School funding is critical, and communities need to continue meeting their needs for public safety and economic development, too, especially in light of more cuts in the Local Government Fund being discussed in Columbus.

Mark Williamson

The government's attempts to shield evidence of its own misconduct from public scrutiny ultimately proved to be futile.

Amrit Singh

We view the public service as our partners in this.

Reg Alcock

There's an acute public awareness that while there's been a lot of wage restraint, profits have grown.

Klaus Baader

Learning how to behave properly in public is a good skill for business people and students to understand.

Richard Meyer

Basically we have a newborn here. We feel very strongly that these two individuals are very dangerous and we don't know what their intentions are. We are asking the public to keep eyes open for their vehicle; have info, call 911.

Larry Long

The supervisors' whole idea is to buffer themselves from the public. This poor guy is up there, really, to make this just one more ho-hum decision for the county.

Kevin Carl

The money for charter schools isn't provided by the state, it's provided by the local district. If they are going to increase them, they really need to look at the funding so they're not hurting public education.

Jody Siegle

We are sounding an alert to the public, clergy, law enforcement and the media.

Barry Morrison

These are random and odds ways to gauge what the public thinks.

Bob Burns

What bothers people the most about corruption is not the fouling of the process but the impact on real things — energy prices, the Iraq war and Medicare reform. Those are 'facts' that upset people the most. The corruption scandal is all about energy, Iraq, and the prescription drug mess — the dominant issues for the public.

James Carville

We hope to raise awareness and consciousness regarding some of the broader issues that may not receive the kind of public discussion and debate that we believe is necessary.

Isabel Marcus

A lot has to do with the trust level between the public and government. We are very lucky in the United States in that the public does believe what the government says.

Alex Thiermann

We are extremely sensitive to the notion that there are a few public officials out there -- consistent with activities we've seen in this state -- that may be inclined to exploit the funding available to rebuilding efforts.

Jim Letten

There's a feeding frenzy for transparency and disclosure on Capitol Hill, and that's not a good way to start. You can't plead national security. The public has a right to know.

Roberta Baskin

Hopefully, the public will be patient because this is a big deal.

Frank Pugh

The most important change in how one defines the public interest that I have witnessed . . . over the last twenty years has been a deepening concern for the development of character in the citizenry.

James Q. Wilson

We had a board meeting Thursday and got a lot of public input about the levy.

Michael Grubbs

Colorado is at a crossroads. We can privatize our public universities or we can begin to fund them at a level that continues their present missions.

Larry Penley

We don't want to stop the Yankees from developing their stadium, we just do not want them to do it on the public parks.

Joyce Hogi

With the top-notch experience of foreign investors, Chinese insurers can expect to boost their profit margins. Foreign investors also help to raise investor confidence in the initial public offering (IPO).

Wang Guojun

Dayton is a great venue for these artists. It's a great tribute to Dr. Angelou and Ms. Winfrey's broad base public appeal.

Idotha Bootsie Neal

We feel it's important to have this document be complete in terms of scoping and technical methodology prior to submission to the public.

Raymond Jurkowski

Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.

Leo Burnett

She makes a very concerted effort to be accessible to the public.

Richard Hudson

At the moment, we do not know who the responsible parties might be. The first consideration of any response is to get it out of the public domain.

Mike Cripps

Now that it's out there in the public, (professors) have to be accountable to their customers.

Michael Hussey

We have a budget that we set; we're on target with that plan. Campaigns make strategic decisions. You can decide to put somebody in a room on the phone for six hours a day (raising money) or you can try to get them out in the public, and that's what we did this cycle.

Kevin Griffis

We were absolutely delighted in the continued interest in Pride & Prejudice and are excited about the opportunity to show the US ending to the British public.

Paul Webster

The law on glorification may well have unwelcome implications for freedom of speech, but it will do nothing to improve public safety.

Menzies Campbell

I'm happy for the newer dance hall-type venues, because they do expose the public to a lot of musicians, people that we have come out here. When they come out here, it's even more of a treat.

Neal Brown

This is based on emotion. Those jurors had a lot of pressure on them ... and public pressure changes people's minds.

James Nichols

We believe that when someone is wrongfully incarcerated, the press can help draw public attention to it so it can at least be re-examined again.

John Mchale

By this time, all public transportation had ceased.

Stephen Hill

Rafael Palmeiro is a friend. He testified in public and I believe him. He's the kind of person that's going to stand up in front of the Klieg lights and say he didn't use steroids, and I believe him.

A. Bush

I kind of got sucked in, like the rest of the American public.

Sarah Brown

No one -- whether citizen or public official -- will be permitted to illegally profit at the expense of the communities and citizens who so desperately need FEMA funds and assistance in the wake of this region's terrible disaster.

Jim Letten

There were some concerns out in the public. I wouldn't call it an outcry, but there were some concerns expressed.

John Asher

All kids deserve an opportunity. We're not accountable for where we're born into, but we are accountable for the opportunities we can provide for others. All parents, private as well as public, they all have a stake in this.

Gary Griffiths

Even if we take account of income, the composition of households and the ages of household members, that does not explain why so many immigrants live in public housing.

Roger Anderson

There are fewer opportunities for VC-backed companies to go public on Nasdaq than six, seven years ago. AIM is very small-company friendly and a lot easier to go public on. It also gives access to a whole new set of investors.

David Berkowitz

It certainly seems to be seriously at odds with the nation's public statements about its plans.

Joseph Finnerty

It's the census bureau, so we figured they would respond to statistical information. We've gotten a lot of anecdotal information from the public, and we're trying to document that as much as possible.

James Stover

Before the communications even leave your site, you can make sure they're appropriate, [and that] they don't have any confidential information that's coming from someone you don't want it to be leaked from; and then, in conjunction with inspecting [the message] for content, it gets encrypted for security out on the public Internet.

Chris Belthoff

There's a lot of public pressure to retain the language intact. At the same time, there's pressure from the vice president's office to modify it.

Tom Malinowski

I need more facts from them on how quickly they responded and all the things they did. Did they do all the things they could have done to protect public health and to protect the amount that ended up in the ocean?

Alexis Strauss

With hundreds of workers that we have in the building working daily almost around the clock, we'll have the building ready for public experience come the weekend of the 19.

Mike Fox

The focus right now is on public outreach, surveillance of both animals and humans, and planning with our hospital partners.

John Wiesman

I felt as if I had done something good for the general public, by letting them know what their government was doing.

Ryan Mckee

I think the public is going to be open to the idea that there should be an independent, bipartisan investigation and I think the Democrats are going to fight hard and not let this issue die.

David Barrett

The eye-exam language creates a financial barrier to enter the public-school system and may bar some children from exercising their constitutional right to attend school.

Leanne Winner

Building codes and regulations will be reviewed to ensure public security.

Sheikh Rashid

That's for the readers to adjudge, but I will say that in general public commentators have nowhere near the clout that we enjoyed 35 years ago, the age of four TV channels and no Internet, ... As far as I'm concerned, it's all good. You can't have too many voices in a democracy. Talented people will find their audiences.

Garry Trudeau

Dogs are also like people in that they need to learn something every day to keep their minds stimulated. He needed to learn basic behavior, like heeling when I was riding my house, and how to behave in public.

Thora Thibaut

The public should know the board has met a high standard in their (hiring) process, ... We appreciate their cooperation with us and their efforts to ensure the best professional educational leadership possible for their students, staff and community.

Gerard Kennedy

This is a victory for public health. It makes no sense to allow huge multi-million-dollar projects that drastically increase air pollution without installing up-to-date pollution controls or even notifying nearby residents.

Howard Fox

Communication can help, especially if it's done in a way that connects with the American public. But communication can only carry a president so far.

Robert Schmuhl

Politics: 'The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.'

Ambrose Bierce

There is no legal requirement of any public disclosure of a justice's health. And justices are very cagey and very limited in what they disclose.

Jeffrey Toobin

The First Lady set this up as a nonprofit organization to raise money for the collection of antique furniture in the mansion. It's one of the premier collections in the country _ it belongs to the people of Georgia and is falling apart. She didn't go to the Legislature and ask for public dollars. People wanted to support the arts and the mansion.

Dan Mclagan

Many things are changing and have been changing. Up to this point, many of the changes have not been kind to the health-care system. That's why there have been so many bankruptcies and closures. Such an unstable system is not good for public health.

David Sandman

People have no clue there are 100-percent or 97-percent down mortgages they can qualify for. What the buying public needs to do is sit down, put a financial plan together and see what products are available out there.

George Fox

We're not building the public transportation system that we need.

Peter Steinbrueck

Were asking the help of the public because we don't know where this guy is.

Chantal Mackels

The acts of the minority are affecting the majority and causing the closure of public lands. Just because of a few people that break the law we have to suffer.

Barb Anderson

Economic development will be a top priority. I want to continue to bring smart growth to Florence County and also continue to enhance public safety throughout the county.

Rusty Smith

When heights increase, you are making gold for owners of the property. The question is: How much of that gold will be shared with the public?

Tom Rasmussen

The multiples in the industry are back to the levels they were in 1999-2000. One way for this industry to continue to grow is by going public.

Michael Zaoui

Not getting in jail is one thing I'd like to pursue. A free life in the public would be nice and whatever that entails. I don't know. . . . There's not a lot of interesting things happening at the moment, but because I don't have a smoke, I'm going to roll a joint. That's my life.

Ashley Macisaac

This is the first public forum to ask the public's input and to make action to ensure the vitality of the San Joaquin Valley. We are all listening.

Sunne Wright Mcpeak

It's a pretty thankless job. We don't receive a lot of credit from the general public, and the majority of officials I know don't expect it.

Brian Preece

It may well be that there are tradeoffs in the amounts people could recover in order to force the industry to produce less hazardous products, to be honest with the American public.

Matt Myers

Banks that intend to go public, they all have good results under international standards, they are very attractive for investors in my view.

Tatyana Paramonova

The ultimate solution is public financing of campaigns. All this is based on the constant quest for campaign cash that members of Congress are always on. If you get rid of that, members of Congress will be much less susceptible.

Mary Boyle

All construction is going to impact the traveling public a bit. But everything is set up according to Florida Department of Transportation guidelines.

Peter Bonk

These things don't work unless there's some public-private partnership there. The notion that any of this money is just lining our pockets is just erroneous. They're (the county and city) taking over the land, just the way they do with any other private enterprise. . . . This just happens to be more public because it's private sports.

Dave Checketts

It is absolutely critical for the public and for health practitioners across the country to know about GHB and its precursors such as 1,4-butanediol.

Deborah Zvosec

There's other information that's not in the public domain right now.

Frederick Hayden

It's a scatter-shot strategy. You don't know if you are reaching potential jurors or even generically altering public opinion.

Pamela Bucy

What they're giving her is different from anything in the public schools.

Carin Mccameron

I don't think these laws make public officials ethical. They tell the public we mean business because we are serious about wanting an ethical institution.

Peggy Kerns

If it goes on view with other like objects, then scholars get to see it and study it; the public gets to come; the claimant, if there is one, gets to know where it is and file a claim. Who has lost in this process?

Timothy Potts

Democrats are for quality health care, economic development and good public education.

Jim Martin

In these times board members and the public are constantly asking us to come up with innovative ways to deal with rising costs.

Marilyn Miller

The Bells have designed a broadband system that squeezes out the public Internet in favor of services or content they want to provide.

Paul Misener

Most gold mines don't see this level of public opposition.

Jason Goulden

That was so important as far as water quality and habitat and public views. People come to South Carolina to enjoy these gorgeous marsh views.

Nancy Vinson

We recognize the fundamental importance of good corporate governance and determined it would be prudent as a public company to separate the roles of board chairman and CEO.

John Hawkins

This is not good public policy.

Rep. Lou Lang

We'll be opening our meetings to the public on a quarterly basis.

Mike Reid

The HFEA is genuinely interested to see public opinion and we don't know what the results of the consultation will be.

Suzi Leather

I have nothing against public school; I don't have anything against private schools. I thought I was the best one to teach them.

Qin Ma

The response is right up there with the calls we had after 9-11. The American public is quite generous and they will rise to the occasion.

Shelley Borysiewicz

Food establishments are often believed by the public to be the source of most fat and grease discharges, but homes are also a significant source. Homeowners are encouraged to dispose of excess household grease, including meat fats, lard and cooking oils, in the garbage can rather than pouring them down the drain.

Dana Coleman

That would be a big hurdle anyone would have to get over. That?s something that would have to be worked out through the city council, and I can?t even imagine how many public discussions and other steps would be involved in that process.

Gary Miller

Leader Bauer heads the Indiana House Democratic Caucus, and has a lengthy commitment and experience to Hoosier public service and citizens across the state.

Anna Karen Pennington

He's a pioneer, though I hate to use that word because it sounds laudatory, but he forged a beachhead in his ability to shock an audience. We're very happy to see him leave the public airwaves.

Tim Winter

To say that only those businesses affected with a public interest may be regulated is but another way of stating that all those businesses which may be regulated are affected with a public interest.

Harlan Stone

I think that public service is tough on a family -- no ifs, ands, buts about it. And I have my own personal wishes, but they're not always front and center.

Maria Shriver

The consequences of biomedical research are much more immediate for the general public. We need to ensure that there are proper safeguards and commercial interest never overrides the public interest.

Bob Ward

The models under which most AA franchises operate across the country include a significant investment of public dollars in the construction of the needed facilities. Exactly how the financing of a facility here in Springdale could be accomplished is under study.

Mayor Jerre Van Hoose

I don't want the public to be confused about these names. I want the public to be focused on what this person looks like and (on) as much information as we can tell them about his habits.

Brandon Clark

The historic reputation of a public hospital is the main thing we have to overcome.

Dr. Reginald Coopwood

It's, 'We'll give you a little more density if you put in trees or public areas.' That kind of thing.

Jim Pierce

The call to public service is stronger than the politics of fear, ... I'm going to take back this seat in the 9th District.

Baron Hill

No great deed, private or public, had ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty.

Leon Wieseltier

I'm a law abiding citizen and I believe my public record of service stands on its own merit.

Jim West

Philosophers should consider the fact that the greatest happiness principle can easily be made an excuse for a benevolent dictatorship. We should replace it by a more modest and more realistic principle / the principle that the fight against avoidable misery should be a recognized aim of public policy, while the increase of happiness should be left, in the main, to private initiative.

Karl Popper

On one hand, these reports sometimes come into conflict with the state's interests and mislead public opinion. On the other hand, sometimes the reports reveal sensational events.

Hong Bin

Rockefeller College is one of the premier places in the country to study politics, governance, policy, and public administration.

Frank Thompson

The governor generally favors disclosure, and CDA loans are, after all, funded with public dollars, ... However, if the survival of a business and potential loss of jobs are at stake, other factors may need to be weighed.

David Dearborn

This is yet another indication that the ANC government refuses to act firmly against corruption and seems determined to keep the former deputy president at the forefront of its badly tainted public image.

Sheila Camerer

It wasn't really a public event.

Jennifer Mullin

The legalization or presence of gaming in one state invariably leads to calls for a response in neighboring states. These experts will examine public policy, operational challenges, regulatory issues and the critical market dynamics.

Joseph Weinert

Let us not forget the great tragedy that has befallen this nation, ... restoring the public confidence that this marketplace will be up and functioning.

Richard Grasso

To me, it's such a common-sense argument that there is just completely no compelling public interest to limit a person from running for office in this way.

Phil Morin

You can't cheat the public for long.

Tennessee Ernie Ford

I know my participation in this is going to be small compared to people actively working in the field, but I might be able to help with public awareness.

Bo Derek

We made fortunes off of leverage (before going public), and you're not going to make fortunes in the public market off of leverage.

Sam Zell

Personally offended and angry that Bennett felt he could make such a public statement with impunity.

Bruce S. Gordon

Clearly Bush has recognized that New Jersey public officials are battle tested.

Richard Codey

Progress is being made. The American people need to know that, ... Mistakes have been made, too, and I believe the American public is an understanding public and are willing to forgive as mistakes are acknowledged.

Frank Wolf

They (the government) do not want a public airing of the fact the government is indefinitely holding people, torturing people.

Bill Goodman

The 2006 General Assembly began with an overwhelming bipartisan consensus, and public expectation, that Connecticut must dramatically improve our prospects for job creation and economic growth. This bill does just the opposite.

Bonnie Stewart

She was forced to bring these two factors, as a head of state and as a public celebrity, together into one individual during those difficult years, and I'd like to think that I was part of that process.

Michael Shea

There were four outstanding applicants and we interviewed the four of those and we've ... got an opinion on where we want to go and now we're in negotiations with two of those four to ... see where they fit with us and we hope to get some answers available to the public by Wednesday.

David Carmichael

It is a sad day in our country when the moral foundation of our law and the acknowledgment of God has to be hidden from public view to appease a federal judge.

Roy Moore

A dual-headed DAS for public diplomacy.

Karen Hughes

This will be the only hotel around where we make sure the guests go to the public restroom.

Mark Hancock

I don't know about y'all, but I am seriously doubting my public school education.

Kirk Watson

There are so many companies that are public now that I can't see everybody making it. I don't think some of these new publicly traded companies are going to survive.

Dalton Chandler

The Ely Experience: 'Private Morals and Public Truth'.

Clifford Longley

Given the fact that the public health community is being deliberately excluded, this certainly suggests the deal is very bad from a public health point of view.

Richard Daynard

I love the people. I've worked with the public for over 40 years. I love to talk. I just enjoy it.

Gary Pregon

If there is a Fourth Estate function, if the press is supposed to be an advocate watching out for the public interest, then cases like these merit the attention.

John Mchale

It's really a problem of appearances in most cases. In 99 percent of the cases, it's something that looks bad, but you don't frequently have legislators who are necessarily swayed by this. But it is a concern. It can undermine public confidence. What people see they tend to believe, whether or not at its core it really is as nefarious as all that.

Cindi Canary

If operating in a network environment, do not place public domain or shareware programs in a common file-server directory that could be accessible to any other PC on the network.

John Mcafee

We were feeling really powerless and frustrated. We were literally trying to imagine what we could do to change how we were being talked about and represented and portrayed. I don't think there's any other family celebration that's so public and so well covered.

Colleen Gillespie

After the public meeting in June or July, we still have to wait. It takes about a year before we get environmental clearance.

Homer Bazán Jr

I've always written music the way I felt it. I write for the public because I feel like the public, the way they would write if they could.

Harry Warren

I don't know why it was not open to everyone, but the point that you have to remember is that every single member of the Falcon Landing Community is a registered voter in the district. They are the public. Mark Herring said he would not agree to go to that debate so we have ended up having nothing.

Mick Staton

This is a dangerous thing. And for them to say that, if somebody gets hurt, 'Don't blame it on us because they're public figures,' it's ridiculous ... Someone could hurt over it. You don't know who's reading it.

Stan Rosenfield

I think people don't understand that on private property the circumstances are different than if you are on a public roadway.

Gabe Trevino

It's a pressing issue in the African-American community and for the larger general public.

Anthony Clark

You've got some public relations to do.

Terry Parker

The Arts are our cause, and helping them is our mission. Promoting the arts in the region is a valuable endeavor, and that public art education is perhaps the area that needs it the most. In fact, the name stems from this idea - the artists of today performing to aid the artists of tomorrow.

Stephen Stifano

If someone pulls something and we get into a big debate about it, the public is totally left out of the debate. We're going to try to avoid that and keep government totally open.

Sharon Fearey

The most important part of this initiative ... is how to get the public actively involved in mule deer management. We've got to (let the public know) why we don't have - and may not ever have - those deer numbers again like the '50s and '60s.

Daryl Lutz

This is a wonderful program because it helps get children ready for the public school program.

Ruth Campbell

We want to make it more open to the public.

Lynn Hobbs

They had two criteria that its use be both open to the public and educational. It brought two partners together with an ideal solution.

Peter Saunders

Enough is enough. For too long these abstinence-only programs have operated without a hint of oversight. At least at the state level, this trend is changing, and public health officials couldn't be more pleased.

James Wagoner

I think if they're going to say that he committed suicide, that they owe it to the public to release as many details as possible.

David Fischer

There appears to have been a number of discussions held between Telstra and the Government which really should have been made public.

John Curry

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

Alexis De Tocqueville

No other profession is subject to the public contempt and derision that sometimes befalls lawyers. the bitter fruit of public incomprehension of the law itself and its dynamics.

Irving R. Kaufman

The government installing a system is a waste if the public still does not have knowledge about the system, and there is no party assigned to educate people on how the system works.

Smith Thammasaroj

We are trying to get public awareness, trying to let people know what is going on.

Michael Banks

Potential public relations disaster of profiting from filth and blasphemy.

Stephen Green

We take this very seriously because there is a major public health concern with rodents. They carry salmonella and other potentially harmful bacteria.

Joe Reardon

I would agree that we could probably lower the bar a little bit for the public health good.

Thomas Quinn

A true leader always keeps an element of surprise up his sleeve, which others cannot grasp but which keeps his public excited and breathless.

Charles de Gaulle

I so hate it when I'm quoted to thwart the juices and desires of the great interior design public at large' - Daily Express.

Laurence Llewelyn bowen

I have been doing this [running for public office] since 1988 and I have never seen anything like this.

Carol Bruce

The American government is doing whatever it wants to, without any representative of the American public watching what it is doing.

John Chancellor

Opinions are a private matter. The public has an interest only in judgments.

Walter Benjamin

Certainly, the public will play a significant part in that, and I'm sure if we play to our abilities and everyone is firing on all cylinders, which we need on the day to overcome Mexico, and I'm sure that that will happen.

Dwight Yorke

There's only so much programming that the U.S. public will pay for at any given point of time.

Todd Chanko

And with the appointment as a bishop, I'm more aware of how I've become a more public person.

John Noonan

[Making these changes] is going to prevent people from getting into trouble later in life, having heart attacks and strokes, ... It's mind-boggling the public health benefit this could have if people can motivate themselves to make these changes.

Frank Sacks

It's clearly not an appropriate way to conduct the public's business. The public can't evaluate if the government is doing a good job in the selection process if it only knows the winner.

Barry Kauffman

If you are lucky enough to be a success, by all means enjoy the applause and adulation of the public. But never, never believe it.

Robert Montgomery

One of the most tragic, costly and preventable public health problems facing this country today.

George Blackburn

As long as there are human rights to be defended; as long as there are great interests to be guarded; as long as the welfare of nations is a matter for discussion, so long will public speaking have its place.

William Jennings Bryan

I got some very good advice once. That was: You're not talking to a reporter, you're talking to the public. We didn't hide things. They are a little more guarded now.

Marv Levy

Advertisements ordinarily work their wonders, to the extent that they work at all, on an inattentive public.

Michael Schudson

I've requested their public relations budget because they are spending a lot of money buying ads and they tell me they don't have the money to broadcast their meeting on cable access TV.

Mike Rooney

The issue is much broader. Why should ranchers be the determinant of public policy on public lands? Livestock are the problem. Wolves are not the problem.

Jon Marvel

The public is becoming more engaged with this project as each new phase starts. We hope to address the very real concerns people have.

Thomas Frank

No one wants to call the attention of the public to bloodletting and heroism and the horrifying character of combat. What situation can be imagined that would promote the war and not remind people of its ambivalence?

Richard Kohn

I cannot understand why companies in the public sector go for the managed option.

Andrew Barker

This fight will catapult him into the elite and into the rankings. This fight will put him into the public demand. You'll see him on TV after this. He has the desire to be great.

Tom Yankello

These numbers are not important to us because Republican voters focus on principle, not public polls which will continue bouncing around.

Alberto Martinez

I tried to call Charter, but I got someone in Tennessee who was kind of clueless. She told me the games would be on Channel 13, but that's the station for public TV.

Judy Mcgorty

They usually side with the department, because they know that that's something that's important to the relationship the department has with the public.

Keith Bridges

That was normal public opinion, ... He was not abnormal.

Bruce Tyler

We could very easily have said that Gonzalez had a physical problem and that he couldn't take the start in the morning. But for the sake of transparence, we decided to make this information public.

John Lelangue

Rather than debate it in public, they've asked me to postpone it so we can discuss some unresolved issues.

David Storrie

We'll never have enough money to do everything that needs to be done unless we are really aggressively using partnerships and different methods for blending private and public interests.

Reese Fayde

Isn't diverted to non-public health areas.

Bill Novelli

There's a credibility issue that is manifesting itself in New Orleans. Part of that is the disconnect the public feels with the police department. The reputation of corruption lingers, and the new problems compound it.

Rafael Goyeneche

You see that every day in all kinds of public places, and the more that happens in parks, the less opportunity people have to get away from those things that they face in daily life.

Bill Wade

I think we received wide support from the public on this point.

Shinzo Abe

Non-uniformed employees play a crucial role in public safety, just as much as police officers and firemen do.

John Kirby

It's critically important for the public to understand how big of an issue this is going to be, how upsetting and how difficult it is going to be to live our lives.

Lucy Caldwell

The public impression is that the government, industry or the highest bidder can buy a scientist to add credibility to any message. That crucial quality of impartiality is being lost.

Johnny Ball

He is very closely associated with Bush in the public mind, and George Bush, rightly or wrongly, is fantastically unpopular in Britain. And so to get rid of him would be like getting rid of the millstone round his neck.

John Rentoul

All were asking the board to do tonight is to set a date for a public hearing.

John Bohn

We are very happy and thankful that people we don't even know have gone out of their way to support us. It has been heartening. The public and the media have helped us a lot.

Sabrina Lall

We want the public to feel ownership in the process. We have to look at our finances. We have $1.5-million to work with. We are operating under two constraints -- time and money. If the public comes back with more (money for other options), it's up to council to approve it. Council is an integral part of the process.

Doug Jackson