We've heard clearly from the people. They don't want the Boathouse torn down.

I think that everything remains on the table. We want to hear from the public about what they want to see in the area around the arena, and we'll proceed from there.

She was one of those people who never made waves except in a positive way. She was quiet. But when she saw something that needed to be done, she went about doing it.

If something happens…to my child, you'll never see the end of me.

If someone pulls something and we get into a big debate about it, the public is totally left out of the debate. We're going to try to avoid that and keep government totally open.

I thought we had it all worked out from executive (closed) session.

It (the poll) doesn't surprise me. People feel emotionally attached, for whatever reason, to the Boathouse.

We're an automobile town. I think that people know the bus is out there, but they just have a real car mentality.