I reached for sleep and drew it round me like a blanket muffling pain and thought together in the merciful dark.

The mills of God work like lightning compared with the law.

The best way of forgetting how you think you feel is to concentrate on what you know you know.

Have you ever thought, when something dreadful happens, "a moment ago things were not like this, let it be then, not now...."? And then you try to remake then, but you know you can't. So you try to hold the moment quite still and not let it move on...

But I have noticed this about ambitious men, or men in power—they fear even the slightest and least likely threat to it.

I can say 'reduce your stress level' until I'm blue in the face.

I've got children there, grownup there and I'm about to starve to death. I sure appreciate what they did. I sure do!

It is harder to kill a whisper than even a shouted calumny.

I was so scared I don't feel I have any entrails anymore.

There are few men more superstitious than soldiers. They are, after all, the men who live closest to death.