For both mice and men, social status is important; for mice, losing to a dominant mouse usually means that they avoid the dominant and they avoid social situations.

You want to make certain that you don't do other things to make things worse.

The way I see it, there are three types of studies in science: one that moves a theory along, one that closes it and another that opens a new door altogether. This one opens a new chapter, introducing an entirely new molecular candidate for the study of anxiety, and we're going to be hearing a lot about it in the next 10 years.

There may not be a magic bullet for schizophrenia.

These are urgent questions because we're talking about a lot of children and a tremendously disabling brain disease, which really robs a child and a family of the personhood of this child.

First, they need very clear information.

The study has vital public health implications. It is the largest, longest and most comprehensive, independent trial ever done to examine existing therapies for this disease.

We have many more questions than answers right now.

[For some,] the second wave of this hurricane will come later, ... most will recover completely. We are a very resilient species.