by knowing your message and knowing your audience.

Christen Brown

The industry must unite to develop an effective strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Rod Eddington

This extremely difficult decision is a direct result of the competitive pressure being experienced by our domestic automotive customers and the requirements they have for us to constantly reduce our manufacturing costs.

Ted Cox

At present, order levels clearly reflect lower carrier capital spending and the resulting desire of our customers to reduce inventories sharply.

Jozef Straus

Many majority owners in recent deals have tried to reduce their equity position and cash calls through minority position. There is a risk that in the sense that if things go poorly the minority owners can leverage or force out the majority owner.

Mark Rosentraub

Anyone who claims that drilling in the Arctic Refuge will substantially reduce gas prices is either astonishingly misinformed or is intentionally not telling the truth to the American people.

Jim Dipeso

Ethanol-enriched fuel is environmentally friendly, renewable and is currently available at thousands of gas stations across the country. Ethanol is American-made and is crucial in helping reduce our dependence on oil.

Tom Slunecka

Hopefully we could reduce control action that ends up being lethal. This could be a win-win situation, benefiting livestock producers and the recovery program.

Roy Heberger

The 400 to 700 home reduction in our projected fiscal year 2006 delivery guidance should reduce our earnings growth projections for fiscal 2006.

Joel Rassman

As a consumer electronics maker, we already enjoy great benefits from the Board of Investment, which has helped us reduce the import duties we pay on raw materials and parts.

Daizo Ito

There is a power, and a danger in mobility. You can increase productivity. You can reduce cycle time. But the danger is the increasing complexity for your business. There is also the security risk.

Vicki Warker

The centers for disease control have come in, and working with the State of Iowa to determine why this is happening, what's happening, and what we can do to reduce.

Craig Beintema

Today we have to be better informed to help us reduce our risks.

Mark Hall

There's a lot of headroom to go further -- a lot of efficiencies that can still be created. There will be some barriers, but as long as the corporate mandate is to increase profit and reduce cost, the only two solutions are automation and outsourcing -- companies in either one of those [industries] will do well.

Trip Chowdry

The move is significant in the sense that it signals the authorities in China are now acting to reduce rates of economic growth, despite low levels of inflation.

Paul Niven

We need to fashion policies with proper incentives to reduce the amount of carbon we are putting in the atmosphere.

William Ruckelshaus

As more people are aware when and if they need to evacuate, and are prepared to evacuate, the process will be more efficient and we can reduce the slowdowns experienced during Rita.

Randall Dillard

Women were being denied access to a product that could reduce unintended pregnancy and the need for abortion and it was being blocked for reasons that were not credible or understandable by me.

Susan Wood

Many initiatives to reduce expenses have been implemented, and we started to see some progress in the fourth quarter. But we see the company with many opportunities to increase efficiencies and reduce expenses.

Fernando Tracanella

If we can speed up that initial contact and reduce that down to the minimum number of seconds, then we can process more voters.

Gloria Williams

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our children. Going from seven buildings down to only two will greatly reduce operating costs along with greatly increasing the educational opportunities in a changing world.

Randy Fischer

It will not reduce America's dependence on oil and it will not create a cleaner energy future, ... Instead the bill allows big oil companies to pollute water supplies, plunder the Treasury and attack our coastlines.

Anna Aurilio

These projects demonstrate that we can efficiently reduce emissions while at the same time increasing the producing life and ultimate recovery of conventional oil reserves.

Bill Andrew

It will very substantially reduce the number of local labs that are out there because it throttles the ability of the cooks to get the pseudoephedrine that they need to make the methamphetamine.

Jim Talent

We have to do everything we can for the internal market in the sense that we want to be more efficient, we have to have a more unified market and that means to reduce obstacles to different services and it's not always easy.

Pedro Solbes

What he said was, 'If you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.' That's what he said.

Gordon Peterson

It's a two-fold thing. It's an economic benefit and it helps to reduce odor.

Barney Roling

It has been proven to safely eliminate or reduce many of the normal discomforts of pregnancy.

Kathy Roberts

So an [auto finance firm] is able to reduce the back office from 50 people to eight or 10, and they're able to fund auto loans faster. You have a happy customer, reduced operations costs and you've got a clear process.

Christine Pratt

We are trying to help them reduce their costs and teach them how to be more conservative in their spending.

Romande Walker

I see the same biases surfacing, But to ignore the airport (as a way to reduce cars) doesn't make sense.

Duane Wallace

In China, purchases from major consumers, including power cable makers, are still normal at this price level. Buyers are doing futures to hedge price swings and help reduce losses made on the spot market.

Wang Zheng

We haven't done anything to reduce our vulnerability. I hate to think of the next hurricane season.

Ted Falgout

The media community is determined to create a meaningful dialogue that will improve understanding between communities, that will reduce tension and that will enhance the quality of journalism on all sides.

Aidan White

We have to keep blocking and [reduce] the penalties, ... We have to play our best game.

Chris Thompson

Our goal is to reduce is to reduce the death rate by 25 percent a year.

Teresa Stevens

They (drivers) are not going to substantially reduce gasoline consumption.

John Lichtblau

The report represents a pragmatic and meaningful action plan to reduce emissions.

Vicki Arroyo

We hope to have an on-line conference booking facility in order to streamline our bookings processes and reduce the manual entry and duplication.

Lim Lim

I wouldn't recommend they try to make more money with a second job, since living paycheck-to-paycheck is already stressful, and they have a young child. Instead, they'll need to reduce their expenses as much as they can.

Steve Carter

The sale will definitely boost GM shares as it will help reduce debt.

Jordi Padilla

The potential for additional gains for stocks is limited given that we've had such a good run-up. We've been telling people to pare back a bit and reduce equity holdings.

George Vasic

The objective of the Drug Court is really to reduce the number of kids placed out of home -- to cure them of drug addiction in an effort to reduce their delinquency ... and prevent them from being locked up or sent to a placement facility.

Brad Johnson

The focus is going to be on prevention, ... Let's don't wait for the problem to raise its ugly head. Let's make sure controls are in place to reduce the opportunity for any waste, fraud or mismanagement.

Richard Skinner

Reduce portion sizes. Decrease foods laden with sugar, white flour and fat.

Denis Medeiros

It is important that we reduce regulations that are impeding job growth here in the state of California, whether you are talking about the lack of flexibility in overtime or family leave.

Keith Richman

The real questions are: by how much, how reversible is it and what are the best means to reduce the human impacts on the climate?

James Mahoney

Connection cost is a meaningful cost. If the usage would drop, it would reduce companies' connection cost, and they'd get a slight benefit to their margins.

Ned Zachar

If we can reduce (obesity) for a 10-year-old, their chance of being obese at 35 is lessened.

Bonnie Hoppel

Now we are hoping to implement a decision we made a long time ago on the areas we didn't include, because it is very crowded and busy. We have people who end up camping on meadows and other areas where it is not permitted. The expansion would reduce the physical wear and tear on the environment.

Lisa Therrell

[C&W said the deal would help reduce its development costs and shorten the time needed to introduce next-generation services.] We are absolutely convinced that it is going to lower our cost, ... We will be able to pick and choose from [Cisco] what will fit in the Hong Kong market.

Roy Wilson

BASF's rating level will depend on the ultimate prices paid, plans for future share buybacks and dividends mitigated by the cash flow benefits of current strong petrochemical market conditions and operating cash flows, which may help it to reduce the increased debt load more quickly.

Tobias Mock

If we can stop the markets for seal products, hopefully, we can reduce the number of seals being killed.

Sheryl Fink

The more you can include the people who'll be affected, the more you reduce the chances of emotional fallout.

Katherine Gibson

With the increased scale of the combined company, we can reduce overall product costs and provide more innovative products at more competitive prices.

Bill Watkins

There is a risk that only 95 percent would be removed, ... You would bring a sense of complacency to the community and increase rather than reduce the chance of injury.

Howard Pearce

During this most difficult time, we hope this simple step will reduce evacuees' worries about their payments.

Richard Gregg

I don't think there is a recipe, you need to look at each system individually. I think we need to be as conservative as possible, to do everything possible to reduce stresses on fish.

Bruce Finney

We will only do this if it will serve to further stabilize or reduce our electric rates. Also, this is a non-polluting source of power, so it's very economically friendly.

Charles Young

The airline battle to reduce costs, increase yields and improve efficiencies is effective well beyond expectations.

Giovanni Bisignani

We've won the game, he's got sent off so I hold no grudges. But if that's what you have to reduce him to then that's what happens. He's only an average player anyway.

Sean Davis

This study provides additional evidence that breast cancer may originate during the early phases of a woman's life and that eating habits during that phase may be particularly important to reduce future risk of breast cancer.

Karin Michels

We are looking at taking a master plan point of view down to reality. We think we can reduce that $17 million significantly.

Mike Workman

It's going to reduce blood pressure. It's going to lengthen lifespan. It's going to make people more alert. It can completely change people's lives.

Jerome Siegel

Cut down on fatty foods. Diets high in saturated fats are also high in calories and contribute to obesity. Limiting the intake of red meat, especially those that are high in fat, has been found to reduce the risk of cancerous cells. Always opt for poultry breast, fish and shell fish.

Yvonne Rammbwa

That's what we're known for: it's all on formulas and identifying the risks of investing. We're trying to reduce all the risks we can.

Dick Saalfeld

It hurts my heart that you are paying capital gains tax every year. I recommend that you consider contributions to a traditional IRA to reduce or eliminate that tax.

Diane Rolfsmeyer

The challenge is that the interface on a cell phone is so poor that anything you can do to reduce the number of keystrokes and the number of menus is a plus.

Barry Parr

You'd have a hard time finding a major publishing company that has not begun to reduce its page size.

David Allan

To get the density we're looking for, we could reduce the number of the single-family homes. It would be more affordable and some could be used for professional offices.

Paul Webster

Even if we get an increase in state aid, I might not use it to restore positions but rather to reduce the levy. I don't like the look of the levy because it's still too high.

Richard Stein

Currently, ethanol-enriched fuels account for approximately 3 percent of all automotive fuels sold in the United States, which is the equivalent of 140,000 barrels of imported oil per day. With increased consumer awareness and support for ethanol, we can move the needle and further reduce the amount of oil we currently import from other countries.

Tom Slunecka

We just want to teach people how to reduce fire risk, ... Then, if there are problems, they can be corrected in the case of an actual emergency.

Bruce Graham

In practice he has been able to reduce crime statistics, like kidnapping and homicide, in the major cities.

German Espejo

Our service fits with what the city is trying to do to reduce waste going into the landfill. We're battling the convenience of disposing.

Irene Watterson

Giving a 10-year mandatory minimum for a second offense fist fight is not going to reduce the chance that someone will be stabbed 16 times when you are not funding any of the programs that are desperately needed to actually reduce juvenile crime.

Bobby Scott

I would think that it would only be fair that the Chamber was able to reduce their request by 25 percent with their money they got from Charlie Adams Day and other things, that Main Street be reduced by the same amount from $10,000 to $7,500.

Michael Gibson

Anything that is going to help reduce crime and the fear of crime, especially such problems as distraction burglaries, which Help the Aged is very concerned about, should be welcomed.

Paul Bates

Maybe it's because North American workers have been drilled to reduce help desk calls, but it's a fact that they're less likely than Germans to call.

Bob Hansmann

A few years ago it was suicide to overprice a house and then reduce it. Now we're telling sellers to pick their price... there is no harm in reaching because the market is moving so quickly.

Diane Saatchi

Energy costs are a growing concern among Maine?s working families. Providing contractors with information on how to build energy-efficient homes will give them the tools to meet the needs of homeowners seeking to reduce energy costs.

Kurt Adams

They're offering consumers choice, which is a positive. You have to think about what they sell and customers have to know how to order to reduce their caloric intake.

Rachel Brandeis

The MBR Center will provide our customers with more choices to cost effectively treat their wastewater. We will be able to develop new products and new configurations of MBR technology -- allowing customers to expand MBR applications, improve effluent quality and reduce costs.

Chuck Gordon

You reduce your loss, reduce your cost, [that's] fair. But you don't sent it to a guy who has to drive 20 miles to send his kid to school.

Mike Smith

Extending the passenger limit of the GDL law from six months to one year will help reduce injuries and deaths from teen crashes both by reducing the number of distractions for novice drivers and the number of potential crash victims.

Steven Bloch

The lesson I take away from that is you can reduce congestion over some period of time, but it's very difficult to sustain that.

Tim Lomax

It helps reduce the amount you might owe at the end of the year.

Stephanie Mcfarland

I think both ways are ways to make the world a better place and to reduce the suffering.

William Fleeson

It will help us reduce our operating cost for the arsenal; it expands our employment base here and reinforces our role as the only government-owned chemical and biological defense arsenal.

Larry Wright

Industrial production will strongly contribute to growth in the fourth quarter. Order backlogs have been rising in Germany. There's more than sufficient evidence that one should reduce the amount of accommodation in monetary policy.

Klaus Baader

The GMA 347 audio panel meets the needs of aircraft owners who require industry leading communication integration. The versatility of the audio switching functions helps reduce cockpit workload and makes the flight more enjoyable for the pilot and crew.

Gary Kelley

Largely because there was not an overreaction by government, other companies moved in to write the business being shed by the companies that decided to reduce their coastal exposure.

Bernie Bourdeau

People are anxious to balance the budget, to reduce the deficit, and to do some sensible things about the economy and other circumstances in this nation. But, they don't wish to go about it in the way Jim Greenwood did by taking a buzz saw to a lot of things, cutting them out, and putting people in jeopardy.

John Murray

If the worm allowed too much inflammation it might kill the host, so the worm has evolved to reduce inflammation to protect the host.

Padraic Fallon

This is an exciting opportunity for growth and to reduce risk.

Jim Sutcliffe

A lot of companies will -- may -- reduce production or decrease production thinking sales will go down. I personally think that if anything Brett Favre has a couple years to go.

Brian Huff

We invest very heavily in improving the code quality so we reduce the number of bugs the verification teams find, as opposed to relying on the verification team to find bugs for us.

Benny Chang

The fact that the overall effect of reconciliation taken together was to enlarge rather than reduce the deficit undermines the credibility of anyone claiming that this was a deficit-reduction package.

Maya Macguineas

The company has to sell off assets in order to substantially reduce debt prior to emerging from bankruptcy.

Jon Cartwright

The partnerships formed through this collaborative will enable us to leverage resources to reduce diesel emissions. We will be able to share technology and pool finances for greater reductions than are possible through individual efforts.

Jim Gulliford

This gives us hope that we can potentially prevent and reduce morbidity and do it through dietary and lifestyle means.

Lawrence Appel

What everyone is searching for today is the scale to reduce costs and improve the ability to compete.

Roger Agnelli

The drop in mortality is a tribute to Pennsylvania's top-notch surgeons and hospitals, as well as further evidence that public reporting works. The next frontier should be to reduce readmissions associated with infections, particularly hospital-acquired infections.

Marc P. Volavka

Ikea claims that this extra charge means it can reduce product prices further [for every shopper], but it appears to be one of the only providers to do this.

Robert Kenley

I would say we either greatly reduce what we charge or eliminate it altogether.

John Frye

There is a kind of thinking in the Church that wants to reduce the priest to a mere functionary, a managing director, where administration rather than doctrine and worship are to determine the form of the Church.

Arthur Middleton

I can say 'reduce your stress level' until I'm blue in the face.

Mary Stewart

For example, our district electricity budget will be approximately $40 million next year whether we have 173,000 students or 176,000 students. However, 3,000 less students could reduce annual operating revenues by $18 million.

Mike Burke

As we help empower consumers to reduce their energy costs through products and services, we also believe it is right for us to reduce our company's own consumption and help contribute to the country's energy conservation efforts at this time.

Bob Nardelli

That expense is going to reduce the amount of reserves that we would otherwise have accumulated, but because we are ahead of schedule in the accumulation of reserves in this current fiscal year, I believe we are on a schedule I am comfortable with to put the reserves back where they need to be.

Tony Williams

We recognize that this is not a silver bullet, but laws reduce the number of people committing certain crimes.

Paul Cross

When you talk about genetic variation being lost, you need to really reduce [the population] to a small number of individuals.

Yvonne Chan

The companies have publicly committed to reduce their hedge books, not to increase them, so I don't expect them to start hedging again in the same way in the near future.

Jeremy East

It's an opportunity for visitors themselves to take part in the effort to reduce accidents.

Brian Berry