They asked me why we were open, I said it was pressure from the public.

Keith Allen

As far as I know there has never been a public library branch in May's Lick.

Robyn Jones

I am extremely concerned that there will be donor fatigue, ... This is the fifth or sixth major disaster in a span of 18 months, and we worry and we pray that the American public will continue to come through.

George Hood

We don't see how that can help competition, and ultimately we think it results in the restriction in the program that gets to the public and higher prices.

Mark Cooper

There was a need for immediate action. In the public, it was already my responsibility. I had to do it.

Thomas Middelhoff

This financing represents 2 percent of our budget _ our accounts are public _ and, aside from the fact that it comes from the U.S. Congress and not the White House, it is assigned to our activities in support of imprisoned African journalists. It has nothing to do with Western Hemisphere.

Robert Menard

Talented and smart, and I am delighted to have been able to recruit him back to the agency to help me fulfill our public-health goals.

Lester Crawford

If their message resonated with the public, that could be turned into support from their colleagues.

Dick Dadey

The general public believes that if a health claim is on the label the government backs that up, ... This sells food products, no question.

Marion Nestle

This is a farce. Whose plan is this? It's not the public's. They need to go to the drawing board and include the public.

Chuck Thompson

We have been trying for decades to clean up New Orleans public housing to provide decent housing for residents, and now it looks like God is finally making us do it.

Richard Baker

Across the nation, cities and developers are fighting very hard to hold on to their power to confiscate other people's homes and businesses for private development. There is overwhelming public support for an end to eminent domain abuse. Legislatures need to make real changes, not cosmetic ones, to end eminent domain for private commercial development throughout the country.

Dana Berliner

It's a day to think about prevention of sexual assault and to provide support to survivors of sexual assault. It's our chance to educate the public about the problem of sexual assault in our community.

Linda Herbert

To maintain public confidence in its operating system, Jobs & Co. should consider hiring a security czar.

Arik Hesseldahl

We've said we would accept a hard date and get spectrum back to public safety.

Dennis Wharton

I and my public understand each other very well; it does not hear what I say, and I don't say what it wants to hear.

Karl Kraus

I am inviting you and all the young people who are listening to become a new generation of Mexicans taking control of public life.

Felipe Calderon

There are a lot of much bigger public issues than year 2000 preparedness, and I think that certainly has an impact on the way it has been handled.

Russell Brown

There is no excuse for failing to take this extremely feasible and affordable step to protect the public from the potentially disastrous effects of a successful attack on a spent fuel pool.

Morgan Rafferty

I don't think it can wait because the driving in public in Connecticut can't wait.

Alan Schlesinger

The bottom line is that the public doesn't understand why a person who has been convicted of a heinous crime has not been disciplined earlier, or why they are still on the payroll.

David Walsh

This is not a Vietnamese problem; this is a global public health problem where Vietnam is at the front line.

Hans Troedsson

Yes, speed is a concern for domestic public opinion polls and Iraqi public opinion, ... But they are taking a risk here. They may get a bad product in the end and run the risk of civil war.

Larry Diamond

We are looking for individuals who are passionate about our fish and wildlife resources, can work independently, and excel in one-on-one contacts with the public.

Patricia Mayes

The closer you get to the public, the better. Any time you can eliminate the middleman, you can eliminate a lot of the costs of shipping. That helps in this business.

Scott Garrett

One of the things we always teach spokespeople in a crisis is to demonstrate your own personal involvement. From a psychological perspective, it's very powerful when people see it, whether in a jury box or the public.

Gene Grabowski

We expected a difficult match because the Belgians had the support of the public.

Bob Bryan

The public is a ferocious beast - one must either chain it up or flee from it.


They're trying to do it before the end of the year, before the administration leaves office, ... and I am concerned about the speed and the lack of public participation in this whole process.

Mike Simpson

A public right cannot be changed by private agreement.

Legal Maxim

At the end of the day, most VCs would tell you that you'd get a bigger bang for your buck out of an IPO than an acquisition but the public markets are not as ebullient as they could be so we probably will see more acquisitions.

Mark Heesen

I think this has a great deal of support in the public.

Sen. Brandon Bell

Not necessarily impeachment articles filed, but hearings on the subject, and I think the public would expect that.

Bill Mccollum

The public comment period is open until May 11. It doesn't just stop with these (hearings). We hope to have a final decision in about a year.

Cathy Cook

The public officials drafting these (zoning codes) have extreme conflicts of interest. Yet they are allowed to drive and perpetuate an agenda that is mean-spirited and not in the public interest.

Jim Mcnulty

I tried to protect Harry and not go public but he said this in an official meeting in the boardroom in front of others, including the chief executive.

Milan Mandaric

Declare free and open public elections within 60 days.

Nabil Sha'ath

Just absolute disaster from the standpoint of public safety, the community and the county at large, ... litigation catastrophe.

James Thrash

I'm not a very gregarious person. I can't bear attention being called to me in a public place, which is ridiculous in a business that pays you to be noticed.

Gabriel Byrne

None of that information has been tested either through investigation or cross examination. I hope the public wouldn't speculate or make up their minds.

Lisa Dubs

The commission may direct (staff) to explain alternatives to the public and that's certainly the commission's prerogative. But the whole concept (of) our form of government is that the elected officials, who don't have to be experts, represent the public and make the policy decisions.

City Manager Russ Blackburn

These changes are a response to hundreds of complaints from the public about glare from these optional devices. Older drivers should be particularly pleased with the proposed change because their eyes tend to be sensitive to glare.

Ricardo Martinez

Public perception caused the FDA and Congress to want more regulations, ... It's under tremendous pressure for letting the advertising get out of hand.

Fran Hawthorne

An irresponsible use of the public airwaves, as well as a call for the Bush administration to violate the executive order banning assassination.

David Brock

All of this was public information; it was just really hard for the consumer to get.

Amanda Hoffman

They would have been free to turn any public land into a home, including city center car parks and school playing fields.

Richard Bennett

That, in my view, will drive up costs in the public health-care system and leave many people behind.

Brian Mason

The percentage of pro athletes who gamble on sports is greater than the percentage of the general public that does. Pro athletes have high levels of energy, unreasonable expectation, very competitive personalities, distorted optimism, and high IQs, either street smart or book smart.

Arnie Wexler

We are attempting to give the public around the world the opportunity to be involved in very real space missions.

Charles Chafer

It's a tremendous design challenge just to meet the needs of our clients and make effective use of public funds. But we still try to do something more, look for just one or two places in each project where we can make something sparkle. Sometimes it doesn't even have to cost money -- it can be more natural light or the interplay of different materials.

Jan Gleason

Hollywood amuses me. Holier-than-thou for the public and unholier-than-the-devil in reality.

Grace Kelly

It is very important that people start back to work, especially those in public service.

Jay Garner

To make the public aware of our museum and at the same time have a lot of fun with the music.

Jim Robinson

The only thing more despicable then an elected official who steals from the public is when the people who he stole from celebrate his return from incarceration. It almost condones the action.

David Soo

Didn't want to make a public thing out of it.

Darryl Strawberry

Public perception is not good, and that's justified.

John Morris

It's not being driven by public policy.

Assemblyman Louis Greenwald

The public builders will say, 'Where are growth opportunities?' and they'll head offshore. But then those markets will be more sophisticated.

Sam Lieber

Contrary to Thomas' carefully cultivated public persona, he is capable of abhorrent behavior in private.

Anucha Browne Sanders

There is a growing public realization that abortion is an injustice, the destruction of an innocent human life.

David Bereit

We set up a broad blueprint for what we want to see happened over the next 10 to 15 years. Part of our mandate is to serve the public but also to protect the forests.

Matt Mathes

I urge everyone to write your Congressman. To keep the public safe, fire departments desperately need to have the continued access to grant monies in the same, or even greater amounts, as in previous years.

Jackie Vaughn

Public tolerance for the settlers has declined, and even more significantly, fear of them has disappeared.

Amos Harel

We will have a presentation about the project. There will be a look at the progression of the project and how we plan to raise public equity. We want Washington area residents to benefit as much as possible.

Mike Bohannan

We're going to try, we're going to go for it. Both ordinances are going to discussed at length with public input. We will get into it hot and heavy on (May 3). We'd like to have them both this year. I don't know if we'll accomplish it, but we're going to work towards that effort.

Daniel Fisher

The fans are just a pleasure to be around, ... When I'm out in public, they greet me with open arms. Also the organization has been great from the beginning. I think it's only right that I stay here and continue what I started.

Amare Stoudemire

This is not really a strategy document from the Pentagon about fighting the insurgency. The document is clearly targeted at American public opinion.

Christopher Gelpi

The safest course for public officials is simply to throw all of the money in a sack.

Dave Freudenthal

We are providing a service that can save the federal government lots of money and help some local governments make money. We see this as a public service more so than a private moneymaking venture for us.

Dwight Luton

It's crystal-clear that the FDA has chosen politics over legitimate science, ... The FDA has failed its public health responsibilities and has failed women.

Karen Pearl

Advertising is much less powerful than advertisers and critics of advertising claim, and advertising agencies are stabbing in the dark much more than they are practicing precision microsurgery on the public consciousness.

Michael Schudson

He has the body-fat content of a 20-year-old sprinter, the bone structure of a public monument and the eyes... well, we know about the blue eyes (which happen to be colorblind).

David Ansen

If music becomes free, then I want the government's representatives who work for the public good to also do so for free.

Michel Sardou

That should be open, public record.

Charles Morrison

Banning public smoking to reduce the number of people who smoke is low on people's list of priorities. Government should not use legislation to force people to give up smoking.

Simon Clark

It was a heart-to-heart talk where he was feeling very badly that two of his friends had been accused and convicted of something which he had done, and it was his desire to do something to make the truth appear and he wanted to make public the fact that he was responsible and they were not.

Joseph Towle

The governor has asked that all of the public schools in the state of Georgia close on Monday and Tuesday to help conserve fuel.

John Thornton

Our basic premise is to have an informed public so that they can make informed decisions. But we rely on the media to do that.

Steven Boylan

We are hoping that the public will bear with us and make their effort to bring the proper ID.

Karen Osborne

This work by Public Works needs to continue. The Conservatives' plan to clean up the procurement of government contracts does echo what we've been saying.

Garth Whyte

[The Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Meet the Candidates Night on Wednesday at the Lehi Senior Center, 123 N. Center St. The open house will begin at 7 p.m. and the public is invited to attend and voice their concerns.] It's going to be more of a low key function, ... It will be a casual opportunity to meet the candidates.

Heather Miller

Companies that go public should understand that there are responsibilities as well as benefits to going public.

Paul Sarbanes

We are holding this meeting to present the project to the public and give citizens the opportunity to provide feedback on one of the largest highway projects ever constructed in Texas.

Michael Peters

Is it any wonder that those who attack us feel they have a license to do so? A license to kill? Police won't investigate. Juries won't convict. The public still thinks our lives are a political issue, defined by the mythic "Gay Agenda." America. You Kill Me! America kills all of us.

Jeffrey Montgomery

I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else.

Marilyn Monroe

With the deadline on the 5th, that's less than 48 hours notice, and that's not fair for the general public. I just don't feel fair warning was given. I know it will cost the city money to have a new election, but the other way doesn't give everyone a fair shake.

Shea Coogler

It's always been a priority that Duke be engaged with the public schools in an effort to strengthen them. We have a really large number of people who live in Durham; therefore, the quality of education is very important because it affects our employees.

John Burness

The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use - of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public.

Robert F. Kennedy

He's a great communicator and motivator. You know he's got your back. You know if he has something to do with you, it's going to be done in an office instead of in public. He's not there to embarrass you. He's got your back, and for that reason, you've got his.

Chad Moeller

He could have been a much more wealthy person had he not been in public service.

Carroll Padgett

The poll confirms that the public wants the Park Service to follow its legal obligation to protect national park resources. Congress should join the overwhelming majority of Americans and support the NPS decision to adhere to the law.

Sean Smith

You would give up your career if you lost your voice for good, or if the impresarios stopped calling, or the audiences stopped coming. But as long as those things are there, I don't plan to stop. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to be with my public.

Celia Cruz

There's a lot of criticism and public debate, but our plan is workable and we're prepared. Our plan is comprehensive and only getting better.

Jarrod Bernstein

He who reforms himself has done more toward reforming the public than a crowd of noisy, impotent patriots.

Johann Kaspar Lavater

Vietnam was the first war ever fought without any censorship. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.

Gen William C. Westmoreland

The American public tunes in every night hoping to see two people screwing. Obviously, we can't give them that but let's always keep it in mind.

Barry Diller

Quicker than people imagine, the public reaction will be: He's lost, it's time to tie this up.

Bill Mcinturff

They'll say he's afraid to debate and is not willing to inform the public of his views.

John Straayer

Sadly, it takes her death, coming just seven months after diagnosis, and the fact that she had never smoked, to let the public see the real picture of lung cancer.

Laurie Fenton

The Electric Factory is not really accessible by public transportation, so having it at the Theater of Living Arts is much easier.

Ahmed Whitt

I find it hard to believe there's any confusion. This is a process public companies go through. You go to an independent third party and you rely on their advice and counsel in the best interests of shareholders.

Bob Craig

We believe that people working together, doing the same job should have the same rights and privileges, ... The health of public broadcasting rests on people actually being able to build a career.

Arnold Amber

One great problem, however, is that there are no public conveniences in New Kingston and people use anywhere for a urinal.

Rachel Gore

Since Shanghai International plans to take the stakes from other shareholders in an internal deal instead of from the public market, the price will be based on their own negotiations.

Shen Si

This [the systems failure] is unbelievable. It almost made me laugh. They [the Tokyo exchange] should be grateful that they aren't listed yet. The problem would have been bigger if they were public.

Yoshihiko Kosuga

Driving during a heart attack is obviously extremely dangerous for both the driver and the general public.

Sharon O'donnell

The council felt it was important because of the public vote that every legal means should be exhausted. Now that the courts have made the decision, we'll have to follow it.

City Manager Carlos Palacios

The general public has long been divided into two parts those who think science can do anything, and those who are afraid it will.

Dixie Lee Ray

ITC going public is fairly significant and I think it could be a harbinger of things to come in the industry.

Robert Nelson

The question is whether we're forgoing public sales by holding that many for students right now.

Patrick Martin

It was sort of a panic call, so we made a few calls to public works and we were able to find personnel and a sandbagging machine, get it on a flatbed and out to Thunder Bay.

Randy Hull

The government has agreed to exempt public land transportation from the VAT, so we ended the strike last night.

Murphy Hutagalung

We can't live with one-way traffic during the day and I don't think the general public can either. It would have cost us millions.

David Knight

The level of violence is too public. This isn't just about squaring accounts. This is about gang warfare that clearly indicates problems for public control.

Federico Estevez

This is the No. 1 threat to our public lands. It's a huge invasion.

Dennis Schvejda

I would dare say that most anyone in public life, if they stay in public long enough, is not treated fairly.

Vince Mcmahon

I knew I wanted to be involved in writing and I was decent in public speaking. But I didn't grow up ever thinking I'd be a TV anchor.

Brooke Baldwin

[Illegal immigration] is an issue of growing concern and even anxiety at the grass roots, ... It's one of those issues where politicians of both parties are trying to catch up with the public.

Roberto Suro

Mopeds are means to liberation. Liberation from public transportation, from consuming gas, from spending truckloads of money to go places.

Benji Broad

Labor has consistently argued that the inclusion of such penalties for whistle blowers, public servants and journalists in this Bill was an attack on freedom of speech.

John Faulkner

That has shifted the cost of medical treatment from the employers and their insurance companies to the general public.

Lisa Butler

The biggest obstacle is finding people [tenants] willing to partner, and getting a strong public consensus that this is what we want to do at Fairmount Park. Some people believe it should be more of a passive park.

Matthew Rader

We are giving the public another way to talk to McDonald's through the people who work at McDonald's.

Lucas Benitez

It is one of New York City's best public elementary schools.

Clara Hemphill

Around 11:04 p.m. Saturday, Lamont Carter, 28, of Hope, was arrested for criminal trespassing, public intoxication and loitering.

Jim Bush

Public and private food in America has become eatable, here and there extremely good. Only the fried potatoes go unchanged, as deadly as before.

Luigi Barzine

The longer it takes Microsoft to address a known vulnerability, the higher the probability that one of the 'bad guys' will find it and release the details to the public. Microsoft has a responsibility to get these fixes out quickly.

Thor Larholm

The level of public fear and concern sometimes is disproportionate to the threat. I think sometimes, hopefully, I know more about which things to worry about.

Vicki Bier

This is certainly a direct result of the CBOT going public.

Harrell Smith

Both of them wanted to go back to Italy as soon as possible as the treatment was free and the public hospitals in Italy are really great.

Dr Prabhat Jauhari

No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library.

Samuel Johnson

Arkadelphia public schools ensure that homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free appropriate education, including public preschool education, as provided to other children and youth.

Virginia Anderson

It is extremely unusual to make such a detailed expression to the public.

Rocco Cipparone

I don't accept that, the Canadian public wouldn't accept that and Hockey Canada won't accept that. We're Canada. Our standard is gold and every tournament we go into, we go into with the intention of competing for a gold medal.

Blair Mackasey

We think cattle ranchers are public land stewards, and even though they are already helping in a number of ways, this is something we'd like to bring to their attention.

Tom Gorey

The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.


It really should be taken out of the realm of politics. It's a public health job. The head of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) isn't a political appointment, and it's in the same realm.

Raymond Woosley

As we're looking at our future, that information needs to be out there so that the public can begin the discussion of the pros and cons of such development.

Nancy Sorrells

The bottom line is, they are many years away from food self-sufficiency. If they push the public distribution too far, they could easily be looking at another famine.

Peter Beck

I came to the realization that there were certain public issues that were most usefully dealt with within some sort of framework of at least my private beliefs, if not my private life.

Anna Quindlen

Are we adequately prepared? ... No. We do not yet have a vaccine ready to go. If the pandemic happened next week, the public would be outraged that we waited and ignored the concerns and now people in every neighborhood were dying.

Greg Poland

Having these documents back where they were created is a big deal in several ways. It's really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the public to see these documents. They have seldom been on display where they were stored.

Houston Mcgaugh

For years, Central Park really wasn't a park. It was called the Public Square and was more of an overgrown vacant lot.

Frank Boyett

That openness comes with a cost. If you could have gotten the property at $100,000 less, you would have saved taxpayers $100,000. The cure would be the public would not have a right to know, and that's wrong.

Dee Stanley

Every person I have spoken to on it, less two, one of whom is a landowner who wants to limit public access ... is appalled. ... This is the only public access to probably 8,000 to 12,000 acres of land, and it cannot be cut off.

Ron Nowell

Oh eyes, no eyes, but fountains fraught with tears; O life, no life, but lively form of death; Oh world, no world, but mass of public wrongs.

Thomas Kyd

It might be public information, but that is not ethical.

Richael Faithful

We look at the critical areas ordinance as a set of safeguards to protect public health ... and some of the things that make people want to live in Thurston County.

Kate Jackson

A lot of people oppose using tax dollars to finance a stadium because they live too far or have no interest in the sport. But if it can be demonstrated that the public has a potential use of a facility, then elected officials at every level would have a much better case for justifying public participation.

John Flint

The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth.

Edith Sitwell

This doesn't look like a public spirited discussion. It looks like the pirates all gathered around the table figuring out how to split up the booty.

Myron Ebell

Let me go to Clinton's new proposal: to have uniforms in public schools. And people are doing that. How come they're doing that? Dress codes! I find that abhorrent.

Russell Means

More often than not we are actually falling behind public expectations.

Lord Puttnam

I cannot take you to any place on the public (sagebrush) lands that has not been impacted by our activities. We have really undervalued and devalued it.

Jessica Young

We are excited to have the support and cooperation of Microsoft in this endeavor. The challenges facing education can only be met through a community effort from the public and private sector.

Paul Vallas

If the public decides they're not in favor of fertility control, we have only one option left - gathers, ... Natural controls aren't enough to impact the herd.

Linda Coates

We already heard talks of it happening so we had a public computer sit out in a lobby and asked people to vote. When they sat down to vote, most of them couldn't because it said they already did.

Chad Caldwell

Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying or meditating or endeavoring something for the public good.

Thomas a Kempis

Post-natal depression is a public health concern for mothers, fathers and babies.

Thomas O'connor

The public! the public! how many fools does it require to make the public?

Thomas Chalmers

[Presidents] are constantly in the light of public day. They are constantly being examined. Every word they say is being scrutinized both by domestic supporters and political adversaries, national and international rivals. So there is never really a letting down.

Jerrold Post

The Port has the land and we hope the commissioners will see some value, at least in the short run, to the community. The public-private partnership is pretty aggressive and pretty progressive and we're looking at it as truly a partnership with the Port.

Becky Samuelson

The development is here. The (city is) certainly feeling the impact. With the tremendous growth we've experienced, we need to build roads, public buildings.

Mark Wasserman

This is a very important contribution from the public sector in terms of genetically modified food crops.

Joel Cohen

Public safety is not just the responsibility of University Police. We want to encourage the co-production of the responsibility.

Matthew Thomas

I do think the public is entitled to know more about Mr. McVeigh than simply what the government releases anonymously.

Stephen Jones

We're looking for this to be done expeditiously because 230 people who passed away in July 1996 deserve it. We as family members deserve it. And the flying public deserves it.

Frank Carven

In the end, public financing is kind of a fraud. It really doesn't handle the claim of corruption or claim of inequality … in the end it still doesn't reconcile any of the issues, it doesn't take care of lobbyists.

Bradley Smith

The prosecuting attorney dumped this case on the public when the responsibility belongs to the prosecuting attorney. Grand juries don't operate under rules of evidence, and they're going to be exposed to the evidence the prosecutor presents.

John Everett

Our joint effort produced a plan that goes a long way to protect public health, and we're pleased that the EPA moved so quickly to endorse it. More than 7 million Americans get sick from waterborne illnesses every year. Our solution will ensure that those numbers come down.

Nancy Stoner

It's a celebration of what the arts can do in public schools.

Jose Mercado

The shorts are too short. A lot of these people may do things like data entry and not particularly meet with the public at work. But if they work at an office or downtown, the public sees you coming in and out of the building.

John Law

Journalism over here is not only an obsession but a drawback that cannot be overrated. Politicians are frightened of the press, and in the same way as bull-fighting has a brutalizing effect upon Spain (of which she is unconscious), headlines of murder, rape, and rubbish, excite and demoralize the American public.

Margot Asquith

Anything that suggests the possibility of favoritism really begins to work against the public confidence.

Burt Greenwald

It misleads the public, it misleads Congress, and it's part of their annual ritual of underestimating the need and overestimating the expenses.

Charles Hudson

We are very pleased to report that we are well on our way to achieving the investment objectives we set forth in our May 2005 initial public offering.

Dave Schulte

Always allowed local policy-makers wide latitude in determining how best to achieve legitimate public goals.

John Paul Stevens

What happens is, you get public agencies using that as an excuse, to withhold information that has nothing to do with Homeland Security.

Jon Fleischaker

If they put up something that just looks like window-dressing, it won't be supported by the public. This is an incredible moment.

Chellie Pingree

It's clear that this jury is sending a message to the business insurance industry that the American public, including the business community, is sick and tired of insurance companies deceptively handling and denying legitimate claims.

Christopher Opalinski

The problem for state television is that it hasn't been able to find a place, and nor can it, between the commercial imperatives and being a public service broadcaster. It remains very much driven by commercial imperatives.

Bob Gregory

It could be a prelude to a public offering. It (an IPO) could be part of making the transition to the next generation.

Alex Paris Jr

There are a lot of things in the charter that no longer apply and there have been a lot of new statutes that we need to incorporate. We will have to hold several public meetings. We are going to need to educate the voters about the changes.

Curtis Crews

Need to be honest with the public. By brushing off a viable political campaign, they fail to give New Yorkers a true choice.

Fred Parker

Henry Moore was . . . the Number 1 choice whenever a public sculpture was needed. . . . It was thought that a large Henry Moore work out front would add a final distinction.

John Russell

At the time, people were polarized. But since the public hearings were held, we really haven't had any complaints. We remain sensitive to the issue and understand how emotional it is.

Scott Magruder

The passage of time and Public Storage's price appreciation has allowed Public Storage to seal a deal that is not materially different from the one offered last July.

Paul Adornato

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

H. L. Mencken

Doctors still retain a high degree of public confidence because they are perceived as healers. Should lawyers not be healers? Healers, not warriors? Healers, not procurers? Healers, not hired guns?

Warren E. Burger

The deceleration in liquidity growth may be traced mainly to lower net credits to the public sector as a result of the improved fiscal performance.

Amando Tetangco

We're at the point where we would like to get public input. We want people to point out if there are other trails we should be looking at, if they have any kind of feedback on the trails or an ideas for them.

Nadine Lemmon

A speech from Ernest Bevin on a major occasion had all the horrific fascination of a public execution. If the mind was left immune, eyes and ears and emotions were riveted.

Michael Foot

It is a besetting vice of democracies to substitute public opinion for law. This is the usual form in which masses of men exhibit their tyranny.

James Fenimore Cooper

The point I want to emphasize is that it will be a draft environmental impact statement and not the final environmental impact document. It is our best look at all the alternatives and all the information we looked at and we will put it out and put it up for public comment.

Doug Booher

Public safety personnel will investigate door alarms and will respond to the building as needed.

Cathy Andreen

Multinationals are much more likely to have business interests in the United States, ... Even if what they might contemplate doing in Cuba does not fall foul of the Helms-Burton law, nevertheless, they are very sensitive to public opinion.

Gareth Jenkins

When people understand what Microsoft is up to, they're outraged. They need to respond to public, as well as legal, pressure on this.

Tim O'reilly

This lingerie is misleading the public because Madonna is in no way affiliated with it.

Liz Rosenberg

We just want to educate the public that they are showing up around here, and teach people to stay away from them. And if they did attack, kind of give them idea of what to expect and what to do to keep from getting hurt.

Charles Owens

I thought it [Star Wars] was too wacky for the general public.

George Lucas