"Peter Steinbrueck" is an American architect and Seattle, Washington (state)/Washington politician. He is a licensed architect in the State of Washington, and principal and founder of Steinbrueck Urban Strategies.

More Peter Steinbrueck on Wikipedia.

We're not building the public transportation system that we need.

I just don't see a downside to this program and there was a vision that was tied to it.

I wanted to hear what people had to say here today.

It took a lawsuit before there was any action.

The job projections may be vastly overstated because no one really knows how big biotech will be, and we're still not sure how much this is going to cost the city.

It is a milestone today, and it is an important turning point. We will do more with this legislation than change the look of downtown. ... we're going to change the feel of downtown and some of the dynamics of downtown.

If you want to impact sprawl, you have to impact families. That's why there's sprawl in the first place. They can't find housing in the city that meets their income level.