Juan Cole
FameRank: 5

"John Ricardo I." ""Juan"" "Cole" is an United States/American academic and commentator on the modern history of the Middle East/Middle East and history of South Asia/South Asia. He is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. Since 2002, he has written a weblog, Informed Comment (juancole.com) which is also syndicated on Truthdig.com.

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I just cannot understand this sort of argument.

This vote is sort of a national vote of confidence for that leadership.

A U.S. withdrawal would not cause the Sunnis suddenly to want to give up their major demands; indeed, they might well be emboldened to hit the Shiites harder.

This thing is an enormous fiasco, ... really undermines its legitimacy, and this result guarantees the guerrilla war will go on.

... will play the role of rejection in the new Iraq. They are going to demand that all the controversial points in the constitution be addressed right away.

They began to see some advantages to federalism - one of them being that the parties would control the resources.

The question is how you reduce the number of bases [the terrorists have] and the size of the sea in which they swim. What something like the Iraq war does is increase the number of bases you have to deal with and the sea they have to swim in.

They are like lobbyists. They're spreading the money around, so whoever wins owes them.

My gut tells me the letter is a forgery.