The travel industry is very dynamic and changing. There are a lot of opportunities where they might need to make investments to grow, and public markets can be very short-term in nature. Prides Capital is in it for the long run.

Kevin Richardson

It's a history of sorts. We have become the first company to create this kind of wealth for our shareholders without floating an IPO (initial public offering).

Anil Ambani

The thing is a gigantic, humongous problem that the airlines don't want the general public to know about.

George Hudson

Texas public education definitely doesn't have numbers they can brag about. We can only get so far with the resources that we have. It's simple - teachers are getting involved because they are mad. Really, really mad.

Richard Kouri

The problem is this is so politically incorrect. The public is still dealing with the pre-Roe ethic when it comes to men, that if a man fathers a child, he should accept responsibility.

Mel Feit

We just want to get this case into the public eye again. There may be somebody who knows something out there. We're just waiting for that right call to come in.

Paula Macdonald

At this point we don't feel like we have a killer that's out there randomly doing this, otherwise we would have alerted the public.

Tracy Conaway

Language is the apparel in which your thoughts parade before the public. Never clothe them in vulgar or shoddy attire.

George Crane

We don't want to be doing stuff that the public doesn't want, ... The last thing Rotary wants is for there to be controversy. We're hoping it's positive.

Robert Morrow

Mercury emissions will continue to harm the environment and to endanger the health of children and pregnant women, until this Administration puts public health before politics.

Mark Dayton

Intelligent design is a public relations movement. People are going to have to decide who they want making the decisions. This is about raw political power.

Sue Gamble

I would not be in favor of doing this without notifying the public and hearing more input.

Loui Antonucci

We are giving our competitor a fair and open opportunity to challenge our clear market leadership in a public setting.

Marty Seyer

This guy's got charisma, the public will forgive him for anything if he can get Blair out of office.

Julie Smith

The support from the public is what's going to keep us going. This is not something we can handle by ourselves.

Lesly Simmons

I felt we should look at something in Lincoln County, ... I couldn't see any harm in studying that. But some public input would have been better. I still think we should be looking at a site in Lincoln.

Rusty Parker

My experience is that the American public has a really great capacity to care and to give.

Craig Miller

I'll be the first to admit that, public safety, it's a new thing for this agency.

Alan Steen

It's an issue of public importance that's pretty critical at this period.

Adria Harper

It's good news for the public because (Park East) is a good, solid surface to park on instead of something unstable.

Debbie Norton

It's inexcusable that there are no performance measures or progress reports that the public can use. People need to know what they can expect from the public programs that are intended to protect them in an emergency.

Shelley Hearne

Investors are concerned about credit risks again, and this is particularly bad news for financially troubled companies because investors used to think public funds would be there to help in the end.

Tetsuya Ishijima

One part (of the Earth Day celebration) is raising awareness of The Gardens and another part is informing the public on how they can enhance their own local environments.

Doug Conley

We are trying to get (property owners) out far enough so they have reasonable access to the water but not so far they are building excessive encroachments into this public resource. It is the minimum necessary to provide reasonable access.

Charles Evans

If you are confirmed, you will essentially disappear from public view.

Russell Feingold

The public sector should set and enforce the homeland security standards that the private sector must meet.

Jack Gerard

Everybody has to take a deep breath and approach this in a thoughtful way. The developers and the city officials have to approach the community — and especially the affected property owners — with respect, and the public needs to keep an open mind.

Debra Cohen

The doctor?s authorized me to indicate to the public that he acknowledges that he has an alcohol problem. His work schedule of 12 to 16 hours a day leaves him an in exhaustive state, and just a few drinks -- or any drink -- are too much to handle.

Ben Allen

It's a perception issue, ... It's the way the public perceives our investigation of our own officers.

Ricky Boren

He came from a large public school, but he had a talent for optimism and took off running.

Howard Stark

This kind of major public works project has to be a state and federal partnership.

Andy Kopplin

In the course of 14 years, I've run legislation for a half-dozen public-owned, privately operated facilities to allow them to serve alcohol, ... It's not unusual.

Victor Crist

It's always a thrill to beat the public schools, just to prove them wrong.

Scott Ashley

Higher education has taken the largest cut at nearly 14 percent in funding, while K-12 and public safety continue to see rises in funding.

Rod Hissong

The disaster response -- both public and private -- was a disaster for Latinos and other communities of color.

Janet Murguia

It's for the public. We want to show the contribution and history of Jews of Monmouth County.

Charlotte Kruman

What we find so objectionable is that these public-service agencies are involving themselves in recruiting hunters and now, in some cases, have even made it part of their strategic plans.

Heidi Prescott

The public is very forgiving. And very intrigued. It's not like, 'Oh no Colin, not you!

Kate White

I think the public will is going to be heard. I don't think every avenue has been explored. Marina residents haven't weighed in on this.

Steve Zmak

I am shy, withdrawn and not good at speaking. Kan can ably explain to the public in a manner in which they can understand.

Ichiro Ozawa

There's often a gross disconnect between the public persona that people present and what their values actually are. The person that shows up for a focus group is often at variance from who people are in their private life.

Ross Goldstein

In the next 18 months we are likely to see more change than in the last 10 years combined. If we go to war with Iraq, it will spike fuel prices, scare the living daylights out of the traveling public... and be the kiss of death for airlines.

Kevin Mitchell

We believe this conservation framework meets the important public request we heard for more permanent conservation.

Jim Lehner

Everyone will be really pleased when this is all over, the state, county, city, township and the public.

Dennis Larson

This action is being taken as a cautionary measure to ensure the protection of public health, ... Public health is our number-one priority, and it is our number-one concern.

Ann Veneman

He is deliberately avoiding public engagements in order to deny us a chance to confront him.

Peter Tatchell

Those are legitimate public uses that the city should have eminent domain in their bag as a tool if they need it.

Mayor Michael Montandon

I have a feeling that he's taking the race very seriously. He's in the public eye, I'm sure he's going to put in a hell of a race.

Michael Moskowitz

These funds will help to ensure that our first responders have access to the best training and equipment available, improving their operational capabilities and enhancing public safety in New Hampshire.

Charles Bass

It's sufficient to protect both workers and the public from any inadvertent exposure.

David Gladstone

He believes what he believes and he does what he does because he is genuinely and sincerely committed to trying to save American lives from events like 9-11. He advocates his views as forcefully as he does because he sincerely believes they're in the public interest.

Bradford A. Berenson

We aren't going to be running this channel, the public is going to be running it. We intend to manage it.

Dave Anderson

I often thought to myself: 'Where do I fit in?' So much of the work depends on having a good public face.

John Hannah

There are excellent public schools (in Las Vegas) and it is no secret that the public schools in wealthier neighborhoods have newer, better equipment.

Michael Green

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers.

Daniel J. Boorstin

When Salah was arrested, it was a very public event. It would not have been smart for Israeli officials to subject Salah to the torture he is claiming.

Steve Landes

Warne is regarded [by the English public] as a devastating cricketer who deserves respect.

Matthew Engel

The main audience is the public, and what it's fundamentally interested in is looking at a nominee, sizing him up. And that's what hearings do: see if he stands up under fire, see if seems like a decent, intelligent, upright person. He seems to have hit a home run.

Robert George

Emergency management officials, law enforcement officials and public health officials might reassess how well those plans are designed to deal with those populations.

Jay Wilson

It's a good example of a system working at all levels. In this case, the important thing was we were able to take the public health steps to protect the community first.

Jeffrey Koplan

It wasn't a matter of public policy; it was a matter of political power.

Herb Kelleher

We've pursued and analyzed all legal options and at some point we'll be able to share that with the public.

Gary Doer

Traditional public revenue alone won't be able to finance our transportation needs. There are billions of dollars available in the private market and there are more needs than we have (public) dollars available.

George Runner

I feel that I have done nothing wrong and I feel that many people have come out and accused me in public ... I feel disgusted for what they said about me.

Kostas Kenteris

There are three critical ingredients to democratic renewal and progressive change in America: good public policy, grassroots organizing and electoral politics.

Paul Wellstone

So don't make plans on early rumors, demos, and public announcements.

Tom Austin

The purpose of the list is to raise public awareness of the plight of these buildings in order to help bolster neighborhood and community allies who are also trying to save these buildings.

David Bahlman

Simply put, the fundamentals that affect our business are creating one of the best markets we've experienced in some time and this strength is both in the public and private marketplace, which is very reassuring.

William Dorey

Colored diamonds always have been treasured and valued because they're special. They're exclusive and elitist, but there's been a recent interest in them by the general public because of Hollywood and the music industry.

Sally Morrison

The fact that she doesn't call this public indecency is shocking to me. Not just with what she's selling, but how she's selling it.

Michael Hein

Public opinion on Iraq is overwhelmingly driven by events on the ground.

Whit Ayres

To me this is another example of the failure of Citizens, ... Certainly there is a lack of confidence that the public has in it, and these types of situations justify that lack of confidence.

Ron Klein

Whatever an author puts between the two covers of his book is public property; whatever of himself he does not put there is his private property, as much as if he had never written a word.

Gail Hamilton

The PIATCO contract was not entered into by the administration, it was in fact nullified by it. The North Rail, and other government projects and charges of diversion allegations of public funds for campaign activities, are also not borne out by facts.

Ramon Magsaysay

This is an unsettled area of the law. The public policy issues are religious freedom versus the right not to be discriminated against.

Nathan Barankin

Enforcement efforts should focus on aggressive prosecution of bad actors under existing anti-fraud laws rather than imposing costly and largely ineffective procedural requirements on all public companies.

Mallory Factor

When I was coaching, the kids wanted to leave private schools for the public schools so they could get the best coaching, play the best competition. It's not that way anymore.

Dan Lewis

I support the public interest in a matter of that kind being fully investigated. There is a clear public interest in that happening. But like all other citizens, corporate or otherwise, oil companies have certain rights and presumptions of innocence.

John Howard Payne

In their different ways, both the international community and his own public are ... encouraging him to carry out a 'corrective movement' against undisciplined barons of his regime, including men close to him.

Patrick Seale

I've been on the fence for quite some time and now I need to take some action. I have a fiduciary responsibility to the public.

Gregory Hardcastle

We think public investment there will spur private investment.

Chris Norton

When in the public eye, it's tough because it's generating stress constantly, because deep down in your heart of hearts, you know there's a chance you're going to be caught.

David Livingstone Smith

This being on the public record in the fall of this year will clearly state what we hope will never again happen in the city of Pittsburgh.

Tim Stevens

People are intrigued and fascinated, almost obsessed with the private lives of great public personalities.

Geoffrey Rush

This is not a drastic change. It makes more sense to have a commercial entity doing this rather than a public foundation.

Tristan Nitot

I've been waiting most of my career to see these guys go public. I can't think of a bigger and better company in recent memory that's decided to do this.

Doug Rockel

Anything that can help us raise public awareness of potential dangers in the home is important.

John Muller

There is clearly a third group out there now: Parents who feel they can do a better job than the public schools.

David Plank

It's really oriented more to Main Street than to the museums. A public movement in public art.

Rod Barker

Our lobbying contributions, like our political contributions, are in the public domain.

Denise Foy

Her public service announcement for us went out all over the nation.

Charles Ray

There is a real danger that the public will not heed official advice to stop wasting water if they continue to see the water company as the biggest culprit.

Darren Johnson

We find ourselves in a much different place in our lifecycle than that product is and we continue to look at their progress as well as the question of public IM interoperability, ... We'll see a variety of protocols that we as a federation hub will need to support longer term.

Brian Curry

Public confidence in UC is of paramount importance to us, and we will reform our policies and/or practices in order to meet fully our public accountability obligations.

Paul Schwartz

There were complex and complicating factors. ... It was a difficult case. But any time we get to have a conversation with the American public about the fairness of the death penalty, it helps us.

David Elliot

I've never seen that anyone other than police officers and firefighters have been considered public servants, and I've been doing this for 16 years.

Robert Perkins

We established a beachhead of sorts -- allowed the American public to realize small doesn't have to mean cheap.

Richard Steinberg

It is a fact of life that the higher you go in public service and the higher your pay is the lower the expectation of privacy.

Thomas Burke

I saw this as an opportunity to tell the story of conservation on Catalina. We've never really had an avenue to present that in a cohesive format to the public. We now have an avenue to tell people about what a complex and diverse job it is to manage a nature preserve of this size.

Ann Muscat

Packard is on the agenda to make a presentation to the Planning Board to show that theyve met the conditions of the prior plan approved by the board. We anticipate some limited public comment but do not anticipate this as a full hearing. We will only consider if the conditions are met.

Mark Weaver

It will save us time to take it directly to the public for a vote.

Toby Miller

We believe that the significant publicity surrounding our initial public offering in April carried over into the succeeding months and contributed to this higher than expected growth.

Scott Livengood

Given the circumstances and given the experience CL&P has had in dealing with storms, I don't think they did as well as everyone expected. He's the chairman of the committee. I can't force a hearing, but I hope others request a hearing. Even if the utility company performed the way it should have, the public should be informed about how.

Sen Judith Freedman

There are some pretty serious questions about where the arts can perform. The other unknown for all organizations is, where is the public?

Robert Lyall

We're not asking for any public subsidy of any kind. But the height of the new buildings is what provides the subsidy.

David Frank

I am prepared to place 30 years of public service on the line to say the only factor that was important in this decision is what was in the American people's best interest. There were no other factors.

William S. Cohen

This is a public radio station, and their decision just completely disregarded the public and the community that is loyal to the station and financially supports it.

Kevin Ernst

There has always been some cause for concern about that. But I feel we have done a very good job at doing our homework on these projects, and really, we hope the public will look at each one of these projects as they stand on there own merit.

Scot Mcneley

Where was the mayor?s office in coordinating what the public was being told? Can the mayor not get his department heads to communicate, with each other, with him?

William Stortz

Public opinion is no more than this: What people think that other people think.

Alfred Austin

No objection in principle to removing people from the country or preventing them coming here if they are not conducive to the public good.

John Denham

As a matter of constitutional interpretation, I think the Constitution is pretty clear that property is to be taken for public use and not private use.

Michael Ramsey

During my early years, ... we tried to do everything in the least expensive way possible – our public improvements, grading. There was even an aversion to charging developers any amount of money (for public facilities). If we can't do it ourselves, we said, we shouldn't charge the developers.

John Fowler

The big update is that it's public. All previous releases were limited.

Margaret Cobb

We have to do what is right for the traveling public.

Donn Walker

Right now, our customers are about 50 percent public sector and 50 percent private sector.

Richard Callahan

Public opinion has been remarkably stable for 30 years and at one and the same time deeply contradictory.

Karlyn Bowman

If we could deliver the current transport plan that would be great -- we didn't deliver the last one. We need to see better project management of large public infrastructure projects.

Denis Casey

The FDA decision greatly misleads the American consumer. The American public is entitled to the whole truth and we will do all we can to prevent FDA from keeping this scientific information from the American people.

Steve Wallach

The public is a lot more forgiving of people with true problems. But you've got to endear yourself to the public, appear more genuinely apologetic.

John Antil

It is unconscionable that you could not find a way to open this process up to the public.

Cynthia Brown

It is proof positive of media consolidation run amok when one owner can use the public airwaves to blanket the country with its political ideology -- whether liberal or conservative.

Michael Copps

For some reason the public has embraced me as a fashion icon, and I feel like it has diminished me as an actress. Or I don't get as much recognition as an actress -- and that upsets me.

Chloe Sevigny

Sadly, since last year's first memorial service, 14 police officers in Great Britain and Northern Ireland have lost their lives serving the public good.

Jan Berry

Sometimes, you can get a really attractive piece of public property by trading it out. So, some land swaps have clearly been in the public interest, and you don't want to have a moratorium too long because you miss out on the ones that would be in the public interest.

Carl Pope

I think clearly shows there is a lot of interest in Iraq and reflects the general interest of the public.

James Longley

We are eager to move onto the OTC Bulletin Board and to become a fully reporting entity. There is a tremendous amount of interest in our Company and it is important to have all of our information out and available to the public. This is another key component of our strategy and will put us in position to evaluate an eventual move up to a larger national exchange.

Michael Chermak

For the first time, normal citizens focused on this issue, weighed the evidence and found their public trust was violated.

Jay Heck

Jacob's case was more a product of being a member of our culture. Jacob lives in America. He goes to public school where there's junk food available to purchase because of fundraisers.

Lauren Brightwell

The Democratic legislators are going to have to explain why they took out a competent, Democratic ... director purely because they are focused on getting this driver's license bill for undocumented workers. It's a prime example of Democratic lawmakers playing politics as opposed to focusing on good public policy.

Margita Thompson

I like to use public speaking as a platform for my faith.

Brock Kreitzburg

So they automatically get put in the public record.

Mayor Dennis Mulder

Get to the point that the public will assume that a show is good and worth their time, no matter if they've heard of who's playing that night.

Michael Grice

[The atmosphere on Mars is almost livable, Cooper said,] but you would need a little help. ... John's return to space would whip up enough public enthusiasm for a manned Mars mission.

Gordon Cooper

U-life will become its own brand, its own lifestyle. The same key can be used to get on the subway, pay a parking meter, see a movie, borrow a free public bicycle and so on. It'll be anonymous, won't be linked to your identity, and if lost you can quickly cancel the card and reset your door lock.

John Kim

At the time when that law was created, they were focusing on public employees.

Susan Green

Public opinion will be focused on the protests against Bush.

Ricardo Israel

He vanished to the public in order to materialize for his family.

Lance Morrow

If I was one of the attorneys suing Merck, I would be very excited about this. It would imply that the company actively omitted data in a public forum, trying to make their product look better.

Jon Lecroy

The public asked to be protected from toxic mercury and the governor delivered.

Jason Barbose

The current administration is fostering a sense of insecurity so the public is more willing to accept the excesses of this administration. We need to stop that.

Scott Silver

I don?t want that to happen here, ... We don?t have the right to take private property to benefit non-public uses.

Dave Gilmour

I think the key is to share the information you have when you have it with the public, with the press, with regulatory or governmental officials. That's important, to be open and transparent with communications.

Rob Baskin

Overall a successful day as far as public safety is concerned. Both groups expressed themselves and were protected.

Larry Schnall

The public wants to know whether in fact she's a threat, whether in fact she has reformed, whether in fact the most notorious killer in Canada is abiding by her (release) agreement.

Stephen Ward

We really feel like a lot of the public doesn't know about it yet. When you think how much difference 42 days in the life of a 5-year-old can be, it's going to be a great advantage for them.

Maureen Ferrie

A much better way has to be found in managing the public purse on the restoration of these buildings and there must be far better accountability.

Gary Lunn

First and foremost, the public demands it. The public pays for it.

Gene Mancini Jr

It's very difficult to have quotas for women because you have to be careful how they're evaluated and how the public views that as well.

Michelle Ryan

Connecticut right now is not in the mainstream. We have 44 states that have passed some type of parental notification law. Connecticut's legislature has never even had a public hearing.

David Reynolds

It is important for us to hear from the public as we go about shaping this year's salmon fisheries.

Jeff Koenings

James Lee Witt is giving his seal of approval to some companies, and I question whether that is appropriate as you leave government. He is lending his credibility as a public official to help companies advance in Washington.

Danielle Brian

It is good for the public to come and see. I don't think a lot of people realize that there are local soldiers who are deployed in Iraq.

Lisa Guerrero

We're heading into a crisis. It's got to be a critical question for public policy.

Bruce Nissen

I was part of the debate and public speaking (team).

Dawn Currier

All of this intensifies existing concerns that the public has about this administration.

Andy Kohut

She has to deal with her tears in public, which makes it hard. But Sienna is a beautiful girl who will get through it. I'm sure they'll get through it.

Kelly Hoppen

It is typical of when you see large-scale merger and change operations, whether it is the private sector or the public sector, it has a very large impact on employee morale.

Max Stier

Like Diana, she had a twinkle in her eye and a lot of rapport with the public.

Ben Pimlott

John and Joe bring more than a capital investment to UCC. They bring proven business acumen and experience that ranges from founding a company to a successful public offering, while remaining excellent corporate citizens.

Jim Mcglothlin

It's something of a frustrating issue. The public thinks not enough is being accomplished. I don't know if we'll ever be able to declare it clean.

David Knoll

What's debatable is these guys meeting secretly and deciding what they are going to do out of public view. We decided there was only one way to deal with these guys and that was to sue them. They were not going to change their ways.

David Slipy

She will also outline her plan for the regulation and submit it to public consultation until end of April.

Martin Selmayr

In my opinion, the public needs to have a lot more input. I don't think the (current) city commission has a good pulse on the majority of opinions.

Jeff Rawls

We are really very happy to have them come back year after year. The public really enjoys them. They normally bring 20 to 30 paintings every year. It's become expected.

Julia Allen

As to the public organizations that do not act as legal entities in Russia, they will not have to obtain registration in the form of a notification.

Viktor Shudegov

We need to make public health a priority.

Peter Walker

I would never do it in public. I would really find it degrading to do it in public.

Brian May

An abuse of the public trust.

Michael Copps

I will absolutely not live with those standards, ... We don't just answer to the court. We have to answer to the public. They have a right to basic information.

William Mccarthy

Private property does not belong on public property so make it clean cut. Move the hoop onto your side.

Steve Moore

Many people were killed. The crisis has continued. Due to an appropriate response to the demands raised by the public, the problem is getting bigger and bigger. To put pressure on the government, we would take action. And the action could be withdrawing from parliament.

Gebru Gebremariam

Moving forward to make this pre-determined solution now would eliminate the opportunity for broad-based public input.

Dennis Ellis

There are no simple answers. The best strategy we have is to foster public-private partnerships, and ensure what the (Bill and Melinda) Gates Foundation calls 'global access' -- not just making the drug but making sure it's used.

Peter Hotez

I think the thing is that we don't want the public to perceive that we're trying to put anything less than the quality product out there for them.

Ray Mcdonald

You're still going to have 95 percent of your children in public schools, and that's what we've got to deal with. In the areas of the greatest need there are no choices in terms of private schools in many instances.

Bob Staton

Total avoidance of alcohol, although optimum for cancer control, cannot be recommended in terms of a broad perspective of public health.

Dr Paolo Boffetta

The government can't assure the public that the over-the-counter market isn't being manipulated.

Randall Dodd

It terrified me to have an idea that was solely mine to be no longer a part of my mind, but totally public.

Maya Lin

This ad simply lays out the facts about the corruption allegations against DeLay that go way beyond the campaign finance charges he is facing in court. Rep. DeLay cannot intimidate stations to prevent public discussion of the serious charges leveled against him.

Roger Hickey

Anyone who works is a fool. I don't work - I merely inflict myself upon the public.

Robert Morley

Our priority is to protect the public health, and increase the awareness of the potential health risks associated with this practice.

Robert Kenny

The deer herd is not fully recovered on our public lands.

Bob Mcanally

I just didn't feel it was necessary for the homeowners association to pay for this, especially if we had the money in the budget. That's bad public relations entirely.

Craig Civalier

Few, if any, landowners in Montana are asked to give up property rights in exchange for hypothetical 'credit' in an unrelated public discussion about the use of public lands. Montana landowners are not known for relinquishing valid existing property rights.

David Blair

Until this open wound is cauterized and healed, European public opinion will stay where it is.

Ron Asmus

With respect to our audience and our concern over inappropriate material for our WWF viewers, we do, however, ask Mr. Gore to keep his public displays of affection to a minimum.

Mick Foley

They've just gone berserk. It's in the public interest to know where these large amounts of money are coming from.

Jack Gould

IMPOSTOR n. A rival aspirant to public honors.

Ambrose Bierce

The five pro-abortion public officials highlighting today's 20th anniversary luncheon for Emily's List each need to hear the Catholic Church's teachings about abortion, ... These women, who claim to be Catholic, all adamantly defy the Church. It would be my hope that each of their bishops contacts them as soon as possible to remind them it is impossible to be Catholic and pro-abortion.

Judie Brown

There will be no reduction in public housing units. If they recommend a reduction in units, we will cancel the deal. It was never my intention to have a reduction in units. If anything, we want more units.

Richard Appell

Remember the test here was, will an injunction hurt the public interest.

Henry Bunsow

We do what we do for for the public.

Larry Cox

It was a very violent act. It happened on school grounds. There was a significant public outcry: 'We can't have this happen again.'

Michael Miller

Mrs. Jean was not participating in a private event. Mrs. Jean was participating in a public event, televised, taped.

André Boisclair

The media do not allow us to understand the history of what led to 9/11. The knowledge of what we are living in now is not given to the American public.

Mira Nair

We get a lot of concerns from businesses, visitors about perceptions of public safety about neighborhoods in downtown. We wanted to hold this to educate people about how complex this problem is and what initiatives are going on to help deal with street-civility issues.

Kate Joncas

Anytime we can beat a Group IV public school, it's huge for us. This was a very big win.

Tony Mento

We want the public to be aware of the burglaries and to take precautionary measures. Be proactive rather than reactive.

Amber Dillon

It's a train that's going downhill; that is something that people don't understand. For anything to happen, it's going to have to take the public really being concerned about this problem.

Gerald Meehl