I would think at this point that everyone in the legislature would want to stand up and say that we abide by the notion that courts decide questions of constitutional law. And I note from the resolution that they are not in any way arguing that they should disobey the court. But I think at this point we need to sit back and let the courts decide the case.

Ken Falk

It is irresponsible to link these kind of questions.

Anna Lindh

Some concrete judgments have to be made. There is a long list of practical questions that need to be addressed, starting with which price index they should use, what the specific number or range should be, and to what time period it should apply.

Michael Prell

It's more beneficial than it is tough. The tough part is he asks you questions you really don't know the answer to, and you have to try to answer them. He's really good at teaching, as well as playing. He's helped me out a ton.

Jim Sorgi

We came prepared with very complete answers to very detailed questions, and we left feeling pleased with the reaction we got from the [sports authority].

Bob Sommer

It's less about us deciding institutionally what you need to know about this building. It's more us trying to listen to questions people have - to know what people often wonder about when they look at this thing.

Dan Kohl

In O.J., the defense raised the questions that the evidence was kept in the trunk of the car, collected without officers using gloves, et cetera.

Chris Plourd

That's not what I want to do. I want to review the report and then ask questions.

Abraham Torres

I do not believe for us as Lutherans, human sexuality is a church-defining or church-dividing issue, ... We can live with some ambiguity about these questions.

Mark Hanson

All that said, however, it is recommended that members with questions contact the customer service number on the back of their card.

Leslie Porras

The questions that Cindy Sheehan has for George Bush are now questions for members of Congress and decision-makers across the country. We are not here to make deals with the lives of our children. We will be calling on all decision-makers to bring the troops home now.

Nancy Lessin

This is the study everyone's looking to to get answers to questions about the peninsula. We need a document, a master plan to follow.

Roy Lamotte

These are urgent questions because we're talking about a lot of children and a tremendously disabling brain disease, which really robs a child and a family of the personhood of this child.

Thomas Insel

101 Frequently Asked Questions About Homosexuality.

Mike Haley

The idea of what is a college professor like? What is a college classroom like? They already know the answer to those questions.

John Lopez

Talk to your child, ask them questions, pay attention to changes in their behavior or types of friends they run around with. This can be a really important endeavor in keeping our children safe.

Vickie Horton

He's real. He will be big. He sits down, talks to people, fields questions. You don't see a lot of artists doing that.

Gary Cole

Their first instinct should be to answer questions about our security rather than launch a public relations offensive, and when that fails do what they should've done from day one.

David Wade

I have questions about the makeup of this team. I've been saying this for the last couple years. I don't know if they can win as constituted. They're not an especially tough team.

Tom Verducci

It's clearly offensive when the president of Israel makes a criticism and instead of dealing with the essence of the criticism, Netanyahu turns it around and basically questions the motives and patriotism of the president.

David Makovsky

What you see architecturally is what you get with personalities here. It's very much a sense of conformity. I became very unpopular because I dared to ask questions.

David Lyon

It has been much busier than I expected. We weren't sure we needed to be here 24 hours a day to begin with, and it's become clear that we are getting questions and issues coming up all hours of the day and night.

Patrick Meehan

The U.S. government has no greater capacity to trace a 'mad cow' back to its origins or answer crucial questions about its origins than it did on Dec. 23, 2003.

Carol Tucker Foreman

We have some backs that are good runners, but our offensive line is really coming on. That was one of our questions coming into the season, and we've got some guys that are really stepping up.

Dan Cavanaugh

The key questions are at what altitude was all this taking place.

David Kaminski Morrow

One lesson that we might draw from this incident is that we shouldn't be asking so many questions of jurors. Maybe we should just be asking if they have ever been convicted of a crime, that we ought to know. But, do we really need to know about every arrest and every civil lawsuit and what television programs they watch?

Albert Alschuler

We are in here several hours a week and we go through questions.

Ryan Bell

Arthur would ask me very direct questions, and he expected very direct answers.

Richard Donovan

This necropsy brought up more questions than answers. The injuries are not consistent with anything they have ever seen.

Joni Geiger

'How do you know so much about everything?' was asked of a very wise and intelligent man; and the answer was 'By never being afraid or ashamed to ask questions as to anything of which I was ignorant.

John Abbott

There were so many fewer questions when stars were still just the holes to heaven...

Jack Johnson

Obviously, The Passion was at the other end of the spectrum; we told people to go see The Passion . But it's the same idea - we're having a national discourse again on faith and religion and what really happened in the life of Jesus Christ. We're OK with people asking those questions because we think we have the answers.

Kyle Fisk

I am trying to ask them to ask the deeper questions in life. The one major theme is sacrifice. They know they have to make a sacrifice.

G. Kwame Scruggs

Whether they will be splitting royalties and how they will track downloads and payments are important questions the parliament will have to answer.

Mukul Krishna

He doesn't want to do it where he's asked questions about this by opponents, ... The nature of science is to submit your ideas for scrutiny.

Hector Avalos

The bigger surprise for the market would certainly be no change. That would likely raise questions about a delay in eventual rate rises and lead people to dump the yen.

Katsunori Kitakura

It's very normal in a project of this scale to have questions raised.

Margaret Murphy

It's an attempt to avoid the hard questions in a press free-for-all.

Mac Stipanovich

I think it is just a matter of them deciding in advance who can take the heat and answer questions. I don't think it means anything more than an honorary thing.

Jenny Axlerod

This isn't my first rodeo, ... People ask me questions like how things are going and how's the competition. It's not like I haven't been through it before. There's nothing you are going to show me right now, besides 105-degree practices, that I haven't seen before.

Gus Frerotte

The most suspicious thing was when her stories didn't add up and when I was asking specific questions and she started getting jumbled and nervous.

Denise Kraft

The prosecution wants to make sure the process by which the evidence was obtained is not truthfully presented, because, as often as not, that process will raise questions.

Alan M. Dershowitz

We would strongly disagree with his characterization. The attorney general was forthright and candid and answered all the questions fully.

Michael Bradford

Hillary Clinton isn't answering important questions in this campaign, such as: Is she running for president or is she serving the people of New York?

Brian Donahue

Once you start asking questions, innocence is gone.

Mary Astor

It's interesting to me that the questions assume that because I'm Asian-American and Pacific islander that I'm an outsider. But I'm not an outsider to the culture. In hip-hop, you either have something or you make way for someone who does. If you don't have it, step out and learn. I feel I've had to earn my stripes.

Jeff Chang

That's going to be one of the big questions on everyone's mind. There is going to be a lot of pressure on them to provide some path and explanation of that path. They have a lot on their plate.

Debbie Wang

The big questions have to do with moral development because there is not much research.

Linda Jackson

It's good for customers to ask lots of questions, so they understand the business environment and the services utilities offer.

Dennis Hall

He answered a lot of our questions and (corrected) spelling errors.

Theresa Cullen

I know I have to stop reading the message board. I want to read it so I can answer your questions but you people are all insane. Well, at least some of you.

Adam Duritz

This is a great opportunity for parents and families to stop by and learn more about the Cabrillo Port project, pick up some information and talk with us about any questions they may have about the project.

Kathi Hann

There's really a lot of unanswered questions regarding this plan.

David Colton

[Those questions are] actually pretty annoying, ... But they're really not a major cause of privacy violations.

Larry Ponemon

It would seem that if they're using an employee compensated by taxpayers to answer questions about the campaign, that may be on the other side of that fine line of the law.

Meta Minton

You have to ask the right questions.

Linda Goldberg

It's a major issue that the community has been calling about, asking about, we felt the need to answer their questions.

Dan Hollar

I know people will have some questions.

Tom Maher

Unfortunately many people with valid questions will not get them answered.

Vicki Kramer

There's been a lot of questions about this. We've, for the first time, shown very clearly that there is a benefit.

Sarah Darby

Who would have thought that in Day 12 of a disaster, we'd still be asking ourselves these questions? Usually at this point, we're well into the rebuilding.

William Goodwin

It is not suited either to all kids or all parents. It requires students with considerable curiosity and independence, who come up with and get interested in questions and can sustain some interest in them.

Tom Hatch

Not a month passed. And we have seen a form of back-tracking on the process defined to clarify questions hanging over markets, ... This confuses investors about the integrity of intent and government leadership in both the consultation process and in the stability of our tax and regulatory environment.

Leslie Hayman

On such questions, the church has clearly defined positions.

Richard John Neuhaus

We answer a lot of insect questions.

Andy Wilson

The question posed by Yossarian in 'Catch-22,' ... is one of the great questions of modern times: Is this huge industrial military that we've constructed, has it become more deadly and powerful than the cause for which is was constructed?

Mark Bowden

The attack was extreme, sinister and barbaric. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered.

Musikari Kombo

The health effects of uranium really haven't been studied since the Manhattan Project (the development of the atomic bomb in the early 1940s). But now there is more interest in the health effects of depleted uranium. People are asking questions now.

Diane Stearns

What we know about Pluto could be printed on the back of a postage stamp. The textbooks will be rewritten when this mission is completed. The true nature of this mission is to find the answers to questions we don't even know how to ask.

Colleen Hartman

People are just saying it's a disappointing outlook. They're shooting first, asking questions later.

Shawn Campbell

We had some questions on defense this year, but the defense played great today. It gives us something to build on.

Randy Holden

We are very much still a work-in-progress with many questions to be answered.

Dr. Guy Sconzo

It was absolutely crazy. They kept asking us all these questions, (and) I was trying to figure out who I have to convince here to make my movie. There's a fine line between staying true to what you wrote and being flexible.

Pete Jones

He has cooperated with authorities and answered all their questions.

Leslie Ballin

The degree to which this will fit into our immediate future - do we have the staff, can we get a consultant lined up, does this fit into our priorities - are all questions.

Tom Beekman

Analysts ask more penetrating questions. From a practical standpoint, most of the questions of individual investors can be answered on [a company's] web sites.

Louis Thompson

The New Order under Suharto was basically a system of tax farming. Your job was to get the bridge built and as long as it got built nobody asked questions.

James Castle

We played good enough defense to win the game. Our trouble came on the offensive end. Our goal right now is to find the answers to our questions on offense.

Mark Ritter

It's not rocket science, ... If the doctor is an employee of the company, there are serious questions about the confidentiality of employees' medical data.

Lewis Maltby

It was clear to them by the end of our visit that we had legitimate questions. I was concerned about bringing a football team there.

Tom Collins

It puts to an end any questions of the unseemly behavior. It's a wonderful thing. It keeps everybody home at night.

Brian Ballard

The questions were geared more toward the language arts, and since I am a math and science person, I only offered little tidbits to my teammates who were more language-arts oriented.

Greg Watkins

If it had been 33-23 the other way, then there would be no questions about parliamentary procedure. The fact is, the Scranton campaign said this was a caucus they had to win and they just lost.

Ray Zaborney

In some areas of the state, it was enthusiastically pursued and landowners realized it could help improve conditions as well as their bottom line. In other areas, it was fought tooth and nail. There were many questions about how our program would affect an operator's ability to make a living.

Ray Jaindl

Why should I carry the costs? My contract was extended by a competent authority and then a subsequent authority questions that. I now have to carry the burden of challenging that. It does not make sense. I am caught in the crossfire.

Wallace Mgoqi

(Ted's) focus was on hitting a baseball, not questions of ethnicity.

Bill Nowlin

Unless you're flat out dead, you have to think of some other questions like: what's on the other side? It brings up issues of God, or no God. How does he play into this? Or he, or she, or it? How does it all play into this?

Michael Keaton

It's going to be a year-to-year thing. It's certainly not going to be anything that jeopardizes games in the fall, but some of the questions are: where and when the work is going to be done and what's our ability to accommodate fans in the spring?

John Heisler

I'm trying to learn a little bit but I must admit I have a horrible accent. I mess up the tones. I don't always get the meaning across. My sentences sound like questions.

Tara Kirk

We're not saying don't fill it out. If that is their personal desire to fill out only some questions, its better to do that than not get counted at all.

John Czwartacki

Medication helped in many ways. But it didn't answer the functional questions. How do I juggle multiple assignments? How do I budget my time? How do I get along with others? How do I get things in on time?

Michael Sandler

This is a new program, and people are trying to learn about it, and concerns about travel are questions people need to ask. It could be a problem, but we probably won't see this until more people start heading north.

Scott Parkin

When you state that you have met with us and answered our questions, that's really not the case.

Diane Brown

The more questions that are being answered, the more get asked.

Bill Uttley

My job is to ask questions, to help him figure out her style to embody in the ring.

Tom Shamy

I don't pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about..

Arthur C. Clarke

Students need to hear [accurate information concerning the conflict] outside of the media. I feel I can provide a platform to invite students to pose the right questions.

Andrew David

Have I answered your questions?

Ben Dattner

We have the same questions about that as well.

Jan Caldwell

You answered all the questions I would have asked.

Barbara Reynolds

We had 20 presentations, and everyone had a chance to talk and ask questions about it. And out of that project came about a dozen items that we changed in processes, procedures and the way we handle situations.

Gerald Shields

These hearings are going to be a stark contrast to the Roberts hearings. Can you picture her answering some of the questions that Roberts was asked?

Roger Pilon

My own opinion is that a playoff would be exciting. It would get rid of all the questions about who is the true national champion.

Dennis Roland

With some of the questions we have in our major-league bullpen, we wanted to acquire as much talent as we could to create depth and to create competition. Our pitching depth, we feel real good about. It's as good as we've felt about it in Triple-A.

Dayton Moore

It's a little intimidating to get all the questions, but it went well.

Hannah Prahl

That's OK, but -- especially if you're getting them from a mail-order service -- it could be a mix-up, too. So if you get a different-colored medication, don't hesitate to check with a pharmacist before you take it. These drugs aren't Pez candy -- take them seriously, and if you have questions, ask.

Douglas Hoey

The moment we find the reason behind an emotion...the wall we have built is breached, and the positive memories it has kept from us return too. That's why it pays to ask those painful questions. The answers can set you free.

Gloria Steinem

How can a question be answered that asks a lifetime of questions?

Norman Maclean

I think it's an interesting study. It's certainly very well done, but it raises a lot of questions.

Alice Lichtenstein

He hasn't asked. He's mentioned [the explosion]. He said it was a tragedy. [But] I don't want to push him. We'll need to sit down and I'll ask questions when [he indicates] he's ready.

Anna Mccloy

He looked straight ahead, refused to answer any questions or have any communication with the doctor.

Tracey Smith

What they're facing with their daughter's cancer is something that no family should have to go through. It's so sad. The situation as they described it, the governor talked with them and asked them questions.

Kathy Walt

What song the Sirens sang, or what name Achilles assumed when he hid himself among women, though puzzling questions, are not beyond all conjecture.

Thomas Browne, Sr.

He stuck his head out the door and asked who we were. It was quite funny. To his credit he didn't just ignore us or the passersby who eventually stopped to ask him questions.

Brad Woodhouse

There's concern they're nearing the end of their growth curve. Investors tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

Brad Stephens

Over the last month, there were some questions whether he would make all of his finals and even be competitive in them. We had question marks going into Big Tens, and I think Michael answered the questions.

Bob Groseth

Number one, long term, they will be a no-load buyer and a more cost-conscious investor and not lean so heavily on the advice of financial professionals. And two, it will force them to do a little self-educating, which is always a good thing. At the very least, if they are going to rely on someone else, they can ask intelligent questions.

Don Cassidy

When (Bronco) did show records, they were partial records. In my mind there were questions of whether they were completely forthcoming in turning over the documents.

James Geagan

These two stocks have been under pressure this year because of questions about how relevant they are to the boom in e-business.

Jim Mendelson

A lot of times, it is based on a child?s personality. If they are the type of child to ask a million questions about everything, then they will have a million questions about adoption too.

Linda Cullen

There's a lot of questions that need to be answered.

Pat Hanlon

These are pretty natural questions and issues, ... It's a very dynamic area with a lot of things that can change. Some of the things you can predict and others will catch us by surprise, but at the end of the day, the last man standing — for sure — will be the carrier and the big content companies. Which ones of the aggregators that will be standing will be harder to predict.

Michael Gallelli

That is reserved for the future. That will be the 100 percent solution, but we have to wait for science to catch up with the questions.

Peter Lacovara

The vote may have been taken to wish the questions away, but it doesn't wish the answers away.

Andy Kelly

All of us are trying to get down to, what are your core values? ... If you'll play for any team that asks you to play, it raises the questions of where would you draw the line, if you would draw the line.

Richard Durbin

It's great to go and talk to them, and have them ask me questions. I can try to help them with their training, and help them through a problem. It makes me really happy they want to learn from me.

Chellsie Memmel

If it's not complete, we will have to keep asking follow-up questions, ... If you do a tight budget, which we do, you can't afford late things.

Randy Reid

We've been given no reasons for the delay, so we have no explanation. But if you see the rapidity at which other legislation is rushed through, it raises questions as to how much of a priority this is.

Lisa Vetten

I think what (the training) does is answers a lot of questions, gives them confidence and allays a lot of fears.

Cathy Hicks

It's an opportunity to answer any additional questions that are out there. It's also an opportunity for the three-school option to be discussed on its own, rather than in comparison to the consolidated option, as it had been in the past.

Irene Allan

When we'd go to church, my mother would say, 'Ask the priest your questions.' And the priest was quite indulgent, ... Often he'd say, 'We haven't figured that out yet, my boy.' When I heard that, I was free, I was overjoyed -- I could create [my own] answers.

Neale Donald Walsch

Often with new technology, there can be problems [regarding support]. There are a lot of questions about support that would need to be answered.

Chris Watkins

The great thing is that when anyone from MACO, USDA, or an organization helping with disaster relief entered a business asking for donations or assistance, no one asked questions or interviewed us.

Pam Davis

Ask questions from your heart and you will be answered from the heart.

Omaha Proverb

A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.

Joey Adams

If all goes well, it shows the EU can be a force for good and Germany can lead it. If it goes wrong, then it would raise all sorts of questions.

Daniel Keohane

The only questions worth asking today are whether humans are going to have any emotions tomorrow, and what the quality of life will be if the answer is no.

Lester Bangs

There's really not a time line right now, ... We're going to let the council ask questions and tell us what they want, and then we'll look at it again.

Kevin Russell

I have full confidence, especially [since the] two ministers [were] present, and having all the questions answered that might have been a concern to the government and the people of the Bahamas, that we will sign on to it.

Leslie Miller

I think we need to ask the Airport Authority some pointed questions about how they intend to finance their proposal to construct the Dulles Metro line.

Susan Turner

How he gets a game in the one-day squad, I don't know. So for him to get back in to the Test side creates even more questions about the selectors.

Mark Waugh

Spirit has climbed to the hilltop and looked over the other side, but NASA did not do this just to say we can do it. The Mars rovers are addressing fundamental questions about Martian history and planetary environments.

Doug Mccuistion

Sometimes people who don't know you, strangers, will find out what you're doing and start asking all kinds of crazy questions.

Rick Rosas

I hope he will be here, and I hope he answers questions about the illegal betting.

Rene Fasel

Hunters will have the opportunity to hear first hand why these parishes fall in the Area 8 structure. They can also ask questions of the biologists regarding the harvest and season framework.

Dave Moreland

The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions which have been hidden by the answers.

James Baldwin

There's a multitude of things happening on stage. It's OK not so see everything. People should treat it like a landscape. Every moment you focus, and you take in what you take in. It's a very enjoyable graphic dance that explores questions more than answers. It's a beautiful evening.

Bjorn G. Amelan

Robert is a great kid, and he's been a leader on and off the floor for us. I know there have been some questions about him, but he's been a model citizen at Patrick Henry.

Larry Mckenzie

Earl wouldn't say one word to me. He'd just listen and listen and listen. And he'd ask questions. He never interfered. He wanted to listen.

John Anselmo

If she is sick, she is simply sick of questions. Her evidence should be expunged from the record.

David Mpanga

Every day it becomes more difficult to deal with because of transportation issues and just coming to an end of the questions of who we're going to play and what the format is going to be.

Ron Richards

I would think (such questions) would cross anybody's mind. I'd be very surprise if it didn't.

Bill Blomquist

We have direct access to her so, if she has any questions for us we are available night or day.

Nina Rioja

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

Barack Obama

It's important that the community has its questions answered and its concerns addressed.

Larry Altose

The reality is when the emergency occurs, it's simply too late to begin to ask the tough questions.

Ron Huberman

Especially with financial content, the questions can get pretty complicated and not easy to explain in one keyword.

Guy Creese

Those are the kinds of cases that raise questions, even if they don't seem that serious.

David Diaz

They've been a good team before and they have good players still. The questions are always money and will they play?

Angelo Wright

There are going to be a lot of questions.

Kelly Rowan

The purpose of this meeting is to allow people to come together and discuss their questions about GCHS and allow the board and staff to respond to them.

Shawn Grass

Once the site plan comes in, it may raise some interesting questions.

Paul Braun

It's one of the top questions on our Web site ... the office invite.

Kathleen Murray

(Addressing questions like) Where do I go to get a job, where do I go to get clothes. More importantly local people knowing a central place they can give money and knowing it will get dispersed locally to one centralized shelter.

Michael Lambert

[We are] planting seeds of questions about their own behavior and attitudes.

Alison Homan

It was quite a heady time. Living in a guesthouse in the hills and just having a crazy life. And I think that getting there and then getting divorced, all those things that are part of life, they keep these questions coming up: what are you doing with your life and why?

Robin Dunne

I was told that after I answered their questions, then I could speak to my dad. I just wanted to talk to my parents.

Michael Hicks

The most obvious impact of Bayou will be that people will ask how good their consultants' due diligence is. How good are their questions and what should they ask that they haven't asked yet?

Justin Dew

They were not searched again, they were not asked any questions, nor were there any additional security measures taken. This simply was a case of prejudice by the airline crew.

Shirin Sinnar

The colleagues of the CGI raised questions on the transparency of the compensation fund program and the sustainability of its implementation.

Aburizal Bakrie

He said he was to pilot a fifth plane and then he declined to answer other questions. He said the government would have to agree to a deal first.

James Fitzgerald

Quite a few people were asking questions about her after the meet. They thought she was older than that.

Brian Weaver

Direct: Asking straightforward questions.

Ricardo Sanchez

I just tell them sex, and that usually ends the questions.

Norma Norwood

There have been some gains in test scores in Camden that raised some questions. Due to some of the increases, we are conducting fact finding, at this point.

Jon Zlock

My mom was able to recount many facts as I watched and listened to Peggy ask questions and jot many notes. It made my hunger and curiosity increase so much I started researching even more.

Betty Miller

Having a survey without bias is clearly the goal here. Surveys are tricky. You can load a question and I'd like to really avoid that. We'll make the questions as neutral as possible.

Chris Mickelsen

Those of us who had a chance to ask questions should have charged that much for speaking lines. It was like making love in Carnegie Hall.

Peter Lisagor

This is definitely one step, but there are many questions that have been raised by the trial that have not been answered by the verdict.

Pamela Dix

It is neither necessary or possible to educate someone who never questions anything.

Joseph Heller

I find that some people are intimidated by judges and are sometimes afraid to talk to them. Don't be, I for one would be happy to try to answer your questions.

Dan Crawford

I'm not going to say at this point that they have answered all the questions of the court. I haven't had time to digest everything they have done.

David Matthews

If there is a Collective Bargaining Agreement, we can answer a lot of our questions in free agency. If there's not a Collective Bargaining Agreement, which we should know hopefully in the next few days, then we'll be doing most of our [player acquisitions] in the draft.

Vinny Cerrato

The secret of having a personal life is not answering too many questions about it.

Joan Collins

Go get some practice, see how people bid, interact with the people who are in charge and ask questions.

Don Campbell

It's one of those questions I can't answer specifically because I don't have the facts.

Brian Billick

I'm concerned that I and my memo have become the issue. This is not gossip. I've asked questions. Are we asking people to sweep things under the rug?

Marie Horenburger

I don't think they want to, or are not prepared to answer some very pointed questions about what went wrong.

Michael Oxley

When starting out, you should find a place where you can trust the information and you're comfortable. Then, if you have questions, you can always go back. When you start dealing with a lot of places, you get a lot of different opinions.

Brian Vaughn

I addressed the tax issue straight up without any fluff. The questions were asked and I answered them.

Charles Parr

He was such a smart basketball player, it's been fun to ask him questions and to be able to learn from him.

Chris Mihm

It brought up a lot of conversation and it's something we're going to have to look at in the future. It brought up a lot of good questions and issues.

Gary Petersen

If you were a prosecutor, there probably would be a responsibility to disclose this. The defense has no obligation in reverse. No one (on the stand) has a duty to disclose more than the questions require.

William Schroeder

An ordinary kitten will ask more questions than any five-year-old.

Carl Van Vechten

If you write a post and put it on a blog, that's a historical document. If you change your template, then that entry looks completely different. It's the same words, but not the same meaning. This all depends on what historical questions that people will be asking and we can't know what they will want.

Josh Greenberg

As social scientists, our job is to provide an analytical approach that asks better questions to help people make wiser choices.

Amy Wolfe

My date was really good-natured about it and happily answered all of my dad's questions. I couldn't believe my dad would do that to me! Apparently it didn't scare my date too badly because he asked me out again!

Amy Johnson

I've been studying pretty hard and I'm excited to go. But if I get eliminated in the first round I don't really care. It's really hard to study for all of it since the questions can be about anything. 'What town is home to something?' I don't know. But it's a good honor to be there.

Claire Dombkowski

Physical access, who you are, and [whether or not] you are allowed [specific privileges] is going to be among big technology questions that are going to be answered in 2002.

Charles Kolodgy

Joe Fox: The Godfather answers all of life's questions. What to pack for a trip? "Leave the gun, take the cannolis."

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