I am getting questions from people who are trying to decide whether it is safe to move back to their homes. But there is no information from FEMA, EPA, or anyone else about whether it is safe. This new information will help people to protect themselves from asthma and other health problems.

Pam Dashiell

It's a bridge loan to protect this piece of land.

Roger Holnback

The group is very conscious of protecting the individual property owners, but we're telling them we don't want some cheap, half-baked development.

Debbie Hardy

We are only trying to protect our investments.

Daniele Audetto

As the country starts to look more and more like everywhere else, this was about protecting our uniqueness as a tourist destination.

Wendy Hudson

The lilies are for purity. Then there's maternal protection in the base panel, depicted by a bird attacking a viper to protect her young.

Dot Davis

The president's most solemn responsibility is to protect the American people. He is committed to doing everything in his lawful power to prevent attack.

David Almacy

It's easy to get someone to say they'll do whatever they can to protect kids from porn. We all do. The fact is, this idea gets worse and worse the more you look at it.

Trevor Hughes

The Attorney General failed to carry out his duty to prepare a neutral, factual title and summary, which would have prevented a fair vote on this important issue. The people deserve the chance to vote to protect marriage rights.

Mathew Staver

We were abandoned. City officials did nothing to protect us.

Patricia Thompson

I think we have to be willing to kill some individual animals to protect the species overall and not cause a backlash.

David Baron

I want to see things such as a buffer zone to protect the property values of the homes around the area.

David Perkins

The language of the early drafts didn't protect it.

Tom Florczak

The rate increase is necessary to protect our customers from losses arising from future storm seasons, similar to 2004 and 2005.

Ryan Priest

It's probability coming into play. It's not whether a service company is operating in a safe manner. The service company's No. 1 concern is to protect their employees and, secondly, their reputation.

Terry Jacobs

The federal government has a responsibility to protect all Americans from potential terrorist attack.

Bob Etheridge

We now have hose bed covers as a result of that incident. We want to save lives. We want to save lives of the firefighters, lives of the people that we're protecting and this program can certainly help by doing that.

Jesse Hodgson

It's about protecting the average citizen's property rights.

Rep. Kenneth Hodges

Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.

Jeanne Moreau

We have told Scott that it doesn't matter who we are playing. He has to have poise, protect the football and move the chains. He can't get rattled. He has to make the big plays that he is supposed to do. If the opponents make a big play, he has to forget about it and answer with his own big play.

Jay Walls

The law has always balanced the sanctity of life versus the dignity of the person, but right now we're not protecting the dignity of the person and we're only paying lip service to the sanctity of life.

Sanjeev Anand

I need more facts from them on how quickly they responded and all the things they did. Did they do all the things they could have done to protect public health and to protect the amount that ended up in the ocean?

Alexis Strauss

Joseph Farah and I share a fierce passion for protecting children and a belief that without the Ten Commandments there would be no U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

The cable-franchising processes may have made sense 20 years ago in a monopoly environment, but applying those processes to new entrants is merely protecting consumers from lower prices.

Robert Quinn

All four lads only felt secure in a combat environment, protecting one another. The war never ended for them.

Mark Piotrowski

This agreement can be an historic turning point in the effort to protect our children from tobacco.

Bill Novelli

As much as we do in sports to protect athletes, it's hard to figure why there aren't pads out there. That pole is a hard object. You don't want someone going face first into that.

Bruce Brown

Very young children can just not protect themselves as effectively as adults can.

Nina Holland

It doesn't protect the consumer as well as they're purporting it does. It doesn't guarantee the accuracy of the information.

Jerry Cizek

This whole process of offenders in nursing homes happened under the radar until now. This bill creates a process so we don't have to swoop in after harm has been done and assess a fine. We can protect on the front end.

Cara Smith

We're still in this new digital era where the entertainment industry wants to protect ... their content, without due consideration of the consumer's right to use that content in a fair way. We need to have an open discussion as to where we should draw the line.

Mark Russinovich

P&G invests heavily in research, development and intellectual property and design, and must protect that investment.

Diane Dietz

There has not been a meteor storm since the onset of the space age. All the data we collect will be used to protect satellites.

Peter Brown

I would say to those people, there's going to be one of two people who win this election. It's either Al Gore or George Bush, and only Al Gore will fight to protect a woman's right to choose, fight for the environment, fight against big pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies.

Kym Spell

The state used race not only to protect an incumbent but to give the false impression of Latino support for that incumbent.

Nina Perales

It's as if our electric grid didn't even have fences around it. This is disgraceful what we do, and what we don't do, to protect the Internet.

Paul Vixie

We hope that there will be more conversations regarding the particular barriers that females face in protecting themselves sexually.

Rebecca Haag

We should be working together with Iowa as we have in the past to protect the status and relevance of the first-in-the-nation caucus and the first-in-the-nation primary.

Jeanne Shaheen

The country was founded on the principle that the primary role of government is to protect property from the majority, and so it remains.

Avram Noam Chomsky

This was huge. We have to protect our home court and this keeps us in second place.

Jason Scanlan

And please God, protect it.

Marty Richards

This is not to restrict them, but to protect fair competition, which is good for the industry.

Shi Jiliang

Many of the currently available cold bottled teas sold in the U.S. are more like diluted sugar water than something that will help protect your health.

Rod Dashwood

Legislators in each state must determine whether or not regulation is necessary to protect their constituents.

Don Norman

It's instances like this that you realize that you can help the people of our state, not just protect them but really help them.

Geno Zamora

This is a bill whose time has come. Gay and lesbian people fall in love. We settle down. We commit our lives to one another. We raise our children. We protect them. We try to be good citizens.

Sheila Kuehl

Maybe the team is getting mentally tougher. We've been good at protecting our home turf.

Howie Dickenman

With recent reforms in U.S. bankruptcy law making it more difficult than ever to erase debt, it's important to protect yourself. If you face financial challenges, seek the advice of a lawyer or professional financial advisor to explore alternatives.

Alan Kopit

(At the time) it was managed by eight different agencies and no one was protecting it. If that study hadn't been done the city might not have had the creek preserved.

Connie Rogers

I share your commitment to protect the environment of Florida's coastline as well as the entire eastern Gulf of Mexico, ... At the same time, I must consider our nation's energy needs and appropriate management of the American public's natural resources.

Gale Norton

The rate of new construction in many areas of Illinois over the past decade is just astounding. Communities need to have programs in place that will help them protect the character of their most cherished buildings and landscapes.

David Bahlman

Without concerted and coordinated political action, the gains achieved in reducing the burden of infectious disease will be washed away as a new wave of preventable illnesses engulfs those least able to protect themselves.

Richard Horton

You do not get groups of people marching on city hall saying 'protect me from the earthquake.'

Peter May

An integrated and secure content management solution was needed to protect customers' incoming and outgoing mail, helping to clean critical gateways and infection points. Our McAfee gateway appliances are 'configure-and-forget' solutions that are easy to deploy, manage and use.

Parveen Jain

I do think there is a danger. We are talking to the California congressional delegation, asking them to protect states that are in the process of converting.

Michael Montgomery

These young caseworkers go into the worst neighborhoods and buildings each day and try their best to protect our city's children. They should not be treated like they are the criminals.

Charles Ensley

Too many historic houses have been destroyed. I'd welcome any kind of effort to protect them. Our town's history definitely has to be preserved.

Jolinda Fox

A deal has been made. The D.A. will accept involuntary manslaughter, which has a maximum of two years, because the intent was not premeditated. John took a gun with him to protect himself against a very dangerous guy.

Jerry Douglas

I make shields that are reminiscent of what the Indians used in warfare. They could actually protect a person before guns came along, but afterwards it didn't do any good.

Dale Carson

All constituencies to preserve and protect the state's natural resources.

David Feldman

We have to protect ourselves and the people of Los Angeles. We can't have anybody jump in there with a Bowie knife. It's nothing against T-Bone. I want him to feel part of the world again, and we appreciate his offer.

Ron Berkowitz

How can it be that in a city with an annual budget of over $55 billion that the lives of firefighters and the citizens we are sworn to protect depends on apparatus built in the 1980s, when Ed Koch was mayor?

Stephen Cassidy

This body and legislative bodies in the states are protectors of the people's rights, ... Legislators have the right to protect the rights of the people as much as courts.

John Roberts

Insurers will invest increasingly more resources in 2006 to protect their firm. Jurisdictions around the globe have current or emerging regularity requirements driving up compliance costs.

Barry Rabkin

If we do not step forward, then we step back. If we do not protect a right, then we deny it.

Paul Martin

For safety, the helmet is the most important equipment to protect your noggin.

David Chan

Those buildings adjacent will have trailers placed in front of them plus sealed textile blast curtains to protect that glass.

Steve Pettigrew

It is their duty to protect humanitarian operations and civilians in their immediate vicinity.

Jemera Rone

It is a situation where MCSEs had no idea that there is a fundamental vulnerability in IIS and ISAPI mapping and so had no way to protect their systems other than after-the-fact patching.

Alan Paller

A jury questionnaire contributed to by defense counsel and the prosecution would streamline the ... process and protect the interests of both parties of ensuring a fair trial.

Robert Sanger

Getting a facemask to protect the region he needs protected is awfully tough because you need your lower jaw to move (in order) to eat, to breathe. We're going to look into it further.

Fred Tedeschi

If they can't protect the pipelines they can't protect the flow of cash and that's their lifeline.

Noah Feldman

Our adjustment at halftime was to pack it in and protect the inside, protect the cutters and trap the ball screens. And fortunately we had enough gas in the tank to get it done.

Jeff Borja

Saving and protecting American lives is difficult to place a dollar value on. But here, the lessons that are learned will protect American lives.

Mark Short

It's not a bailout. It's not a retroactive solution that we're advocating. It's ensuring that there is adequate protection for consumers. Our ability to protect consumers is finite.

Michael Trevino

It's hopeful that with the new court, they will recognize there's a need to protect the lives of unborn children.

Bill Poehler

If you allow the character of a neighborhood to be eroded, the people who live in that neighborhood will leave the city. We can't allow that to happen. Protecting these different neighborhoods, we are providing New Yorkers with a diversity of housing choices.

Amanda M. Burden

It would be our policy to use nuclear weapons wherever we felt it necessary to protect our forces and achieve our objectives.

Robert S. McNamara

We're pleased that the Illinois legislature has seen the worth of this. And knows that this is the way we protect our children.

Mary Burns

Crews are trying to protect the main computers and shut them down.

Blue Cross

The best way to protect young children is to keep child predators locked up in the first place, because someone who has molested a child will do it again and again and again.

Ric Keller

It's inexcusable that there are no performance measures or progress reports that the public can use. People need to know what they can expect from the public programs that are intended to protect them in an emergency.

Shelley Hearne

Protecting civil rights is our basic consideration.

Ke Liangdong

I'm defending a just cause that gives me great spiritual and moral strength. This is no more than a cleansing to protect me against any circumstances.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

Shoot first and ask questions later, and don't worry, no matter what happens, I will protect you.

Hermann Goering

We are diversifying to other businesses to protect the company from swings in commodity prices and exchange rates.

Peter Muthoka

It feels great to me, like it's not even broke. I just tried to go out there and play hard and not worry about it too much, because the mask is going to protect me.

Matt Trannon

I wouldn't be here this morning if President Bush had done the one thing required of him as commander in chief -- protect and defend the Constitution. The minute that Valerie Plame's identity was outed, he should have delivered a strict and strong message to his employees.

Larry Johnson

I f the worst-case scenario happens and they start canceling flights, other airlines will protect them.

Kevin Hamilton

It's sufficient to protect both workers and the public from any inadvertent exposure.

David Gladstone

We will have no option but to take industrial action and commence a political and community campaign to protect jobs in Australia.

Doug Cameron

Well, he is more careful, more cautious. He's protecting a lead. He's very sensitive to the fact that any misstep is going to be magnified a thousand fold.

Bruce Buchanan

We want to protect their education from being interrupted because of those moves.

Steve Weil

It will be used as a blueprint for multi-family healthy, comfortable homes that reduce utility bills and protect the environment.

Randy Martin

We are not against protecting the border, but we are also for protecting the community.

Martha Chavez

We don't have anything to protect this particular area.

Jennifer Cowley

Happy Purim. Thanks for protecting our country. I think that's the bravest thing anybody could do.

Jackie Rubin

It will be the opportunity to examine the under-capacity consideration, ... The most significant principle is protecting the classroom. We can make moves and juggle and at the same time still protect the integrity of the education process.

George Thompson

The major utilities all have contingency plans to protect the power grid and gas lines. But it is a good thing that many Alaskans think a generator is just another yard tool.

Scott Walden

Hitting is business. With two strikes you really protect that plate.

Bill Terry

With a fast-spreading fire, sometimes the fire department won't be able to help, so it's really up to people to protect their homes.

Michael Drake

When it's like that, the offensive linemen want to give him time. They want to protect him, ... Us receivers want to get open, because we know Jay is going to come with that ball.

Tramain Hall

I don't think any government has the means to protect us from the world reality.

Jean Lapierre

At least Jacob is prepared and armed and surrounded by guys who are there to protect him. Which a lot more than we are just walking down the street.

David Fulton

With our school district and location, we could have double the amount of building easily. We're protecting our commercial and industrial land.

Jay Stewart

We should protect endangered species, but not at the expense of our property owners.

Henry Brown

The biggest thing is we're not making a conscious effort to protect the ball.

Bobby Humphries

I guess in their rush to the Gulf Coast to secure reconstruction contracts, they forgot about the troops who are protecting them over in Iraq.

Carolyn Maloney

The idea is to protect all citizens from religious fanatics who preach hate.

Nazir Ahmed

If you don't go through that trawl of finding out about patents and protecting your ideas, you will come to regret it. I have never been able to protect an idea in 20 years. I have since found out that I probably could have done so. I would be much better off today if I had been able to protect some of my ideas.

Doug Richard

It's the front line, you cannot protect New Orleans or Jefferson until you protect St. Bernard.

Al Waller

Big corporations do want to protect themselves, but it's whether or not the standards are good enough.

Leo Chan

I know he would never hurt anybody unless he was protecting Tony. But I'm thankful that his life's saved. I'm thankful for his lawyers that he had. They've been like family to us.

Ann Johnson

At the top level, there's not any appreciable difference [in performance]. It really doesn't mean anything. If you were talking about going from 2000 to 3000, then yes, but not at this level. We thought this was an appropriate place for us to set a limit to protect the game from any future unknown developments.

Dick Rugge

If they let France (protect its industries) then other countries could just copy and paste, and if you multiply that by the 25 countries of the E.U. it doesn't look very pretty.

Daniel Gros

A discharged employee leaves unhappy. Many people who are discharged, first thing they do is open the Yellow Pages and call a lawyer, looking for someone to sue. [As a business owner] all you can do is take steps to protect your exposure.

Alan Kaufman

I'm supposed to protect my family and do the best I can for them. I feel like my hands are tied.

Greg Boyd

Idealism, alas, does not protect one from ignorance, dogmatism, and foolishness.

Sidney Hook

The present system of protecting NHS patients was a bit of a shambles.

Frank Dobson

Corruption isn't a natural disaster. It is the cold, calculated theft of opportunity from the men, women and children who are least able to protect themselves.

David Nussbaum

I would urge the district attorney's office to give this a good hard look and, instead of worrying about protecting a conviction, consider dropping the matter entirely.

Denny Chin

Our view is that the policy announced yesterday seems to be very heavily tilted towards protecting free-to-air broadcasters.

Rod Bruem

Our way of protecting what we have here is by being very silent, especially to those we have never met before.

Rex Tilousi

We never got anything going on offense and we didn't do a good job of protecting the football, ... Before we play next Friday, I've got to find to find some kids who are going to make plays.

Jim Bob

The more you know about a species, the more you understand about how better to help protect them.

Alan Clark

I was really impressed when I met Will -- the police motto, 'protect and serve,' really means something to him, ... All he ever wanted to do is be a cop -- it's one thing to read that on the page, but another thing to hear him say it. It feels great to be making a movie about great cops.

Michael Pena

The system has basically been rigged to protect incumbents and discourage competition.

Ben Wilcox

Protect your health. Without it you face a serious handicap for success and happiness.

Harry F. Banks

Counting sage grouse and preparing paper plans is nice, but the way to protect the sage grouse is to conserve and improve the habitat, and the primary way to do that is to remove livestock.

Andy Kerr

That's to protect the lives of our young people. Unfortunately, teenagers are more likely to die in a wreck than any other age group.

Master Sgtrick Hector

Our priority is to protect the public health, and increase the awareness of the potential health risks associated with this practice.

Robert Kenny

In order to protect the privacy of victims' families, we will not release the names of those employees and subcontractors who have lost their lives.

Melissa Norcross

We're dialing 911. We cannot pay you to protect our water and have you use it to destroy our water ... We simply don't find it acceptable to have the solution to our 911 call be PR campaigns and pitting us against each other.

Carla Johnson

I think the way that we protect the image of our award and the way we protect the whole notion of the award -- we don't allow that icon, the Oscar statuette, to be used by anyone else in any other context.

Leslie Unger

They shut the door of the courtroom in our face and said you're not allowed in. The Legislature wrote the statute to protect themselves from exactly this kind of complaint.

Steve Hinchman

The idea that we should somehow protect pupils from content is unbelievably stupid.

David Lambert

What it should convey is that this is a material that is carefully processed and tightly regulated, carefully monitored and fully controlled. precisely for the purpose of protecting public health.

Albert Gray

We have the right - we have the obligation - to protect America's borders to the north, to the south, to the west and to the east.

Scott Tipton

Together, we will change the way consumers protect, store and access their digital content.

Tom Shea

They protect your skull and protect your brain. For what they are, they do the purpose.

Amy Luckeydoo

The common law system in which the law is continually reinterpreted by judges ends up protecting property rights far more than others and makes it easier to enforce restrictive covenants.

Frederic Mishkin

This is a community issue that goes to the very core values of what we're trying to protect.

Larry Jenkins

A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer.

Dean Acheson

While it may not be the single silver bullet in the fight to protect our children in cyberspace, ... it is an important piece of a much larger solution.

Parry Aftab

We had a really good first quarter and when you get a big lead like we did so early in the game, it's harder to protect it. You know a team as good as Hinsdale South is going to make a run.

Jim Bageanis

If the credit industry were doing a better job protecting you, we wouldn't need such products.

Beth Givens

Gov. Fletcher has failed to uphold his duty to protect Kentucky citizens and enforce the Kentucky constitution.

Christina Gilgor

9,000 people cannot set the political agenda. They cannot have thousands of soldiers jeopardizing their (own) lives in order to protect them.

Reuven Hazan

Protecting consumers from service disruption is the Federal Communications Commission's first and highest priority.

Michael Powell

We had a chance to put the game away and we didn't. They got a couple of offensive rebounds, a couple of our guys fouled out and we just didn't protect the ball down the stretch when we had a chance to put the game away.

Gar Heard

Requesting clemency is something that accords with the Australian government's responsibility to protect its citizens but it will also have to respect the legal process in Indonesia.

Desra Percaya

He's in custody to protect himself because apparently he's said he wanted to commit suicide or something like that.

Peter Schroecksnadel

We must make sure we protect pupils in the future so they don't come into contact with him.

Loyiso Pulumani

I would hope that most people would be aware that there is nothing protecting them from file based infection on their system. However it would seem most people think they have an invisible bubble protecting them from harm.

Neil Archibald

The move will help regulators deal with securities crimes more efficiently and help small investors protect their legal rights.

Li Zhi

Right and wrong will be a part of it. Is this a behavior we ought to protect or we ought to cure? I would say homosexuality is something that ought to be cured.

Joseph Fuiten

We are looking for protection. We try to work out how well-equipped a company is to protect the business model and the market position it has now.

Guy Deslondes

No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.

Dean Acheson

All the state laws requiring petitions are meant to protect the Republican and Democratic parties.

Russell Verney

[Bush's top aides debated whether to keep the President above the fray during the midterms--] to protect him, ... As far as Bush was concerned, the real risk would have been to sit on his hands when he had the opportunity to make the difference in some very close races. He and Karl were completely in synch.

Karl Rove

Even though we couldn't find an association with colorectal cancer, fruits and vegetables definitely protect for other important diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and potentially other cancers. These are some of the best foods we can eat -- there is no doubt about it.

Karin Michels

We all believe that oral contraceptives protect against ovarian cancer, ... Most of us believe that estrogen protects against coronary heart disease. We all believe that smoking causes lung cancer.

Leon Speroff

People had given up trying to protect their privacy, but this will make them think about it again.

Susan Scott

Didn't the lion of Islam, the Mujahid Shaykh Osama bin Laden, may Allah protect him, offer you a truce so that you might depart from the Islamic lands? But you were obstinate and were led by arrogance to more crime and your foreign secretary, Jack Straw, said these proposals deserve to be met with contempt.

Ayman Al zawahiri

The mayor thought it was too rich to begin with. He really wanted this deal to happen, but he also wanted to try and protect the taxpayers.

Patrick Curley

It is a way for us to recognize the heroic actions not only for those who died, but for those who still work on protecting all of us.

Joseph Crowley

Voters are not looking for creative, forward-looking candidates, they are looking for people who they think can protect them. They fall back on the familiar and the powerful. The same thing happened in postwar Bosnia, where the parties that fed the conflict in the first place got most of the vote.

James Dobbins

By protecting the wages of all workers, that brings up wages for everyone.

Minsun Ji

We don't want anybody getting a DWI leaving out of here. Anybody who gets a DWI coming out of here is an idiot. We try to be very careful, and we try to protect our members and the general public.

Les Dasch

If it becomes clear that the companies are not doing enough to protect our members, we will take appropriate step.

Peter Akpatason

They got a little bit of pressure on him and we didn't protect. It was a combination of both, ... We have to get a few more plays on offense. When you throw the ball that much, interceptions are going to happen. Having four is way too many.

Chad Fox

I don't know what the count was, but I know I had two strikes. I was protecting anything close. She just happened to put one over the plate and I just swung.

Nichole Beall

The purpose of this bill is to protect my private property owners, ... and to make them willing participants in protecting species and their habitat.

Richard Pombo

As opposition leader he'll be able to influence and shape decisions in the political arena. His position as opposition leader will help him protect his own freedom, and to some extent his own interests as well.

Gianfranco Pasquino

It's not like the board acted on a whim. We need to protect the public interest.

Bruce Harris

If we in the U.S. can't protect ourselves, what message does that send to the rest of the world?

Christopher Klaus

We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand.

James G. Watt

That's huge. We didn't sit back and protect the lead, we went after it in the third period.

Dave Allison

The more people understand eagles, the more they're willing to work to protect them.

Charlie Todd

When you live in a neighborhood like we live in, ... a lot of the things you see you don't see. Because we are have families and we're trying to protect our families.

Chuck Taylor

The Park Service is entrusted with protecting America's national treasures. Instead the agency is flexing political muscle by killing the bison it is supposed to safeguard.

Dan Brister

Offensively you have to protect the basketball. They?re so great getting the easy buckets and getting runs off of that. You have to attack them and you can?t sit back on your heels. There are no surprises. I?m not going to do anything different to Rob than I have all year, and I don?t see him doing anything different either.

Chris Dodson

It is scandalous that the California Dental Association continues to protect its dental monopoly at the expense of those who need care the most. AB 1334 is necessary to expand critical access to care for millions of Californians.

Lin Sarfaraz

Under the war powers (of the Constitution), it is defensible and he has the responsibility to do what is necessary to protect the country. Does this mean federal agents are going to start following me or you? No. This is very circumscribed.

Gene Riccio

We just decided it wasn't worth taking the heat to try to protect donors.

Garry South

Nearly 2 million children depend on our efforts to protect them from disease, from the effects of conflict and to provide opportunities for schooling.

Ted Chaiban

What if we could allow end users to recover their own files? If you lost a file, why do you have to call IT to get it back? It's your files. We continuously track every single change at a block level and we move that across the network and we protect it.

Jeremy Burton

There is a limit on our resources and the priorities we have are protecting civilians and supporting the transitional process.

Kemal Saiki

What I have learned from my work up to now, is to try to be open, but also protect myself by not letting the good and the evil get too much importance.

Jane Campion

The major challenge will be to protect the punter because they go all out. That's one of their primary focuses. They'll try to get 10 guys on the line of scrimmage and try to block the punt.

Tom Craft

The industry can do a better job at protecting kids from these ads. Kids are not even a legal audience for this industry. If kids are more likely to see the ads than adults are, then the industry is wasting a lot of money. In addition, they are putting kids at higher risk than they need to be.

David Jernigan

Our goal wasn't to impede their work, it was to protect against an Olympic association. We are very supportive of what has been done. What we were doing was protecting the rights of companies who have invested in an Olympic association.

David Bedford

This is such a hard thing. Selling could hurt the symphony, and we want to protect the integrity of what this facility is here for.

Jeff Montalbano

We don't have enough military personnel to protect our own.

Hollis Crawford

If they were released in the wild, they wouldn't be able to hunt for food or protect themselves.

Kathy Russell

In a personnel investigation or action, we will protect the rights of the employee first. My responsibility is that the city follows employment-related laws. We will do that very carefully and balance the public's need for information.

Janice Avila

We finally have, after decades of thinking that they were functionally extinct, some hope of protecting Pacific right whales.

Brent Plater

It is urgent that ... we establish a force that has both the troop strength, the equipment and an unambiguous mandate to protect civilians from harm.

Juan Mendez

They're known sometimes as a guardian angel to their fellow marines and to watch over and protect them.

Crystal Merillat

A central goal of conservation is to protect and preserve the ecosystem functions and processes upon which all life depends. Because food-chain length affects these ecosystem functions and processes, we need to understand how food-chain length varies and what causes this variation.

David Post