We are certain the president will speak to issues relative to terrorism and security, North Korea and Iraq.

There was nothing that we heard today to suggest that we are coming out of Iraq soon. There is no indication from the president or the leadership that they have a plan that will bring our troops home soon.

But it is clear that those around [Bush] misled him, and misled the American people indirectly, by making certain that there were claims made that couldn't be backed up with evidence.

All of us are trying to get down to, what are your core values? ... If you'll play for any team that asks you to play, it raises the questions of where would you draw the line, if you would draw the line.

And in terms of the capability of the Iraqis to fend for themselves, defend their country, there's been no clear indication from this administration that they have the stand-up capability to do that. And until that happens, there is no end in sight.

But our issues and our focus should not just be on Baghdad but on the issues that moms and dads across America are truly concerned about every single day.

Just plain wrong, and repeated.

There is absolutely no evidence that the president knowingly misled the American people.