We get questions every day about use.

Chris Mills

There are lots of questions about what the security situation of Israel will be the day after the last withdrawal.

Dore Gold

You have a lot of choices: the brick, the stucco. There is siding, lights, shingles. It's so complex that people tend to have a lot of questions on it.

Suzanne Prieur

I started answering questions online and put up a forum. For a year I was answering 20 questions a day and people were happy and kept coming back.

Michael Connolly

We don't have answers to questions we as board members are asking or have yet to ask. I think it is too early to vote on this, and I move to table this until October.

Mary Bach

We're very aware of the questions. We've run into people over the years who have been stymied simply because they didn't know where to get the answers.

Jeff Hancock

We're in the process of drawing up questions that are reasonable and useful.

Lynda Marin

I thought he was open to questions and free to share his thoughts and ideas ? I was very impressed with him.

Michael Bingham

They created this period where the public can ask questions or comment about items on the resolution agenda. There will still be a general topic comment period at the end.

Thomas Hall

I took my daughter to school, had breakfast with my dad and when I got to the farm a reporter called to ask a couple more questions and then asked how I got back from L.A. so fast.

Jay Young

You can ask some questions that might uncover it, but if you can't get to it, you can't get to it.

Marco Boschetti

Instead of lecturing, I like to basically have them ask me questions, and I'll answer anything they want to know. Like what's the basic play of hockey? What's the object of the game? It's to create a two-on-one on the ice.

Chuck Kaiton

Mr. Harrison's talk comes at the perfect time for the eager developer audience at the GDC. His discussion will answer many questions developers have for Sony at this stage before the impending PS3 launch.

Jamil Moledina

Why are there very few minorities that were dignitaries to lead this march? Those are the serious questions we need to ask, and those are the difficult questions.

Blane Harding

He's not afraid of that. We've never had that many controversial issues, but he was very learned in the subject matter and never afraid to express his opinion to the public when they asked hard questions.

Marvin Johnson

Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.

Tony Robbins

In examinations, those who do now wish to know ask questions of those who cannot tell.

Walter Raleigh, Sr.

I was the one who spent time on the budget looking to say is this expense reasonable, is that expense reasonable. I asked questions that didn't tend to get asked.

Dorn Peterson

We are still in the dark about where this is going to go. There are still a lot of questions to be asked.

Alisdair Gray

We called to see how the deliveries were going, to ask if they had questions or if they wanted to change their beverage order, Think before you drink.

Cara Ebbeling

At this point, there are just too many open questions, ... And all I'm trying to do is answer those questions as best we can.

Louis Graham

I think the fact that questions weren't even raised shows this bill was misguided from the start.

Dyana Mason

He asked questions at every stage of the demonstration.

Lou Gellos

Hypothetical questions get hypothetical answers.

Joan Baez

There are naturally questions about the hospital facility. We looked at both as the same time. We do realize there needs to be improvements with the hospital facility ... but at this point in time we're going to focus on the nursing center. Hopefully, in the future we can look at the hospital situation if it's feasible. Naturally we consider the hospital every time we do something major.

David Deaton

Both sides of the issue came out. A lot of questions were answered.

Gary Moss

There are a lot of questions to be answered. If one investor has 100 shares and another has 100,000, you have to figure out how to pay each of them fairly.

Tamar Frankel

We were able to sit down and explain the proposal in detail and answer and ask questions.

Jim Caswell

There are so many questions. People feel strongly he was a spy or he was not a spy.

Deborah Espinosa

Hopefully he'll ask good questions and listen carefully to the other leaders at the table so South Carolina can move forward again.

Joe Erwin

Seniors tell us that My Medicare Matters provides the kind of assistance they need and have been requesting. They come to us, often confused about their choices for Part D coverage. Our educators are able to walk them though their options, answer their questions, and help them be prepared to make an informed choice.

Kathleen Gmeiner

We are limiting each candidate to two minutes and questions will be posed to only the judge-executive candidates.

Perry Poe

At first, I see pictures of a story in my mind. Then creating the story comes from asking questions of myself. I guess you might call it the 'what if - what then' approach to writing and illustration.

Chris Van Allsburg

The majority of the parents were not interested or real excited about having their child change schools, but that's going to happen with any boundary line recommendations. Their concerns all were legitimate but were personal needs and issues. I feel their questions were answered very thoroughly.

Jim Vaughan

Whenever I have a bird question, unless I feel like I've called him too many times already, he's the first person I go to. He knows, plus he doesn't laugh at me when I ask dumb questions.

Sue Johnston

[Within that] relatively focused ... out of 56 questions there is only one on homosexuality.

Father Thomas

There is no doubt that when I speak to hedge funds and real-money investors, they have some questions. They say that he has to prove his credentials right away.

David Rosenberg

I've had a few client questions surrounding R2 but most of my requests the past few months have been focused on SQL 2005 and Visual Studio 2005.

John Mcgrath

These questions are objective and [consumers] can relate to that.

Darby Williams

We're trying to answer all those questions, ... We're collecting that information now and analyzing it.

Jeffrey Koplan

The President will continue to speak and then he'll go into his questions.

Allison Barber

We have unanimously decided that the open questions should be clarified by a parliamentary inquiry.

Renate Kuenast

My principal objective right now is to learn as much as I can. This is their day to ask me questions.

Robert Eckert

I just care about winning. If I had this type of game and we lost, nobody would have been asking me all these questions.

Will Sheridan

We may end up holding individual agencies, people, and procedures to account. But our fundamental purpose will not be to point fingers. It's rather to answer fully the questions that so many still have.

Thomas H. Kean

Issues concerning treaties are largely political questions best left to the political branches of the government, not the courts, for resolution.

John Bates

How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself? There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions. You continue to live them out, making your life a worthy expression of leaning into the light.

Barry Lopez

The questions she brought up and the things she wanted to know are the things the general public is going to want to know.

Mary Weber

The world is filled with puzzles, all kinds of interesting questions and it's our challenge to figure them out. It's not just like this static file cabinet of things that human beings know. It's ever expanding.

Neil Shubin

There are political and legal questions about ownership. The British Museum acquired many of its items before other countries had drafted laws to protect their cultural relics. If we exhibited these items it would imply that we recognized their ownership.

Guo Xiaoling

We must do something to prevent any more miners dying and having to endure this awful pain. Please do not leave any stone unturned. Twelve men, good family men, lost their lives, and we deserve answers to our questions.

Peggy Cohen

When she got quiet, I kept asking her questions.

Cheryl Brown

My advice is do not panic, because this is the first opportunity that we're having to receive this data. We're now having to digest it to see what it means and there are going to be a lot of questions.

Wanda Halbert

Once he makes the announcement, it will pretty much put to rest most of the questions.

James Ferguson

If you bring the baby to us within 72 hours of birth and if there is no harm deliberately inflicted after the birth, then we take the baby, we ask no questions, and we're grateful that the baby's life has been saved.

George Ward

It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.

James Thurber

He may very well have wanted the dirt to use against Stallone. Maybe Stallone crossed him. I don't know. But I never asked questions.

Paul Barresi

There are so many interesting questions about Venus. Venus was once quite similar to Earth, but now the two planets are very different. Why are they so different now and when did this change start?

Hakan Svedhem

Students were then given instructions for correctly answering questions 18-22. The test is valid.

Tom Dunn

I've had a few students come (to our office) and ask questions, but a lot of people aren't familiar with what a senator does or what ASUA does.

Patrick Cook

I think that the City Council needs to look at all the questions before they put the cart before the horse. They are out there - some of them are out there that we don't even know about.

Troy Medeiros

When God puts things on your heart, you don't ask questions. You just go to work.

Mark Thomas

I will talk about the new party in detail on March 19. I will answer all your questions then. So, please hold your queries till then.

Raj Thackeray

Einstein was a man who could ask immensely simple questions. And what his work showed is that when the answers are simple too, then you can hear God thinking.

Jacob Bronowski

We'll vote in March. Before there was the bond issue and also the directors and board members (were up for election). There is only one questions this time.

Pat Deitrich

At the end of the day we wound up with five options, none of which had any recommendations with them. It was multiple-choice questions like on a menu. None of them seemed to have any consensus that this will actually fix something.

Alderman Dana Mclendon

The real questions are: by how much, how reversible is it and what are the best means to reduce the human impacts on the climate?

James Mahoney

The fact that these folks are returning to government to serve in positions of great responsibility does raise some ethical questions about the appropriateness of these bonuses.

Dick Dadey

It's a good resource [that] can give us good answers to our questions. It's a good, unbiased person to go to.

Tony Souza

It raises questions. How could this be in the best interest of the business? If it's not in the best interest of the business, why is the company lending its staff and resources to the chairman for his personal use?

Paul Lapides

Don't ask a lot of questions.

Bill Vogler

Correctional officers really do have a lot of control over the lives of inmates. It raises enough questions (about whether) the person in their words or their minds are willing.

Mike Prentiss

It will eliminate the questioning and answering. 'Who are you' and 'who you drive for' questions may go away and I think that's a positive for them. Truckers have been fairly open to new things so long as it does improve their experience.

Bruce Wargo

If there was a miracle, we'd get our bikes back and everything would go on, no questions asked.

Joe Skidd

I consider myself a student of many religions. The more I learn, the more questions I have. For me, the spiritual quest will be a life-long work in progress.

Dan Brown

It's a very good committee - very pleasant, and the questions they've asked are extraordinarily reasonable. I feel very good about things.

Usm President Shelby Thames

They will ask random cars that are going through the area to pull over into a median, it's a safe area, and answer questions. it should only take one or two minutes.

Teri Pope

Palladium and platinum are incredibly robust. There are questions about Russia's deliveries -- no one knows what Russia means.

George Gero

We didn't bring these customers into this case. And now if they're getting questions that make them uncomfortable, maybe they ought to raise their concerns with Roger Ball.

Chad Jones

They demonstrate that you can isolate the equivalent embryonic stem cells by alternative methods that may not raise the ethical questions.

Dr George Daley

Some people have had questions, some have said they wish we weren't leaving and most have said they hope we can find a new location, ... It's sad. You see a lot of the same people every morning for years. We have a lot of regulars we're on a first-name basis with.

Mike Rose

Normally there are at least some questions where the students come from a direction that's pretty different from that of the Journal readers, and you'll notice that's not really true here.

Joel Diemond

To conjure up such ridiculous questions, the answers to which we all know or should know are in the negative, is to build up a whimsical and farcical straw man which is not only grim but Grimm.

Tom C. Clark

She asked us some questions and told us about her family.

Tracie Griego

What would BBVA do with Lloyds? Will it improve the cost/income ratio, which is already very low? There are lots of unanswered questions there.

James Leal

If they have to pay out of pocket, will they? It's so trite to say the devil is in the details, but a lot of questions remain.

Lori Berry

I love the way it was spelled out. Parents have the questions but maybe don't have time to ask the teacher.

Susan Warner

All we are asking is to have the same opportunity as the other three teams in the competition. If Wales can't beat Italy without Dwayne Peel then you have to ask questions.

Stuart Gallacher

I could see she had a great deal of pride in what I am doing, but she still questions it.

Alain Weber

The answers to these questions will constitute a legacy of this sitting court.

Cliff Edwards

Caring for someone and advocating on their behalf can be stressful, challenging and even frustrating. This publication is full of useful information to help one get answers to questions and to lay out a care plan to assure that a loved one receives the most effective medical attention possible and the most comfortable care.

Sandra Timmermann

Live your questions now, and perhaps even without knowing it, you will live along some distant day into your answers.

Rainer Maria Rilke

My client didn't fear you. He took the stand. That boy took the stand. I asked him about six questions and let the state have him. They could have done anything with him. They didn't even ask him if he shot anyone.

Darnail Lyles

I've asked to meet with people from the business communities, the bargaining groups. I'm also going to stop by the barber shops and the local cafes -- ask all the questions everybody should be asking.

Larry Mason

When you put a puppet on your hand, you become the puppet. The reward is when the kids ask the puppets questions. That's the best part of the whole show.

Heather Allen

The following generation and the one thereafter are asking questions that were never asked before - sharp questions, ... The work has not been completed.

Heinz Fischer

She had a husband in the Aleutians, and sent him a telegram telling him how to answer the questions, ... They brought him home.

Phillip Levine

I think we have answered just about everyone's questions.

Rep. Dennis Ozment

Obviously, it's good. Overall, there are lots of questions on the deal. It gives us more time to get the facts.

Michelle Presson

There are many unanswered questions about Mars.

Richard Zurek

There are still a lot of questions about whether or not the Kerry campaign benefited from the information Berger took.

Terry Holt

What it does signify is the growing issues over intellectual property and patents within the IT industry, and it raises some important questions around what it is right to patent.

Bola Rotibi

Heading into camp, I know there were a of questions. But I think we answered a lot of them. I think guys are a lot more optimistic based on how things have gone so far, what we've seen. I think we're starting to gel.

Justin Hartwig

It is not undignified to ask the nominee questions he would rather not answer, should he prefer to remain inscrutable, or worse yet, all things to all people.

Russell Feingold

I believe that God created the universe. What I don't know is whether that evidence can be tested objectively. I ask myself the tough questions.

Guillermo Gonzalez

I won't beat up on him. I have to ask him some questions.

William Moffitt

He probably wants to run the ball a little bit, but he never questions what we do - just a very valuable asset to our team.

Clay Jordan

There were a lot of questions in a lot of people's minds. Not ours. I expected him to play well. For the first time out, he probably performed better than any of us thought.

Dennis Erickson

I was serving as the area representative to the Forest Park Civic Association before I had even moved into my house. One of the people I had contacted in the area to ask some questions when I was buying my house told me about the opportunity to be the area representative and I decided to do it.

Dave Paul

At this point, it is impacting about 10 percent of the market. One of the questions industry has to answer is exactly how will corporations integrate the data they obtain through RSS feeds into their analysis processes.

Laura Didio

The only interesting answers are those which destroy the questions.

Susan Sontag

That is why we are working with 44 partners from 12 European countries, which means almost all the groups that have studied these questions on our continent. This will enable us to compile a kind of super European database.

Jeremy Sweet

There are broader questions about who is driving the boat.

Michelle Mello

All knowledge, the totality of all questions and all answers is contained in the dog.

Franz Kafka

I'm certainly going to encourage people to keep going to meetings and calling their councilors with their concerns and questions to make sure we get the best project we can get.

Colleen Kelley

It gives them hands-on experience about what they're studying and a chance to ask questions of people they have only heard about.

Debbie Davis

They made me hold up my hands, take off my shoes, asked me all kind of questions. I said to myself, 'This isn't worth it. I'm not flying anymore.' I mean this is nothing but a hassle.

Ronald Smith

The questions reveal widespread doubts about the country's current course. But there is no consensus on which direction to take.

Daniel Yankelovich

Bromidic though it may sound, some questions don't have answers, which is a terribly difficult lesson to learn.

Katharine Graham

We were just trying to divide everything up (and keep) clear lines of communication. Students and employees know who to go to with questions and concerns.

Linda Hollingsworth

I've got that in my mind, but I have more questions than you guys. I just have to go through training camp and find out. It's been a long journey without playing, so we'll just see how everything reacts with the timing and everything else. I'm just looking forward to finding out.

Jonathan Girard

There are still a lot of big questions about what they would have eaten.

Mark Norell

Although we ended up on the short end of the scoreboard, we got some questions answered.

Jay Bly

What Bush is talking about is a massive economic development effort which speaks as much to the issues of declining industry and declining populations. That raises a whole different set of questions.

Peter May

He either has had to have some knowledge or admit to being virtually blind, deaf and dumb. Has he condoned it? Has he ignored it? Has he encouraged it? Those are the questions that have to be asked, and sooner rather than later.

Don Rose

It is a place for people to buy, sell, trade, ask questions and, in general, have a good time.

Jimmie Davis

Employees are asking those same questions. They want to understand the company's long-term commitment to this.

Dwayne Mitchell

An intelligent man who can be an effective communicator. Instead of using his intelligence, they do all these contrived events, with people asking contrived questions.

Arnold Steinberg

Each month, a different speaker will present pertinent business information and answer questions. Business owners will also be able to network amongst themselves and talk about what works for them and what doesn't. It's information that new business owners can really use.

Angela Gordon

Our electoral system may not be reformed at that time (2007). This would raise questions on the credibility of the elections.

Jose Abueva

For Greg, there was questions about his speed but he solved that at the combine.

Bill Cubit

It certainly raises a lot of serious questions, with a pharmaceutical company involved in financing the development of a Medicaid (reform plan).

Kathleen Stoll

It's basically our hope that people show up and ask us some questions. We'll get a chance to tell them what we think is important and to tell them why we think we're the best in the position.

Nick Stathes

Questions are fiction, and answers are anything from more fiction to science-fiction.

Saul Steinberg

It will be interesting. It's my first rodeo, and I told the (players) that, too. I'll have a lot of questions, but I'll get the support from the Mariners.

Jim Horner

It was great to hear the questions the investors asked and learn about their concerns. You get a better idea what they are interested in when you are talking to the people who can pull the trigger.

Sean Mullin

There are some serious questions here.

Jan Margosian

In two years, it's matured so much beyond what we expected, so we don't get any resistance to the neighborhood. We don't get questions like, 'Why would I want to live here?' It's got to be Vulcan's marketing that has driven that.

Jeff Hanson

The smart guys listen, they ask questions and listen to what you have to say. They value experience. He's a good student. Every guy in this thing could have won it. It's a battle every year.

Grant Washburn

We looked at him when he came here three years ago. This guy does an excellent job in the classroom and he'll make an excellent coach. I really listened to how he responded to questions in the interview and I was very impressed.

Jim Oyster

There can be economic questions, U.S. geography and world geography questions.

Jonathan Wong

We have real questions with regard to some of the recommendations as they apply to the Air National Guard.

Anthony J. Principi

We will ask questions and demand an answer.

Susanna Dudiyeva

The business plan raises a lot of questions. Is that other money going to materialize? Is this project the highest priority for federal funds at this point?

Bill Hauck

I felt like they were avoiding questions. They cut it (the meeting) short when people weren't done.

Brent Lewis

A lot of unanswered questions that the state Democratic Party has been asking, now, unfortunately for Sen. Burns, the U.S. Justice Department is starting to ask.

Matt Mckenna

This case is 3 1/2, almost 4 years old. Whether it's an intruder or someone in this house who committed this homicide, there's some difficult tough questions that have to be answered, and you know, Mr. Wood wants to pick and choose what gets asked and I'm not going to be part of that.

Michael Kane

Certainly, the poor condition of moose in that area has hurt the survival rate of calves. And we're hoping our research and this new study will be able to answer some of those questions.

John Emmerich

It's distressing because there are so many questions in this case, ... And you'd hope, I hope, our court system would want to know the answers other than just saying: 'Oh, we believe we're right in this.'

Frances Newton

With every letter or article I see in the paper more and more people are asking me questions and taking an interest. That gives me a chance to explain what mental illness is and how it affect not only the client but the family.

Lee Woodland

This is the million-dollar question. Getting a gold star on this one involves memorizing the job advertisement and asking detailed questions so you know exactly what they're looking for. Then highlight relevant examples from your job history to show why you're the perfect fit.

Barbara Quinn

Duvall loved the banter. He used to spend all the time he could around us, chatting away and asking us questions.

Owen Coyle

The older generation actually wanted to sit down and tell their stories, not just answer questions.

Lorraine Johnson

Man has made some machines that can answer questions provided the facts are profusely stored in them, but we will never be able to make a machine that will ask questions. The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer.

Thomas J. Watson

Religion closes off the central questions of existence by attempting to dissuade us from further enquiry by asserting that we cannot ever hope to comprehend. We are, religion asserts, simply too puny.

Peter William Atkins

It lends itself to questions about whether or not the Republican Party is unconcerned about those in the community who have been victims of firearms. And nothing could be farther from the truth.

Michael Steele

The questions continue to grow. The doubts are beginning to drown out the assurances. For every insistence from Washington that the weapons of mass destruction case against Iraq is sound comes a counterpoint from the field -- another dry hole, another dead end.

Robert C. Byrd

We asked questions like, ' How many fruits and vegetables should you eat each day?' and there were questions about fat and reading food labels.

Darla Martin

I didn't see any changes in him during 10 or 12 hours of interviews in four visits while he was in jail. He was focused, unemotional and his questions were good questions.

David Barrow

He wants to explain to the people of New Hampshire why he isn't going to be there and to answer questions that might have been asked at the debate.

Mindy Tucker

At minimum, there are some serious questions how seriously they were trying to get that lease extended. Del Monte is unfortunately using that as an excuse to bug out of this market. We're very disappointed at how this has come about.

Randy Perreira

It just comes down to old-fashioned detective work. It's knocking on doors--asking questions.

Ron Palefsky

We need to answer many, many questions. Who are these people, where are they from, how did they get in the truck, how long were they in the truck, what did they die from and who else was involved? We are only a few hours into what is a very large criminal inquiry.

Mark Pugesh

Panelists will speak and answer questions about challenges they met as women and how they persevered and changed things for the better.

Ann Coppola

It's unfortunate, but it's not surprising. She faces ethics and pay-to-play questions, and she wants to dodge those questions.

Terri Hickey

This is their best opportunity to ask their questions of the candidates before Election Day.

Julie Martineau

There's certainly a lot more to what the Supreme Court does than abortion rights. If we focus too much on abortion, we're missing questions about, say, executive authority over the war on terror. We're missing important questions about civil rights and equal protection. We're missing issues that could affect Americans, a larger percentage.

Jeffrey Segal

The answers to the questions of 1979-80 were very different than what we are expecting in the months to come.

Byron Callan

The questions and the what if this happens and what if that happens. I'm not even interested in that. If they say I can play, I'm going to go out and play.

Cole Downer

That was one of the first questions I asked. They have people in the field getting the information. They put them in the streets and count houses.

Merle Bishop

It just annoys the hell of out me when someone will get up onstage and [say], 'Uh, you know, I didn't prepare anything, so I'm just going to take questions,' and they have a ball cap on, ugly clothes and unshaven.

Ceo Gary Berman

I know the senator has had serious questions about the premise of the war, weapons of mass destruction, and he is very clearly concerned about what's going on.

Stephen Hourahan

We're not afraid to ask the hard questions and get the easy answers.

Peter Slutsky

[U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has asked the Northern Alliance] to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law and treat these questions with as much humanity as possible, ... elsewhere, everywhere.

Lakhdar Brahimi

I have no problems raising my dismay because if I had been invited I would have raised these questions.

Tom Edwards

You know Lori, there's some questions the detectives just can't answer, that only the sheriff can address. We have called repeatedly and have asked for a return call to maybe schedule a meeting and unfortunately, we haven't gotten one.

Joan Berry

I need all my players to be at practice, but it's out of my hands. That matter is in the administration's hands, so I'm just referring all questions to them.

Dickey Nutt

It's complicated. There are too many unanswered questions and it's moving too quickly. We're worried about unintended consequences.

Jennifer Alexander

The kids love the puppets. They ask questions, like what does Dr. Snow do on the job, or how did nurse Paul get to work in a hospital. Sometimes it gets noisy, but I want them to enjoy themselves.

Heather Murphy

It's not clear what will happen to Europe. A lot of questions have been raised by this vote and none of this is immediately positive.

Daragh Maher

For those of us who already have special needs kids, we've been through this. It'll be a refresher. But for parents with questions, it's as important to find out nothing is wrong as something is wrong.

Gayle Harrold

The success of this film has created an opening for innumerable conversations about transgender issues. In addition to her knockout performance, Felicity's grace and generosity in interviews have helped to create an environment in which people are not scared to ask important questions about the lives of transgender people.

Mara Keisling

It's a large chunk of time out of the instructional day and it's large chunk of time out of the instructional year. The Connecticut test is a good test. It has open ended (questions) and is a good assessment. That makes it more palatable.

Alice Jackson

We start by asking a series of questions to try to get some clues going for us. The first is usually: Do you know which garage you're in? Not everybody does.

Joe Hills

I think our system is diverse (and) it provides opportunities. It's up to the students to really explore, evaluate and ask questions, examine and hold the groups accountable to what they say they are all about.

Don Robertson

I think there are more questions in the first week than we've seen in a long time.

Tracy Austin

I'd rather have people ask questions off the top of their heads, throughout the forum.

Michael Sandstrom

When immortality becomes for us no longer a matter of academic discussion, but the most vital of all questions; we shall find our comfort where so many before us have found it, in the ancient words.

Henry Norris Russell

She always opens it up to questions, comments, suggestions.

Shannon Edge

There are short-term questions to be sure -- the impact of changes in residential housing markets and the prospects for inflation are two -- but, overall, the economy in 2006 seems likely to be very well-behaved.

Cathy Minehan

A lot of people were asking questions about what happened. I'm just training harder this year. I'm healthy and I'm able to put in the quality, extra time on the mat.

Anthony Hayes

Had some questions, we tried to give some answers... it was not negotiations.

Marc Grossman

We don't have a podium, we don't have a microphone. A lot of people are afraid to pick up a microphone. Most people are more comfortable asking questions one on one.

Don Deberry

He has a duty to tell the other directors. Why does it have to be a secret if it's up and up? ... It definitely could raise ethical questions of what the hell is going on.

Daniel Kane

I probably know about half of it, ... They would probably ask me what I know real well and what I have questions about, and then, they'd put a big check in the game plan and say 'Don't run this, if he's in there.' .

Brett Keisel

This will address those difficult questions for the public in the event that this should occur.

Lucy Caldwell

It's another avenue where faculty are looking at students and student eligibility. The league has received a few calls with questions about electronic sites.

Craig Perry

At this stage of the game, many of the questions are not answerable.

John Skalko

I'd ask her questions about why she was there and why she was with an older gentleman.

Joseph Sparico

My whole life is waiting for the questions to which I have prepared answers.

Tom Stoppard